18 August 2019:
Romorantin, France
( Championnat de France Junior, 2019 )
airspace updated with all new data.
17 August 2019:
Venlo, Netherlands
( DuoGlide 2019 ) updated with all new data.
16 August 2019: All US Airports (Version 201909 Effective 12 September 2019) updated with all new data. Sinj, Croatia
(X. državno prvenstvo Hrvatske u zrakoplovnom jedriličarstvu 2019 (10th Croatian National Gliding Championship) i International Open Gliding Cup)
airspace updated with all new data.
13 August 2019:
Airspace for Denmark updated with all new data.
12 August 2019:
Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary
( 64. Magyar Vitorlázórepülö Nemzeti bajnokság és 5. Cívis Thermal Kupa, 2019 [64. Hungarian National Gliding Championship and 4th Civis-Termál Cup, 2019] )
updated with all new data.
11 August 2019:
Moravská Trebová, Czechia
( Plachtařské mistrovství ČR 2019 (PMCR) 2019 )
updated with all new data.
10 August 2019:
Sinj, Croatia
(X. državno prvenstvo Hrvatske u zrakoplovnom jedriličarstvu 2019 (10th Croatian National Gliding Championship) i International Open Gliding Cup)
updated with all new data.
08 August 2019:
Sinj, Croatia
(X. državno prvenstvo Hrvatske u zrakoplovnom jedriličarstvu 2019 (10th Croatian National Gliding Championship) i International Open Gliding Cup)
07 August 2019:
Logan, Utah, USA
( OLC/Cross-country Camp, 2019)
updated with all new data. Treatment of multiple airspaces
for a site modified, including creation of multiple Ilec airspace file, inclusion of multiple airspace files in the zip collection of all files, and in the syncing to the servers.
13 July 2019:
Holzdorf, Brandenburg, Germany
( International Military Gliding Competition, 2019 )
updated with all new data.
12 July 2019:
Vysoké Myto, Czech Republic
( Plachtarske mistrovstvi České republiky CR 2013 (PMCR) 2019 )
updated with all new data.
11 July 2019:
Murska Sobota, Slovenia
( XXVIII. DPSJL za člane in Mednarodno prvenstvo LXNAV 2019, XXVIII. Slovenian Senior gliding championship and International sponsor competition, 2019 ) updated with all new data.
30 June 2019:
Šeduva, Lithuania
( Lietuvos klubinės klasės sklandymo čempionatas, 2019 )
updated with all new data. Issoudun, France
( Championat de France libre et 18m 2019, 44e International, BGA Overseas, and Régional Centre Val-de-Loire )
airspace updated with all new data. Adagum, Krasnodar Tsentralny AB, Russia
updated with all new data.
29 June 2019:
Jaromer, Czech Republic
( Plachtařské mistrovství ČR juniorů a akademiků (PMCRj) 2019 )
updated with all new data. Nephi, Utah, USA
( OLC/Cross-county Camp )
airspace updated.
28 June 2019:
Dvur Králové nad Labem, Czech Republic
( Safari 2019 a 6. Neoficiální Mistrovství České Republiky Dvousedadlovek ) updated with all new data.
Nephi, Utah, USA
( OLC/Cross-county Camp )
airspace updated.
27 June 2019:
Calcinate del Pesce (Varese), Italy
( AeroClub Adele Orsi: Coppa Città de Varese, 2019 )
non-contest airspace added. Nephi, Utah, USA
( OLC/Cross-county Camp )
airspace updated.
Airspace for the UK (Mac version) updated.
25 June 2019:
Issoudun, France
( Championat de France libre et 18m 2019, 44e International, BGA Overseas, and Régional Centre Val-de-Loire )
updated with all new data.
24 June 2019:
Sion, Switzerland
( VVC Valais: Compétion interne, 2019 )
updated with all new data.
23 June 2019:
All of Norway control points and airspace updated with all new data.
Midt–Norge Fagerhaug,
Salangen – Elvenes,
Vest–Norge Notodden, and
Øst–Norge Starmoen removed.
22 June 2019:
All of Portugal control points and airspace updated with all new data. Calcinate del Pesce (Varese), Italy
( AeroClub Adele Orsi: Coppa Città de Varese,
Campionato Italiano classe Libera and classe 18m, 2019 )
airspace updated with all new data.
21 June 2019:
Calcinate del Pesce (Varese), Italy
( AeroClub Adele Orsi: Coppa Città de Varese,
Campionato Italiano classe Libera and classe 18m, 2019 )
updated with all new data.
20 June 2019: All US Airports (Version 201907 Effective 18 July 2019)
updated with all new data.
18 June 2019:
Nephi, Utah, USA
( OLC/Cross-county Camp )
17 June 2019: SeeYou task handling updated to translate waypoint names to names `with numbers prepended, for that flavor of output, and check waypoint names in task definitions against existing waypoint names for each flavor.
16 June 2019:
Toulouse - Bourg Saint-Bernard, France
( Association Vélivole et Aéronautique Toulousaine: Championnat Régional Occitanie, 2019 )
updated with all new data.
15 June 2019:
Martin, Slovakia
( 62. Majstrovstvá SR v bezmotorovom lietaní 2019 )
updated with all new data.
14 June 2019:
Nephi, Utah, USA
( OLC/Cross-county Camp )
updated with all new data.
13 June 2019: SeeYou description for flavor without numbers prepended to waypoint names updated to have number prepended to description.
05 June 2019:
Pociunai, Lithuania
( 2019 m. Antano Ruko taurė )
airspace updated with all new data.
04 June 2019:
Michelsdorf, Austria
( Oberösterreich TAL 2019 für Streckenflugeinsteiger und Fortgeschrittene )
added. Airspace for Denmark updated with all new data.
03 June 2019:
Airspace for Australia updated with all new data.
20 May 2019:
Ferrara, Italy
( Campionato Italiano Classe Standard, Classe Unica, Fly-Pink Cup e Campionato Italiano Femminile, Coppa Città di Ferrara-Gara di Promozione, 2019)
updated with all new data.
05 May 2019:
Königsdorf, Germany
( Königsdorfer Wettbewerb 2019 )
updated with all new data.
04 May 2019:
Feldkirchen, Austria
( 27. Alpe-Adria Cup, 2019 )
updated with all new data. Airspace for the UK updated.
03 May 2019:
Rion-des-Landes, France
( Championnat régional sénior Nouvelle Aquitaine Multi-class, 2019 )
02 May 2019:
Buno-Bonnevaux, France
( CdF Standard, 15M, et Biplaces 20M 2019 )
airspace updated with all new data.
01 May 2019: Airspace for France updated with all new
data. Sumperk, Czech Republic
( 15 Jarní pohár Jeseníků 2019 )
updated with all new data.
Zbraslavice, Czech Republic
( AZ Cup 2019 )
airspace updated with all new data.
30 April 2019: North Plains, Oregon, USA
updated with all new data. Hillsboro, Oregon, USA ( Willamette Valley Soaring Club ) removed. Dittingen, Switzerland
( Juniorenscheizermeisterschaften, 2019 )
updated with all new data.
28 April 2019:
Airspace for Hungary updated with all new data. Szatymaz, Hungary
( LX Cup, 2019 ) airspace updated. Prievidza, Slovakia
( FCC 2019)
updated with all new data.
07 April 2019:
Graulhet-Montdragon, France
( Association Tarnaise de Vol à Voile: Graulhet Tarn Cup, 2019 )
updated with all new data. Airspace for the UK updated.
06 April 2019:
Pociunai, Lithuania
( 2019 m. Antano Ruko taurė )
updated with all new data.