Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange
2005 Modifications
- 31 December, 2005:
Wolf River, Tennessee, USA
( Rio Lobo Racers )
- 29 December, 2005:
Omarama, New Zealand
( Grand Prix, 2006 )
updated with all new data.
- 28 December, 2005:
Gawler, South Australia
( 2006 Multiclass Gliding Competition )
airspace and map updated. Indications of new and
updated contents, brought up to date, for all files.
- 27 December, 2005:
Sunset times recalculated for 2006 for all sites.
- 26 December, 2005:
Adolfo Gonzáles Chaves, Argentina
( 53º Campeonato Nacional de Vuelo a Vela, 2006 )
updated with all new data.
- 18 December, 2005:
Bitterwasser, Namibia
updated with all new data.
- 15 December, 2005:
Nampa, Idaho, USA
updated with all new data.
- 14 December, 2005:
All old e-mail links changed.
- 11 December, 2005:
Reedsville, Pennsylvania, USA
( Mifflin County, Sports Class Nationals, 2006 )
- 13 September, 2005:
Darling Downs, Queensland, Australia
( Jimbour Wines Queensland State
Gliding Championships, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 11 September, 2005:
Darling Downs, Queensland, Australia removed temporarily.
- 08 September, 2005:
Darling Downs, Queensland, Australia
( Jimbour Wines Queensland State
Gliding Championships, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 06 September, 2005:
Itápolis (SP), Brazil
( Etapa Final do Campeonato Brasileiro, 2005 )
- 05 September, 2005:
Lake Keepit, NSW, Australia - local
updated with all new data.
- 04 September, 2005:
Lake Keepit, NSW, Australia
updated with all new data.
- 31 August, 2005:
Bathurst, NSW, Australia
updated with all new data.
- 29 August, 2005:
Lake Keepit, NSW, Australia - New South Wales Championships,
2003 removed. Lake Keepit, NSW,
Australia ( NSW State Comps, 2005 )
- 28 August, 2005:
Santiago, Chile - Precision Gliding
- 26 August, 2005:
Chile renamed Santiago.
- 25 August, 2005:
Uvalde, TX, USA
- 25 August, 2005:
Google Earth file showing all of the WSTX sites with links to
them added,
thanks to Lloyd Bailey for helping develop this capability.
- 17 August, 2005:
Rieti, Italy
( For Aeroclub Centrale di Volo a Vela camps ) added.
- 14 August, 2005:
Airspace for Rieti and Ferrara, Italy
- 10 August, 2005:
Bregenz, Austria
( Off field landing sites for the ASKÖ
Sportfliegergruppe Bregenz ) added.
- 07 August, 2005:
GoogleMap displays added for all
They are available as one of the options for displaying a map on the "HomePage" for a site, by
clicking on the
- 06 August, 2005:
GoogleMap displays of the control points introduced
thanks to a suggestion by Dave Nadler and an extremely nice demonstration by John Cotter.
- 05 August, 2005:
Tocumwal, NSW, Australia
( Outback Shootout )
- 04 August, 2005:
Moravská Trebová,
Czech Republic
( Plachtarské mistrovstvi regionu
CR, 2005 )
- 03 August, 2005:
Hennenman, South Africa
( Goldfields Glider Club, 2004 )
airspace added.
- 02 August, 2005:
Gawler, South Australia
( 2006 Multiclass Gliding Competition )
updated with all new data
- 01 August, 2005:
Formosa (GO), Brazil
( Etape Centro-Oeste do Campeonato Brasiliero de Planadores, 2005 )
updated with all new data
- 31 July, 2005:
Uvalde, TX, USA
( US 15 Meter Class Nationals, 2005 )
Tim Newport-Peace and Ilec airspace files trimmed. Zbraslavice, Czech Republic
( Plachtarské mistrovství dvousedadlovek CR, 2005 )
updated with all new data
- 30 July, 2005:
Oeventrop, Germany
( Landesmeisterschaften Junioren, 2005 )
updated with all new data
Czestochowa, Poland
( IV Miedzynarodowe Szybowcowe Mistrzostwa Polski w
Klasie Klub - A, IV Szybowcowe Mistrzostwa Polski w Klasie Klub
- A, II Miedzynarodowe Szybowcowe Mistrzostwa Polski w Klasie
Swiatowej, Krajowe Zawody Szybowcowe w Klasie Klub - B, XXXIII
Szybowcowe Mistrzostwa Polski Juniorów w Klasie
Standard, and XXXIII Szybowcowe Mistrzostwa Polski
Juniorów w Klasie Klub - B )
updated with all new data
- 29 July, 2005:
Angers-Marcé, France
( Le championnat inter-régional, 2005 )
updated with all new airspace.
- 28 July, 2005:
Husbands Bosworth, UK
( Junior World Gliding Championship, 2005 )
updated, all new airspace, and a new map.
- 27 July, 2005:
Klix, Germany ( Women's World Gliding Championship, 2005 )
airspace updated.
- 26 July, 2005:
Airspace for St. Auban, France ( 1st World
Sailplane Grand Prix, 2005 ) updated.
- 24 July, 2005:
Klix, Germany ( Women's World Gliding Championship, 2005 )
airspace updated.
- 22 July, 2005:
Öcsény, Hungary
( 19th Gemenc Gliding Championship, 2005 )
- 21 July, 2005:
Klix, Germany ( Women's World Gliding Championship, 2005 )
airspace updated.
- 18 July, 2005:
Bad Sobernheim-Domberg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
( Qualifikationswettbewerb der Junioren RLP, 2005 )
- 17 July, 2005:
Husbands Bosworth, UK
( Junior World Gliding Championship, 2005 )
updated with all new airspace and some maps.
- 16 July, 2005:
Ostrów Wielkopol, Poland
( XIV Krajowe Zawody Szybowcowe o Puchar Prezydenta
Miasta, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 15 July, 2005:
Bailleau, France ( Championnat
de France Féminin, 2005 - Names with numbers attached
) updated with all new data.
- 14 July, 2005:
Musbach, Germany
( Deutsche Segelflug Meisterschaft Clubklasse, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 13 July, 2005:
Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany
( 5. Offenes Märkisches
Vergleichsfliegen 2005 )
updated with all new data. CAI
name creation modified.
- 12 July, 2005:
Klix, Germany ( Women's World Gliding Championship, 2005 )
updated and airspace added.
- 11 July, 2005:
Matkópuszta, Hungary
( "Aranyhomok" Cup, 50th Hungarian and 14th Slovenian Joint National Gliding Championships, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 10 July, 2005:
Dvur Králové nad Labem, Czech Republic
( PMCR junioru a akademiku, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 09 July, 2005:
St. Hubert, Belgium
( Aéro-club des Ardennes; de Belgique Classe Club, 2005 )
- 08 July, 2005:
Winzeln-Schramberg, Germany
( Baden-Württembergischen Segelflugmeisterschaften der
Junioren, 2005 )
- 07 July, 2005:
Halle/Oppin, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
( 5. Offene Landesmeisterschaft im Streckensegelflug
Sachsen-Anhalt, 2005 )
added. Harris Hill, New York, USA
( Region 3, 2005 ) updated.
- 06 July, 2005:
Gelnhausen, Hessen, Germany
( BSM, 2005 )
- 04 July, 2005:
( Niedersächsische Juniorenmeisterschaft, 2005 )
- 03 July, 2005:
Airspace for the Netherlands updated.
- 02 July, 2005:
Links to World Aero Data information about
airports included, thanks to a 'heads up' from André Gurgel.
- 01 July, 2005:
Boleráz, Slovakia
( Aeroklub Trnava, XIII. Memoriál Ivana
Hudeca do kategórie and XIV. Majstrovstvá
Slovenska dvojsedadlovnch vetronov, 2004 )
updated with all new data.
- 30 June, 2005:
Terlet, Netherlands
( Nationale Kampioenschappen Clubklasse 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 29 June, 2005:
Airspace for Denmark updated.
- 28 June, 2005:
Nitra, Slovakia ( FAI European
Gliding Championships: Club, Standard, and 18 Meter Classes,
2005 ) Tim Newport-Peace formatted airpace file
updated and the translation from OpenAir to Tim Newport-Peace
formatted modified to limit radius specification to two decimal
places. Bailleau, France
( Championnat de France Féminin,
2005 ) updated with all new data.
- 27 June, 2005:
Zweisimmen, Switzerland
( RM 2005 ) updated with all
new data. Albert Lea,
Minnesota, USA ( Region 7 Championships,
2005 ) updated to version 2005f. Reedsville, Pennsylvania, USA
( Mifflin County, Region 2, 2005 ) updated
to version 2005a.
- 26 June, 2005:
Orel, Russia
( Club Class Nationals, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 25 June, 2005:
La Roche sur Yon, France
( Championnat de France 2005, Classe Libre et 18
Metre ) updated. SeeYou formatted files
with control point number placed before the name added.
- 24 June, 2005:
Nitra, Slovakia
( FAI European Gliding Championships: Club, Standard,
and 18 Meter Classes, 2005 ) turnpoints and airpace
updated with all new data.
- 23 June, 2005:
Harris Hill, New York, USA
( Region 3, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 18 June, 2005:
Harris Hill, New York, USA
( Region 3, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 17 June, 2005:
All of the KFLog files regenerated to correct a problem with the
elevations of sites using feet thanks to a 'heads up' from Hendrik
- 16 June, 2005:
Reims, France
( Association Marnaise de Vol à Voile,
Championnat regional Champagne-Ardenne 2005 )
- 09 June, 2005:
Warner Springs, California, USA north to Minden
- 07 June, 2005:
Novi Ligure, Italy
( Aeroclub Fulvio Padova, VI° Trofeo Novi, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 05 June, 2005:
Gelnhausen, Hessen, Germany
( BSM, 2005 )
- 04 June, 2005:
Sisteron, France
( 3ième Coupe Duo-Discus, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 03 June, 2005:
Storvik, Sweden
( Västra Gästrike Flygklubb,
DM Norra Regionen, 2005 )
- 02 June, 2005:
Fricktal-Schupfart, Switzerland
( Segelfluggruppe beider Basel, RM 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 01 June, 2005:
Caesar Creek, Ohio, USA
( Standard Class Nationals, Region 6, and Wright
Memorial Glider Meet 2005 )
- 31 May, 2005:
Crailsheim, Germany
( 42. Hohenloher Vergleichsfliegen 2005 )
- 30 May, 2005:
Caesar Creek, Ohio, USA
( Standard Class Nationals, Region 6, and Wright
Memorial Glider Meet 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 29 May, 2005:
Ferrara, Italy
( 3º Trofeo Vintage, 2005 ) added
- 27 May, 2005:
El Paso, Texas, USA
( Horizon Airport )
- 26 May, 2005:
Ely, Nevada, USA
( Region 11, 2005 )
updated to version 2005b.
- 25 May, 2005:
Ely, Nevada, USA
( Region 11, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 22 May, 2005:
Albert Lea, Minnesota, USA
( Region 7 Championships, 2005 )
- 21 May, 2005:
Ely, Nevada, USA
( Region 11, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 20 May, 2005:
Caesar Creek, Ohio, USA
( Standard Class Nationals, Region 6, and Wright
Memorial Glider Meet 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 19 May, 2005:
Albert Lea, Minnesota, USA
( Region 7 Championships, 2005 )
updated. Caesar Creek, Ohio, USA
( Standard Class Nationals, Region 6, and Wright
Memorial Glider Meet 2005 ) updated.
- 18 May, 2005:
Waller, Texas, USA ( Soaring Club
of Houston - SCOH )
- 17 May, 2005:
Leeton, New South Wales, Australia
( Australian Junior Nationals,
'JoeyGlide 2005' ) added.
- 16 May, 2005:
Vinon, France
( 37ième Coupe du Monde de Vol à
Voile en Montagne, PWC Club Class 2006, Club Class
Nationals, 2005 )
French Names and Waypoints
English Names and Waypoints
updated with all new data.
Airspace for France
updated with all new data..
- 15 May, 2005:
Airspace for the Netherlands
updated. Aeroclub Salland, the
Netherlands ( Dalfsen-Ommen-Raalte, Sallandse Tweedaagse,
2005 ) added
- 14 May, 2005:
Krizanov, Czech Republic
( Plachtarského mistrovství
Ceské republiky 2005 )
updated with all new data.
Airspace for Germany
updated with all new data..
- 13 May, 2005:
Leszno, Poland
( 30. I.P.G. Open Class Championship, 20. S.M.P.
Kobiet, 3. KZS Klub, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 12 May, 2005:
Hausen am Albis, Switzerland
( RM/JSM 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 11 May, 2005:
Bleienbach-Langenthal, Switzerland
( RM 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 10 May, 2005:
Räyskälä, Finland
( EGC, 2005 )
- 09 May, 2005:
Prievidza, Slovakia
( Plachtárske majstrovstvá Slovenska,
2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 08 May, 2005:
Rybnik-Gotartowice, Poland
( Aeroklub Rybnickiego Okregu Weglowego )
added. Fayence,
France ( Association Aéronautique de
Provence Côte d'Azur ) updated.
- 07 May, 2005:
Mariazell, Austria
( Segelflugstaatsmeisterschaft, 2005 )
updated with all new data. St. Hubert, Belgium
( Aéro-club des Ardennes; Championnat
de Belgique, 2005 ) updated
with all new data. Corrupted Ilec
SUA files all regenerated thanks to a 'heads up' from Sam Fly and Cliff Hilty.
- 06 May, 2005:
Übersberg, Germany
( 9. Übersberg Segelflugwettbewerb, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 05 May, 2005:
Zwickau, Germany
( Deutschen Segelflug-Meisterschaften 2005
in der Standard- und 15m-Klasse )
updated with all new data.
- 04 May, 2005:
Romans, France
( Vercors Vol à Voile, Aérodrome de Chasses;
Championnat Régional Rhône-Alpes, 2005 )
added. Leszno, Poland
( 30. I.P.G. Open Class Championship, 20. S.M.P.
Kobiet, 3. KZS Klub, 2005 ) updated with
all new data.
- 03 May, 2005:
Husbands Bosworth, UK
( Junior World Gliding Championship, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 02 May, 2005:
Lüsse, Germany, Cross Country List #2,
including MiLoMei Waypoints and Lüsse,
Germany, Cross Country List #2, Numbered Waypoints only
- 01 May, 2005:
Potchefstroom, South Africa
( Northwest Regionals, 2005 )
- 30 April, 2005:
Martin, Slovakia
( Slovenský Pohár, 2005 - FatraGlide
2005 ) updated with all new
data. Hornberg,
( Club-Klasse SPEZIAL: Internationaler
Segelflugwettbewerb ausschließlich für die
Club-Klasse, 2005 )
- 29 April, 2005:
Abbeville, France
( Concours inter-régional de vol à
voile Picardie / Nord - Pas de Calais, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 28 April, 2005:
Tours, France
( Regionale Centre 2005 au Louroux, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 27 April, 2005: Epinal, France
( Championnat Lorraine, 2005 )
- 26 April, 2005: Eskilstuna, Sweden
( Viking Glide, 2005 Pre-Worlds )
- 25 April, 2005: Skövde, Sweden
( SM Klubbklass = Swedish Club Class Championships,
2005 )
- 23 April, 2005:
Orléans, France
updated with all new data.
- 22 April, 2005:
Sion, Switzerland
( Championnat Suisse de Vol à
Voile, 2005 )
updated. Airspace for Germany
updated. Fairfield,
Pennsylvania, USA ( Region 4 North 2005 and
Club Task Day Championship )
updated. Issoudun, France
( Nationale Kampioenschappen Zweefvliegen, 2005
Dutch Nationals, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 19 April, 2005:
Caesar Creek, Ohio, USA
( Standard Class Nationals, Region 6, and Wright
Memorial Glider Meet 2005 ) updated.
Alzate Brianza, Italy
( Aeroclub Volovelistico Lariano, Campionati italiani
2005 classe 18 metri ) updated. St. Auban, France ( 1st World
Sailplane Grand Prix, 2005 ) updated.
- 18 April, 2005:
Norway and
Elverum, Norway
( Starmoen, Elverum Open 2005 / Norges Cup 1 )
updated. Oppdal, Norway,
Notoden, Hokksund, and Lunde, Norway, and
Western Norway, Os, and Voss
added. Southern Norway removed.
- 15 April, 2005:
Issoudun, France
( Championnats de France 15 M - Standard - Jeune Pilote Club - Open Club & 32ème International, and
Standard Class Nationals, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 14 April, 2005:
( Distrikts Mästerskapen Mellersta Regionen,
2005: Motola Flygklubb, Arboga ) updated.
Nogaro France
( 1er Grand Prix international de Gascogne, Championnat
inter-régional de vol à voile Aquitaine
Midi-Pyrénées, 2005 )
- 13 April, 2005:
Caesar Creek, Ohio, USA
( Standard Class Nationals, 2005 )
updated with all new
data. Nogaro France
( 1er Grand Prix international de Gascogne, Championnat
inter-régional de vol à voile Aquitaine
Midi-Pyrénées, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 12 April, 2005:
Rand McNally Maps,
Google Maps,
and Google satellite images created for all US sites.
Special Use Airspace for Switzerland updated.
- 11 April, 2005: Skövde, Sweden
( SM Klubbklass = Swedish Club Class Championships,
2005 )
updated. Mid-Sweden
( Distrikts Mästerskapen Mellersta Regionen,
2005: Motola Flygklubb, Arboga ) updated.
- 10 April, 2005: Alzate Brianza, Italy
( Aeroclub Volovelistico Lariano, Campionati italiani
2005 classe 18 metri ) updated with all new
data. Ferrara, Italy
( Campionato Italiano Club con Promozioine, XII Coppa
Città di Ferrara, 4º Trofeo Biposti Volo in
Pianura, 3º Trofeo Vintage, and Competizione Alianti
Motorizzati, 2005 ) updated with landing
sites. Harris Hill, New York, USA
( Region 3, 2005 )
- 09 April, 2005:
Special Use Airspace for the UK
updated. Alzate Brianza, Italy
( Aeroclub Volovelistico Lariano, Campionati
italiani 2005 classe 18 metri )
- 08 April, 2005:
Vängsö, Sweden
( Distrikts Mästerskapen
Östra regionen, 2005 ) updated.
- 07 April, 2005:
Toulouse - Bourg Saint-Bernard, France
( Association Vélivole et Aéronautique
Toulousaine ) added and Airspace for
Norway added.
- 06 April, 2005:
Sion, Switzerland
( Championnat Suisse de Vol à Voile, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 05 April, 2005:
Harris Hill, New York, USA
( Region 3, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 04 April, 2005:
Klix, Germany ( Women's World Gliding Championship,
2005 )
added and
Klix, Germany ( 13. Klixer
Segelflugwettbewerbe, Pokal der Alten Langohren, 2005 ) updated.
- 03 April, 2005:
Glens Falls, New York, USA
added. Claresholm, Alberta, Canada
( Nationals, 2005 )
updated. The default units for the Task
Planner set to statute miles or kilometers depending on the
locale, thanks to a suggestion from Tony Burton and a quick fix by
Marc Ramsey.
- 02 April, 2005:
Skövde, Sweden
( SM Klubbklass = Swedish Club Class Championships,
2005 )
- 01 April, 2005:
All of England, Wales and Scotland
updated with all new data.
- 30 March, 2005:
MultiMap links included for all waypoints,
and all html regenerated.
- 29 March, 2005:
Colorado (USA) Regional Collection,
and derived sub-collections [ within 100 sm of Boulder,
within 250 sm of Boulder,
from Boulder east to Albert Lea, MN,
from Boulder south to Moriarty, NM,
within 100 sm of Kelly Airpark,
within 250 sm of Kelly Airpark,
within 100 sm of Owl Canyon,
within 250 sm of Owl Canyon ]
updated to version 0540 with all new data.
- 28 March, 2005:
Airspace for Brazil and
Denmark added.
- 27 March, 2005:
All of the online listings of turnpoints regenerated to include links
to the NASA's OnEarth
satellite images. Calcinate del Pesce
(Varese), Italy ( AeroClub Adele Orsi, Campionato Italiano
Classe 15 Metri, 2005 ) updated. Fairfield,
Pennsylvania, USA ( Region 4 North 2005 and
Club Task Day Championship )
All of the Boulder files temporarily removed.
- 26 March, 2005:
Ilec SUA file creation turned back on. Airspace for Germany
- 25 March, 2005:
links to a satellite map of the vicinity of the control point, courtesy of NASA's OnEarth,
links to URL containing information about the waypoint - usually a
description of an off-field landing site introduced. Import facility for SeeYou *.CUP files completely rewritten.
- 24 March, 2005:
Beynes, France
( Championnat Régional Ile-de-France, 2005 )
updated with all new data. Link to the special use airspace files, from a site's home page,
introduced thanks to a suggestion from Vladimir Foltin.
Airspace for Nitra, Slovakia
( 5th Pribina Cup, 2005 )
Torino, Italy
( XXXIV° Trofeo Città de
Torino, 2005 )
- 23 March, 2005:
Cordele, Georgia, USA
( Region 5 South, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
Nitra, Slovakia
( 5th Pribina Cup, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 22 March, 2005:
La Roche sur Yon, France
( Championnat de France 2005, Classe Libre
et 18 Metre )
- 21 March, 2005:
Warren, Vermont, USA
( Sugarbush, Region 1, 2005)
updated with all new data. Albert Lea, Minnesota, USA
( Region 7 Championships, 2005 )
- 20 March, 2005:
All of Danish TERMIK-Ligaen files
( Arnborg ( Danish
Nationals, 2005 ),
Flyvepladser, Fyn,
Fyn, Øerne og
Sjælland, Jylland,
Jylland, Fyn og
Øern, Jylland, Fyn
og Tyskland, Sjælland,
og Sverige, Sverige,
Den Danske Svæveflyver Turnering, and
Tyskland )
updated with all new data.
- 19 March, 2005:
Albert Lea, Minnesota, USA
( Region 7 Championships, 2005 )
Airspace for the Netherlands updated.
- 18 March, 2005:
Alps, from Feldkirchen, Austria
updated with all new data.
- 17 March, 2005:
Hollister, California, USA
updated with all new data.
- 16 March, 2005:
Dalby, Queensland, Australia
updated with all new data.
- 15 March, 2005:
Williams, California, USA
updated with all new data.
- 14 March, 2005:
KFLog input and output incorporated, and
KFLog files added for all sites.
- 11 March, 2005:
Brioude-Beaumont, France
- 10 March, 2005:
Eskilstuna, Sweden
( Viking Glide, 2005 Pre-Worlds )
- 09 March, 2005:
Lüsse, Germany
( Cross-country waypoints )
- 07 March, 2005:
All of England, Wales and Scotland
updated with all new data.
Ilec SUA file creation turned off.
- 06 March, 2005:
Fairfield, Pennsylvania, USA
( Mid-Atlantic Soaring Association )
Region 4 North 2005 modified.
- 05 March, 2005:
Fairfield, Pennsylvania, USA
( Mid-Atlantic Soaring Association )
Region 4 North 2005, and
Club Task Day Championship
updated with all new data.
Fairfield collections with restricted airspace waypoints removed.
- 28 February, 2005:
Moriarty, New Mexico, USA
( 2005 1-26 Championships )
- 27 February, 2005:
Schönebeck, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
( Elbe Saale Pokal in Schönebeck )
updated with all new data.
- 26 February, 2005:
Schönebeck, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
( Elbe Saale Pokal in Schönebeck )
- 25 February, 2005:
Weelde, Belgium
( Kempen Cup 2005 & Belgisch Kampioenschap
ClubKlasse (BKCK), 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 24 February, 2005:
Ilec special use airspace files regenerated for all sites.
- 23 February, 2005:
Pocket*StrePla files created for all of the sites.
- 22 February, 2005:
Links to the
Terraserver aerial photos updated.
All of the US sites regenerated.
- 21 February, 2005:
Links to the
d'approche et d'atterrissage à vue" (VAC) de la Service d'Information Aéronautique for French airports
included. All of the French sites regenerated.
- 06 February, 2005:
Hotzenwald, Germany
( 42. Hotzenwaldwettbewerb, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 02 February, 2005:
Arizona Soaring Association, USA
updated with all new data.
- 20 January, 2005:
Nogaro, France
( 1er Grand Prix international de Gascogne, 2005 )
updated with all new data.
- 17 January, 2005:
Boonah, Queensland, Australia
updated with all new data.
- 13 January, 2005:
Azul, Argentina
( 52º Campeonato Nacional de Vuelo a Vela )
- 07 January, 2005:
Azul, Argentina
( 52º Campeonato Nacional de Vuelo a Vela )
updated with all new data.
- 01 January, 2005:
Pocket*StrePla input and output added.
Return to the Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange
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Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.
Page last updated on