Unofficial Coordinates for the Alpi Orientali (Northeast Italian Alps Outlanding Sites) Waypoints
Courtesy of Adriano Ellero ( webmaster(at) )
Airport information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier's database
Magnetic Variation: 2.3E
Time zone: MET, summer offset from GMT is 2:00 and in winter it is 1:00.
The waypoint data are available directly at
Information about soaring at Alpi Orientali (Northeast Italian Alps Outlanding Sites) is available at
The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds
CVAO refuses any responsibility about mentioned topics and on shown data. The shown information represent only an indication and must not be intended as correct data. Neither any responsibility can be assign to the authors, to the out landing, airfield owners and to the airport managers. The pilot, commandant of airplane, remains the only responsible of the preparation and behavior during the flight. The shown information must not be considerate for any reason sufficient for a safe use of mentioned out landing. It is strongly recommended to the pilots to personally recognize the out landings in order to practice of the field and of the orography around.
Il CVAO declina ogni responsabilità sugli argomenti trattati e i dati riportati. Le informazioni contenute sono solo a carattere indicativo e non potranno impegnare la responsabilità degli autori e tanto meno quella dei proprietari dei terreni, delle aviosuperfici, campi di volo e aeroporti. Il pilota, comandante del velivolo, rimane comunque l'unico responsabile della preparazione e della condotta del volo. Le informazioni fornite non devono in alcun modo essere considerate sufficienti per un uso sicuro dei fuoricampo segnalati.Si ricorda ai piloti di eseguire un sopralluogo per prendere visione sia del campo stesso che dell'orografia circostante.
Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only.
Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct
information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees,
expressed or implied.
User assumes all risk of use.
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[17.9 kB]
[77.6 kB],
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[6.5 kB]
Map Marking information [9.6 kB]
Waypoint Names and Numbers [3.1 kB]
Waypoint Name Abbreviations, ICAO ID's, and Coordinates [18.0 kB]
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Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.