Soaring Magazine Index for 1938 organized by subject

The contents have all been re-entered by hand, so there are going to be typos and confusion between author and subject, etc...
Please send along any corrections and suggestions for improvement.

A, B, C, F, H, I, L, M, P, R, S, T, U, None


Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs
Gliding and soaring clubs and associations in America, December, page 9
American History
A review of 1938, December, page 1
Year round trophies, September, page 1

B     (up to table of contents)

L.J. Lesh, Soaring flight in nature, May, page 6
Bureau of Air Commerce
First anniversary, January, page 1

C     (up to table of contents)

R.A. Baily, Wild flowers and soaring, July, page 2
We are going ahead, August, page 1
Pilots and sailplanes they flew, August, page 8
Standing in contest, August, page 8
Smooth sailing, October, page 2
Preliminary list of prizes and awards, July, page 12
New Silver C pilots and their performances, August, page 9
Prizes and awards, August, page 9
Points award system, September, page 99
an account of the 5th annual glider meet of the Associated Gliding Clubs of New Jersey, Fifth and finest, October, page 8
K.O. Lange, Looking back on the 8th annual national soaring contest, February, page 8
9th National - Rules and Regulations This year's contest, July, page 1
The story of the most successful contest: 9th National Distance, altitude, duration, August, page 2
Rules and regulations 1938-American Open soaring contest, August, page 12
Statistics of the 1938 American Open soaring contest, October
Conferences and Conventions
The first national gliding and soaring conference, March, page 1
Two days in Washington, March, page 2
H.F. Keeler, School construction, September, pages 4,
Rene Breguet, Design for a glider trophy executed by Ernfred Anderson of Elmira and exhibited by him in the administration building on Harris Hill during the 1937 National Soaring Contest, January, cover
Carl Thompson, The Delaware Soaring Society's Waco primary above Bellanca Field near New Castle, Delaware, February, cover
Hans Groenhoff, A utility soaring over Mt. Meenagha, in the Ellenville area, accompanying Art Ramer's article, March, cover
Al Hoeflich, Dan Sanborn soaring his two-seater Grunau 8 at the Altamount Pass Site of the Northern California Soaring Society, April, cover
Possibly from the article "Soaring Flight in Nature" by L.J. Lesh, reprinted from Model Airplane News, May, cover
Antelo Devereux, Minimoa at the 1937 National Contest, taken with a red filter, June, cover
John Robinson's "Robin", July, cover
Stan Corcoran and his "Cinema", August, cover
US Navy, A Franklin PS-2, probably at Pensacola, Florida, September, cover
Hans Groenhoff, October, cover
A.F. Hoeflich, November, cover
A.F. Hoeflich, December, cover
Cross-Country Soaring
E.G. Hasse, Cross country soaring, January, page 2

F     (up to table of contents)

J. Robinson, Medical Aspects of Flight Wave Soaring Altitude over the desert, June, page 5
Have we turned the corner?, June, page 1
J. Robinson, Medical Aspects of Flight Wave Soaring Altitude over the desert, June, page 5
L.B. Barringer, Distance over the plains, June, page 2

H     (up to table of contents)

Hang Gliders
E. Stevens, My first flight in a hang glider, April, page 10

I     (up to table of contents)

Sailplane instruments and their arrangement, July, page 6
Reassurance by radio, April, page 8
R.W. Barrette, Protection for the sailplane owner, May, page 5
The Asiago GP-2 training sailplane, April, page 12

L     (up to table of contents)

F. Aggar, Glider degravitation, March, page 4

M     (up to table of contents)

Soaring and meteorology, April, page 1

P     (up to table of contents)

D. Stevens
The soaring test pilot III - Don Stevens flies the Corcoran sailplane, February, page 7
J. Robinson, Medical Aspects of Flight Wave Soaring Altitude over the desert, June, page 5
Powered Aircraft
H.H. Brown, Gliding and soaring with a light plane, September, page 3
Soaring and publicity, May, page 1

R     (up to table of contents)

State records, November, page 1

S     (up to table of contents)

W.R. Enyart, SSA Executive news, January, page 12
Power soarer, February, page 1
P. Reidel, Power sailplanes, the next step in soaring, February, page 2
R. Morse, A dream that became a reality, April, page 2
Asiago GP-2
The Asiago GP-2 training sailplane, April, page 12
Berlin B-6
New German sailplanes, November, page 8
Bowlus Baby Albatross
The Bowlus Baby Albatross, April, page 7
Chemnitz C-11
New German sailplanes, November, page 8
M. Schempp, The Goevier two-seater sailplane, March, page 1
February, page 2
Condor II
New German sailplanes, November, page 8
The soaring test pilot III - Don Stevens flies the Corcoran sailplane, February, page 7
Darmstadt 30
The Darmstadt 30, October, page 10
The "E-3" two-seater high-performance sailplane, December, page 6
Flying Anvil
H.H. Patton, The Carnegie Tech Flying Anvil, April, page 3
FVA 10
W. Setz, translator, High performance sailplane "FVA 10", February, page 6
M. Schempp, The Goevier two-seater sailplane, May, page 4
Goppingen-1 Wolf
The soaring test pilot flies the Wolf intermediate sailplane - II, January, page 3
Goppingen-3 Minimoa
E.G. Hasse, Cross country soaring, January, page 2
L.B. Barringer, The soaring test pilot - IV, April, page 6
L.B. Barringer, Distance over the plains, June, page 2
L.B. Barringer, Texas thermals, June, page 6
German Research Institute for Sailplanes at Darmstadt, The Habicht aerobatic sailplane, January, page 6
Horten III
New German sailplanes, November, page 8
A. Dawydoff, translator, Cloud crashing, April, page 9
Komar Bis
The Polish sailplane "Komar Bis", November, page 7
The soaring test pilot flies the "Komar Bis", December, page 7
J.W. Laister, The Laister sailplane, December, page 4
A. Dawydoff, Russian record flights, February, page 10
J. Robinson, The sailplane "Robin", July, page 4
Ross Ibis
R.M. Stanley, Washington test flight, September, page 2
The soaring test pilot flies the Ross Ibis, September, page 8
Ross-Stephens RS-1 Zanonia
H.C. Ross, 7000 feet in a secondary glider, November, page 6
Schweizer SGS 2-8
P.A. Schweizer, The Schweizer two-place all-purpose sailplane, November, page 4
R.M. Stanley, The Stanley sailplane, October, page 6
Altamount Pass
G. Waters, Soaring sites - I - the Altamount Pass site, January, page 4
Big Meadows, Virginia
D. Hamilton, Soaring sites V - Big Meadows, Virginia, May, page 8
A.A. Ramer, Ellenville Soaring sites - III, March, page 6
E.R. Southee, Soaring sites VI - Elmira, New York, June, page 8
Harris Hill
Harris Hill improvements, January, page 12
Michigan, Sand Dunes
A.B. Schultz, Soaring sites II - future possibilities of Michigan Sand Dunes, February, page 4
Palo Verde Hills
J. Buxton, Soaring sites VIII - Palos Verdes Hills, September, page 6
Schley Glider Field Soaring sites IX - Schley Glider Field., October, page 9
Tejon Ranch
F.C. Barnes, Soaring sites - IV - the Tejon Ranch, April, page 4
L.B. Barringer, Tennessee and Texas, first report of the Texas expedition, May, page 2
L.B. Barringer, Tennessee and Texas, first report of the Texas expedition, May, page 2
L.B. Barringer, Texas thermals, June, page 6
Torrey Pines
J. Robinson, Soaring sites VII - Torrey Pines Mesa, July, page 8
White Mountain
L.B. Barringer, White Mountain winds, December, page 2
White Mountain Airport
White Mountain: Soaring sites - X, December, page 8
A.A. Ramer, Wurtsboro Soaring sites - III, March, page 6
Soaring Society of America
January, page 12
February, page 12
March, page 12
April, page 13
May, page 12
July, page 12
September, page 13
December, page 13
Soaring Magazine
First anniversary, January, page 1

T     (up to table of contents)

J. Buxton, Moonlight soaring, December, page 5
L.B. Barringer, Tennessee and Texas, first report of the Texas expedition, May, page 2
L.D. Montgomery, Thermal soaring over flat country near Detroit, July, page 5
Thermal Soaring
L.B. Barringer, Texas thermals, June, page 6
Test Flying
The soaring test pilot flies the Wolf intermediate sailplane - II, January, page 3
The soaring test pilot III - Don Stevens flies the Corcoran sailplane, February, page 7
L.B. Barringer, The soaring test pilot - IV, April, page 6
R.M. Stanley, Washington test flight, September, page 2
The soaring test pilot flies the Ross Ibis, September, page 8
The soaring test pilot flies the "Komar Bis", December, page 7
Reassurance by radio, April, page 8
H.F. Keeler, School construction, September, pages 4,

U     (up to table of contents)

V. Rastorgoueff, Three world distance records, January, page 11
A. Dawydoff, Russian record flights, February, page 10
A. Dawydoff, translator, Cloud crashing, April, page 9

None     (up to table of contents)

No subject
L.A. Bonotaux, Washington, May, page 12

 Issue  Author  Section
 1937 list of all years 1939
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Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.