Soaring Magazine Index for 1937 organized by section

The contents have all been re-entered by hand, so there are going to be typos and confusion between author and subject, etc...
Please send along any corrections and suggestions for improvement.

Executive news, Gliding and Soaring Bulletin, Obituaries, SSA executive news

Executive news
8th National SSA, June, page 12

Gliding and Soaring Bulletin
W. Blech, 1937 meet on the Wasserkuppe, December, page 3

Cloyd Artman, May, page 13

SSA executive news
January, page 13
February, pages 13,53

 Issue  Author  Subject
 1936 list of all years 1938
Return to the Soaring Magazine Index table of contents

Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.