- Adams, Mike
- Safely Using Ground Handling Systems [Ground Handling], April, pages 31-32
- Alexander, Jamie
- A 1-25, or a 2-33 (Photo)? (Letter) [Errata], January, page 2
- Allemann, Rudy (a.k.a. R. Allemann, R.T. Allemann)
- The 1995 Region 8 Soaring Championships (Ephrata) (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], November, pages 19-20
- Allinson, Gail
- The Flight Review: An Instructor's Perspective [Instruction\Flight Reviews], February, pages 27-28
- Anderson, Jim; with Flavio Lora
- 500 Miles of Jungle, 400 Miles of Ocean in a Motorglider, and No Gas in Alabama [Motorgliders\Super Ximango], August, pages 17-21
- Anderson, Scott; with Robert Atherton, Charles V. Lindsay (a.k.a. Charles Lindsay and C.V. Lindsay)
- Thermal Wave Flights [Techniques\Thermals and Thermaling; Techniques\Wave Flying; Meteorology], September, pages 31-35
- Ard, William
- Wants Russia 126 in World Class (Letter) [Sailplanes\Russia AC-4; Sailplanes\World Class Glider], June, page 4
- Armstrong, Dan
- SHA Meeting Due on West Coast (at Tehachapi, CA) (SSA in Action) [Homebuilts & Homebuilding], October, pages 9-10
- Arnold, Marc
- A Solo Soaring Safari Over the Rockies, 3,000 NM in a Stemme S-10 Self-Launching Sailplane [Motorgliders\Stemme S10; Expeditions], December, pages 27-31
- Atherton, Robert; with Scott Anderson, Charles V. Lindsay (a.k.a. Charles Lindsay and C.V. Lindsay)
- Thermal Wave Flights [Techniques\Thermals and Thermaling; Techniques\Wave Flying; Meteorology], September, pages 31-35
B (up to table of contents)
- Bacque, Peter
- Young Eagles Fly in Virginia (SSA in Action) [Youth], January, page 18
- Baker, Harry J.
- The Rebel Yell (is Heard as Alabama Pilots Do Wave at Minden) (SSA in Action) [Techniques\Wave Flying; Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], June, pages 11-12
- Baker, Ron
- Gympie Gold Rush Vintage Glider Rally (in Queensland, Australia) (SSA in Action) [International\Sites; Vintage Aircraft], September, page 6
- Banks, Howard
- (1995) Region 4 North Contest Report (Fairfield, PA) (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], November, pages 20-21
- Barney, John
- Diamant on Display (at Reading Museum) (Letter) [Exhibits/Displays/Fairs], June, page 4
- Barrett, Larry and Jane
- Fred Harris [Obituaries], July, pages 19-20
- Bassett, Sandy
- Region 5 South Championships May 7-12, 1995 at Cordele, Georgia (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], August, page 9
- Batch, Juan
- Why Call It Thermal Wave? (I Call It Airmass Wave) (Letter) [Techniques\Wave Flying; Techniques\Thermals and Thermaling; Meteorology], November, page 2
- Batesole, Bill, Sr.
- M. Allen Reynolds [Obituaries], December, pages 18-19
- Beardslee, Keith
- Joe Scott [Obituaries], January, page 16
- Bell, Doug
- 1995 Region 9 Soaring Championships (Estrella, AZ) (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], September, pages 8-9
- Biesemeyer, Ralph
- Russell Buchanan [Obituaries], April, pages 20-21
- Bird, Mike
- A Very Relaxed Occasion (the 1995 Senior Nationals at Seminole-Lake) (SSA in Action) [Seniors; Competitions\National], July, pages 14-17
- Blacksten, Raul
- Clio Whispers (Preservation and the Museum of Army Flying at Middle Wallop, England) [Museums; Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\National Soaring Foundation; History], August, pages 34-37
- Boyce, John
- Region One Competition to Fly Again (in Springfield, Vermont) (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], April, page 19
- Region One (1995) Soaring Championships (Springfield, VT) (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], November, pages 21-22
- Bradshaw, Lee
- More on the Rudder and the Yaw String (Letter) [Aerodynamics], February, pages 3-4
- Brain, Val
- Less Noise (and More Good Neighboring) - Better (Community) Relations! (Send Your Stories) (Letter) [Launching\Towplanes; Solicitations; Promotions; Aerospace Education], May, page 3
- Brandt, James R.
- Accolades to HHSC (Harris Hill Soaring Club) (Letter) [Credits/Appreciation], March, page 2
- Brown, Jim
- Sees Reaching Youth As Key To Success (Letter) [Youth; Promotions; Aerospace Education], August, page 2
- Brown, Jimmy
- Peter Karlsson Memorial Youth Camp (SSA in Action) [Youth], November, pages 16-17
- Brown, Richard A. (a.k.a. Richard Brown)
- April Fools (Letter) [Literature\Humor], April, page 9
- Hans Peter Karlsson [Obituaries], August, pages 9-11
- Bryan, W.C.
- John N. Nowak [Obituaries], January, page 17
- Bucher, Phil
- Building the American Falcon Kit [Sailplanes\American Falcon; Maintenance and Improvements], January, pages 33-35
- Burris, Ted
- The Loomis Collection (of Photos at the National Soaring Museum) (SSA in Action) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\National Soaring Museum], July, pages 9-11
- Byars, Ed
- Region 4 (South)- New Castle, Virginia (1994) (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], February, pages 16-18
- New Castle '95 Region 4 South (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], December, page 17
C (up to table of contents)
- Campbell, Jay D.
- A Weekend to Remember (He Flies and his Son, Jeff Campbell, Solos at Bermuda High) (Letter) [Promotions; Aerospace Education; Sites; Family], July, page 4
- Campbell, John H. (a.k.a. John Campbell)
- New SSA Youth Grant (from Bultman Trust Fund) (SSA in Action) [Youth], March, page 14
- Update on the Cadet Program (SSA in Action) [Youth], April, pages 14,16
- Wanted: Young Contest Pilots (SSA in Action) [Youth], May, page 15
- Soaring in Poland [International\Sites], November, page 24
- Carr, James
- Thank You, Sandhill (Soaring as Vultures and Sandhill Fly Together) (SSA in Action) [Credits/Appreciation], February, page 10
- Carr, James; with Joe Volmar (a.k.a. J.H. Volmar)
- Johann G. Kuhn [Obituaries], May, page 16
- Carr, Richard
- Technology and the Nature of Sport, a Neo-Luddite Runs Afoul of Rorschach [Instruments], July, pages 37-38
- Carswell, Dean
- The AC-4 Russia 126 in the Soaring Club Context [Sailplanes\Russia AC-4], March, pages 24-25
- Carver, Franklin
- Soaring in The Shenandoah Valley with Carl "Red" Rohmann [Seniors], December, pages 39-41
- Cerceo, Bruno
- Thanks for the Support and Memories (30 years of Philadelphia Soaring Club) (Letter) [Credits/Appreciation; Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], April, page 9
- Chicagoland Glider Council
- Joe Steinhauser [Obituaries], April, page 20
- Chilcott, William C.
- Before a Crash or After A Crash? (Understanding Yourself) [Safety\Accidents/Incidents; Physiology], November, page 40
- Clark, Art; with Gary F. Kemp (a.k.a. Gary Kemp)
- Parowan, Utah - New 1000K Site [Awards\1000 Kilometer Flights], April, pages 35-37
- Clark, Rolly
- Jim Day [Obituaries], December, page 18
- Cleary, William B. (a.k.a. W.B. Cleary, W. Cleary, William Cleary)
- Marion C. Cruce [Obituaries], July, page 18
- Cole, James L., Jr.
- NAA Requests Nominations for (Wright Brothers) Memorial Trophy (SSA in Action) [National Aeronautic Association (NAA)], June, page 11
- Coleson, Arleen (a.k.a. A. Coleson)
- Who's Responsible? [Awards\Badge Requirements], January, page 46
- FAI Sporting License Renewal [Awards\Badge Requirements], February, page 48
- EW Barograph Approval and Other Electronic Barographs [Awards\Badge Requirements], March, page 42
- Electronic Skyway (CompuServe address) [Awards\Badge Requirements], April, page 46
- New! SSA (Annual) Distance Award (Requirements) [Awards\Distance Awards; Awards\Badge Requirements], May, page 46
- GPS Approved for Use October 1, 1995 [Awards\Badge Requirements], June, page 41
- Common Questions Concerning Cameras [Awards\Badge Requirements], July, pages 45-46
- Let's Do Silver Distance! [Awards\Badge Requirements], August, page 46
- Selecting a Turnpoint [Awards\Badge Requirements], September, page 40
- Changes Effective October 1, 1995, to FAI Sporting Code, Section 3, Gliders [Awards\Badge Requirements], October, page 47
- 1995 FAI Rules and Procedures Available from SSA [Awards\Badge Requirements], November, page 48
- 1996-Change is in the Air [Awards\Badge Requirements], December, page 47
- Colton, Hugh D.
- GPS Can Draw the Spectators (Letter) [Instruments; Promotions; Aerospace Education], July, pages 3-4
- Cooper, Homer C.
- Call to C(hina) B(urma) I(ndia WWII) Veterans (Letter) [Solicitations], March, page 3
- Costea, Benone
- Call to IS Model Glider Owners (Letter) [Business Members; Solicitations; Maintenance and Improvements], August, page 2
- Crawford, J.F.
- More Than a Handful (Loose Canopy on Tow) (Safety Corner) [Safety; Launching\Aerotow; Canopies], March, pages 44-46
- Crump, G.M. (Mike)
- Another Youngster (10 Year-Old Christine Crump) Takes to the Air (Letter) [Family], November, pages 3-4
- Cullen, Rexford G. (a.k.a. Rexford Cullen)
- These Boots Were Made for Flying (Letter) [Cockpit], February, page 4
- He Disagrees with Operator's (Willat's) Conclusion (Letter) [Handicapped Accomplishments], March, pages 3-4
D (up to table of contents)
- Daniell, John; with Amanda Siegel
- 1994 Standard Class Nationals Warren, VT [Competitions\National], May, pages 30-33
- Darmstadter, Jay
- Teacher-Student, Student-Teacher? (Letter) [Instruction], December, page 2
- Davis, William
- Feels Transition Pilots Are Unfairly Targeted (Letter) [Instruction\Transition], June, pages 9-10
- Dirks, Wilhelm
- News of DG-500/20 with Elan Winglets and 17M Wingtip Extensions Winglets (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\Glaser-Dirks], October, pages 6, 8-9
- DuPont, Stephen (a.k.a. Stephen Du Pont, Stephen du Pont, Steve DuPont, Stephen duPont, S. DuPont, Steve du Pont, Steve Dupont, Steve duPont, S. duPont, S. Du Pont, S. du Pont, Steve Du Pont)
- Wants It (Aircraft Specification Units) Done One Way (Letter) [Commentary], April, page 3
- Hang Gliding (Pivotal Altitude) and Spins Discussed (Letter) [Hang Gliding; Techniques\Patterns and Landings; Stalls/Spins], October, page 4
- Sailplane Safety: Practice Makes Proficiency [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\Soaring Safety Foundation], October, pages 40-41
- Durbin, Andy
- Correction of Region Nine Scores Noted [Errata], November, page 11
E (up to table of contents)
- Ebersole, Howard
- Kempes F. "Kemp" Trager [Obituaries], July, pages 18-19
- Editor
- Attention All Soaring Clubs, Sites, and SSA Business Members (1995 Directory of Soaring Sites, etc) [Publications], February, page 35
- Soaring Magazine Policy for Letters to "Soaring Mail" (and Disclaimer) [Publications], April, page 2
- Eknes, Eric M.
- The Early Morning Sun Backlights a Polish Krosno KRO-3a at Andrews-Murphy Airport in North Carolina (cover) [Cover], February, cover
- Elmore, Tom (a.k.a. T. Elmore)
- Art Haseltine [Obituaries], July, page 19
- Engen, Donald D.
- The Soaring Society of America in the Nation's Head Shed [Credits/Appreciation], January, page 39
- Ericsson, Lars
- Radio Controlled Glider Meet Planned (for June 15-18, 1995) (Letter) [Models], May, page 3
- Ernst, Dan
- Feels (Handicapped) Characterization Was Unfair (by Willat) (Letter) [Handicapped Accomplishments], April, pages 3-4
- Evelyn, Bill
- My "Soaring Safari" (in Kenya) (SSA in Action) [International\Sites], May, pages 12,14
- Ewald, Jochen
- Handy Device is Illustrated (to Lift Glider Tail Section) (Letter) [Trailers; Ground Handling], July, page 3
F (up to table of contents)
- Faliu, Jean-Renaud
- Some Tips Off the Counter for Beginning Cross-Country Flight [Cross Country Soaring], August, pages 39-42
- Forney, Dean
- Laurie Moreau [Obituaries], January, pages 16-17
- Frost, Don
- The Aerow Tow (Letter) [Launching\Aerotow], May, pages 2-3
- Frye, Vern
- Herb Brown [Obituaries], May, pages 16,18
G (up to table of contents)
- Galen, Nina
- Has Trade to Offer (Cottage at Martha's Vineyard) (Letter) [Solicitations], January, pages 6-7
- Gallagher, Bill; with Carla Page
- IVSM-95 at Harris Hill [Vintage Aircraft], October, pages 17-20
- Gammal, Gary B.
- A Unique Combination (Your DC 3 and My DG-500M) (Letter) [Photography], May, page 3
- Garner, Chip
- Let's Examine GPS Options Closely (Letter) [Instruments], June, page 2
- Garofalo, Donald S.
- Soaring - The Ageless Sport [Seniors], March, pages 37-38
- Gomoll, Roger
- Soaring to be Represented (at Oshkosh 1995) (Letter) [Promotions; Aerospace Education], June, page 10
- Soaring Activities to be Part of Oshkosh (SSA in Action) [EAA], July, page 6
- Greenblatt, Robert (a.k.a. Bob Greenblatt)
- Says We Need to Limit Radio Usage (Letter) [Equipment\Radios], November, page 11
- Greenwell, Eric (a.k.a. E. Greenwell)
- More Comments on ASH-26E [Motorgliders\Schleicher\ASH-26E], November, pages 10-11
- Gregg, Jason
- A New Format for Glider Racing (GPS only) [Competitions], January, pages 36-37
H (up to table of contents)
- Haag, David R.
- Thanks for Help (from Jim Short's Article and Needs List of Imported Gliders) (Letter) [Credits/Appreciation; Solicitations], March, pages 2-3
- Habercom, David S. (a.k.a. David Habercom)
- World Class Soaring Association Self-Launches (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\World Class Glider], January, pages 11-12, 14
- Error Reported on Price of PW-5 (Letter) [Sailplanes\PW-5; Errata], March, page 3
- World Class is World Class (Letter) [Sailplanes\World Class Glider], April, page 2
- Undecided about GPS (for World Class Soaring) (Letter) [Sailplanes\World Class Glider], May, pages 3-4
- WCSA Holds Meeting; PW-5 Progress Noted (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\World Class Glider], October, page 6
- University Survey Raises World Class Stakes (SSA in Action) [Sailplane Production/Availability; Sailplanes\World Class Glider], December, pages 8-9
- Hall, Stanley A. (a.k.a. Stan A. Hall, Stan Hall, S. Hall, S.A. Hall)
- Soaring and The Society of America [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\National Soaring Museum; Promotions; Aerospace Education], July, pages 33-36
- Hammond, E. Gene (a.k.a. Gene Hammond)
- SSA in Action: Pilot Dies in Towing Accident [Launching\Towplanes; Safety\Accidents/Incidents], July, page 9
- Sailplane Safety: The New Rudder Waggle Signal, by Tom Knauff (Safety Corner) [Safety], July, pages 39-40
- Sailplane Safety (Why I Failed The Practical Test, Confidence and Complacency, and Practice Makes Perfect), by Steve Wasilowski, Harris Hill News, and Stephen du Pont (Safety Corner) [Safety], October, pages 40-41
- SSA Volunteers Promote Soaring at Oshkosh (SSA in Action) [EAA], November, page 15
- Hammond, E. Gene (a.k.a. Gene Hammond); with Bernald S. Smith (a.k.a. Bernald Smith, B. Smith and B.S. Smith)
- Sailplane Safety (Accident and Injury Numbers Up, Looking at '94, What Phase of Flight?, Currency, Competency and Confidence, Where Do They Occur, Dehydration Cures - Water or What?, is a Bad [Safety\Accidents; Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\Soaring Safety Foundation], April, pages 39,40
- Sailplane Safety: The New Rudder Waggle Signal, by Tom Knauff [Safety], July, pages 39-40
- Hanke, Tim
- A Joint Effort Was Involved (in 1994 Region 3 Results Error) (Letter) [Errata; Competitions\Regional], April, page 9
- Youth Support Needed for Contests (Letter) [Youth], October, page 2
- Correction of (New York State) Record Distance Noted (Letter) [Errata], November, page 3
- Hannahan, William
- Need New (Towplane) Towhook (Letter) [Launching\Release Mechanisms; Launching\Towplanes], September, page 2
- Harris, Robert L.
- Central Jersey Soaring Club at Work (SSA in Action) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], January, pages 17-18
- Heiney, John
- Harold Stephens Flies a Schempp-Hirth Jantar Standard Invertedabove Hemet, CA (cover) [Sailplanes\Schempp-Hirth\Jantar; Cover], January, cover
- Hennig, Roy K. (a.k.a. Roy Hennig)
- More on Adverse Yaw (and The String The Wrights Used) (Letter) [Aerodynamics], April, page 2
- Hobel, Donald G. (a.k.a. Donald Hobel)
- Plight of Power Pilots is Alarming (from FAA Persecution) (Letter) [Physiology\Medical Condition; Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)], July, pages 2-3
- Hockman, Skip
- SSA in Action: Airflow Studies Done on Genesis I [Sailplanes\Genesis I; Aerodynamics], April, page 17
- Holinghaus, Klaus
- The Design of the Ventus 2 (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\Schempp-Hirth\Ventus 2; Sailplane Design], June, pages 15-17
- Holland, Marvin
- Room For The Young and The Old (Letter) [Family], November, page 6
- Hollestelle, Ed
- Filser Electronics (GPS) Goes (with IBM Compatible PC) RAM (SSA in Action) [Computers and the Internet; Instruments], March, page 9
- New Product from Germany (LX 4000E Filser Final Glide Computer) (SSA in Action) [Computers and the Internet; Instruments], August, pages 8-9
- Hollington, Brian
- Has Some Questions about Promotion (Letter) [Promotions; Aerospace Education], October, pages 2-3
- Holshan, Neal
- A View of the SZD-59 Acro (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\SZD-59 Acro], April, page 18
- Housman, Dick
- Granson Has Own Opinion (Letter) [Literature\Poems and Poetry], February, page 4
- Hudnut, David (a.k.a. Dave Hudnut)
- 1994 Eastern Sailplane Homebuilders Workshop (at Kutztown, PA) (SSA in Action) [Homebuilts & Homebuilding], January, pages 10-11
- (Len) Niemi Will Be Missed (Letter) [Obituaries], October, page 2
- Report on Eastern SHA Workshop 1995 (Harris Hill, NY) (SSA in Action) [Homebuilts & Homebuilding], December, pages 9-11
- Huffstutler, Mark
- US. Team Committee Begins Planning (SSA in Action) [Competitions\Team Competition], November, pages 14-15
- Hurni, Bob
- The 1994 1-26 Championships - Promises Kept! [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\1-26 Association; Sailplanes\Schweizer\SGS 1-26], March, pages 27-31
- Schweizer Recognized by 1-26 Association (SSA in Action) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\1-26 Association; Sailplanes\Schweizer\SGS 1-26], June, page 12
- The Over 60 Miles Per Hour Crowd, 1995 1-26 Championships, Moriarty, NM [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\1-26 Association; Sailplanes\Schweizer\SGS 1-26], November, pages 27-32
- Hurst, Jim
- You Like Winter Sports? Try Soaring (Caesar Creek Style) (Letter) [Sites], April, pages 5-6
- Hutchinson, Richard
- Modern Maturity (Alex Gray, 70+ Years) (Letter) [Seniors], February, page 3
I (up to table of contents)
- Indrebo, Connie
- Parachutist Lands in a Field of Yellow Flowers at Crazy Creek Gliderport as a Schleicher ASW-24 Passes by (cover) [Sailplanes\Schleicher\ASW-24; Cover], July, cover
- Irvine, Harry
- VSA Announces Western Regatta (for 1995 at Hemet) (SSA in Action) [Vintage Aircraft], April, page 17
- Ix, Hanno
- Concerned About Electromatic Currents (from Radio Antenna Coax Cable) (Letter) [Sailplanes\American Falcon; Equipment\Radios], March, page 4
J (up to table of contents)
- Jacobs, Martha
- Can You Provide This (Translation of Segein ueber den Alpen) Information? (Letter) [Solicitations], October, page 2
- Jamieson, Chuck
- Still says his way (Spoilers never open) is Best (Letter) [Launching\Aerotow], February, page 2
- Jenista, James M. (a.k.a. Jim Jenista)
- The Thermal (Tribute to James Francis Jenista, Jr.) [Obituaries], September, page 10
- Jenkins, Scott A.
- Praises for the Gatekeepers (Operators Like Willat) (Letter) [Credits/Appreciation; Handicapped Accomplishments], November, page 4
- Jenkins, Stan
- Seeks Advice on Sailplane Purchase (Letter) [Growth], February, pages 4,6
- Johnson, Dennis
- Soaring (Safari) in Kenya (SSA in Action) [Expeditions; International\Sites], May, pages 11-12
- Johnson, Derek P. (a.k.a. Derek Johnson)
- Soaring Centre of South Carolina Telephone Number Changed (Letter) [Business Members; Errata], June, page 3
- Ground Roll Control (with Airbrake) (Letter) [Launching\Aerotow], June, pages 3-4
- PW-5 Over South Carolina (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\PW-5; Sailplanes\World Class Glider], December, pages 16-17
- Johnson, Richard H. (a.k.a. Dick Johnson, Richard Johnson, R.H. Johnson, R. Johnson)
- Are Your Turbulators Too Large?, Part 1, Winglets [Aerodynamics; Winglets], January, pages 29-31
- A Flight Test Evaluation of the Russia 126 Meter World Class Sailplane [Aerodynamics\Flight Tests; Sailplanes\Russia AC-4], March, pages 21-26
- A Pilot's View of the Stemme S-10 (Letter) [Motorgliders\Stemme S10], June, page 10
- A Flight Test Evaluation of the LET L-33 Solo Sailplane [Aerodynamics\Flight Tests; Sailplanes\Let L-33 Solo 'Baby Blanik'], July, pages 23-27
- Turbulator Flight Test Part II Ventus 166 Wing [Aerodynamics\Flight Tests; Sailplanes\Schempp-Hirth\Ventus 2], August, pages 29-33
- A Flight Test Evaluation of the ASH-26E Self Launching 18-Meter Sailplane [Aerodynamics\Flight Tests; Motorgliders\Schleicher\ASH-26E], September, pages 21-27
- The Honor System Personal Best Distance Task (Letter) [Awards\Distance Awards], November, pages 2-3
- Johnson, Sharon
- Soaring Lesson Remembered (Let Nature Do What It Does Best) (Letter) [Instruction], December, pages 3-4
- Johnston, Tom
- Another Soaring License Plate (Letter) [Promotions; Aerospace Education], June, page 3
- Jones, Ed
- (Loose Elevator Spanwise Tape) Shake(s) Your Tail (Letter) [Preflight; Aerodynamics], September, pages 3-4
- Jousma, Irn
- Contest Board Announces Club Class Opportunity (SSA in Action) [Competitions], June, pages 12,14
- Judge, Terry
- Tow Line (Retrieve by Glider) Turmoil (Letter) [Launching\Aerotow], November, page 11
- Jurado, Sergio
- Sequence of a Red-Suited Parachutist, VJ., Jumping From a Yellow Schweizer 2-33 (cover) [Cover], December, cover
K (up to table of contents)
- Kemp, Gary F. (a.k.a. Gary Kemp)
- News from SSA Insurance Committee (Senior Medical/Health Statement Dropped) (SSA in Action) [Insurance], July, page 6
- Kemp, Gary F. (a.k.a. Gary Kemp); with Art Clark
- Parowan, Utah - New 1000K Site [Awards\1000 Kilometer Flights], April, pages 35-37
- Kinckerbocker, Shawn
- Another Young Eagle (Chad Knickerbocker) is Taking to the Skies (Letter) [Youth; Family], February, pages 2-3
- Kind, Anne Wilson
- OCSA Hosts Wave Experts (Dr Morton Wurtele and Jack Ehrenberger) (SSA in Action) [Techniques\Wave Flying], May, pages 10-11
- Kinsell, Dave
- A Battery Charger for the 90's [Equipment\Batteries], December, pages 33-34
- Klarich, Richard S.
- Thanks to CSA (Colorado Soaring Association) for Hosting (a Collegiate) Event (Letter) [Credits/Appreciation; Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\Collegiate Soaring Association], January, page 4
- Klauder, Phil
- (Melissa Klauder's) Solo (at Fourteen) Flight Made Good Story [Family; Youth; Instruction], September, page 2
- Kleber, Ray
- News from Model Builders (Schweizer Models Soon Available) (SSA in Action) [Models], August, page 6
- Knauff, Thomas (a.k.a. Tom Knauff, T. Knauff)
- SSA Announces Special Award for Bronze Badge Number 1,000 (SSA in Action) [Awards\Badge Requirements], February, pages 8-9
- The New Rudder Waggle Signal [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\Soaring Safety Foundation], July, pages 39-40
- New Product-Solarcell by Solarflex Systems (SSA in Action) [Instruments], August, pages 6,8
- New Publicity Program (for Badges and Records) Begins (SSA in Action) [Awards\Badges and Records], November, page 14
- Koerner, Mike
- SSA President's Report [Soaring Society of America\President's Report], May, page 22
- Kolstad, Ken and Mid
- Kolstad Winners Both Awarded Full Grant (SSA in Action) [Awards\Kolstad Scholarship and Awards], August, page 6
- Kretschman, Dirk D.
- He Enjoyed Grandma's Story (Letter) [Instruction], May, page 2
- Kunda, Randy; with Michael L. Shakman
- Wave Flying - Over Illinois and Wisconsin? [Techniques\Wave Flying], February, pages 33-35
L (up to table of contents)
- la Serna, Pedro de
- Fly Like a Swift (Letter) [Birds; Techniques\Thermals and Thermaling], November, pages 11-12
- Laning, Roland
- Had a Great Vacation (at Sundance Aviation, Moriarty, NM) (Letter) [Sites], February, page 2
- Layton, Jerome K. (a.k.a. Jerome Layton)
- Sewing (Magazine for Someone Interested in Flying Gliders)? (Letter) [Literature\Humor], June, page 9
- Le Goueff, Real
- Astir CS Nose with Panorama of Clouds Above (cover) [Cover], September, cover
- Lichina, Greg; with Mike Nancy
- In Memory of a Glider Pilot (Larry Lichina - The Blue Feather Fly-In Trophy) (SSA in Action) [Obituaries; Awards], June, pages 17-19
- In Memory of a Glider Pilot (Larry Lichinda - The Blue Feather Fly-In Trophy) (SSA in Action) [Family], June, pages 17-19
- Lincoln, Judy
- For Fiscal Year Ending October 31, 1994 [Soaring Society of America\Annual Report], May, pages 19-22
- Lindoo, Ed
- William E "Earl" Folger [Obituaries], December, page 19
- Lindsay, Charles V. (a.k.a. Charles Lindsay, C.V. Lindsay); with Scott Anderson and Robert Atherton
- Thermal Wave Flights [Techniques\Thermals and Thermaling; Techniques\Wave Flying; Meteorology], September, pages 31-35
- Lora, Flavio; with Jim Anderson
- 500 Miles of Jungle, 400 Miles of Ocean in a Motorglider, and No Gas in Alabama [Motorgliders\Super Ximango], August, pages 17-21
- Lucas, John
- Solo Success (Four Solos the First Day for Five Hours at Seminole-Lake) is Noted (Letter) [Sites], October, page 3
M (up to table of contents)
- MacJarrett, Thomas
- IRAC: Instructor's Risk Assessment Card [Instruction], January, page 32
- MacVeigh, David
- Has No Complaints (of Mallettec Minivario) (Letter) [Instruments], February, page 4
- Malloy, David
- This One is Special (Mike Petruska solos on 14th Birthday) (Letter) [Youth], June, pages 2-3
- Marui, Mitsuru
- Needs Help on Finding Damaged Gliders (Letter) [Maintenance and Improvements; Solicitations], November, page 11
- Masak, Peter C. (a.k.a. Peter Masak)
- Scimitar Has Maiden Voyage (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\Scimitar 1], January, pages 14-15
- Flight Test Results (of Scimitar 1) Positive (Letter) [Sailplanes\Scimitar 1; Aerodynamics\Flight Tests], December, page 4
- May, Dale S.
- Jack Brown [Obituaries], December, page 18
- McKittrick, Andrew (a.k.a. Andy McKittrick)
- American Spirit XL in Flight Over the Mountainous Terrain of California City, CA (cover) [Cover], June, cover
- McMaster, Roy
- New Turnpoint Numbering System (for Computer Indexing) (Letter) [Competitions; Computers and the Internet], April, pages 7-8
- McMaster, Roy; with Karl H. Striedieck (a.k.a. Karl Striedieck) and Ed Seymour
- A Bridge Too Far (Or 3=1) [Awards\1000 Kilometer Flights; Awards\Records and Record Flights], February, pages 21-26
- McNay, Curtis
- (1995) Region 10 North Championships (Hutchison) (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], November, pages 22-23
- Meiklejohn, Jim
- 1994 Region 4 North - Fairfield, PA (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], March, pages 16-17
- Mildenberger, Cindy
- 1994 Region 3 Soaring Conterst - Dansville, New York (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], February, pages 15-16
- Millet, Ido
- Improving the Fee Structure in a Soaring Club Through Spreadsheet Modeling [Computers and the Internet; Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], June, pages 27-29
- Montague, Mark
- Alex Burnette's Schleicher ASW-20 as a Street Display During the Reno Air Race Festivities (cover) [Sailplanes\Schempp-Hirth\ASW-20; Cover], May, cover
- Moore, Robert Lee (a.k.a. R.L. Moore)
- The First Modern Motorglider [Motorgliders], December, pages 37-38
- Mooring, Elmer E., Jr. (a.k.a. Elmer Mooring, Elmer E. Mooring, Elmer Mooring, Jr.)
- A New Travelling Trophy in Reverse [Awards], January, page 15
- Morgan, Terry
- Two Brothers Make It a Family Sweep (Letter) [Family], April, page 5
- Morrison, Malcolm
- It Was a Cold and Stormy "Flight" [Meteorology; Cross Country Soaring; Instruction; Techniques\Outlandings], September, pages 37-38
- Mortimer, Collette
- What's The Sport All About? (Letter) [Instruments], September, page 4
- Moser, Eric
- Region Five North Championships-Chester, SC April 16-21, 1995 (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], July, pages 17-18
- Murray, John
- Region 6 South Contest Report (1994, Waynesville, OH) (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], March, pages 15-16
- Myers, Peter
- GPS Wanted for World Class Soaring (Letter) [Sailplanes\World Class Glider], March, page 2
N (up to table of contents)
- Nady, Bob
- Club Red Tape and the Enthusiasm of a New Member (Club & Chapter Chatter) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], January, page 20
- Synergism and Flying at a New Field (Club & Chapter Chatter) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], February, page 17
- What Clubs are Doing, Problems (Club & Chapter Chatter) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], March, page 18
- New IA Club on General Aviation Airport (Club & Chapter Chatter) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], April, page 21
- Convention Innovations (Club & Chapter Chatter) [Conventions], May, page 18
- Pooling Rsources to Do Something New (Club & Chapter Chatter) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], June, page 19
- Ode to the Venerable 2-33 (Club & Chapter Chatter) [Sailplanes\Schweizer\SGS 2-33], July, page 20
- Newsletters and Their Editors, Vital Communications Links (Club & Chapter Chatter) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], August, page 10
- Club Members Knowing Club Constitution and By-Laws (Club & Chapter Chatter) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], September, page 11
- Club Volunteerism, Attracting Youth, and Organization (Club & Chapter Chatter) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], October, page 16
- New Mexico Wing of CAP Summer Glider Encampments (Club & Chapter Chatter) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\Civil Air Patrol], November, page 26
- Birds We Share the Air With) (Club & Chapter Chatter) [Birds], December, page 19
- Nancy, Mike; with Greg Lichina
- In Memory of a Glider Pilot (Larry Lichina - The Blue Feather Fly-In Trophy) (SSA in Action) [Obituaries; Awards], June, pages 17-19
- In Memory of a Glider Pilot (Larry Lichinda - The Blue Feather Fly-In Trophy) (SSA in Action) [Family], June, pages 17-19
- Neffinger, Jim
- World Class Manufacturing Agreement Made (with Apeks International) (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\World Class Glider], June, page 11
- Contact Information Provided for Apeks (Letter) [Errata; Sailplanes\World Class Glider], August, page 2
- Newill, David B. (a.k.a. David Newill, Dave Newill)
- "Soaring for Youth" a Big Success (by Central Indiana Soaring) (SSA in Action) [Youth], October, pages 10-11
- Nichols, Lisa
- Keeping It in The Family (Third Generation Soars as Bobby Nichols Solos at 14) (Letter) [Family], November, page 12
- Nicks, Oran W. (a.k.a. O. Nicks, O.W. Nicks, Oran W Nicks, Oran Nicks)
- Update on World Class Glider Status and Plans (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\World Class Glider], March, pages 5-6
- Noel, Mike
- More on Spoilers (Letter) [Launching\Aerotow], November, page 12
- Noyes, David (a.k.a. Dave Noyes)
- (1000-km) Straight Out (from Galion, OH) to Cape Cod [Awards\1000 Kilometer Flights], January, pages 27-28
- News on Replacing Bolts on Cobra Trailers (Letter) [Trailers], December, pages 2-3
- Nye, David L.
- Not Fair (for Willat) to Lump Them (Handicapped Pilots) All Together (Letter) [Handicapped Accomplishments], March, page 3
- A Day (at Turf) to Remember (Letter) [Sites], November, page 12
O (up to table of contents)
- O'Mahony, Charles (a.k.a. Charles "Chuck" O'Mahony, Chuck O'Mahony, Chuck O'Mahoney)
- Collage from Omarama, NZ 24th WGC of Launch Grid, Balloon Release, Nearby Mountains, the US. Team Marching, etc. (cover) [Competitions\World], April, cover
- Wild and Wooly! The 24th World Gliding Championships [Competitions\World], April, pages 22-29
- G'Dye Cobber [Competitions\World], April, page 26
- Everyone Was a Winner! - 777 [Conventions], May, pages 23-28
- O'Reiley, Jim
- Great Day at Torrey Pines (Letter) [Sites], November, pages 2-3
- Oldaker, Ian
- Pilot Decision-Making or Judgement Training [Instruction], June, pages 31-35
P (up to table of contents)
- Page, Carla
- Flight Line at IVSM at Harris Hill in Elmira, NY with National Flags in the Foreground (cover) [Cover], October, cover
- Page, Carla; with Bill Gallagher
- IVSM-95 at Harris Hill [Vintage Aircraft], October, pages 17-20
- Palmer, Alice G.
- Look How Our Investment Has Grown [Awards\Kolstad Scholarship and Awards], October, pages 28-32
- Payne, Jackie; with James M. Payne (a.k.a. Jim Payne and James Payne)
- My Almost Perfect Trip to Texas [Cross Country Soaring], May, pages 37-38
- Payne, James M. (a.k.a. Jim Payne, James Payne); with Jackie Payne
- My Almost Perfect Trip to Texas [Cross Country Soaring], May, pages 37-38
- Pearce, Drew
- Young Eagles (Scouts) Fly at Soar Hollister (SSA in Action) [Youth], February, pages 9-10
- Phillips, G. Thomas
- Another Young Pilot Licensed (at 16 - Curtis Phillips) (Letter) [Family; Youth], November, page 6
- Piggott, Derek (a.k.a. D. Piggott)
- New Thoughts on Planning Your Patterns [Techniques\Patterns and Landings], December, pages 35-36
- Piper, Jason J.
- History of (Phoebus s/n 732) Sailplane Wanted (Letter) [Solicitations], January, page 2
- Plankey, Walt
- Thanks for the Great Memories (Instructor Retires) (Letter) [Credits/Appreciation; Seniors; Instruction\Flight Instructors], December, page 4
- Pollard, Don
- Don Pollard's ASH-26E Evaluation [Motorgliders\Schleicher\ASH-26E], September, page 27
- Ponder, Gus
- Where There's a Will There's A Way (to Get Back Into The Air!) (Letter) [Instruction; Family], November, pages 4,6
- Portalatin, Alex
- Computer Design Disk Available (SSA in Action) [Aerodynamics; Sailplane Design; Computers and the Internet], April, page 18
R (up to table of contents)
- Redig, Patrick T.
- Soaring with the Eagle [Birds], July, pages 29-30
- Redsell, Mat
- Group Genesis [Sailplanes\Genesis I], January, pages 23-26
- Reid, Frank
- New SSA State Governors Appointed (for North Carolina and Florida) (SSA in Action) [Soaring Society of America\Governors], August, page 4
- Replogle, Ed
- Another in Favor of Richard Carr's Letter (Really an Article Against GPS Use) (Letter) [Instruments], September, page 4
- Richards, Ray
- Needs Assistance (with L-19 Noise Abatement) (Letter) [Launching\Towplanes; Solicitations], March, page 3
- Ridenour, Ron
- Soaring Spans the Gap (Jason Allind Solos at 14) (Letter) [Family], February, page 3
- Rogers, Bill
- Check Out for Sun Damage (Letter) [Canopies; Reflected Rays], January, page 3
- Rojko, David
- New Converts to Soaring (Letter) [Family], December, page 2
- Roy, Margarett
- 1995 WSPA (17th Annual) Seminar (Dates for Sugarbush, VT) (SSA in Action) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\WSPA], June, page 11
- Ryan, Bertha M. (a.k.a. Bertha Ryan, B.M. Ryan, B. Ryan)
- How It All Began, The Story of America's First Woman Cross Country Soaring Pilot, Virginia M. Schweizer [Women Soaring Pilots], November, pages 33-36
- Ryder, Peter
- World Class and the Russia 126M (Letter) [Sailplanes\World Class Glider; Sailplanes\Russia AC-4], June, page 9
S (up to table of contents)
- Sanderson, Larry
- The Soaring Society of America, Inc- 63 Years of Service [Credits/Appreciation; Soaring Society of America\President's Report], January, pages 38-40
- Where Does the SSA Do Business? [Soaring Society of America\President's Report], January, page 39
- Sargent, Kelley
- A Poem (About Soaring Flight) [Literature\Poems and Poetry], April, page 14
- Saudek, Victor M. (a.k.a. Victor Saudek, Vic Saudek, V.M. Saudek, V. Saudek)
- Hangar Flying 101 [Meteorology\Atmospheric Phenomena\Reflected Rays], June, pages 37-39
- Bob Blaine [Obituaries], October, pages 15-16
- Schwarz, Hans
- Karl Nassauer [Obituaries], April, page 20
- Schweizer, Paul A. (a.k.a. Paul Schweizer, P.A. Schweizer)
- More on proud history of NSM (SSA in Action) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\National Soaring Museum], February, pages 10-12
- Warren E. Eaton, Jr. [Obituaries], April, pages 19-20
- Bernard L. Wiggin [Obituaries], May, pages 15-16
- World Class Situation Clarified (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\World Class Glider], July, pages 6,8-9
- The One Millionth Flight (by the Air Cadet League of Canada) [International\Canada; Youth], December, pages 23-25
- Scott, Jan (a.k.a. J. Scott)
- Hans Jacobs [Obituaries], February, page 12
- For the First Time Ever (International Vintage Sailplane Meet in US.) (SSA in Action) [Vintage Aircraft], April, pages 11-12,14
- Tribute to (Klaus) Holinghaus Available (SSA in Action) [Obituaries], June, page 11
- VSA Introduces Glider Cards (SSA in Action) [Vintage Aircraft], June, page 12
- Scurr, Erica
- 17th Annual Women Soaring Pilots Seminar (SSA in Action) [Women Soaring Pilots], November, pages 17-18
- Seibels, Grenville, II
- Thanks to You All (Team USA at Omarama) (Letter) [Competitions\Team Competition; Credits/Appreciation], April, page 9
- Setz, Walter
- Has Refresher of (Military Gliding) Memories (Letter) [History], January, pages 4,6
- Seymour, Ed; with Karl H. Striedieck (a.k.a. Karl Striedieck) and Roy McMaster
- A Bridge Too Far (Or 3=1) [Awards\1000 Kilometer Flights; Awards\Records and Record Flights], February, pages 21-26
- Shakman, Michael L.; with Randy Kunda
- Wave Flying - Over Illinois and Wisconsin? [Techniques\Wave Flying], February, pages 33-35
- Shevers, Harold, Jr.
- Aviation Exploring Moves Forward (with Conference at Oklahoma City) (Letter) [Youth], March, page 4
- Short, Jim
- Historic Reunion (of Military Gliding with LK CG-10A)) at Monument Dedication (SSA in Action) [History], March, pages 6,8-9
- Support and Service for Glasflugel Sailplanes (SSA in Action) [Maintenance and Improvements], March, pages 9-10
- Importing a Used Sailplane? Caveat Emptor (SSA in Action) [Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)], March, page 10
- FAA Renews Exemption for (Aircraft External) ID. Plate (SSA in Action) [Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)], March, pages 10-11
- Original Exemption Document, Extension for FAA Exemption No4988, and Most Recent Letter of Extension - to October 30, 1998 [Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)], March, page 11
- Ramp Check [Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)], May, page 17
- FAA Publishes NPRM 95-11 Proposing New Glider Pilot Certification Rules (SSA in Action) [Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)\Licenses], November, page 14
- Short, Simine
- The Times They Are a Changing (Joseph P. Steinhauser Photo Tribute) (Letter) [Obituaries], September, page 3
- Siegel, Amanda; with John Daniell
- 1994 Standard Class Nationals Warren, VT [Competitions\National], May, pages 30-33
- Simmons, Will
- The LAK-12 [Pilot Reports; Sailplanes\Lak-12], October, pages 33-35
- Singleton, Billy J. (a.k.a. Billy Singleton, B.J. Singleton)
- Jack Dunwoody [Obituaries], January, page 17
- CRM-..For Soaring?, October, pages 36-38
- Sjoholm, Carlys
- SSA in Action: Glider Team Prepares for 1995 WGAC in France [Aerobatics; Aerodynamics], October, pages 11-12
- Slater, Edward
- Thanks to (Sheriff's Search and Rescue) Volunteer Group (Letter) [Credits/Appreciation], January, pages 3-4
- Smith, Bernald S. (a.k.a. Bernald Smith, B. Smith, B.S. Smith)
- (Pilot Safety) Seminar at Reno95 (Convention) (SSA in Action) [Conventions], January, page 9
- More Plans on Reno95 (Convention) (SSA in Action) [Conventions], January, pages 9-10
- Flash News from IGC (on GPS Concept Approval Only) (SSA in Action) [Awards\Badge Requirements; International Gliding Commission (IGC)], May, page 12
- Richard H. Johnson 1995 Barnaby Lecturer (SSA in Action) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\National Soaring Museum], October, page 6
- IGC Looking for New Logo Design (SSA in Action) [International Gliding Commission (IGC)], December, page 9
- Smith, Bernald S. (a.k.a. Bernald Smith, B. Smith, B.S. Smith); with E. Gene Hammond (a.k.a. Gene Hammond)
- Sailplane Safety (Accident and Injury Numbers Up, Looking at '94, What Phase of Flight?, Currency, Competency and Confidence, Where Do They Occur, Dehydration Cures - Water or What?, is a Bad [Safety\Accidents; Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\Soaring Safety Foundation], April, pages 39,40
- Sailplane Safety: The New Rudder Waggle Signal, by Tom Knauff [Safety], July, pages 39-40
- Smith, L.G.
- His Experience (at Grand Prairie and Hobbs, TX, and Eagle Nest) Has Been Good (Letter) [Sites], April, pages 2-3
- Smith, Sharon R. (a.k.a. Sharon Smith)
- SSA Now on The Internet (SSA in Action) [Computers and the Internet], December, page 19
- Smolen, Jim
- Region 6 North Contest (Ionia, MI) - 1994 (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], January, pages 18-19
- Souder, Paul W.
- An Old Eagle Remembers (Early Ohio Soaring, and Plans his Own Launch Method for Flight by Human-Powered Kite) (Letter) [History], May, page 4
- An Old Eagle Remembers (Early Ohio Soaring, and Plans his own launch method for Flight by Human-Powered Kite) (Letter) [Ultralights], May, page 4
- Spencer, T. Guy, Jr. (a.k.a. T. Guy Spencer)
- Commendations on Study of Stall/Spin (and a Warning About Pivotal Altitude) (Letter) [Techniques\Stalls/Spins; Techniques\Patterns and Landings], July, page 4
- (Len) Niemi Will Be Missed (Letter) [Obituaries], December, page 4
- Stanfield, Greg R.
- Hurling Alert (Letter) [Equipment\Hotellier Fittings; Maintenance and Improvements], February, page 4
- Starr, Sterling V. (a.k.a. Sterling Starr, S.V. Starr)
- The Soaring Society of America From My Personal Perspective [Credits/Appreciation], January, page 40
- Stearns, Jessica
- A Soaring Experience (at South Jersey Soaring Society) (Letter) [Sites], April, pages 4-5
- Steckner, Tillman
- An Unforgettable Day at the Ridge [Techniques\Outlandings; Techniques\Ridge Soaring], August, pages 23-27
- Steckner, Tillmann
- An Unforgettable Day at the Ridge [Techniques\Ridge Soaring], August, pages 23-27
- Stephenson, Cyndi
- New Rules Committee Members Named (SSA in Action) [Competitions], January, page 9
- Contest Board Solicits Proposals (for 1997 Nationals) (SSA in Action) [Competitions\National], June, page 11
- SSA Needs Your HE.L.P. (Your Lapel Pins) (SSA in Action) [Solicitations], July, page 6
- Strack, K.J.
- The Culprit (Sunscreen on Forehead) is Identifed (Letter) [Pilot Comfort; Physiology\Medical Condition], November, page 10
- Striedieck, Karl H. (a.k.a. Karl Striedieck)
- Towing and Spoilers (Letter) [Launching\Aerotow], April, page 9
- 1995 (Contest) Rules Changes Approved at Reno (Convention) (SSA in Action) [Competitions], May, page 5
- Flying The Batplane at the 1995 Standard Class Nationals, (Montague, CA) [Competitions\National; Sailplanes\Genesis I], November, pages 38-39
- Striedieck, Karl H. (a.k.a. Karl Striedieck); with Ed Seymour and Roy McMaster
- A Bridge Too Far (Or 3=1) [Awards\1000 Kilometer Flights; Awards\Records and Record Flights], February, pages 21-26
- Stuart, Joe
- Another Comment on Ground Handling Systems (Letter) [Ground Handling], September, pages 2-3
- Sullivan, John
- Above Ground Testing in Nevada-Air Sailing Style [Instruction\Ground Schools; Cross Country Soaring], June, pages 21-26
- The 1994-The Eighth Air Sailing, Inc. Cross-Country Camp [Instruction\Ground Schools], June, page 24
- Soaring Biography of Carl D. Herold [People\Carl D. Herold], June, page 26
- Sutnick, Steven A.
- Member (Bill Willis) is Missed (Letter) [Obituaries], February, page 6
- Swinnich, James W. (a.k.a. James Swinnich)
- The National Soaring Museum Director's Report (Johann G. Kuhn and Joseph P. Steinhauser are 1995 Inductees for Soaring Hall of Fame) (SSA in Action) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\National Soaring Museum], May, pages 5-6
- Update from the National Soaring Museum (SSA in Action) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\National Soaring Museum], November, pages 13-14
T (up to table of contents)
- Thelen, George
- Monkeys Can Fall From Trees (Safety Corner) [Safety\Accidents/Incidents], January, pages 41-43
- Which Way Does The Wind Blow? (Towplane Upset) (Safety Corner) [Launching\Towplanes], February, pages 40-41,43
- Lettuce Teach You Soaring Safety, by Lane Cobb (Safety Corner) [Safety; Instruction\Flight Instructors], April, pages 43-45
- Soaring Safety Seminar (at Reno 95 Convention), by Tom Knauff (Safety Corner) [Safety; Conventions; Instruction\Ground Schools], May, pages 39-44
- You Gotta Make Up Your Mind (Safety Corner) [Techniques\Wave Flying; Motorgliders; Maintenance and Improvements; Physiology], June, pages 45-48
- Safety from the Land O' Lakes (Second Half of the Soaring Safety Seminar at Reno95), by Bob Wander (Safety Corner) [Safety; Instruction\Ground Schools; Conventions], July, pages 41-43
- Unconnected or Disconnected (Do a Positive Control Check)? (Safety Corner) [Preflight], August, pages 43-44
- Our Aging Fleet, by Bill Ray (Safety Corner) [Maintenance and Improvements], September, pages 41-44
- At The End of My String (Believe Waveoffs and Use Radios) (Safety Corner) [Safety; Launching\Aerotow], October, pages 42-44
- Unconnected Revisited (Safety Corner) [Safety; Preflight], November, pages 41-42
- Taken For a Ride (Low Weight in Front Seat, Canopy Blew Open) (Safety Corner) [Safety\Canopies; Weight and Balance; Safety\Checklists; Canopies], December, pages 42-44
- Thomson, Angus
- The Art of Going Safely in Dangerous Places, Part 1 (Safety Corner) [Safety; Stalls/Spins], February, pages 29-32
- The Art of Going Safely in Dangerous Places, Part 2 (Safety Corner) [Safety; Stalls/Spins], March, pages 33-36
- Tyson, Tom
- Hans Obermayer in Ventus 2 on the Turf at Omarama, NZ (cover) [Cover], November, cover
U (up to table of contents)
- Urschel, Peter H.
- Encounter with Undesirable Stick Forces (Loose Spanwise Aileron Tape) (Letter) [Preflight; Aerodynamics], June, page 10
V (up to table of contents)
- Veillette, Patrick R.
- Stall/Spin (with Laminar Airfoils) Needs to be Understood (Letter) [Stalls/Spins], May, page 2
- Vickland, Bill
- Fred Cuny, Missing and Presumed Dead (SSA in Action) [Obituaries], December, pages 6,8
- Volmar, Joe (a.k.a. J.H. Volmar)
- Gordon Hinsdale [Obituaries], October, page 15
- Volmar, Joe (a.k.a. J.H. Volmar); with James Carr
- Johann G. Kuhn [Obituaries], May, page 16
- Voltz, Fredrick (a.k.a. Fred Voltz)
- World Classy (That Russia AC-4)! (Letter) [Sailplanes\Russia AC-4], February, page 6
- Russia AC-4 (Wanted in World Class) (Letter) [Sailplanes\Russia AC-4], June, pages 4,6,9
- Voltz, Gunther (a.k.a. Gunter Voltz, G. Voltz)
- From Russia with Love (Letter) [Sailplanes\Russia AC-4], March, page 4
- Voltz, May
- Russia 126 AC-4 Sailplane on the Grass before Darkening Clouds (cover) [Cover], March, cover
- Vorsanger, Charles
- What is An Ideal Tow Vehicle? (Letter) [Trailers; Retrieves], April, pages 8-9
W (up to table of contents)
- Waggy, Gene
- A General Maintenance Alert (for Aircraft with Major Repairs) (Letter) [Maintenance and Improvements], June, page 2
- Waibel, Gerhard (a.k.a. G. Waibel)
- A New Racing Class Glider, The ASW-27 (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\Schleicher\ASW-27], August, pages 4-5
- Wander, Bob
- NTSB in Attendance At Gliding Seminar (Letter) [Instruction\Ground Schools], January, page 3
- Ed Finegan [Obituaries], February, pages 12,14
- What's SSA Done for Me Lately? Speaker Support Audiovisual Program (Headquarter Happenings and Buzz) [Soaring Society of America], June, page 18
- Growing Soaring (by Using Greeters, Guest Registers, and Business Cards) (SSA in Action) [Growth], July, page 6
- Preserving Airspace at Hobbs, and Recent ABC and CBS TV Publicity (Headquarter Happenings and Buzz) [Airspace], July, page 19
- New Products Now Available (Written! Computer Program and Transition to Single Seat Gliders) (SSA in Action) [Computers and the Internet; Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)\Licenses\Pilot Certification], August, page 6
- Leaders with Initiative: Chuch O'Mahony, Mark Winders, and George Thelen (Headquarter Happenings and Buzz) [People], August, page 10
- Leaders with Initiative: Gene Hammond, Roger Gomoll, Ron Clarke, and all the 26 Board of Directors (Headquarter Happenings and Buzz) [People], September, page 11
- FIRC Schedules and Their Value to Glider Instructors (Headquarter Happenings and Buzz) [Instruction], October, page 16
- Downsizing the Government and the SSA Possible Role (Headquarter Happenings and Buzz) [Soaring Society of America], November, page 25
- Soaring's Position to be Sent to FAA by SSA and SSF (Headquarter Happenings and Buzz) [Soaring Society of America], December, page 19
- Wasilowski, Steve
- Sailplane Safety: Why I Failed The Practical Test [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\Soaring Safety Foundation], October, pages 40-41
- Welles, Paddy S. (a.k.a. Paddy Welles, Paddy S. Wells)
- Grandmaw Learns to Fly [Instruction], February, pages 37-39
- An Easterner's View of the 15-Meter National Championships at the "Oil Patch," (Hobbs, NM) [Sites\Hobbs, NM; Competitions\National], September, pages 14-19
- Westgate, Guy
- Inverted Polish SZD-50-1 "Puchacz" Rolling Background (cover) [Sailplanes\SZD-50 "Puchacz"; Cover], August, cover
- Whelan, Bill
- A Bermuda High Soaring Experience (Letter) [Sites], March, page 4
- Whelen, Robert F. (a.k.a. Robert Whelen, R.F. Whelen Bob Whelen)
- To Open or Not to Open (the Spoilers), That is The Question [Aerodynamics; Launching\Aerotow], September, pages 28-30
- White, Brad
- Looking Reality in the Eye (from Gliding to Power to Soaring to Hang Gliding to Paragliders and On) (Letter) [Growth; Esprit de Corps; Hang Gliding], July, page 2
- White, Ty
- 1995 Region 11 Championships (Crazy Creek, Middletown, CA) (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], October, pages 12,14-15
- Whitmore, Gerry
- The Vultures Soar with the Eagles (by Making 30-Min Video, Soar Like an Eagle) (SSA in Action) [Video Tapes], August, page 4
- Wicks, Frank
- When a Rudder is Not Needed (Letter) [Aerodynamics], January, pages 2-3
- Willat, Bret
- Word from an Operator (on Pilot Responsibility) (Letter) [Safety\Accidents/Incidents; Handicapped Accomplishments], January, page 3
- Historic Flight(s) Made by 14-Year-Old (on 14th Birthday - Garret Willat) (SSA in Action) [Family; Youth], December, pages 11-12, 14-15
- Williams, Peter A. (a.k.a. Pete Williams, Peter Williams)
- (Sailplane Operations - A) Power Pilot's Briefing Available (Letter) [Airports], January, page 2
- MSC to Host 1995 Open Class and Auxiliary-Powered Nationals (at Minden) (SSA in Action) [Competitions\National\Motorgliders], March, page 15
- (Power Pilot's) Briefing Available on Sailplane Operations (SSA in Action) [Airports], May, page 10
- Against All Odds (Bruce McGhie with Hands-Only Controls for the Grob Twin III SL) [Handicapped Accomplishments], July, pages 31-32
- First Impressions of the Nimbus 4DM (SSA in Action) [Motorgliders\Schempp-Hirth\Nimbus 4DM], December, pages 15-16
- Wilson, Lucille F.
- For a Time the Chair Was Empty (SSA in Action) [Esprit de Corps; Handicapped Accomplishments], May, pages 14-15
- Winters, Kathleen
- The World Distance Award Revisited (SSA in Action) [Awards\Distance Awards; Awards\World Distance Award], July, pages 11-12
- Wyman, Jack
- Restoration Project (of a Franklin PS-2) Has Good Results (Letter) [Vintage Aircraft], November, page 3
- Region 6 Johann G. Kuhn Memorial Soaring Championships (Ionia, MI) (Soaring in Action) [Competitions\Regional], December, pages 17-18
Y (up to table of contents)
- Yu, Nicholas
- Introduced to Soaring Through the CAP (Letter) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs\Civil Air Patrol], December, page 3
Z (up to table of contents)
- Zering, Juanita R.
- Michael James Zering [Obituaries], January, page 17
- Zimmerman, Bo
- 1995 Standard Class Nationals, Montague, CA [Competitions\National], October, pages 22-25
None (up to table of contents)
- (Dudley Mattson is first recipient of "Old Buzzard Trophy" at 1994 1-26 Championships) [Seniors], January, page 4
- (Oscar Boesch does Sailplane Aerobatic Routine at Oshkosh '94) [Aerobatics; Aerodynamics], January, page 6
- Diamant 30th Anniversary a Success (location unknown) (SSA in Action) [History], January, page 16
- Breathing New Life into Soaring (in Spartanburg, SC) (SSA in Action) [Airports], January, page 18
- New Product Announcement (Private Pilot Written Computer Tutorial) (SSA in Action) [Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)\Licenses\Pilot Certification; Computers and the Internet], January, page 19
- SSA and CompuServe [Computers and the Internet], January, page 40
- Genesis I Completes Successful First Flight (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\Genesis I], February, page 9
- CBS This Morning (from Bermuda Hi) (SSA in Action) [Publicity], February, page 18
- DG-500 Elan Orion (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\Glaser-Dirks], March, pages 14-15
- Round GPS Unit Introduced (by Morrow) (SSA in Action) [Instruments], March, page 15
- Ten 1994 Record Flights Recognized by NAA (SSA in Action) [National Aeronautic Association (NAA); Awards\Records and Record Flights], April, page 11
- A Poem by Kelley Sargent (SSA in Action) [Literature\Poems and Poetry], April, page 14
- LBA Airworthiness Directive for Schempp-Hirth Sailplanes (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\Schempp-Hirth; Maintenance and Improvements], April, page 21
- World Air Games Launches Homepage, Nov '96, p9. anon.: SSA and CompuServe (SSA in Action) [Computers and the Internet], April, page 21
- DG-800S Now LBA Type Certified (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\Glaser-Dirks], May, pages 6,8-9
- Management of SLSPA Restructured (SSA in Action) [Motorgliders], May, page 6
- 1995 Version of 1930's-Style "Primary Glider" Introduced (the US Aviation Super Floater) (SSA in Action) [Ultralights\US Aviation Super Floater], May, pages 9-10
- A New Name on the Gliding Scene (DG-505 ELAN ORION from Slovenia) (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\Glaser-Dirks], May, page 10
- Developments in GPS Flight Recording [Instruments], May, page 33
- SSA and CompuServe [Computers and the Internet], June, page 18
- New (Contest Gate) Radio Given in Memory of Jim Cox (SSA in Action) [Competitions\National Memoriam], June, page 19
- Thanks To SSA's Best Membership Recruiters in 1994! [Growth; Promotions; Aerospace Education; Credits/Appreciation], June, page 47
- Test Flight of Ventus 2cT Reported (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\Schempp-Hirth\Ventus 2], July, pages 12,14
- Solaire Announces Aerobatic Ties (SSA in Action) [Aerodynamics; Aerobatics], July, page 14
- SSA Member Missing in Chechnya (SSA in Action) [People\Fred Cuny], September, page 6
- James Francis Jenista, Jr. [Obituaries], September, page 9
- Freedom's Wings Licenses Another Pilot (Robert Calzonetti) (SSA in Action) [Handicapped Accomplishments], September, page 10
- SSA and CompuServe [Computers and the Internet], September, page 10
- Aircraft Design Winner Sails into World Championships (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\Scimitar 1], September, page 12
- Schweizer Brothers Receive FAA Award (SSA in Action) [Awards\FAA; Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)], October, page 6
- Huffstutler Named Chairman of US. Team Committee (SSA in Action) [Competitions\Team Competition], October, page 11
- The Badge Lady is Leaving! (SSA in Action) [Awards\Badge Requirements; Soaring Society of America\Staff], October, page 16
- European (3rd) Junior Gliding Championships (SSA in Action) [Youth], November, pages 23-25