Soaring Magazine Index for 1950 to 1959 organized by author

The contents have all been re-entered by hand, so there are going to be typos and confusion between author and subject, etc...
Please send along any corrections and suggestions for improvement.

Department, Columns, or Sections of the magazine are indicated within parentheses '( )'.
Subject, and sub-subject, are indicated within square brackets '[ ]'.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, W, Y, Z, None


Aldrich, J.H. (a.k.a. J. Aldrich)
Operations Elsinore weather conditions [Meteorology; Competitions], September-October, 1954, pages ,,36
Aldrich, J.H. (a.k.a. J. Aldrich); with H.D. Hutchinson
Soaring weather service [Meteorology], January-February, 1956
Allemann, Rudy (a.k.a. R. Allemann, R.T. Allemann)
CBSA Memorial Day soaring meet [Competitions\Local], September, 1959
Allen, J.H.
New National Record [Record Flights], July-August, 1957
The SSD and the future, from BSD Newsletter [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], July-August, 1957, pages ,10
Anthony, J.G.
A soaring autobiography [People\J.G. Anthony], November-December, 1957
Twenty & one suggestions [Safety], May-June, 1959
Arnold, L.R.
Twelve hours in a TG-3 [Flights\Record], July-August, 1951
Check 'em! [Safety], March-April, 1952
Youth "check-out" via radio [Radio Communications; Youth; Training], January-February, 1954, pages 58,,61
Ash, A.
The Schneider Kookaburra [Australia; Sailplanes\Kookaburra], July-August, 1956, pages ,3,2
Ashcock, J.R.
First Flight [Introduction to Soaring], January-February, 1959

B     (up to table of contents)

Backstrom, A.
Up-to-date on the "Flying Plank" [Sailplanes\EPB-1], May-June, 1955, page 20
Backstrom, A.A.
Evaluation of the first plank performance measurements [Sailplanes\EPB-1; Performance Calculations], January-February, 1957, pages 4,20
Backstrum, A.
The EPB-1 "Flying Plank" [Sailplanes\EPB-1], July-August, 1954, pages 20,,4
Bailey, N.S.
1957 Midwest meet [Competitions], January-February, 1958, page 4
Ball, R.H.
A practical electric variometer [Instruments\Variometers], March-April, 1951, pages 4,28
Radio for Gliders [Radio Equipment], January-February, 1952
Radio at the 1956 National Soaring Championships [Radio Communications], November-December, 1956
Barbour, R.D.
The Thermal G - a new soaring center [Commercial Operations], May-June, 1958, pages 10,4
Bardwell, E.S.
Elmira invites you to the 24th National [Competitions\National; Competitions\Sites\Elmira], May-June, 1957, page 4
Barlee, J.
Flying for business and pleasure, from Shell Aviation News [Birds], November-December, 1956, pages 4,5
Barnaby, R.S.
Gliding and soaring have much to offer [Publicity], March-April, 1950, pages ,4
Accessories Design for comfort [Construction\Sailplanes], March-April, 1950, pages ,4
International position of American motorless flight [Competitions; OSTIV], January-February, 1951
The first world championship soaring contest [Competitions], March-April, 1951, pages ,4
FAI gliding commission meeting [OSTIV; FAI], January-February, 1953, pages ,4
Gliding experiments that made the 50th anniversary of powered flight possible [History\American], November-December, 1953, pages ,4
Joint IAS - SSA session on soaring flight [Scientific Uses of Gliders], March-April, 1955, pages ,4
Experiments with an aural Blind Flying System [Instruments], May-June, 1955, pages 28,4,4
The Bob Smith story [People\Robert B. Smith], January-February, 1956, pages 52,4
SSA awards presented at the annual national soaring contest [Awards], July-August, 1956, page 4
23rd annual US national soaring championships [Competitions\National], September-October, 1956, pages ,4
Barrett, R.E.
The Soaring Society of Dayton, Inc. publicity program [Publicity], July-August, 1956, page 5
Battle, J.M.
Radio for a soaring club [Radio Equipment], May-June, 1957, pages ,5
The South rises again [Competitions], September-October, 1958, pages ,5
Bauer, R.
Toledo club comes of age [History\American; Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], July-August, 1955, pages 5,10
Beck, M.R.
Wurtsboro wave to Gold C altitude [Awards\Flights; Wave Soaring], November-December, 1958, pages 3,59,5
Bennis, S. and G.
Memorial Day week end soaring meet [Competitions], July-August, 1958, pages ,5
Bennis, S.J.
Larissa Stroukoff Memorial Trophy [Awards\Stroukoff], November-December, 1955, page 5
Bennis, V.M.
Hudson Valley Aircraft Co., Inc. [Commercial Operations], December, 1959, pages 10,5
Bierens, J.
Sailplane N909D [Sailplanes\Construction], May-June, 1952, pages ,5
Bikle, Paul F. (a.k.a. P.F. Bikle, P. Bikle)
Civil air regulations for glider pilots [Civil Aeronautic Authority], March-April, 1952, pages 5,9
Paul Bikle joins Diamond C elite [People\Bikle, P.F.; Awards\Flights], November-December, 1952, page 5
The 1-23/1-23D [Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-23], January-February, 1955, page 5
Standard class for the 1959 nationals [Competitions\Standard Class; Sailplanes\Standard Class], March-April, 1959, pages 5,,54
Bonotaux, L.A.
The Bonotaux plan [Sailplanes\Construction], November-December, 1953, pages ,6
Progress report for 21st national contest [Competitions\National], May-June, 1954
Bowers, P.M.
Super-duper towplane [Launching\Airplane Towing], July-August, 1952, pages 6,1
Western tow planes [Launching\Airplane Towing; Powered Aircraft], January-February, 1953, pages 1,6
Approved towing attachment [Launching\Towing], September-October, 1953, page 6
Unusual gliders [Sailplanes\Oka], January-February, 1954
Unusual gliders [Sailplanes\FG-II], March-April, 1954, page 21
Interesting Gliders (Interesting gliders) [Military; Sailplanes], May-June, 1954
Interesting Gliders (Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Franklin], July-August, 1954
Flying the Fauvel [Sailplanes\Fauvel AV-36], September-October, 1954, pages 6,21
Interesting Gliders (Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes], September-October, 1954
Interesting gliders [Sailplanes\Yakima Clipper], January-February, 1955
(Unusual gliders) [Sailplanes], March-April, 1955, page 6
(Unusual gliders) [Sailplanes\Motor-Baby], May-June, 1955, pages 23,38,6
(Unusual gliders) [Sailplanes\Cornelius XFG-1], September-October, 1955, page 6
Pacific Northwest meet [Competitions\Local], September-October, 1955, pages ,6
Roy gets his private license [Youth], September-October, 1955, pages 6,61
(Unusual gliders) [Military; Sailplanes\Mistal], November-December, 1955, pages ,6
Unusual gliders [Sailplanes\Bowlus Albatross], January-February, 1956, page 6
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Goppingen-3 Minimoa], May-June, 1956
Interesting gliders (Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Espenlaub 5], July-August, 1956, page 21
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes], September-October, 1956
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes], November-December, 1956
Interesting gliders. [Sailplanes\CG 10-A], January-February, 1957, page 7
The unique adventures of a 1-26 [Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-26], January-February, 1957, page 6
Don't build a primary [Sailplanes], March-April, 1957, pages 6,23
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Super Soaker], March-April, 1957, page 55
(Interesting gliders) [Military; Sailplanes\SG-38], May-June, 1957, page 23
The towplane problem [Powered Aircraft; Launching\Tow Planes], May-June, 1957, pages ,6
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes], September-October, 1957
1957 Northwest international soaring meet [Competitions\Local], November-December, 1957, page 6
A different book [Literature], November-December, 1957, pages 6,33
Interesting gliders [Sailplanes\Bowlus Ba-102], November-December, 1957, page 6
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Lo-150], January-February, 1958, pages ,31
Schweizer 1-19 after C flight, photo by Peter M. Bowers (Cover) [Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-19; Awards], March-April, 1958
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Dragonfly], March-April, 1958, pages ,20,23
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes], May-June, 1958
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 2-8], July-August, 1958
Gyro Gliders (Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Gyro], September-October, 1958, pages ,
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Daimler L-15], November-December, 1958, pages ,
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Horten I], January-February, 1959
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Mu 10], March-April, 1959
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Mu-22], May-June, 1959
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Kirby Kadet], July, 1959
Northwest international soaring contest [Competitions\Local], August, 1959, page 6
DeHavilland EG-2 (Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\DeHavilland EG-2], August, 1959, page 19
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Rhonadler], September, 1959
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Aeronca TG-5; Powered Aircraft; Training], October, 1959, page 1
Olympic Soaring Club's DFS Olympia, photo by Peter M. Bowers (Cover) [Sailplanes\Olympia], November, 1959
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes], November, 1959
Modified Bergfalke II, photo by Peter M. Bowers (Cover) [Sailplanes\Bergfalke II], December, 1959
(Interesting gliders) [Sailplanes\Bergfalke II], December, 1959, pages ,5,23
Bowers, P.M.; with J.W. Dees
De Haviland Sparrow Unusual gliders [Sailplanes\De Haviland Sparrow], March-April, 1956, pages 19,,6
Bowmar, B.; with Victor M. Saudek (a.k.a. Victor Saudek, Vic Saudek, V.M. Saudek and V. Saudek)
Cross-country in Nevada [Crewing; Cross-Country Soaring; Safety], March-April, 1958, pages ,6
Bradley, V.N.; with H. Rutherford
A new record?, Rutherford, H [Powered Aircraft], May-June, 1950, page 6
Breitenbach, M. and M.
How to choose winch wire [Launching\Winch Towing], May-June, 1950, pages 7,60
Briegleb, W.B.
(Letter) [Safety], September-October, 1950
Briegleb, W.G.
Use of the rudder [Training], May-June, 1952, page 58
Bromley, D.S.
In memoriam to Robert Symons [Literature], May-June, 1958, pages ,7
Brower, H.T.
On building a Schweizer 1-26 [Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-26; Sailplanes\Construction], July-August, 1955, page 7
Brown, J.L.
Sailplane radios and the antenna [Radio Equipment], May-June, 1958
Brown, R.E.
Diamond C No. 8 [Awards\Flights], January-February, 1957, pages 3,7
Bundy, Francis P. (a.k.a. F.P. Bundy, Francis Bundy)
Across New England by sailplane [Cross-Country Soaring], July-August, 1957, pages ,7
Diamond C goal flight to Cape Cod [Awards\Flights], May-June, 1959, pages 3,7
Bundy, Francis P. (a.k.a. F.P. Bundy, Francis Bundy); with J.F. Norton
Wave flight near Schenectady, NY [Techniques\Wave Soaring; Meteorology], July, 1959, pages ,59,7,39
Bunker, A.F.; with J.S. Malkus and K. McCasland
Observational studies of convection [Meteorology\Convection], May-June, 1950, pages 36,3,13,13
Burr, H.; with R. Distin
1953 annual Snow Bird meet [Competitions], January-February, 1954, pages ,7,19
Burr, H.E.
The snowbird 1950 [Competitions], January-February, 1951, page 7
The 18th National [Competitions], July-August, 1951, pages ,7
The snowbird meet 1955 [Competitions\Local], January-February, 1956, page 7
The second annual 1-26 regatta [Competitions\Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-26], November-December, 1956, page 7
The 1956 Snowbird meet [Competitions\Snowbird], January-February, 1957, page 7

C     (up to table of contents)

Campbell, V.D.
Beefsteak and butterflies [International\Germany], January-February, 1959, pages 22,7
Gold C distance and Diamond goal [Awards\Flights], March-April, 1959, pages 3,7
Campion, J.C.
Paul Tuntland (Obituaries) [Obituaries], September-October, 1950, pages ,7
Carmichael, Bruce H. (a.k.a. Bruce Carmichael, B.H. Carmichael, B. Carmichael)
Some effects of altitude [Flights\Altitude], January-February, 1951
An analysis of Johnson's flight [People\R.H. Johnson; Sailplanes\Ross-Johnson 5; Records\Flights], September-October, 1951
Aerodynamic appraisal of Fauvel AV-36 [Aerodynamics; Fauvel AV-36], July-August, 1953, pages 1,21
What price performance [Aerodynamics; Performance Calculations], May-June, 1954, page 1
Book Review: Fluid-Dynamic Drag by Dr. Ing. S.F. Hoerner [Literature], July-August, 1958, pages ,33
Experimental investigation of a thick laminar airfoil [Aerodynamic Design], November-December, 1958, page 1
Proposed west coast technical symposium [Conferences, Conventions, and Meetings], January-February, 1959
1959 SSA technical symposium [Conferences, Conventions, and Meetings], October, 1959
Carmichael, Bruce H. (a.k.a. Bruce Carmichael, B.H. Carmichael, B. Carmichael); with G. Storer
Quickie modification of 1-19 primary accomplished at Mississippi State [Aerodynamics; Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-19; People\Bradley, D.], November-December, 1952, pages 6,,1
Carmichael, Bruce H. (a.k.a. Bruce Carmichael, B.H. Carmichael, B. Carmichael); with R.A. Schnelker and I.H. Culver
SSA committee report on Symons XBG-12A accident [Safety], March-April, 1959
Carsey, J.
Gliding … and our bid for good will [Editorial], July-August, 1951
Carsey, J.D.
A message from the new president [Soaring Society of America], July-August, 1950, pages ,53
Report of governors conference [Soaring Society of America], July-August, 1950, pages ,53
To increase interest [Publicity], November-December, 1950
You and soaring [Publicity], May-June, 1951
Dr. W. B. Klemperer (Editorial) [Awards], September-October, 1951
Observations [Editorial], November-December, 1951
Aviation and American youth [Youth], March-April, 1952, pages ,61
Billions for the top, but what for popular goodwill? [USA], May-June, 1952
Industry, publication, aviation enthusiasts support SSA's appeal [Competitions], May-June, 1952
From deep in Texas to deeper at Cuatros Vientos [Competitions\World], July-August, 1952
The president's message [History; Soaring Society of America], September-October, 1952, pages ,,53
Avigator radios used by US team at internationals [Radio Equipment], September-October, 1952
The president's message [History; Soaring Society of America], November-December, 1952, pages ,,53
The president's message [Training], January-February, 1953, pages ,58
Youth Shall Fly [Youth], July-August, 1953
Editorial [Youth; Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], July-August, 1953
More printed matter on a real air youth program [Youth], March-April, 1954, page 61
Jon Carsey now SSA immediate past president [Soaring Society of America], September-October, 1954
To have served as president [History\American], September-October, 1954
A national scoring system [Competitions\National], May-June, 1956, pages ,11
Carson, V.
Frustration [Literature], May-June, 1952
Carter, L.
Mississippi State College Glider Club [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], May-June, 1958
Christman, R.
7th annual Wright Memorial glider meet [Competitions\Local], July-August, 1955, page 9
Claybourn, H. Marshall (a.k.a. M. Claybourn, H.M. Claybourn)
Our Schweizer 1-26 [Sailplanes\Construction; Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-26], March-April, 1957, pages ,9
The 1957 Central Texas soaring meet, from Texas Spirals [Competitions\Local], July-August, 1957, pages ,9
Mississippi waves? [Wave Soaring], November-December, 1958, pages 9,59
Claybourn, H.M., Sr.
Flight testing the HP-8 [Sailplanes\HP-8; Aerodynamics\Flight Tests], October, 1959, pages 9,1,25,55
Coder, G.E., Jr.
Orchids to Kria [Sailplanes\Kria], March-April, 1959, pages 2,10
Comey, R.J.
So you want to buy a glider! [Sailplanes], May-June, 1951, pages ,10
The "Yacht-club" approach [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs; Airports and Gliderports; Publicity], March-April, 1954, pages 1,10,10
Compton, F.
Soaring records [Flights\Record], May-June, 1951
Soaring sites [Sites], May-June, 1951, page 50
N.S.S. Approves New Records [Records], September-October, 1951
Compton, F.B.
The 20th National as observed by a senior airlines pilot [Competitions; Cloud Flying], September-October, 1953
Seeding Report [Competitions], March-April, 1954
Sidelights of the 23rd nationals [Competitions\National], November-December, 1956
320 miles to Plymouth [Awards\Flights], September-October, 1957, page 3
Cone, C.D., Jr.
An apprenticeship to the birds [Birds; Theory of Soaring Flight], May-June, 1957, pages ,55,5
Cosgrove, M.C.
SSA insurance program [Insurance], January-February, 1958, pages ,28
Coverdale, W.H.
America goes to Spain Aboard the S.S. Exochorda (Cover) [Cover], July-August, 1952, page 11
Coverdale, W.H., Jr.
FAI awards (Cover) [Awards\FAI], May-June, 1951, page 3
FAI awards [Awards], May-June, 1951
Soaring meets and contests [Competitions], May-June, 1951
Some thoughts on contest flying [Competitions], July-August, 1952
Craik, E.D.
TSA's venture into real estate [Sites\TSA], November-December, 1954, page 3
Cronkhite, H.
The 17th national contest [Competitions\National], July-August, 1950
The 17th national contest - Statistics [Competitions\National], July-August, 1950
Culver, I.H.; with Bruce H. Carmichael (a.k.a. Bruce Carmichael, B.H. Carmichael, B. Carmichael) and R.A. Schnelker
SSA committee report on Symons XBG-12A accident [Safety], March-April, 1959

D     (up to table of contents)

Dambach, G.
Northeastern states soaring championships [Competitions\Local], July-August, 1955
Damron, H.A.
Douglas Soaring Club Pratt Read sailplane at El Mirage, California, photo by Houston A. Damron (Cover) [Sailplanes\Pratt Read], January-February, 1959
Davies, H.M.
Paul Tuntland (Obituaries) [Obituaries], September-October, 1950, pages ,,19
Dawydoff, A.
Jet propelled sailplane [Sailplanes\Cyclone], March-April, 1950, pages ,19,23
Suzanne Melk [Obituaries], March-April, 1951
Stove-pipe glider [Sailplanes\Emouchet], July-August, 1951, pages 21,23
Dawydoff, R Jackson andA; with J.C. Wolf and M. Wells
Recent regional results [Competitions], November-December, 1953
Dees, J.W.; with P.M. Bowers
De Haviland Sparrow Unusual gliders [Sailplanes\De Haviland Sparrow], March-April, 1956, pages 19,,6
DeLange, L.A.
The value of gliding and soaring for training airline and military pilots [Training], November-December, 1954, page 58
Devins, J.
A power pilot's point of view [Publicity], November, 1959, page 19
Distin, R.; with H. Burr
1953 annual Snow Bird meet [Competitions], January-February, 1954, pages ,7,19
Distin, R.G.
Snow Bird meet [Competitions], January-February, 1953, pages ,19
The story of the 20th US national soaring contest [Competitions], September-October, 1953, pages ,19
World's first one-design regatta [Competitions\1-26; Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-26], November-December, 1955, pages ,19
Northeastern states soaring championships [Competitions\Regional], September-October, 1956, pages ,19
Doherty, W.E. (Tony), Jr. (a.k.a. W.E. Doherty, Jr., T. Doherty)
1-26 one-design regatta and meeting of the 1-26 association [Competitions\1-26; Sailplanes\Schweizer\SGS 1-26], October, 1959, pages ,19
Downsbrough, G.A.
Crosscountry a la Hummingbird [Cross-Country Soaring; Sailplanes\Hummingbird], January-February, 1956
Drew, H.
A new winch for the Vultures [Launching\Winch Towing], May-June, 1958, pages 60,29
Thermal flying in company [Techniques\Thermal Soaring], May-June, 1959, pages 55,20
The dynamics of the winch launch [Launching\Winch Towing], December, 1959, pages ,60,20
Dumestre, A.
Report on the Fauvel AV-36 [Fauvel AV-36; Gliders], May-June, 1953, pages 20,21
Dure, J.D.
Turning errors of vertical gyro instruments [Instruments], May-June, 1952, page 28

E     (up to table of contents)

To the youngsters [Training], January-February, 1953, page 58
Edgar, L.
Frightening experience during "Jet-Stream Project" [Meteorology\Jetstream Project; Wave Soaring], July-August, 1955, pages ,59
Edgar, L.E.
'Way up there [Medical; Altitude Flights; Wave Soaring], July-August, 1953, pages ,20
Ellis, C.
from Gliding: Leszno - and subsequent reflections [Great Britain; Competitions\Sites\Leszno], March-April, 1955, pages 25,,21
Ellis, C.R.
Waltzing with a cloud [Literature], September-October, 1954, pages ,21
Entz, P.H.
Members! Members! Members! [Soaring Society of America], May-June, 1952, pages ,253
A new regional contest proposal [Competitions\Regional], November-December, 1958, pages ,21
4th annual Pacific Northwest soaring contest [Competitions\Local], November-December, 1958, pages ,21
A Barograph [Instruments], March-April, 1959, pages 28,21
Enyart, W.B.
Editorial [History\American], July-August, 1955, pages ,21
Eppler, E.; with H. Naegele
Plastic sailplane FS-24 Phoenix [Sailplanes\Phoenix], July-August, 1958, pages ,42,39,21

F     (up to table of contents)

Falconar, C.B.
Wetaskiwin soaring meet [Competitions; Canada], July-August, 1958, pages ,21
Canadian News [Canada], November-December, 1958
Canadian nationals [International\Canada], September, 1959, pages ,21
Feierabend, L.B.
Northeast states regional meet [Competitions\Local], August, 1959, pages ,21
Finley, P., Jr.
The snowbird meet [Competitions\Local], January-February, 1955, page 21
Fleming, B.
Canada's national [Canada], September-October, 1952, pages 7,22
Flynn, J.
Northern California meet [Competitions\Local], September-October, 1955, page 22
Forker, R.
The 1958 world soaring championships task point system [Competitions], May-June, 1958, pages ,22
Franklin, R.E.
Third annual mid-west contest. Franklin [Competitions\Local], July-August, 1950, pages ,22
Fred, Fearless
Pointless Predictions [Future Forecasts], July-August, 1956
Friedewald, F.B.
The Blossom winch [Launching\Winches\Construction], March-April, 1956, pages ,22
Spiraling around St. Louis [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], July-August, 1958, pages 10,22
Second annual Illini soaring contest [Competitions], November-December, 1958, pages ,22
(The idea corner) [Launching\Autotow], November, 1959, pages ,22,,3
Friedewald, F.B., compiler
Turn and Bank Indicator (The idea corner) [Instruments\Turn and Bank], December, 1959, pages 28,22

G     (up to table of contents)

Gehrlein, L.
The flying Gehrleins [Cross-Country Soaring], November-December, 1954, pages ,22
Georgii, Dr. W.
Wave soaring over the Plains (in German) [Meteorology\Wave; Literature], March-April, 1950
Goodhart, H.C.N.
They call it a "vacation" [Competitions; Great Britain], September-October, 1955, page 25
Calibrating variometers, from Sailplane and Gliding [International\Great Britain; Instruments], July, 1959, pages ,28,16
Goodhart, N.C.N.
20th US Nationals through British eyes [Great Britain; Competitions], November-December, 1953, pages ,,25
Graves, J.D.
The 10th annual west coast contest [Competitions\Local], November-December, 1951
1957 West Coast soaring championships [Competitions\Local], September-October, 1957
Gray, J.
1958 northeastern soaring contest [Competitions], September-October, 1958
Gray, J.H.
Fiberglas reinforced plastic - an ideal sailplane material? [Sailplanes\Construction], March-April, 1957
The care and feeding of a sailplane antenna system [Radio Equipment], September-October, 1957
Salesmanship [Publicity], September-October, 1958
Greenbaum, J.
Report from Colorado [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], January-February, 1954, pages 10,25

H     (up to table of contents)

Haddaway, G.E.
Congratulations, SSA [CNAO], March-April, 1952, pages 7,25
Hakansson, O.
1949 Swedish national soaring championships [Sweden], March-April, 1950, pages 55,2
Hall, Stanley A. (a.k.a. Stan A. Hall, Stan Hall, S. Hall, S.A. Hall)
Cherokee II [Sailplanes\Cherokee II], March-April, 1956, pages 9,25
The soaring test pilot flies Cherokee II [Test Flying\Cherokee II; Sailplanes\Cherokee II], November-December, 1956, pages 9,25,55
Handwork, B.
The modified Horten IV of the AHQ BAFO club [Sailplanes\Horten IV], November-December, 1950, pages ,3
Harris, V.W.
The UMG III glider [Sailplanes\UMG III], January-February, 1952, page 58
Harris, W.
Silver Badge Flights The big sit [Flights\Award], September-October, 1955, page 3
Patter of a short flight [Training], November-December, 1955, pages 3,58
Harris, W.C.
A mountain in the sky [Flights\Award; Cloud Flying], March-April, 1955, pages 3,9
Hauke, C.K.
Tax exemptions for soaring clubs [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], March-April, 1956, page 10
Heatley, E.R.
1st annual Tulsa Skyhawks soaring contest [Competitions], July-August, 1958, pages ,26
Heavener, A.; with O. Zauner
The elimination of guesswork during auto-towing [Launching\Autotow], May-June, 1955, pages 26,3,61
Heberling, F.; with M. Swartzberg
Canopies for sailplanes [Sailplanes\Construction], May-June, 1952, pages 55,26
Henderson, T.
HP-8, 1-21; photos by Tom Henderson (Cover) [Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-21; Sailplanes\HP-8], September-October, 1958
Hiller, C.
Six months of accomplishment [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], January-February, 1956, pages 10,26
Hirth, W.
Twelve commands for soaring pilots [Literature], May-June, 1952, pages 33,2
Hiscocks, R.D.
"Wing profiles"Part II [Aerodynamics], November-December, 1951, page 26
Hoinville, F.
Australian ace reports from Spain [People\Hoinville, F.; Competitions\World], July-August, 1952
Hoinvllle, F.
World championships [Competitions], May-June, 1954
Hormisdas, Br.
Up Canada way [Canada; Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], March-April, 1953, page 10
Horne, C.F.
CAA administrator approves SSA objectives [Civil Aeronautic Authority], March-April, 1953, page 9
Hutchinson, H.D.
Variometers cast from clear plastic [Instruments], January-February, 1959, page 28
Hutchinson, H.D.; with J.H. Aldrich (a.k.a. J. Aldrich)
Soaring weather service [Meteorology], January-February, 1956

I     (up to table of contents)

Irvine, J.S.
My golden C distance flight [Awards\Flights; Flights\Award], September-October, 1950, pages ,3
Getting the most out of your calculator [Instruments], September, 1959, page 28
Ishoven, A. van
Belgian Report [Belgium], March-April, 1954
Ivans, William S., Jr. (a.k.a. W.S. Ivans, W.S. Ivans, Jr., Bill Ivans)
8 miles high [Flights\Altitude; Flights\Record], January-February, 1951, page 29
322 miles [Awards\Flights; Competitions\Flights], November-December, 1952, pages 3,11,29
Cross-country soaring [Cross-Country Soaring], January-February, 1954, pages ,29
Triangle flight [Cross-Country Soaring], July-August, 1956
St. Yan Aftermath [Safety; Competitions\World], January-February, 1957, pages ,29
In Memoriam R.F. Symons (Obituaries) [Obituaries], May-June, 1958, pages ,29
Competition rules [Competitions\Rules], August, 1959, page 11
Choosing the 1960 US soaring team [Competitions\World], October, 1959

J     (up to table of contents)

Jacoby, B.
A vortex possibility of the Sierra wave [Meteorology\Wave], March-April, 1951, page 29
Jex, H.E.
Technical aeromodeling - IV [Modeling; Aerodynamics], January-February, 1955, pages 1,38
Jex, H.R.
Technical aeromodeling [Aerodynamics; Modeling], January-February, 1954, pages 1,,38
Technical aeromodeling [Aerodynamics; Modeling], July-August, 1954, pages 1,,38
Technical aeromodeling - III [Aerodynamics; Modeling], September-October, 1954, pages 1,,38
Technical aeromodeling [Aerodynamics; Modeling; Tow Line Forces], July-August, 1955, pages 1,,38
Johnson, D.C.
[Flights\Competions\Flights]July-August1950, page 10
The conquest of Pikes Peak [Mountain Soaring], November-December, 1954, page 38
Johnson, Richard H. (a.k.a. Dick Johnson, Richard Johnson, R.H. Johnson, R. Johnson)
[Flights\Competions\Flights]July-August1950, page 10
The development of the Ross-Johnson 5 sailplane [Sailplanes\Ross-Johnson 5], July-August, 1951
We break 500! [Flights\Record; Records\Flights; Sailplanes\Ross-Johnson 5], September-October, 1951
Dick Johnson's story [Competition Flights], September-October, 1952, page 11
Just 20 miles short of a new world record [Competition Flights], November-December, 1953, page 11
My most interesting flight during the 21st National contest [Competitions\National; Competitions\Flights], September-October, 1954, page 11
Why one-class contests? [Competitions], January-February, 1956, page 11
Wing drag due to twist and sweep forward [Aerodynamic Design], March-April, 1956, page 1
Johnson, Richard H. (a.k.a. Dick Johnson, Richard Johnson, R.H. Johnson, R. Johnson); with A. Raspet
Aerodynamics of the sailplane Tiny Mite [Aerodynamics; Sailplanes\Tiny Mite], November-December, 1950, pages ,,1

K     (up to table of contents)

Kadmon, N.
Soaring readers write (Letter) [Modeling], January-February, 1956
Kelsey, W.P.
Up Drafts [Up Drafts.], July-August, 1953, page 58
Kerr, C.E., Jr.
Glider that supported boy built by Auburn lad [Gliders], January-February, 1953
Kidder, R.C.
Improved access for P-R assembly [Sailplanes\Pratt-Read], January-February, 1954
Kissel, E.
Catching thermals [Techniques\Thermals], May-June, 1950, page 55
Soaring waves at Warm Springs airport [Meteorology\Wave], July-August, 1951
Klemperer, W.B.
Karl-Eric Ovgard [Sailplanes\Kirby Kadet; Obituaries; Safety], March-April, 1952
US soaring enthusiasts visit Austria, Yugoslavia [Sailplanes\Kirby Kadet; Austria; Yugoslavia], November-December, 1952, pages 3,61
Thirty years ago [Sailplanes\Kirby Kadet; History\American; Sailplanes\Condor], October, 1959, pages ,2
Knight, E.
4th midwest contest [Competitions], July-August, 1951, pages ,2
Krohne, E.
Give the crews a break [Crewing], January-February, 1951, pages ,2
Morning flight [Literature], May-June, 1952
Krohne, W.J.
My golden C flight [Awards\Flights; Flights\Award], November-December, 1950, pages ,3,2
Kuettner, J.
Soaring in Updraft Streets, (in German) [Literature], March-April, 1950, page 33
On the possibility of soaring on traveling waves in the jetstream [Meteorology], May-June, 1952, pages 36,31
Kuettner, J.P.
Over Death Valley, Skull Mountain and Funeral Peak [Awards\Paul Tuntland Memorial Award; Wave Soaring], May-June, 1953, pages 59,,31
High flying on "the big wave" [Wave Soaring], July-August, 1953, pages 59,35,31
The exploration of the jetstream by sailplanes [Meteorology], May-June, 1955, page 31
Jet stream project [Meteorology\Jetstream Project; Meteorology], September-October, 1955, page 36
Jet Stream project - II [Meteorology\Jetstream Project], November-December, 1955, pages ,36,31
Jet stream project - III [Meteorology], January-February, 1956, pages 36,31
Jet stream project - IV [Meteorology], March-April, 1956, pages 36,31

L     (up to table of contents)

La Frenier, P.J.
New sailplane makes first test flights [Sailplanes\Prue Two; Test Flying], March-April, 1959, pages 31,,,55
1959 west coast soaring competition [Competitions\Local], December, 1959, pages ,31
Lambie, J.H.
The Don Stevens Bowlus Baby Albatross [Sailplanes\Baby Albatross], May-June, 1955, pages 4,31
The 1-26 community service project [Sailplanes\Construction; Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-26], March-April, 1956, pages ,31
Some observations on the Elsinore shear lines [Meteorology], May-June, 1956, pages ,31
Plans to explore the Elsinore shear line with the OSTIV grant [Meteorology], September-October, 1958, page 31
Lane, F.B.
Germany starts back [Germany], January-February, 1952, page 22
Lawrence, F.
Northeastern soaring contest [Competitions], September-October, 1954
Lewis, D.
Collecting gold and diamonds [Award Flights], September-October, 1954, page 3
Licher, Lloyd M. (a.k.a. L.M. Licher, L. Licher)
Soaring modeling [Modeling], September-October, 1953, page 38
Soaring modeling [Modeling], November-December, 1953, page 38
Soaring modeling [Modeling], May-June, 1954, pages 38,33
21st national soaring model gliding meet [Modeling], September-October, 1954, pages 38,33
Germany wins Nordic finals [Germany; Modeling], September-October, 1954, pages ,38
Civil Air Regulations for gliding and soaring [Civil Aeronautic Authority; Licenses\Pilot], July-August, 1955, page 9
Bikle sets record [Flights\Record], September-October, 1955
National modeling championships [Modeling], September-October, 1955, page 38
Douglas soaring club [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], November-December, 1955, page 10
Glide-Aero, Inc. [Commericial], November-December, 1955
(West words), July-August, 1956, page 33
(West words) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], November-December, 1956, pages 10,33
New Civil Air Regulations [Civil Aeronautics Board], January-February, 1957, pages 9,33
(West words) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], January-February, 1957, pages 10,33
Use of cameras for FAI awards and records [Awards\Rules], March-April, 1957, pages 3,33
(West words) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], March-April, 1957, pages 10,,33
(West words) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], May-June, 1957, page 10
24th Annual US National Soaring Competitions [Competitions\National], July-August, 1957, pages ,33
FAI soaring awards rules and procedures [Awards], March-April, 1958, page 3
25th annual US national soaring competitions [Competitions\National], September-October, 1958, pages ,33
26th Nationals notes [Competitions\National], March-April, 1959
26th annual US national soaring competition [Competitions\National], August, 1959, pages ,33
Licher, Rose Marie
Arizona Soaring Association's new soaring site and a TG-3, photo by Rose Marie Licher (Cover) [Covers\Soaring Site], January-February, 1958
Lincoln, J.
Beginner's luck, concluded [Competitions\Flights], July-August, 1957, pages 11,33
Lincoln, J.C
Beginner's luck [Competitions\Flights], May-June, 1957, pages 10,33
Lippisch, A.M.
The performance of sailplanes in circling flight [Aerodynamics; Dynamics of Flight; Meteorology\Convection], July-August, 1951, pages 1,20,33,55
The seed that became a tree [Gliders], March-April, 1953, pages ,33
Lipstein, N.J.
Winch towing fundamentals [Launching\Winch Towing], July-August, 1954, pages 33,60
Loufek, J.E.
West coast soaring championship [Competitions\Local], July-August, 1952

M     (up to table of contents)

MacCready, P.B., Sr.
Soaring - the sport of kings [Mu-22; Competitions], January-February, 1955
More comparisons [Competitions; Sailplanes], January-February, 1957
Additional comparisons [Performance Calculations; Competitions], March-April, 1957, pages ,,35
American soaring techniques [History\American], May-June, 1957, pages ,35
MacCready, Paul B., Jr. (a.k.a. P.B. MacCready, Jr., P. MacCready, Jr.)
Measurements of vertical currents [Meteorology; Instruments], May-June, 1954, page 28
Joint SSA-AMS meeting [Conferences and Conventions; Meteorology], July-August, 1956, page 36
Flying in the 1956 internationals [Sailplanes\Breguet 901; Competitions], November-December, 1956
Research information needed from soaring pilots [Meteorology], November-December, 1956, page 36
Hills are thermal producers [Sailplanes; Meteorology\Convection; Techniques\Thermal], January-February, 1957, pages ,55
The total energy variometer [Instruments\Variometers], March-April, 1957, page 28
Let's break some records [Record Flights], March-April, 1957
Optimum airspeed selector [Sailplanes; Instruments], January-February, 1958, page 28
Comments after Dr. Raspet's paper on "New Approaches" [Sailplanes; Meteorology], November, 1959, page 36
Malkus, J.S.; with A.F. Bunker and K. McCasland
Observational studies of convection [Meteorology\Convection], May-June, 1950, pages 36,3,13,13
Mancuso, D.J.
Diamond C altitude at Bishop [Awards\Flights; Techniques\Wave], September-October, 1957, pages 3,59,35
High flight [Techniques\Wave Soaring], November, 1959, pages 59,35
High flight, part 2 [Techniques\Wave Soaring; Meteorology], December, 1959, pages 36,59
Matteson, F.H. (a.k.a. F. Matteson)
Our club "works" [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], May-June, 1952, page 10
European report [Sites; Europe], January-February, 1954, page 51
Team flying [Competitions], March-April, 1954, page 11
Northern California annual meet [Competitions], July-August, 1954
Resume of technical sessions of the OSTIV [OSTIV], September-October, 1956
Zugvogel on tow, photo by Fred Matteson (Cover) [Air Tow], July-August, 1958
1958 world soaring championships [Competitions], July-August, 1958
The M-1 sailplane [Sailplanes\M-1], August, 1959
Maxey, L.A.
Super Yo-Yo [Competitions\Flights; Flights\Competition], November-December, 1955, page 11
The 23rd through polaroids [Competitions\National], November-December, 1956
McCasland, K.; with J.S. Malkus and A.F. Bunker
Observational studies of convection [Meteorology\Convection], May-June, 1950, pages 36,3,13,13
McConnell, M
Canadian News [Canada], July-August, 1955
McConnell, M.
News from the Soaring Association of Canada [Canada], May-June, 1955
McCready, P.B., Jr.
Optimum airspeed selector [Instruments; Mu-22; Cross-Country Soaring], March-April, 1954, pages ,,28
McNay, D.E.
Flight testing the modified 1-26 [Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-26; Test Flying], November-December, 1958, pages ,55
Meakin, R.
Up Drafts [Up Drafts.], May-June, 1953, pages ,58
Menefee, E.O. (a.k.a. E. Menefee)
Hitting the jackpot at Minden, Nevada [Sites\Minden, Nevada], January-February, 1956, page 51
NCSA Memorial Day soaring contest [Competitions\Local], July-August, 1958
In Memoriam John B. Sawyer (Obituaries) [Obituaries], September-October, 1958
Merboth, W.J.
Paul Tuntland, Golden C No. nine [Obituaries], September-October, 1950
Merry, E.D.
The noblest of the sports [Training], March-April, 1953, pages ,58
Millay, A.B.
Philadelphia "Open House" [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], September-October, 1954
Miller, D.
The 5th contest day [Competitions\Flights], November-December, 1957, page 11
Minghelli, E.G.
Shafter soaring meet-show [Competitions\Local], May-June, 1950
Paul Tuntland (Obituaries) [Obituaries], September-October, 1950
Moeller, C.A.
Diamond C goal flight in nationals [Awards\Flights; Competitions\Flights], November, 1959, pages ,3,11,38
Mooney, W.
Flat on my face [Literature], September-October, 1958, pages ,59
Moore, Robert Lee (a.k.a. R.L. Moore)
Northwest memorial day soaring meet [Competitions\Local], July-August, 1958
Diamond C altitude in Washington [Wave Soaring; Awards\Flights], November-December, 1958, pages 3,38,59

N     (up to table of contents)

Naegele, H.; with E. Eppler
Plastic sailplane FS-24 Phoenix [Sailplanes\Phoenix], July-August, 1958, pages ,42,39,21
Namtry, H.A.
Book Review: Gliding, by Derek Piggott (Book Reviews) [Literature\Book Review], November-December, 1958, pages 33,39
National, 21st
Awards [Awards], September-October, 1954, page 3
Nelson, T.
Development of the Nelson Hummingbird powered sailplane [Sailplanes\Hummingbird], May-June, 1950, pages 23,,39
VHF radio for gliders [Radio Equipment], March-April, 1951, page 39
A practical sailplane hangar [Construction\Hangars], September-October, 1951, pages 39,3
Fun with the Hummingbird [Sailplanes\Hummingbird], November-December, 1951, pages ,39,23
The "Hummingbird Haven" Nelson gliderport [Commercial Operations], March-April, 1956, pages 39,10
Niemi, L.
The sailplane "Sisu-1" [Sailplanes\Sisu 1], March-April, 1956, pages 50,39
Norton, J.F.; with Francis P. Bundy (a.k.a. F.P. Bundy and Francis Bundy)
Wave flight near Schenectady, NY [Techniques\Wave Soaring; Meteorology], July, 1959, pages ,59,7,39
Nowak, J.
Toledo Glider Club: Adrian, Michigan [Clubs\Adrian, Michigan], July-August, 1956, page 10
Toledo glider club, Adrian, Michigan [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs; Sites\Adrian], July-August, 1958, page 39
Nowakowski, R.F.
TG-1 Cinema at Kennewick, WA, photo by R.F. Nowakowski (Cover) [Sailplanes\TG-1], August, 1959

O     (up to table of contents)

Obarr, F.C.
Soaring goes south [Soaring Society of America\Soaring Magazine], January-February, 1950, pages 53,39
Oberlerchner, J.
Musger Mg 23, photo by Josef Oberlerchner (Cover) [Sailplanes\Musger Mg 23], May-June, 1958
Oldershaw, V.
The perils of Jean-Linda [Jean-Linda; Test Flying], November-December, 1957, pages ,55

P     (up to table of contents)

Page, T.
Tow-line drag 'chute solution [Towing], January-February, 1954
Illinois club project [L-K; Licenses\Sailplane], September-October, 1955, page 31
Parker, R.; with A. Raspet
The low-drag sailplane [Aerodynamics; Sailplanes\Tiny Mite], November-December, 1954, page 1
Paul, G.J.C.
Royal Air Force gliding and soaring assoc. [Great Britain], September-October, 1955, page 25
Perl, H.N.
The all-movable horizontal tail [Aerodynamics\Design], May-June, 1950
Military Gliders of World War II [Military; Training; History\American], January-February, 1952
The Perl Penetrator [Perl Penetrator], March-April, 1954, pages ,42
The powered sailplane [Sailplanes\Hummingbird], May-June, 1955, pages ,23
The powered sailplane [Motorgliders\Hummingbird], July-August, 1955, pages ,23
Perrucci, J.
1957 Snowbird meet [Competitions], January-February, 1958, pages ,42
Pike, M.
Gliding in Rhodesia [Sites\International\Rhodesia], July-August, 1954, pages ,42
Powell, J.A.
The EPB-1 "Flying Plank" [Sailplanes\EPB-1], September-October, 1954, page 20
Pratt, W.H.
Soaring in France [France], May-June, 1954, page 22
1957 French soaring season [International\France], January-February, 1958, page 22
French Sailplanes [Sailplanes\Wassmer Wa 20; International\France; Sailplanes\Breguet 902], May-June, 1958, pages 6,59,22
Prue, I.
Report on Tuntland accident [Safety], September-October, 1950

R     (up to table of contents)

Sailplane Mach 1 [Design; Homebuilding], July-August, 1954
Raspet, A.
Flight characteristics of the flat top TG-4A [Performance Calculations; Sailplanes\LK TG-4a], January-February, 1950, pages 31,,55
Technical notes on Ross' flight to 36,100 ft [People\H.C. Ross; Flights\Altitude], March-April, 1950
Organisation Scientifique et Technique Internationale de Vol à Voile 3ème Congres Internationale [OSTIV; Performance Calculations], July-August, 1950
To Paul Tuntland (Obituaries) [Obituaries], September-October, 1950
The Horten IV [Sailplanes\Horten IV], November-December, 1950
Progress report [Aerodynamics; Birds; Meteorology], January-February, 1951, pages 1,5,36
The role of the sailplane in aerodynamic research [History; Scientific Uses of Gliders], May-June, 1951
Systematic improvement of the drag polar of the sailplane RJ-5 [Aerodynamics; Sailplanes\Ross-Johnson 5], September-October, 1951, page 1
Artificial Horizon Notice from OSTIV [Instruments], January-February, 1952, page 28
The sailplane in aerodynamic research [Aerodynamics; Scientific Uses of Gliders], March-April, 1952, page 1
Unsolved - the problem of Leonardo da Vinci [Human-Powered Flight], May-June, 1952, page 35
The sailplane in research, training and sport [History], January-February, 1953
Dr. Joachim Kuettner receives the Paul Tuntland Memorial award [Awards\Paul Tuntland Memorial Award; People\J.P. Kuettner], March-April, 1953, page 31
Flight characteristics of the Phoenix sailplane [Sailplanes\Phoenix], May-June, 1959, page 42
Some thoughts on new approaches to soaring [Aerodynamics], November, 1959, page 1
Raspet, A. and D.
Bathtub aerodynamics [Modeling], March-April, 1954, page 38
Raspet, A.; with G.B. Storer
Mississippi State College glider club activity report [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs; Training], March-April, 1956, pages ,,55
Mississippi State College Glider Club 1956 Activity Report [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], March-April, 1957
Raspet, A.; with M. Swartzberg
The Peravia barograph [Instruments\Barographs], March-April, 1951, pages 28,,55
Raspet, A.; with R. Parker
The low-drag sailplane [Aerodynamics; Sailplanes\Tiny Mite], November-December, 1954, page 1
Raspet, A.; with Richard H. Johnson (a.k.a. Dick Johnson, Richard Johnson, R.H. Johnson and R. Johnson)
Aerodynamics of the sailplane Tiny Mite [Aerodynamics; Sailplanes\Tiny Mite], November-December, 1950, pages ,,1
Reeves, E.J.
Some facts of life concerning soaring contests and contest soaring [Competitions], September-October, 1950
The Soaring Society of America [History\American; Publicity; Soaring Society of America], May-June, 1951, pages ,53
Gold and diamonds discovered at Odessa [Flights\Award; Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], September-October, 1951
A summer's tale [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs; Crewing], January-February, 1952, page 10
SSA to send six top performers to Spain [Competitions], May-June, 1952
California (Spiraling with E.J.) [Sites], September-October, 1952, page 50
Washington State (Spiraling with E.J.) [Sites], November-December, 1952
Colorado (Spiraling with E.J.) [Sites], January-February, 1953, page 50
Middle-West (Spiraling with E.J.) [Sites], March-April, 1953, page 51
(Spiraling with E.J.) [Sites], May-June, 1953, pages ,50
(Spiraling with E.J.) [Competitions], July-August, 1953
(Spiraling with E.J.) [Competitions], September-October, 1953, pages ,11
The 3rd Texas and Southwestern contest [Competitions], November-December, 1953
Spiraling with E. J. (Spiraling with E.J.) [Military], November-December, 1953
(Spiraling with E.J.), January-February, 1954
Elsinore (Spiraling with E.J.) [Sites], March-April, 1954, page 51
Seven lads and a lass in TSA's first youth training class [Youth], May-June, 1954, page 61
(Spiraling with E.J.) [Airports and Gliderports], May-June, 1954, page 1
(Spiraling with E.J.) [Competitions], July-August, 1954
Miscellaneous observations on pilots, people, rigs and operations at the 21st performances [Competitions], September-October, 1954
(Spiraling with E.J.), September-October, 1954
You were the ones who made the 21st National the success it was [Competitions], September-October, 1954
(Spiraling with E.J.) [Competitions], November-December, 1954, pages ,11
Spiraling with E.J. (Spiraling with E.J.) [Training], January-February, 1955, page 58
(Spiraling with E.J.) [Soaring Society of America], March-April, 1955, pages ,53
(Spiraling with E.J.) [Competitions], May-June, 1955, pages ,11
A quarter century of soaring contests in America [History\American; Competitions], July-August, 1955, pages ,11
(Spiraling with E.J.) [Crewing; Competitions\Crewing], July-August, 1955, page 11
The 22nd US national soaring championships [Competitions\National], September-October, 1955
(Spiraling with E.J.) [Competitions], September-October, 1955, pages ,11
(Spiraling with E.J.) [Competitions], November-December, 1955, pages ,11
(Spiraling with E.J.) [History\American], January-February, 1956
(Spiraling with E.J.) [Sites], March-April, 1956, page 50
(Spiraling with E.J.), May-June, 1956, pages ,53
(Spiraling with E.J.) [Competitions], July-August, 1956, page 11
Some comparisons [Competitions], November-December, 1956
Twenty Years Ago (Twenty years ago) [Literature\International; History\American], May-June, 1957, pages ,22
Twenty Years Ago (Twenty years ago) [History\American], July-August, 1957
Twenty Years Ago (Twenty years ago) [History\American], September-October, 1957
Twenty Years Ago (Twenty years ago) [History\American], November-December, 1957
Twenty years ago [History\American], March-April, 1958
Twenty years ago [History\American], May-June, 1958
Twenty years ago [History\American], November-December, 1958
Twenty years ago [History\American], January-February, 1959
1959 Odessa soaring camp [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], September, 1959, page 10
Reeves, E.M.
Twenty years ago [History\American], January-February, 1958
Twenty years ago [History\American], July-August, 1958
Reynolds, A.D.
PNSA awards night [Awards], May-June, 1950, page 4
Rhine, J.L.
Tulsa Skyhawks 2nd annual Memorial Day contest [Competitions\Local], September, 1959
Rhodes, J.T.
Riedel, P.
Memories of Wolf Hirth [Obituaries], September, 1959, pages ,26
Ripley, C.
Soaring returns to New England [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], July-August, 1955, page 10
Robertaon, SSA Safe Practices Committee| J.M
New Jersey fatality [Safety], July-August, 1954
Roberts, G.
Report on "Explorer" [Sailplanes\Schweizer\SGS 2-12], November-December, 1950, page 58
Roberts, S.
Report on "Explorer" [International\Australia], November-December, 1950, page 3
Robertson, J.M
1957 accident analysis [Safety], May-June, 1958
Accidents and the CAA [Civil Aeronautic Authority; Safety], July-August, 1958, pages ,9
Safety First Whither statistics? [Safety], November-December, 1958
Robertson, J.M.
Landings and the approaches thereto [Safety], January-February, 1955
Could this have been you? [Safety], March-April, 1955
Colorado fatality [Safety], January-February, 1956
Again, could this have been you? [Safety\Committee], January-February, 1956
Addendum to 1955 listing of accidents [Safety; Committee], March-April, 1956
Safety First [Safety], January-February, 1958
Why kill yourself? [Safety], January-February, 1959
1958 accident summary [Safety], March-April, 1959
No substitute for experience [Safety], August, 1959
Safety first Make sure [Safety], October, 1959
Safety first The Postwar Record [Safety], December, 1959
Robertson, J.M., compiler
(Safety first) [Safety], July-August, 1957
Safety First (Safety first) [Safety], September-October, 1957
1956 accident survey [Safety], November-December, 1957
Accident report (Safety First) [Safety], September, 1959
Robinson, G.
Up drafts [Sailplanes\Construction], September-October, 1953, page 9
Robinson, J.B. (a.k.a. J. Robinson)
Completing diamond C number 1 [Awards\Flights; Flights\Award], November-December, 1950, page 3
Rogers, G.H.
18,000 feet and uneventful [Altitude Flights], January-February, 1956
Ross, H.C.
Record breaking week-end at Bishop [People\R.F. Symons; Sites\Bishop; Techniques\Wave], January-February, 1950, pages 50,59,,55
Soaring to the stratosphere [Flights\Altitude], March-April, 1950
Rowley, G.A.
PGC Open House [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], November-December, 1956
Royce, W.T.
Southern California soaring association 1955 regatta [Competitions\Local], November-December, 1955
Diana and Daedalus [Crewing], March-April, 1956
Diana and Daedalus - II [Crewing], May-June, 1956
Diana and Daedalus - III [Crewing], July-August, 1956
Diana and Daedalus - Conclusion [Crewing], September-October, 1956
Cloud Reading for Pilots, by Ann Welch (Book Reviews) [Literature\Book Review], January-February, 1958, pages ,33
Ruch, R.E.
Forecasting soaring conditions? [Meteorology\Forecasting], September-October, 1957, page 36
Rutherford, H.; with V.N. Bradley
A new record?, Rutherford, H [Powered Aircraft], May-June, 1950, page 6
Ryan, B.M., ed.
Club News (Club News) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], September-October, 1958
Club News (Club News) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], November-December, 1958
(Club news) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], January-February, 1959
(Club news) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], March-April, 1959
(Club news) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], May-June, 1959
(Club news) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], July, 1959
(Club news) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], August, 1959
(Club news) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], September, 1959
(Club news) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], October, 1959
(Club news) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], November, 1959
(Club news) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], December, 1959
Ryan, Bertha M. (a.k.a. Bertha Ryan, B.M. Ryan, B. Ryan)
(West words) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], July-August, 1957, pages ,10
(West words) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], September-October, 1957, page 10
(West words) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], November-December, 1957, page 10
(West words) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], January-February, 1958
(West words) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], March-April, 1958, pages ,10
(West words) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], May-June, 1958, pages ,10
(West words) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], July-August, 1958, page 10
Rydberg, Ernie
Conquer the Winds [Literature], July-August, 1957, page 33
Ryon, D.C.
United we fly [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], May-June, 1951, page 10

S     (up to table of contents)

Sanford, T.W., Jr.
The 11th annual Torrey Pines meet [Competitions\Sites\Torrey Pines], March-April, 1957
The 12th Annual Torrey Pines meet [Competitions], March-April, 1958
1959 Torrey Pines meet [Competitions\Local], March-April, 1959
Sargent, J.
Southern California soaring championships [Competitions], January-February, 1954
Saudek, Victor M. (a.k.a. Victor Saudek, Vic Saudek, V.M. Saudek, V. Saudek); with B. Bowmar
Cross-country in Nevada [Crewing; Cross-Country Soaring; Safety], March-April, 1958, pages ,6
Sawyer, J.B.
Safety first A word, to the Other Guy [Safety], September-October, 1958, page 6
Schmid, A.H.
PGC summer training camp [Training], September-October, 1954, pages 6,58
Schnelker, R.A.; with Bruce H. Carmichael (a.k.a. Bruce Carmichael, B.H. Carmichael, B. Carmichael) and I.H. Culver
SSA committee report on Symons XBG-12A accident [Safety], March-April, 1959
Schreder, Richard E. (a.k.a. R. Schreder, Richard Schreder, Dick Schreder, R. Schreder, Richard Schreder, R.E. Schreder)
Building the AirMate HP-7 [Sailplanes\HP-7], May-June, 1957, pages 25,6
The 1958 nationals from the cockpit of the HP-8 [Competitions\Flights], November-December, 1958, pages 11,6,6
Racing for records at Odessa, Texas [Records], November, 1959, page 6
Schultz, A.B.
(Letter) [Medical Aspects of Flight], January-February, 1951
Sailplane and glider kits and planes [Sailplanes\Construction; Licenses, Sailplane], January-February, 1954
The Nucleon sailplane [Sailplanes\Nucleon], January-February, 1955, page 39
Schwarzenberger, O.
Switzerland provides financial encouragement [Government Support; Switzerland], September-October, 1953, page 55
European news [Europe], November-December, 1954
European News [Europe], January-February, 1955
Meteorology - Lee Waves A dream come true [Wave Soaring], July-August, 1955, page 59
Schweizer, E.
The Schweizer SGS 2-25 [Sailplanes\2-25], March-April, 1955, page 58
The Schweizer 1-30 [Airplanes\1-30; Powered Aircraft], November-December, 1958
Schweizer, E.; with Paul A. Schweizer (a.k.a. Paul Schweizer and P.A. Schweizer)
1-26 progress report [Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-26], May-June, 1956
Schweizer, P.A
Editorial [Soaring Society of America], July-August, 1957, page 53
100% support for the internationals (Editorial) [Competitions], July-August, 1958
Schweizer, Paul A. (a.k.a. Paul Schweizer, P.A. Schweizer)
SSA mid-winter directors' meeting [Soaring Society of America], March-April, 1953
A report on the Schweizer 1-26 [Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-26], March-April, 1954
The Schweizer 1-26 [Sailplanes; Schweizer\SGS 1-26], September-October, 1954
Schweizer sailplane developments [Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 2-22; Manufacturers\Sailplanes; Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-23; Commercial Operations; Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-26; Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-29; Training], March-April, 1958, pages 10,,,58,35
(Editorial) [Editorial], November-December, 1958
Schweizer Aircraft Corp. report [Commercial Operations; Sailplanes\Schweizer\SGS 1-26; Sailplanes\Schweizer\SGS 1-29; Manufacturers\Sailplanes; Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-23; Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 2-22], March-April, 1959, pages 35,,58,,10
Schweizer, Paul A. (a.k.a. Paul Schweizer, P.A. Schweizer); with E. Schweizer
1-26 progress report [Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-26], May-June, 1956
Selvidge, Harner (a.k.a. H. Selvidge)
The Great Lakes open soaring meet [Competitions\Local], November-December, 1955
Glider show at Ford Museum [Air Shows and Demonstrations], May-June, 1956, page 1
The Vultures winch [Launching\Winches\Construction], November-December, 1956
Safety considerations in sailplane cockpit design [Safety], March-April, 1957
Flying is My Life/ The Sky My Kingdom, by Hanna Reitsch (Book Reviews) [Literature\Book Reviews], September-October, 1957, pages ,33
No excuses anymore [Soaring Society of America], November-December, 1957, page 53
Diamond prospecting in the Mojave desert -- Part I [Sites; Awards\Flights; Cross-Country Soaring], November-December, 1957, pages 3,,51
(Safety first) [Safety], November-December, 1957
The Airman's World, by Gill Robb Wilson (Book Reviews) [Literature\Book Reviews], November-December, 1957
Diamond prospecting in the Mojave desert - Part 2 [Awards\Flights; Cross-Country Soaring], January-February, 1958, page 3
Something for everyone (Editorial) [Editorial], March-April, 1959
Plans for Soaring Magazine (Editorial) [Soaring Society of America\Soaring Magazine], May-June, 1959, page 53
Dark days at the Air Force Academy (Editorial) [Training], July, 1959
Meets vs Meetings (Editorial) [Editorial], September, 1959
Soaring science and technology (Editorial) [Aerodynamics], October, 1959, page 1
Selvidge, Harner B.
Winter opportunities (Editorial) [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], November, 1959, page 10
Notes from a peripatetic president [National Aeronautic Association], December, 1959, page 39
Selvldge, Harner
DuPont Foundation aids SSA [Soaring Society of America; DuPont Foundation], November-December, 1957, pages 20,53
Serafin, John (a.k.a. J. Serafin)
Report from Leszno [Competitions; Poland], May-June, 1958, pages ,50
Series, various, authors Science Study
Paperback Review, Noble, G.K. The Papers of Wilbur and Orville Wright, McFarland, M.W., ed. [Literature], May-June, 1954, page 33
Setz, W.
The 1952 world soaring championships [Competitions\World], July-August, 1952, pages ,50
Sharp, Ted E. (a.k.a. T.E. Sharp, T. Sharp, Ted Sharp)
A soaring system for soaring meets [Competitions\Scoring], May-June, 1959, pages 50,11
Shattuck, E.
Tweedie [Club; Youth], November-December, 1958
Shenstone, D.A.
(The Canadian scene) [Canada], January-February, 1950
(The Canadian scene) [Canada], March-April, 1950
(The Canadian scene) [Canada], May-June, 1950
(The Canadian scene) [Canada], July-August, 1950
(The Canadian scene) [Canada], September-October, 1950
(The Canadian scene) [Canada], November-December, 1950
(The Canadian scene) [Canada], January-February, 1951
(The Canadian scene) [Canada], March-April, 1951
Canadian Scene -- Observations on the Behavior of Sationary Thermals (The Canadian scene) [Meteorology\Convection; Canada], July-August, 1951
Canadian Scene (The Canadian scene) [Canada], September-October, 1951
Canadian Scene "L'Affaire Mu" (The Canadian scene) [Sailplanes\Mu 13D; Canada], November-December, 1951
(The Canadian scene) [Mu 13D; Canada], January-February, 1952
Soaring Association of Canada holds annual general meeting [Canada], March-April, 1952, pages ,50
Shupack, B.
Election of directors [Soaring Society of America\Soaring Magazine; People\P.A. Schweizer], July-August, 1950, pages 50,53,
SSA joins IAS and AMS in technical meetings [IAS], March-April, 1954, pages 28,50
Shwing, H.F.V.M.
Holland also takes advantage of soaring as youth training medium [Holland; Youth], November-December, 1953, pages ,61
Slater, A.E.
Camphill - site for 1954 world contest [Competitions; Sites; Great Britain], March-April, 1954, pages ,51
Further Outlook, by R.S. Storer and F.H. Ludlam (Book Reviews) [Literature\Book Review], March-April, 1955, page 33
Smith, C.J.
The EASC winch [Launching\Winch Towing], March-April, 1952, pages 60,52
Smith, C.R.
Why not build your own sailplane hangar? [Construction], May-June, 1959, pages 3,52
Smith, E.S.
Gliding on a shoestring, September-October, 1953
Smith, F.E.W.
Safety [Safety], March-April, 1958, pages ,52
Smith, Freda
Second hand pleasure [Literature], May-June, 1959
Smith, R.
Some thoughts behind the '55 rules [Competitions\Rules], May-June, 1955, page 52
Smith, S.
Every twenty-four years [Competitions\Flights], November-December, 1957, pages 52,11
Smith, Thayer
(Letter) [Competitions], September-October, 1950, pages ,52
Smull, W.E.
First annual Rocky Mountain soaring contest [Competitions\Local], January-February, 1959, pages ,52
Snead, Edwin deS
The cost of operating sailplanes [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], March-April, 1959, pages 10,52
Southee, E.
In Memoriam William R. Enyart (Obituaries) [Obituaries], November-December, 1958
Southee, E.R.
Gliding and soaring in North America [Competitions], July-August, 1953, pages 50,54,33,20,,4,9,22,,,53,,61,5
Mythology and Legend [History], July-August, 1953
Bird Flight as a Basis for the Art of Flying [History], July-August, 1953
Passive Flyers" versus "Power Flyers [History], July-August, 1953
Revival from World War One [History], July-August, 1953
The Lindbergh Period [History], July-August, 1953
Organized National Sponsors for Science-Sport [Competitions], July-August, 1953
Annual National contests [Competitions], July-August, 1953
Regional Soaring Contests [Competitions], July-August, 1953
Organized Regional Sponsors for Science-Sport [Competitions], July-August, 1953
Federal Supervision of Gliders and Glider Pilots [CAA], July-August, 1953
Armed Forces Glider Program [Military], July-August, 1953
Soaring Expeditions and Sites [Sites], July-August, 1953
Gliding and Soaring Schools [Training], July-August, 1953
Gliding and Soaring Associations and clubs [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], July-August, 1953
Gliders as a Vehicle of Research [Sailplanes; Research], July-August, 1953
Literature of Gliding and Soaring [Literature], July-August, 1953
Spurgeon, J.
Fourth annual pacific coast mid-winter championships [Competitions\Local], March-April, 1950, pages ,54
Flattopping the TG-2 [Sailplanes\Schweizer TG-2], January-February, 1952, pages ,54,58
6th annual mid-winter championships, Torrey Pines, San Diego [Competitions], March-April, 1952, page 54
American youth on the wing [Youth], May-June, 1952, page 61
American youth on the wing [Youth], May-June, 1952, page 54
7th annual Pacific Coast mid-winter soaring championships [Competitions], March-April, 1953, page 54
Torrey Pines meet [Competitions], May-June, 1954, pages ,54
Torrey Pines 9th annual meet [Competitions\Sites\Torrey Pines], March-April, 1955, pages ,54
Torrey Pines meet [Competitions\Local], May-June, 1956, pages ,54
St. Aubin, E.
Seattle Glider Council Schweizer TG-2, photo by Earl St. Aubin (Cover) [Sailplanes\TG-2], May-June, 1959
Stacy, D.
SSA participates in aviation workshop [Soaring Society of America], November-December, 1953, page 1
Stanley, R.M.
September-October1956, page 54
Starr, Sterling V. (a.k.a. Sterling Starr, S.V. Starr, S. Starr)
Diamonds in the sky [Awards\Flights], July-August, 1957, pages 3,54
Elsinore spring soaring contest [Competitions\Local], July, 1959, pages ,54
Steuer, G.
Aerodynamische Profile, by Dr. F.W. Riegels (Book Reviews) [Literature\Book Review], March-April, 1959, pages 33,55
Stevenson, W.
Rx for Dayton's towing bug [Launching\Airplane Towing], March-April, 1952, pages 1,55
Stiglmeier, H.J.
Let's improve our trailers [Trailers], January-February, 1954, page 55
Storer, G.
Youth gets an opportunity [Training; Youth], January-February, 1954, pages 55,58,61
Storer, G.; with Bruce H. Carmichael (a.k.a. Bruce Carmichael, B.H. Carmichael and B. Carmichael)
Quickie modification of 1-19 primary accomplished at Mississippi State [Aerodynamics; Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-19; People\Bradley, D.], November-December, 1952, pages 6,,1
Storer, G.B.; with A. Raspet
Mississippi State College glider club activity report [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs; Training], March-April, 1956, pages ,,55
Mississippi State College Glider Club 1956 Activity Report [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], March-April, 1957
story, picture
Youth flew at the 19th [Competitions; Youth], September-October, 1952, pages ,61
Guys, gals and gliders [Competitions], September-October, 1952
Swartzberg, M.; with A. Raspet
The Peravia barograph [Instruments\Barographs], March-April, 1951, pages 28,,55
Swartzberg, M.; with F. Heberling
Canopies for sailplanes [Sailplanes\Construction], May-June, 1952, pages 55,26
Swartzberg, M.B.
Technique of smoothing leading edges of sailplanes [Sailplanes\Construction], May-June, 1956, pages ,55
Swarzenberger, O.
The German HKS-1 [Sailplanes\KS-1], March-April, 1955, page 25
Sweeney, G.C.
Soaring in Egypt [Sites\International\Egypt], September-October, 1954, pages 20,55
Sweet, F.J.
Gliding and soaring - and how it's done [Publicity], May-June, 1951, page 55
Report of the fifth session of the Conference of National Aviation Organizations [CNAO], March-April, 1952, pages 7,55
50 years later [History\American], March-April, 1954, page 55
Editorial [Soaring Society of America], September-October, 1954, pages 53,55
Editorial [Soaring Society of America], November-December, 1954, pages 53,55
Editorial [Soaring Society of America], March-April, 1955, pages 53,55
Editorial [Training; Youth], May-June, 1955, pages ,61,55
Editorial [Soaring Society of America], July-August, 1955
Editorial [Publicity], November-December, 1955, pages ,55
Editorial [Soaring Society of America], January-February, 1956, page 53
(Editorial) [Soaring Society of America], March-April, 1956, pages 53,55
Editorial [Youth], May-June, 1956, pages 61,55
1956 world championships [Competitions\World], May-June, 1956, pages ,55
Editorial, July-August, 1956, page 55
Then and now [Soaring Society of America], November-December, 1956, pages 54,55
Editorial [Soaring Society of America], January-February, 1957
Editorial [Soaring Society of America], March-April, 1957, page 53
Editorial [Soaring Society of America], May-June, 1957
Swierkowski, V.
Nimbus III [Sailplanes\Nimbus III], May-June, 1956, pages 6,,55,39
The "Finish" [Sailplanes\Construction], May-June, 1957, pages ,55
Symons, R.F.
Two up to 38,650 [Flights\Record; Flights\Altitude], July-August, 1951, pages ,55

T     (up to table of contents)

Taylor, W.
Schweizer 2-22c at Torrey Pines, Ca, photo by Bill Taylor (Cover) [Sailplanes\Schweizer2-22C], March-April, 1959
L-K at Torrey Pines, photo by Bill Taylor (Cover) [Sailplanes\L-K], September, 1959
Temmes, K.
Finding the best speed for cross-country soaring [Techniques\Thermals], January-February, 1950, pages ,,55,55
Thomas, R.
Paul Tuntland (Obituaries) [Obituaries], September-October, 1950, pages ,5
Tobin, T.M.
You and a TG-2! [Training], January-February, 1958, page 58
Todd, R.
19th National - Crewing for a champion [Competitions], November-December, 1952
Trager, K.
22nd National "Alibi" [Competitions\National], September-October, 1955
Tsuchiya, J.
Interesting Gliders [Sailplanes], November-December, 1954
Turnbow, J.W.
1958 central Texas soaring meet [Competitions\Local], September-October, 1958, pages ,58

U     (up to table of contents)

Urban, R.
Nothing ventured! [Competitions\Flights; Flights\Competition], November-December, 1955, pages 11,58

W     (up to table of contents)

Waghorn, M.M.
News of clubs and members [Australia], May-June, 1952, pages 3,59
Walty, E.J.
Minimoa, photo by E.J. Walty (Cover) [Sailplanes\Minimoa], October, 1959
Webster, D.D.
NAA invites SSA members to fuller participation in benefits [National Aeronautic Association], July-August, 1952, pages 39,59
Weishaupt, Per (a.k.a. P. Weishaupt)
Soaring in Denmark [Denmark], March-April, 1954, pages 19,59
The Danish national soaring contest [International\Denmark], November, 1959, pages ,59,19
Welker, M.
Gliding in Greece [Greece], May-June, 1955, pages 25,59
Wells, M.; with J.C. Wolf and R Jackson andA Dawydoff
Recent regional results [Competitions], November-December, 1953
White, R.T.
American participation In the internationals? [Competitions], March-April, 1952, page 59
Southwestern annual meet [Competitions\Local], November-December, 1955, pages ,59
The 23rd annual national soaring contest [Competitions\National], March-April, 1956, pages ,59
White, T.
Texas gypsy tour [Competitions\Local], January-February, 1959, pages ,59
Wolf Hirth [People\W. Hirth; Obituaries], September, 1959, pages 26,59
Southwestern and Texas soaring championships [Competitions\Local], December, 1959, pages ,59
Whitney, H.H.
26th National - Operations briefing [Competitions\National], May-June, 1959, pages ,59
Nationals preview [Competitions\Nationals], July, 1959, pages ,59
Wiberg, W.
I musta done it wrong [Safety], January-February, 1952, pages ,5
Wiggin, B.L.
SSA Joins IAS and AMS in technical meetings [AMS], March-April, 1954, pages ,60
The world contest [Competitions], November-December, 1954, pages ,60
The weather of it [Meteorology], September-October, 1955, pages 36,60
Vive La Bella France [Competitions; Sailplanes\Mu-22], September-October, 1956, page 60
Wilcox, R.E.
1-26 "one design" regatta [Competitions\1-26; Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-26], September-October, 1957, pages ,60
Williams, J.M.
How good will the soaring be? [Meteorology], July-August, 1955, pages 36,60
Wilson, G.R.
An editorial [Youth], May-June, 1954, page 61
Wilson, P.A.
Sandbagging the Ross Racer [Competitions; Sailplanes\Ross Racer], September-October, 1958
Wolf, J.C.; with M. Wells and R Jackson andA Dawydoff
Recent regional results [Competitions], November-December, 1953
Wolfe, J.
Briegleb's new BG-12 test flown [Sailplanes\BG-12], May-June, 1956, page 55
Wolfe, J.C.
BG-12A improves performance [Sailplanes\BG-12A], November-December, 1957, page 4
Wood, H.F.
Tenth annual Wright memorial glider meet [Competitions\Local], September-October, 1958
Woodward, E.
European venture [Great Britain], March-April, 1955
European venture - II [Germany; Switzerland], May-June, 1955, pages 22,55
OSTIV, a short account of its past, present and future [OSTIV], November-December, 1956

Y     (up to table of contents)

Yerian, E.
Why two-place? [Crewing], May-June, 1950
19th National Color of the contest [Competitions], September-October, 1952
Young, R.A., Jr.
OSTIV Congress meteorological section [OSTIV; Meteorology], September-October, 1956, pages ,36,12
Young, Ray
British nationals [Competitions\International], September, 1959, page 61

Z     (up to table of contents)

Zarbin, E.
Arizona's first soaring club [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], July-August, 1954, page 61
Zauner, O.; with A. Heavener
The elimination of guesswork during auto-towing [Launching\Autotow], May-June, 1955, pages 26,3,61

None     (up to table of contents)

Air Trails magazine to feature monthly column on soaring [Literature; Magazines], January-February, 1950
Flat top Laister-Kauffman TG 4-A [Sailplanes\LK TG-4a], January-February, 1950, pages 55,31
17th National - Rules and Regulations Class distinction for the national soaring contest [Competitions\National; Competitions\Rules], March-April, 1950
Ross-Stephens "Zanonia" [Sailplanes\Ross-Stephens RS-1 Zanonia], March-April, 1950
Second annual Wright Memorial glider meet [Competitions\Local], May-June, 1950
Mid-south contest [Competitions\Local], May-June, 1950
CAP cadet exchange [Training], May-June, 1950
The Weihe [Sailplanes\Weihe], May-June, 1950, page 59
Soaring reviews [Sailplanes\Spyr 5 A], May-June, 1950, page 54
[People\D.C. Johnson]July-August1950
Richland regatta, from Towlines [Competitions\Local], July-August, 1950
Pacific Northwest regatta [Competitions\Local], September-October, 1950
1950 El Mirage regatta [Competitions\Local], September-October, 1950
The 9th west coast soaring championship [Competitions\Local], September-October, 1950
Convection analysis project [Meteorology\Convection], November-December, 1950, page 36
Scribner crashes [Safety], January-February, 1951
Pacific coast midwinter championships [Competitions], March-April, 1951
Condensed report of SSA directors meet [Soaring Society of America\Directors], March-April, 1951, page 53
Harris Hill During the 18th Nationals (Cover) [Competitions], July-August, 1951
18th national - Statistics Final standings of the 18th National [Competitions], July-August, 1951
Election results and minutes of annual directors meeting [Soaring Society of America\Directors], July-August, 1951, page 53
3rd annual Wright memorial meet [Competitions], July-August, 1951
Chicagoland soaring meet [Competitions\Local], July-August, 1951
FAI Award -- First Half 1951 [Awards], July-August, 1951
Spain in '52 [Competitions], July-August, 1951
News from Clubs and Members [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], July-August, 1951
A Look at the Odessa Records Camp (Cover) [Records], September-October, 1951, pages 3,3,10
Odessa records camp [Records; People\R. Watkins; People\J.S. Charles; People\H. Klitgord; People\W.J. Krohne; People\W. Wiberg; People\E. Yerian], September-October, 1951, pages 2,2,59,38
Ted Nelson and Harry Perl in the Hummingbird over the hills near Warm Spring Gliderport, CA (Cover) [Sailplanes], November-December, 1951
19th National goes to Texas [Competitions], November-December, 1951
KIM-2 Stahanovec [Sailplanes\Kim-2; USSR], January-February, 1952, pages ,58
19th US national soaring competition to be in Texas [Competitions], March-April, 1952
Annual mid-winter directors' meeting [Soaring Society of America], March-April, 1952, page 53
19th National - Rules and Regulations Results of poll [Competitions], March-April, 1952
The Olympia Eon [Sailplanes\Olympia], March-April, 1952
Aeronautics Commission to send Johnson to international [People\Johnson, R.H.; Competitions; Mississippi Aeronautics Commission], May-June, 1952
America was there! [Competitions\World], July-August, 1952
Fifth mid-west soaring contest [Competitions\Local], July-August, 1952
Paul Schweizer and 1-24; Doug Bradley, Youngest Contestant (Cover) [Sailplanes; Competitions], September-October, 1952
The 19th national [Competitions\National], September-October, 1952
19th National - Statistics Here's your complete contest at a glance [Competitions], September-October, 1952
Northeastern states contest [Competitions], September-October, 1952
Technical conference held at the nationals [Aerodynamics], September-October, 1952, page 1
Youth must fly! [Youth], September-October, 1952, page 61
Gehrleins; Girl, glider , tetrahedron (Cover) [People], November-December, 1952
Soaring places and faces, picture story [Sites], November-December, 1952, page 50
$1,000 distance award offered at Elmira [Awards; People\Gehrlein, L.], November-December, 1952, pages 4,22
'52-'53 SSA governors appointed [Soaring Society of America], November-December, 1952, page 53
Mid-winter meeting to be in New York [Soaring Society of America], November-December, 1952, page 53
Opinions invited [Youth], November-December, 1952, page 61
Evolution of Glider Design, 1903 and 1953 (Cover) [Glider Design], January-February, 1953
Lippisch Delta Wing glider in full scale tunnel; Soaring Champion (Cover) [Research; Competitions; Betsy Woodward], March-April, 1953
Soaring: the avocation of aviation leaders [People\R.J. Dolman and S.W. Smith], March-April, 1953, pages 52,19
The 4th OSTIV congress [OSTIV], March-April, 1953
Youth shall fly [Youth], March-April, 1953, page 61
Fauvel AV-36 Flying Wing; Soaring Attracts Beauty (Cover) [Sailplanes; People], May-June, 1953
Soaring salutes [Foreign Publications; People\G. W. Haddaway], May-June, 1953, page 22
Soaring: the avocation of aviation leaders [Scribner, K.], May-June, 1953
OSTIV papers, continued [OSTIV], May-June, 1953
Two New Clubs Formed - Two Meetings Reported [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], May-June, 1953
What totals complete aviation education? [Training], May-June, 1953, page 58
Soaring Contest; Friendship (Cover) [Competitions; Friendship], July-August, 1953
Soaring - the avocation of aviation leaders [People\T.R. Smith and A.L. Wood], July-August, 1953, page 52
Northwest group pioneers 'progressive' type meet [Competitions], July-August, 1953
20th National Soaring Contest [Competitions], July-August, 1953
Winners Circle; Two 1-23s over valley (Cover) [Competitions; Sailplanes], September-October, 1953
Former soaring editor receives highest theater honor [Yerian, E.], September-October, 1953
Northern California annual soaring contest [Competitions], September-October, 1953
The 6th Mid-West soaring contest [Competitions], September-October, 1953
The Wright Memorial glider meet [Competitions], September-October, 1953
Third Annual New England soaring meet [Modeling], September-October, 1953
The National Governing Body for Motorless Flight in the United States is Fully Active (SSA News) [Soaring Society of America; Competitions], September-October, 1953
New sailplane designs [Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-24\Mitchell\Perl Penetrator\Skylark\Skylark\Windjammer], September-October, 1953
Official test of the AV-36 completed [Sailplanes\Fauvel AV-36], September-October, 1953, page 21
Soaring Society of America is represented in meeting of the FAI [Soaring Society of America; FAI], September-October, 1953
Warren E. Eaton award [Awards\Eaton\Schweizer, E.; Awards\Eaton\Schweizer, P.A.], September-October, 1953
1953 Gliders; 1903 Gliders (Cover) [Gliders], November-December, 1953
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], November-December, 1953
NAA Elects Lanphier [NAA], November-December, 1953
European Report [West Germany], November-December, 1953
SSA Presents Awards to Modelers [Soaring Society of America; Awards], November-December, 1953
Ode to the Swoose, November-December, 1953, page 54
Ceiling Unlimited by Lloyd Morris and Kendall Smith [Literature], November-December, 1953, page 33
On Being a Bird by Philip Wills [Literature], November-December, 1953, page 33
TSA's Pfeiffer Winch; Bill Hoverman and 1-23D Snowbird Meet (Cover) [Winch; Competitions], January-February, 1954
21st National goes to Southern California [Competitions], January-February, 1954
SSA joins IAS and AMS in technical meetings [IAS; AMS], January-February, 1954
Torrey Pines Meet [Competitions], January-February, 1954
Danish Rhönbuzzard; Harry Perl in his Penetrator (Cover) [Sailplanes], March-April, 1954
Gehrlein's cash awards proved great boon to Harris Hill [Gehrlein, L.], March-April, 1954, page 22
5th OSTIV congress [OSTIV], March-April, 1954
The McDonnell Convertiplane [Powered Aircraft], March-April, 1954
SSA mid-winter directors meeting [Soaring Society of America], March-April, 1954, page 53
Maggie Kensey solos 2-22; Ohio Aviation Board Director with Rudy Opitz (Cover) [People], May-June, 1954
Progress report for 21st national contest [Bonotaux, L.A.], May-June, 1954, page 6
Harris Hill fatality [Safety; Soaring Society of America\Safe Practices Committee], May-June, 1954
Three unique clubs [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], May-June, 1954, page 10
Contest Rules and Regulations for Twenty-First Nation Soaring Contest [Competitions\Rules], May-June, 1954
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], May-June, 1954
New Italian Record [Records; Italy], May-June, 1954
Ace Pilot Rescued [Robert F. Symons], May-June, 1954
Japanese Distance Record [Records; Japan], May-June, 1954
Largest Gliding Organization [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs; Britain], May-June, 1954
Report from the Schweizers [Sailplanes; Schweizer], May-June, 1954
I.A. 41 Uruba; EPB-1 (Cover) [Sailplanes], July-August, 1954
Sixth annual Wright Memorial glider meet [Competitions], July-August, 1954
Two-Way Business Flight [Business; Stan Smith], July-August, 1954
Modeling events during 21st national [Modeling], July-August, 1954, page 38
Largest entry ever indicated for 21st National [Competitions], July-August, 1954
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], July-August, 1954
The Mobilet 150 2-way Radio [Radios], July-August, 1954
Education, Research, Recreation, Soaring Society of America [Soaring Society of America], July-August, 1954
Looking back [History\American], July-August, 1954
Lyle Maxey in M-K-P; Don Mitchell's Nimbus (Cover) [Sailplanes], September-October, 1954
21st National story [Competitions], September-October, 1954
New England soaring meet [Competitions], September-October, 1954
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], September-October, 1954
Gliding in Israel [Israel], September-October, 1954
Larissa Stroukoff Scholarships [Awards], September-October, 1954
Six distinguished soaring men nominated to Hall of Fame [Awards\Hall of Fame], September-October, 1954, page 25
New World Records [Records], September-October, 1954
Looking back [History\American], September-October, 1954
MG-19; 1-23E (Cover) [Sailplanes], November-December, 1954
Glider airworthiness [Civil Aeronautic Authority; Licenses, Sailplane], November-December, 1954, page 9
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], November-December, 1954
Youth will fly [Youth], November-December, 1954, page 61
Notes and Quotes from club bulletins [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], November-December, 1954
Antonov A-9; Nucleon Sailplane (Cover) [Sailplanes], January-February, 1955
Editorial [Sweet, F.J.], January-February, 1955, page 55
Chicagoland Glider Meet [Competitions\Local], January-February, 1955
New Movies [Movies], January-February, 1955
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], January-February, 1955
The Munitalp Foundation competition for Meterological papers [Meteorology; Munitalp Foundation], January-February, 1955, pages 38,36
Looking back [History], January-February, 1955
HKS-1; K-1 (Cover) [Sailplanes], March-April, 1955
Wendy Ryon [Obituaries], March-April, 1955
25th anniversary national soaring contest [Competitions\National], March-April, 1955
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], March-April, 1955
Looking back [History\American], March-April, 1955
Stevens powered Bowlus Baby Albatross; Nelson Hummingbird (Cover) [Motorgliders], May-June, 1955
Proposed rules for 22nd national soaring contest [Competitions\Rules], May-June, 1955
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], May-June, 1955
Associate editors [Soaring Society of America\Soaring Magazine], May-June, 1955, page 52
E. Schweizer and all-metal sailplanes -- first and latest (Cover) [Sailplanes], July-August, 1955
The Parade of Champions [Competitions], July-August, 1955
Early gliding in Texas [History\American; R.D. Ormond], July-August, 1955
Arthur B. Schultz [Obituaries], July-August, 1955
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], July-August, 1955
22nd National Soaring Championships (Cover) [Competitions], September-October, 1955
22nd National Awards and prizes [Awards\Nationals], September-October, 1955, page 3
22nd National - Statistics Final performance summary [Competitions\National], September-October, 1955
Free Flight. Soaring Assoc. of Canada [Canada; Literature], September-October, 1955
Elementary Gliding by P.H. Blanchard [Literature], September-October, 1955, page 33
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], September-October, 1955
Maurice L. Waters, Jr. [Obituaries], September-October, 1955
SSA photographic library continues expansion [Soaring Society of America], September-October, 1955, page 54
WLM-II; Spyr-V (Cover) [Sailplanes], November-December, 1955
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], November-December, 1955
Ralph Salisbury, Jr. [Obituaries], November-December, 1955
D-34 Sailplane, photo by Martin Deskau; Hanna Reitsch in Zugvogel, photo by Martin Deskau (Cover) [Sailplanes; People], January-February, 1956
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], January-February, 1956
Notes and Quotes from Club Bulletins [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], January-February, 1956
Elfe-III, photo by Heimgartner (Cover) [Sailplane], March-April, 1956
Soaring Pilot's Marine Adventure [People\John Bardwick], March-April, 1956
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], March-April, 1956
Notes and Quotes from Club Bulletins [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], March-April, 1956
Exhibit at Henry Ford Museum, photo courtesy Henry Ford Museum (Cover) [Show], May-June, 1956
The 23rd annual US national soaring championships [Competitions\National], May-June, 1956
Barney Wiggin honored [People\B.L. Wiggin], May-June, 1956, page 60
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], May-June, 1956
Annual Summary of U.S. Private & Sporting Aviation [Aviation], May-June, 1956, page 54
SSA News [OSTIV], May-June, 1956
Sailplane design competition [Design Competitions], May-June, 1956, page 19
Pan-American Soaring Championships [Competitions], May-June, 1956
Notes and Quotes from Club Bulletins [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], May-June, 1956
Canadian Soaring Meet [Competitions], May-June, 1956
Sailplanes at Smaden, Switzerland, photo by Maurer (Cover) [Sailplanes; Switzerland], July-August, 1956
The 23rd annual US national soaring championships Rules and Regulations [Competitions\National], July-August, 1956
FAI rules for out-and-return and triangular races [FAI], July-August, 1956
Some of those who will compete at the 23rd [Competitions\National], July-August, 1956
Fatal accident in Texas [Safety], July-August, 1956
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], July-August, 1956
Class contests a possibility [Competitions; OSTIV], July-August, 1956, page 11
Notes and Quotes from Club Bulletins [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], July-August, 1956
Jenny Mae, photo by R.A. Smith; Breguet 901, photo by F.H. Matteson (Cover) [Champions; Sailplanes], September-October, 1956
23rd National - Statistics National soaring championship tallies - 1956 [Competitions\National], September-October, 1956
Trophies and awards presented at the 23rd annual US national soaring championships [Awards], September-October, 1956, page 4
Super-Elfe, photo by Heimgartner (Cover) [Sailplane], November-December, 1956
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], November-December, 1956
Notes and Quotes from Club Bulletins [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], November-December, 1956
Ambrosini "Conguro" and AVM "Gheppio" photo by Giorgio Apostolo (Cover) [Cover; Sailplanes\Ambrosini "Conguro"; Sailplanes\AVM "Gheppio"], January-February, 1957
Frederick C. Obarr [Obituaries], January-February, 1957
A summary report [Competitions; OSTIV], January-February, 1957
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], January-February, 1957
Twenty Years Ago (Twenty years ago) [History\American], January-February, 1957
Notes and Quotes from Club Bulletins [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], January-February, 1957
Schweizer 1-26 at TSA (Cover) [Cover; Sailplane\Schweizer SGS 1-26], March-April, 1957
The Diamond Holders [Awards], March-April, 1957
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], March-April, 1957
Twenty Years Ago (Twenty years ago) [History\American], March-April, 1957
Notes and Quotes from Club Bulletins [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], March-April, 1957
SSA Directors make far-reaching decision [Soaring Society of America; Licher, L.M.], March-April, 1957, pages 53,33
New Sailplane Design, photo by Fred S. Lord (Cover) [Sailplane], May-June, 1957
Rules and Regulations 24th annual US National soaring championships [Competitions\National], May-June, 1957
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], May-June, 1957
Stan Smith at competition, photo by Rose Marie Licher (Cover) [Sailplane Champion], July-August, 1957
24th Annual US National Soaring Competitions - Tallies - 1957 [Competitions\National], July-August, 1957
24th nationals awards banquet [Competitions\Awards; Awards\Competitions], July-August, 1957, page 4
Regional representation [Soaring Society of America], July-August, 1957, page 53
Schweizer 1-21 given to SSA [Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-21], July-August, 1957
First sailplanes for Air Academy, news release [Training; Military], July-August, 1957
NCSA 7th annual soaring contest [Competitions\Local], July-August, 1957
9th annual Wright memorial meet [Competitions\Local], July-August, 1957
Every member get a member [Soaring Society of America], July-August, 1957
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], July-August, 1957
News briefs [Safety], July-August, 1957
William T. Bowley [Obituaries], July-August, 1957, page 39
Notes and Quotes from Club Bulletins [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], July-August, 1957
Les Arnold, Champion, and Nelson Nummingbird, photo by Rose Marie Licher (Cover) [Sailplane; Champion], September-October, 1957
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], September-October, 1957
International mass goal flights [Canada], September-October, 1957
List of films available from the photographic library of the Soaring Societ of America [Films], September-October, 1957
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], September-October, 1957
Dragontross lost [Safety], September-October, 1957
Progress report on Cherokee II [Sailplanes\Cherokee II], September-October, 1957, page 9
200 Kilometer course record established [Record Flights], September-October, 1957
Every member get a member [Soaring Society of America], September-October, 1957, page 53
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], September-October, 1957
Notes and Quotes from Club Bulletins [Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs], September-October, 1957
Laister-Kauffman at Torrey Pines, photo by Rose Marie Licher (Cover) [Sailplane], November-December, 1957
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], November-December, 1957
A Fable [Editorial], January-February, 1958
25th National Bishop to host 1958 Nationals [Sites; Competitions], January-February, 1958, pages ,50
US international soaring team [Competitions], January-February, 1958
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], January-February, 1958
Soaring Magazine [Soaring Society of America\Soaring Magazine], January-February, 1958, page 53
What's in it for me? [Editorial], March-April, 1958
The new FAI standard class [FAI; Standard Class], March-April, 1958, pages ,54
25th annual US national soaring competitions Rules and Regulations [Competitions], March-April, 1958
Preparations for the 1958 nationals [Competitions; Sites], March-April, 1958, pages ,50
US international soaring team [Competitions], March-April, 1958
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], March-April, 1958
News briefs [Sailplanes\Mu-22; Awards\Lilienthal Medal], March-April, 1958, pages ,33
Terminology [Editorial], May-June, 1958
15 Meter class [Competitions], May-June, 1958
Report from Bishop [Competitions; Sites], May-June, 1958, pages ,50
25th Annual U.S. national soaring competitions contest organization [Competitions], May-June, 1958
Final results [Competitions], May-June, 1958
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], May-June, 1958
25th annual US national soaring competitions [Competitions], July-August, 1958
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], July-August, 1958
Every sailplane soaring again (Editorial) [Editorial], September-October, 1958
25th National - Statistics 25th annual US national soaring competitions - table of scores - 1958 [Competitions], September-October, 1958
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], September-October, 1958
XM-1 designed by James Marske; Breguet 905, French standard class, photo by Lesgourgues (Cover) [Sailplanes\Bruguet 905; Sailplanes\XM-1], November-December, 1958
Jurio Tsuchiya [Obituaries], November-December, 1958
Mooney's D.D. [Sailplanes\Dust Devil], November-December, 1958, page 20
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], November-December, 1958
Dr. Edward P. Warner (Obituaries) [Obituaries], November-December, 1958
1-26 one design regatta and meeting of the 1-26 association [Competitions; Sailplanes\Schweizer SGS 1-26], November-December, 1958
A message from the president (Editorial) [Soaring Society of America], January-February, 1959, page 53
How to get into soaring [Publicity], January-February, 1959
Draft specification for FAI standard class sailplanes [FAI\Stanard Class; Sailplanes\Standard Class], January-February, 1959, pages ,54
President's biography [People\Harner B. Selvidge], January-February, 1959
Snowbird meet [Competitions\Local], January-February, 1959
Joint SSA-AMS meeting [National Aeronautic Association; Conferences, Conventions, and Meetings], January-February, 1959
Soaring modeling [Modeling], January-February, 1959, page 38
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], January-February, 1959
Canadian news [International\Canada], January-February, 1959, page 7
Soaring modeling [Modeling], March-April, 1959, page 38
Canadian news [International\Canada], March-April, 1959, page 7
Directors' Meeting (SSA News) [Soaring Society of America\Directors], March-April, 1959
SSA insurance program, Cosgrove Insurance Agency [Insurance], May-June, 1959, page 28
High Flight [Records\Duke Mancuso], May-June, 1959
Stan Smith to Fairchild [People\S.W. Smith], May-June, 1959, page 52
Rules for the 26th annual US national soaring competition [Competitions\National], May-June, 1959
Nationals rules include changes 26th National - Rules and. Regulations [Competitions\National], May-June, 1959
World Congress of Flight [Air Shows and Demonstrations], May-June, 1959, page 1
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], May-June, 1959
Canadian news [International\Canada], May-June, 1959, page 7
Antelope Valley Soaring Club's TG-3A at El Mirage (Cover) [Sailplanes\TG-3A], July, 1959
Biographical sketch of Pete Bowers [People\P.M. Bowers], July, 1959, page 6
List of films available from the photographic library of the SSA [Photography], July, 1959, page 42
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], July, 1959
Canadian News [International\Canada], July, 1959
A half century of gliding [History\American], August, 1959, page 4
26th National - Statistics 26th annual US national soaring competition - Table of scores - 1959 [Competitions\National], August, 1959
1960 SSA International Excursion [International], September, 1959
J. Shelly Charles [Obituaries], September, 1959, page 39
Robert A. Schnelker [Obituaries], September, 1959
Ronald D. Oldershaw [Obituaries], September, 1959
SSA insurance program, Cosgrove Insurance Agency [Insurance], October, 1959, page 28
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], October, 1959
(SSA News) [Soaring Society of America], November, 1959
1960 world contest news items [Competitions\World], November, 1959
News from Russia [International\Russia], December, 1959

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