Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange: Airspace for the United Kingdom - ASSelect

ASSelect - A Program to Extract a User Specified UK Airspace File

Download the program with airspace effective as of 20 July 2017.   To facilitate downloading and exchange, the .exe file is zipped, so you need to unzip the file first.

A few things to note – this file has features that are new compared to the airspace files we've used in the past.

Letters Of Agreement - rather than having a block of airspace inserted into an encompassing large block, this program (for a selected LoA) produces a file where the overlying larger block is sub-divided into chunks which are either inside or outside the LoA. This is so your on-board computer can warn you if you stray outside the LoA area into the encompassing larger block. Chunks inside the LoA area are given an 'LOA' tag on the name.

Wave Boxes above FL195 - When you select a wavebox for inclusion you automatically get a set of boundary slices of airspace just outside the wavebox (EDGEs, LIDs and BASEs) where the wavebox butts onto non-permitted airspace above FL195 (so you don't get the base at FL195). You can deselect these boundaries if you wish to save space, however they are intended again so your on-board computer can warn you if you stray outside the wavebox area. All wave boxes are labelled by 'TRAG-x', which refers to the UK AIP TRA(G) Annex 'x' which defines the box.

To make it easier to reapply the user's selection, the program saves an INI file which it preloads the next time it is run from the same directory.

Update History

Courtesy of Alan Sparrow

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