* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO CUP_CODE CUP_DES CUP_NAM CUP_STYLE * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "zweisim7.stx" created Saturday, 05 August 2017 at 23:53 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $CD Y $HOME Zweisimmen, Switzerland $HEADER Segelfluggruppe Obwalden $CAI_TITLE Zweisimmen, RM 2017 $CONTEST RM 2017 $NAM_HOME Zweisimmen $URL_INFORMATION www.asgz.ch/informationenrm2017 the RM $URL_TURNPOINTS_HIDE www.soaringspot.com/rm-zweisimmen-2017/downloads * Contributor: Niklaus Müller * Contributor e-mail: niklaus.mueller_m@bluewin.ch * Updated by: Ruedi Müller * Updated email: mueller.bach@bluewin.ch $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $CONTRIBUTOR Nathalie Burgener $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL n.burgener@gmx.net $START_DATE 14 August 2017 $TIMEZONE_NAME MET * Magnetic Variation updated Tuesday, 19 January 2010 at 05:58 GMT $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.0E $HEADER Facebook $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $MILOMEI Yes $LATITUDE N $LONGITUDE E $COUNTRY CH $FILENAME_3 zw7 $FILENAME_4 zws7 $FILENAME_5 zwsm7 $FILENAME_8 zweisim7 $MODIFICATIONS 26 Aug 01: Original contribution $MODIFICATIONS 05 Jun 03: Updated. $MODIFICATIONS 26 Jun 05: Langnau moved. Anzère, Binn, Burgdorf, Col Forcla, Gurnigel, Kemmeriboden, Laberra, Le Sion, Leukerba, Martigny, Melchseefrut, Napf, Niederhorn, Niesen, Rellerli, Ritomsee, Soerenberg, Truesbel, and Valsainte added. $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 05 Aug 17: Cou, Megev, Morzi, Praz, and Salla added. Trüschhubel renamed Eriz. $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CUP_TASK ,"81ZL35","01AP1SEEBERGSEE","16CHATEAUD","79WEISSENB","07ARNENSEE","43LENK","81ZL35","81ZL35" $CUP_TASK ,"81ZL35","01AP1SEEBERGSEE","16CHATEAUD","22ERLENBACH","10BOLTIGEN","43LENK","81ZL35","81ZL35" $CUP_TASK ,"81ZL35","01AP1SEEBERGSEE","16CHATEAUD","79WEISSENB","32HAHNEMOS","02AP2JAUNPASS","43LENK","81ZL35","81ZL35" $CUP_TASK ,"81ZL35","03AP3SAAMOSER","10BOLTIGEN","32HAHNEMOS","61RELLERLI","79WEISSENB","43LENK","81ZL35","81ZL35" $CUP_TASK ,"81ZL35","02AP2JAUNPASS","07ARNENSEE","79WEISSENB","43LENK","81ZL35","81ZL35" $CUP_TASK ,"81ZL35","01AP1SEEBERGSEE","10BOLTIGEN","03AP3SAAMOSER","43LENK","81ZL35","81ZL35" $CUP_TASK ,"???","01AP1SEEBERGSEE","10BOLTIGEN","43LENK","81ZL35","???" $CUP_TASK ,"81ZL35","03AP3SAAMOSER","79WEISSENB","43LENK","81ZL35","81ZL35" $MILOMEI Yes * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO CUP_CODE CUP_DES CUP_NAM CUP_STYLE * * Starting the waypoints * 1 AP1 Seebergsee 1AP1SEBE 46 34 43 7 26 40 S 1850 1AP1SEBE 01AP1SEEBERGSEE 1 2 AP2 Jaunpass PH 2AP2JUNP 46 35 33 7 20 21 S 1510 2AP2JUNP 02AP2JAUNPASS 1 3 AP3 Saanenmöser 3AP3SSER 46 31 11 7 18 43 S 1269 3AP3SSER 03AP3SAAMOSER 1 4 Alpnach 4ALPNACH 46 56 33 8 17 8 TY 442 120.625 04/22 2140 A LSMA 4ALPNACH 04ALPNACH 1 5 Anzère 5ANZERE 46 17 32 7 24 1 T 1520 5ANZERE 05ANZERE 1 6 Arlbergpaß 6ARLBERG 47 7 54 10 12 36 T 1800 6ARLBERG 06ARLBERG 1 7 Arnensee 7ARNESEE 46 23 46 7 13 14 T 1600 7ARNESEE 07ARNENSEE 1 8 Bellechasse 8BELLCHA 46 58 51 7 7 56 TA 435 122.375 08/26 490 A LSTB 8BELLCHA 08BELLECHA 1 9 Binn 9BINN 46 25 33 8 11 4 T 1400 9BINN 09BINN 1 10 Boltigen 10BOLGEN 46 37 46 7 23 29 T 910 10BOLGEN 10BOLTIGEN 1 11 Brig 10BRIG 46 19 10 7 59 18 T 680 10BRIG 11BRIG 1 12 Burgdorf 12BURGDO 47 3 38 7 37 17 T 530 12BURGDO 12BURGDORF 1 13 Col Forcla 11C.FCLA 46 3 17 7 0 4 T 1530 11C.FCLA 13C.FORCLA 1 14 Chandolin 14CHAOLI 46 14 56 7 19 11 T 820 14CHAOLI 14CHANDOLI 1 15 Charmey 15CHAMEY 46 37 11 7 9 51 T 890 15CHAMEY 15CHARMEY 1 16 Château d'Oex 16CHAAUD 46 28 34 7 8 1 T 960 16CHAAUD 16CHATEAUD 1 17 Col Pillon 17COLILL 46 21 10 7 12 13 T 1600 17COLILL 17COL PILL 1 18 Dixance 18DIXNCE 46 4 54 7 24 15 T 2365 18DIXNCE 18DIXANCE 1 19 Ecuvillens 19ECUENS 46 45 24 7 4 36 TA 650 118.975 10/28 800 A LSGE 19ECUENS 19ECUVIENS 1 20 Engelberg 20ENGBER 46 49 14 8 24 10 T 1000 20ENGBER 20ENGELBER 1 21 Engstlig 21ENGLIG 46 26 35 7 33 34 T 2000 21ENGLIG 21ENGSTLIG 1 22 Erlenbach 22ERLBCH 46 39 39 7 33 3 T 700 22ERLBCH 22ERLENBACH 1 23 Furkapaß 23FURKA 46 34 26 8 25 0 T 2435 23FURKA 23FURKA 1 24 Glarus 24GLARUS 47 2 31 9 4 22 T 475 24GLARUS 24GLARUS 1 25 Gornergrat 25GORRGR 45 59 8 7 46 58 T 3090 25GORRGR 25GORNERGR 1 26 Gotthard 26GOTARD 46 32 55 8 34 42 T 2110 26GOTARD 26GOTTHARD 1 27 Gr. St. Bernard Passhöhe 27GRSART 45 52 13 7 10 18 T 2500 27GRSART 27GR ST BERNHART 1 28 Grindelwald 28GRIELW 46 37 36 8 1 55 T 1040 28GRIELW 28GRINDELWALD 1 29 Gr. St. Bernard Tunnel Nord 29GRSNEL 45 53 59 7 11 39 T 2000 29GRSNEL 29GRSTBETUNNEL 1 30 Gruyères 30GRURES 46 35 44 7 5 42 TA 690 124.675 17/35 800 G LSGT 30GRURES 30GRUYERES 1 31 Gurnigel 31GURNIG 46 44 1 7 27 13 T 1595 31GURNIG 31GURNIGEL 1 32 Hahnenmoos 32HAHMOS 46 27 14 7 29 44 T 2000 32HAHMOS 32HAHNEMOS 1 33 Hausen am Albis 33HASNAA 47 14 23 8 30 58 TA 590 130.75 09/27 680 A LSZN 33HASNAA 33HASEN A A 1 34 Hoher Kasten 34HOHERK 47 17 6 9 29 11 T 1800 34HOHERK 34HOHER K 1 35 Hongrin 35HONRIN 46 25 23 7 2 29 T 1255 35HONRIN 35HONGRIN 1 36 Interlaken 36INTLAK 46 40 59 7 51 0 T 580 36INTLAK 36INTERLAK 1 37 Jaun 37JAUN 46 36 46 7 16 33 T 1100 37JAUN 37JAUN 1 38 Kägiswil 38KAESWI 46 54 22 8 15 10 TA 470 120.625 03/21 900 A LSPG 38KAESWI 38KAEGISWI 1 39 Kemmeriboden 39KEMMER 46 48 10 7 56 10 T 980 39KEMMER 39KEMMERIBODEN 1 40 Laberra 40LABERR 46 40 43 7 10 48 T 1640 40LABERR 40LABERRA 1 41 Langnau 41LANGNA 46 56 22 7 47 20 T 710 41LANGNA 41LANGNAU 1 42 Le Sion 42LESION 45 49 15 6 37 29 T 1600 42LESION 42LE SION 1 43 Lenk 43LENK 46 27 13 7 26 15 T 1100 43LENK 43LENK 1 44 Leukerbad 44LEURBA 46 22 28 7 37 28 T 1400 44LEURBA 44LEUKERBA 1 45 Leysin 45LEYBHN 46 20 43 7 0 30 T 1400 45LEYBHN 45LEYSNBHN 1 46 Lukmanier 46LUKNIE 46 33 51 8 48 10 T 2000 46LUKNIE 46LUKMANIE 1 47 Martigny 47MARGNY 46 6 13 7 4 29 T 470 47MARGNY 47MARTIGNY 1 48 Mauvoisin 48MAUSIN 45 59 34 7 21 0 T 2000 48MAUSIN 48MAUVASIN 1 49 Melchsee Frutt 49MELCHS 46 46 33 8 16 10 T 1940 49MELCHS 49MELCHSEEFRUT 1 50 Mollis 50MOLLIS 47 4 59 9 3 58 TY 450 134.825 02/20 1000 G LSMF 50MOLLIS 50MOLLIS 1 51 Mosses 51MOSSES 46 23 58 7 6 10 T 1450 51MOSSES 51MOSSES 1 52 Münster VS 52MUNTER 46 28 54 8 15 50 TA 1510 122.071 05/23 960 A LSPU 52MUNTER 52MUNSTER 1 53 Napf 53NAPF 47 0 19 7 56 24 T 1410 53NAPF 53NAPF 1 54 Niederhorn 54NIEDER 46 42 45 7 46 33 T 1950 54NIEDER 54NIEDERHORN 1 55 Niesen 55NIESEN 46 38 45 7 39 10 T 2370 55NIESEN 55NIESEN 1 56 Nufenenpaß 56NUFNEN 46 28 31 8 23 20 T 2480 56NUFNEN 56NUFENEN 1 57 Pfunds 57PFUNDS 46 58 7 10 32 23 T 975 57PFUNDS 57PFUNDS 1 58 Raron 58RARON 46 18 21 7 50 31 TA 640 126.975 10/28 1200 A LSTA 58RARON 58RARON 1 59 Realp 59REALP 46 36 1 8 30 10 T 1550 59REALP 59REALP 1 60 Reichenbach 60REIENB 46 37 0 7 42 0 TY 725 127.7 04/22 890 A LSGR 60REIENB 60REICHENB 1 61 Rellerli 61RELLER 46 30 54 7 15 46 T 1720 61RELLER 61RELLERLI 1 62 Riederalp 62RIERAL 46 22 43 8 1 47 T 2000 62RIERAL 62RIEDERAL 1 63 Ritomsee 63RITOMS 46 32 0 8 41 0 T 1850 63RITOMS 63RITOMSEE 1 64 Rochers de Naye 64ROCRDE 46 26 0 6 58 42 T 2050 64ROCRDE 64ROCHERDE 1 65 Rossinière 65ROSI 46 27 56 7 3 55 T 900 65ROSI 65ROSI 1 66 Saanen 66SAANEN 46 29 15 7 14 53 TA 1010 119.421 08/26 1380 A LSGK 66SAANEN 66SAANEN 1 67 San Vittore 67SANITT 46 14 11 9 6 3 TA 265 122.075 08/26 800 G LSXV 67SANITT 67SAN VITT 1 68 Sanetsch 68SANSCH 46 22 0 7 17 10 T 2200 68SANSCH 68SANETSCH 1 69 Schänis 69SCHNIS 47 10 31 9 2 40 T 420 69SCHNIS 69SCHANIS 1 70 Schwarzsee 70SCHRZS 45 59 32 7 42 27 T 2600 70SCHRZS 70SCHWARZS 1 71 Sent 71SENT 46 49 0 10 20 0 T 2000 71SENT 71SENT 1 72 Sörenberg 72SOEREN 46 49 29 8 2 0 T 1170 72SOEREN 72SOERENBERG 1 73 St.-Stephan 73ST.HAN 46 30 3 7 24 37 TY 1010 120.051 15/33 1400 A LSMH 73ST.HAN 73ST.-STEPHAN 1 74 Stockhorn 74STOORN 46 41 41 7 32 20 T 2200 74STOORN 74STOCKHORN 1 75 Susch 75SUSCH 46 46 0 10 4 0 T 1440 75SUSCH 75SUSCH 1 76 Eriz 76ERIZ 46 46 48 7 50 35 T 1160 76ERIZ 76ERIZ 1 77 Valsainte 77VALSAI 46 38 55 7 11 22 T 1020 77VALSAI 77VALSAINTE 1 78 Verbier 78VERIER 46 5 43 7 13 13 T 1400 78VERIER 78VERBIER 1 79 Weißenburg 79WEIENB 46 39 0 7 28 1 T 790 79WEIENB 79WEISSENB 1 80 Zweisimmen 80ZWEISI 46 33 9 7 22 50 HDT 940 121.225 17/35 670 A LSTZ 80ZWEISI 80ZWEISIMMEN 1 81 ZL35 Ziellinie 81ZL35 46 32 58 7 22 53 FD 945 81ZL35 81ZL35 1 90 Cou 91COU 46 8 58 6 47 36 T 1921 91COU 90COU 1 91 Morzine 91MORZI 46 10 5 6 42 36 T 1 91MORZI 91MORZI 1 92 Megève 92MEGEV 45 49 28 6 38 33 AT 1469 160 92MEGEV 92MEGEV 2 93 Praz de Chamonix 93PRAZ 45 56 42 6 53 26 LT 1090 50 93PRAZ 93PRAZ 3 94 Sallanches 94SALLA 45 57 14 6 38 19 TA 1 123.5 17/35 590 A LFHZ 94SALLA 94SALLA 1