++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Zephyrhills, Florida, USA + + + + Contributed by Jim Zombakis + + Contributed on 15 January 2024 + + Last updated Monday, 15 January 2024 at 21:13 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ZPH, Zephrhlls, 28, 13.7, 82, 9.3, 90 ZPH, Zephrhlls, 28, 13.7, 82, 9.3, 90 BLC, BlckwtrCr, 28, 8.3, 82, 8.8, 80 BBW, Bob White, 28, 44.1, 81, 37.8, 78 BRD, BrdshwFrm, 28, 56.9, 81, 24.8, 55 BRN, Burntwood, 28, 16.5, 81, 55.8, 119 CHR, CherylLan, 28, 40.3, 82, 5.2, 71 CHN, Chinsegut, 28, 36.7, 82, 22.1, 80 CNN, ConnllsWh, 28, 38.0, 82, 9.5, 65 CRS, CrsswndFr, 29, 14.4, 82, 21.2, 74 CRY, CrystlRvr, 28, 52.0, 82, 34.3, 9 DPW, DeepWoods, 29, 1.7, 81, 26.8, 45 DLN, Deland, 29, 4.0, 81, 17.1, 79 FLD, FieldDrms, 28, 28.2, 82, 14.4, 80 FLN, Flanders, 28, 12.4, 81, 49.7, 131 FLY, FlyingBrn, 28, 48.1, 81, 56.1, 75 FLI, FlngDtchm, 29, 7.9, 82, 7.2, 75 FLG, Flying H, 28, 52.6, 81, 53.6, 80 FLP, FlyngPlmn, 28, 52.7, 81, 56.4, 85 FLW, Flying W, 28, 40.8, 82, 9.6, 58 FRF, Freeflght, 28, 48.5, 82, 4.0, 55 GOR, Gore, 28, 8.6, 81, 38.8, 135 GRN, GrandVist, 28, 32.4, 82, 18.32, 100 GRS, GrassPtch, 28, 38.7, 82, 13.1, 53 GRA, GrassRots, 28, 38.5, 81, 53.1, 105 GRE, GreenSwmp, 28, 12.7, 81, 59.9, 115 INV, Inverness, 28, 48.4, 82, 19.1, 65 JRS, JRS, 29, 0.2, 82, 33.3, 50 JMB, Jumbolair, 29, 16.8, 82, 7.2, 100 KNG, KingsFild, 28, 30.5, 81, 48.0, 98 LKW, Lk Wales, 27, 53.6, 81, 37.2, 127 LFT, LfttLndng, 29, 10.03, 81, 15.87, 39 LWR, LeewardAr, 29, 5.5, 82, 1.9, 86 LVF, LoveField, 28, 57.7, 81, 53.5, 80 MRN, MarionCnt, 29, 3.8, 82, 22.6, 65 MCG, McGinley, 29, 2.0, 82, 12.7, 84 MDW, Midway Lk, 28, 2.5, 82, 5.6, 150 MNR, Monroe, 29, 1.1, 82, 6.8, 75 ORL, Orlandppk, 28, 42.4, 81, 34.9, 142 ORA, Orlando N, 28, 43.6, 81, 39.1, 80 OSB, Osborn, 28, 31.7, 81, 52.5, 121 PNL, Paniola, 29, 22.2, 82, 3.4, 140 PLT, PilotCntr, 28, 19.8, 82, 29.7, 80 PST, PostOakRc, 28, 51.3, 82, 33.2, 25 RLC, RlctntGrm, 29, 20.4, 82, 15.8, 200 RDG, RidgLndng, 27, 45.3, 81, 35.9, 140 SND, SandSvnRc, 28, 57.6, 82, 8.1, 70 SMN, SeminolLk, 28, 24.1, 81, 50.3, 120 SVN, SevnFthrs, 29, 0.23, 82, 24.25, 67 SHD, Shady, 29, 5.8, 82, 10.7, 102 SLK, SLakeland, 27, 56.0, 82, 2.63, 110 THM, ThmpsnsGn, 29, 23.2, 82, 8.6, 85 TWL, TwelveOks, 28, 58.7, 82, 21.8, 50 UMT, Umatilla, 28, 55.4, 81, 39.1, 107 VLL, VillChrMr, 27, 47.2, 81, 39.2, 134 WKS, WeeksMusm, 28, 10.0, 81, 48.6, 139 WLL, Williston, 29, 21.3, 82, 28.5, 76 WNG, Wings, 29, 14.3, 82, 32.7, 100 WNT, WinterHvn, 28, 3.7, 81, 45.2, 145 WDS, Woods+Lks, 29, 7.5, 81, 53.2, 100 ALT, Alturas, 27, 52.5, 81, 41.4, 125 ARC, Arcadia, 27, 11.7, 81, 50.3, 63 ASH, Ashley, 28, 53.2, 81, 33.9, 110 AVN, Avon Park, 27, 35.6, 81, 31.7, 160 BCK, BackAchrs, 29, 4.4, 82, 0.0, 90 BRT, Bartow, 27, 56.6, 81, 47.0, 125 BLN, BlanketBa, 27, 46.8, 81, 6.1, 65 BNN, BonnyPlnt, 27, 54.32, 81, 55.0, 150 BRG, BrightHor, 27, 11.4, 81, 45.0, 60 BRI, BrttBrwn+, 28, 54.3, 81, 26.0, 167 BRK, Brooksvll, 28, 33.15, 82, 23.2, 197 BZS, Buzs, 29, 16.6, 82, 30.0, 65 CHL, ChaltSznn, 27, 57.2, 81, 36.1, 130 CRW, CrwsHmstd, 27, 37.3, 81, 36.6, 90 DRK, Drake Rc, 28, 59.5, 82, 19.7, 50 ELP, ElphntFrm, 28, 14.1, 81, 45.8, 134 EXC, Executive, 28, 32.7, 81, 20.0, 113 FND, Fender, 28, 30.6, 81, 55.0, 130 FLE, Flyngxtcs, 28, 57.8, 81, 46.8, 155 FRZ, Frazier, 28, 19.5, 81, 47.1, 125 FRS, FrostProf, 27, 45.1, 81, 33.5, 110 GRD, Gardner, 27, 20.7, 81, 47.5, 75 GRT, Gyro Town, 27, 41.0, 82, 14.0, 65 HNN, Hennessy, 27, 3.1, 81, 51.2, 50 HRN, HernndCnt, 28, 28.4, 82, 27.1, 76 HDD, Hidden Lk, 28, 16.9, 82, 38.7, 30 HGH, HighAcres, 28, 28.8, 81, 42.8, 111 HBB, HobbyHill, 28, 58.6, 81, 55.1, 95 JHH, JHHndrFrm, 27, 5.1, 81, 19.7, 103 JRD, Jordan, 29, 1.6, 81, 59.3, 72 KNN, Kennedy, 29, 21.8, 82, 9.0, 82 KIN, KingsPort, 27, 11.0, 81, 23.4, 148 KSS, Kissimmee, 28, 17.4, 81, 26.2, 82 KOK, Ko Kee, 28, 35.7, 82, 9.1, 72 LHR, L H Ranch, 29, 33.8, 82, 27.4, 75 LKP, LkPersmmn, 27, 21.3, 81, 24.7, 70 LKS, LkSuzstts, 27, 2.6, 82, 2.6, 25 LKL, Lakeland, 27, 59.3, 82, 1.1, 142 LST, LastChanc, 27, 1.5, 81, 27.0, 70 LFR, Lee Farms, 29, 20.1, 82, 10.0, 100 LSB, Leesburg, 28, 49.3, 81, 48.4, 76 LWS, Lewis, 27, 53.9, 82, 11.0, 45 LKS, LksBrghtn, 27, 11.3, 81, 5.2, 30 MCD, MacDllFBx, 27, 39.0, 81, 21.0, 68 MCO, McDonalds, 27, 11.9, 81, 54.8, 54 MDF, MdFlrdrSr, 28, 50.6, 81, 37.8, 167 MKK, MyakkaHed, 27, 27.3, 82, 6.3, 80 NRT, Norton, 29, 0.0, 82, 6.0, 67 OCL, Ocala, 29, 10.3, 82, 13.4, 90 ORN, Orlandnt., 28, 25.7, 81, 19.0, 96 ORD, OrlndSnfr, 28, 46.6, 81, 14.2, 55 PSN, Payson Rc, 26, 56.2, 81, 34.0, 62 PCH, Pechrchrd, 29, 33.4, 82, 29.8, 75 PTR, PetrKnght, 27, 54.9, 82, 27.0, 8 PLC, PlacidLks, 27, 14.7, 81, 24.8, 130 PLN, Plant C, 28, 0.0, 82, 9.9, 153 RVR, RiverAcrs, 27, 19.5, 81, 1.7, 30 RIV, River Rc, 27, 46.8, 81, 12.2, 55 RCK, RockRidge, 28, 17.9, 81, 54.2, 115 SBR, Sebring, 27, 27.4, 81, 20.6, 62 SEV, SvnSprngs, 28, 57.8, 82, 13.2, 50 SHL, ShellCrek, 26, 58.1, 81, 54.9, 20 STO, Stout, 28, 15.5, 81, 23.0, 65 STE, Streamsng, 27, 41.0, 81, 56.0, 162 TMP, Tampa N, 28, 13.2, 82, 22.6, 68 TNG, Tangerine, 28, 45.6, 81, 36.3, 125 TXM, TexMerrtt, 28, 40.1, 81, 55.1, 95 TGR, Tiger Lk, 27, 53.0, 81, 21.8, 54 TLD, TildnGrvs, 28, 30.2, 81, 36.6, 125 TRS, Trask, 27, 45.1, 81, 43.8, 120 TWJ, Two Js, 28, 27.1, 82, 12.47, 116 VND, Vandenbrg, 28, 0.8, 82, 20.7, 21 VNC, VincesCnd, 27, 14.3, 81, 23.2, 115 WLB, WlbHngGld, 28, 15.2, 81, 41.3, 125 WCH, Wauchulla, 27, 30.9, 81, 52.8, 108 WTM, W Tampa, 27, 58.5, 82, 32.0, 26 WMM, Wimauma, 27, 42.7, 82, 16.9, 100