;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland + ; + ; Championnat Suisse, 2017 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Daniel Rossier + ; + ; Generated Friday, 02 June 2017 at 05:50 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Yverdon 05" "YVRDN0" "_" "N4645.533" "E00636.550" "Yverdon 23" "YVRDN2" "_" "N4645.883" "E00637.050" "Orbe A1" "ORBEA1" "_" "N4643.700" "E00634.167" "Pomy A1" "POMYA1" "_" "N4645.450" "E00640.800" "Giez A5" "GIEZA5" "_" "N4648.450" "E00637.817" "N Champvent" "NCHMPV" "_" "N4646.733" "E00634.283" "S Epautheyres" "SPTHRS" "_" "N4644.333" "E00638.433" "W Transformateur" "WTRNSF" "_" "N4645.333" "E00633.217" "EPO Bochuz" "EPBCHZ" "_" "N4644.083" "E00633.100" "Ursins" "URSINS" "_" "N4644.100" "E00640.100" "Essertines" "ESSRTN" "_" "N4642.950" "E00638.300" "Suchy" "SUCHY" "_" "N4643.367" "E00635.933" "Vallorbe Gare" "VLLRBG" "_" "N4642.967" "E00622.567" "Vallorbe Douane" "VLLRBD" "_" "N4643.900" "E00623.100" "Ballaigues" "BALLGS" "_" "N4643.750" "E00624.883" "Lignerolles" "LGNRLL" "_" "N4644.433" "E00627.400" "Suchet" "SUCHET" "_" "N4646.350" "E00627.983" "Baulmes Gare" "BLMSGR" "_" "N4647.317" "E00631.433" "Baulmes Aiguilles" "BLMSGL" "_" "N4648.267" "E00630.983" "Vuiteboeuf" "VUITBF" "_" "N4648.467" "E00632.967" "Auberson" "AUBRSN" "_" "N4649.083" "E00627.767" "St Croix" "STCROX" "_" "N4649.000" "E00630.000" "Replans" "REPLNS" "_" "N4649.483" "E00631.350" "Bullet" "BULLET" "_" "N4649.833" "E00633.300" "Chasseron Hotel" "CHSSRN" "_" "N4651.033" "E00632.333" "Mauborget" "MABRGT" "_" "N4651.283" "E00636.633" "Chasseron Est" "CHASSE" "_" "N4652.867" "E00636.033" "Cote aux Fees" "COTXFS" "_" "N4652.000" "E00629.400" "Buttes" "BUTTES" "_" "N4653.300" "E00633.233" "Fleurier" "FLEURR" "_" "N4654.283" "E00634.883" "Motiers" "MOTIRS" "126.65" "N4655.067" "E00636.950" "Verrieres" "VERRRS" "_" "N4654.333" "E00628.767" "St Pierre la Cluse" "STPRRL" "_" "N4652.367" "E00622.700" "Champagne" "CHMPGN" "_" "N4649.767" "E00639.517" "Provence" "PROVNC" "_" "N4653.467" "E00643.617" "Noiraigue" "NOIRAG" "_" "N4657.283" "E00643.367" "Rochefort" "RCHFRT" "_" "N4658.617" "E00648.617" "Colombier" "COLMBR" "123.6" "N4657.450" "E00651.883" "Chaumont" "CHAMNT" "_" "N4701.667" "E00657.483" "Enges" "ENGES" "_" "N4703.383" "E00700.733" "Lignieres" "LIGNRS" "Autodrome" "N4705.483" "E00704.567" "Chasseral" "CHSSRL" "TV" "N4708.000" "E00703.617" "Magglingen" "MGGLNG" "_" "N4708.500" "E00712.067" "Rondchatel" "RNDCHT" "_" "N4710.650" "E00714.933" "Romontbe" "ROMNTB" "_" "N4711.667" "E00720.483" "Grenchenberg" "GRNCHN" "_" "N4713.417" "E00722.817" "Weissenstein" "WSSNST" "_" "N4715.117" "E00730.550" "Leberen" "LEBERN" "_" "N4716.950" "E00738.967" "Bechburg" "BCHBRG" "bei Oensingen" "N4717.883" "E00743.150" "Egerkingen" "EGRKNG" "_" "N4718.733" "E00748.417" "Belchentunnel sud" "BLCHNT" "_" "N4721.167" "E00750.117" "Froburg" "FROBRG" "_" "N4723.033" "E00753.483" "Barmelweid" "BRMLWD" "_" "N4725.283" "E00758.300" "Wasserfluh" "WSSRFL" "_" "N4726.400" "E00801.967" "Brugg" "BRUGG" "Bahnhof" "N4728.917" "E00812.600" "Romainmotier" "RMNMTR" "_" "N4641.600" "E00627.683" "Mollendruz" "MLLNDR" "_" "N4639.017" "E00621.983" "Mont Chatel" "MNTCHT" "_" "N4637.483" "E00621.317" "Mont Tendre" "MNTTND" "_" "N4635.683" "E00618.600" "Marchairuz" "MRCHRZ" "_" "N4633.167" "E00615.017" "Dole" "DOLE" "_" "N4625.500" "E00605.967" "Faucille" "FAUCLL" "_" "N4622.183" "E00601.117" "Rochesfranches" "RCHSFR" "_" "N4614.950" "E00555.283" "Ponts de Martels" "PNTSDM" "_" "N4659.983" "E00643.900" "Mont Racine" "MNTRCN" "_" "N4701.317" "E00648.967" "Vue des Alpes" "VDSLPS" "_" "N4704.400" "E00652.167" "Dombresson" "DMBRSS" "_" "N4704.367" "E00657.633" "Joux" "JOUX" "_" "N4706.717" "E00657.517" "St Imier" "STIMIR" "_" "N4709.117" "E00700.150" "Courtelary" "CORTLR" "124.6" "N4711.017" "E00705.450" "Tramelan" "TRAMLN" "_" "N4713.383" "E00706.283" "Pierre Pertuis" "PRRPRT" "_" "N4712.583" "E00711.617" "Moron AP4" "MORNP4" "_" "N4715.800" "E00716.483" "Court" "COURT" "_" "N4714.517" "E00720.517" "Moutier" "MOUTIR" "_" "N4716.900" "E00722.800" "Hornegg" "HORNGG" "_" "N4717.950" "E00733.250" "Hohe Winde" "HOHWND" "_" "N4720.567" "E00734.783" "Langenbruck" "LNGNBR" "_" "N4721.000" "E00746.033" "Waldenburg" "WLDNBR" "_" "N4723.717" "E00746.650" "Gelterkinden" "GLTRKN" "_" "N4728.033" "E00750.883" "Schupfart" "SCHPFR" "119.55" "N4730.533" "E00757.000" "Le Pont" "LEPONT" "_" "N4640.200" "E00619.717" "Chalet Cap" "CHLTCP" "_" "N4635.667" "E00608.933" "Rousses" "ROUSSS" "_" "N4628.833" "E00603.383" "Morez" "MOREZ" "_" "N4631.517" "E00601.517" "Rixouse" "RIXOUS" "_" "N4628.050" "E00553.767" "Saint Claude" "SNTCLD" "_" "N4623.000" "E00546.000" "Oyonnax" "OYONNX" "Flugplatz" "N4616.750" "E00540.050" "Nantua" "NANTUA" "Bahnhof" "N4609.017" "E00535.917" "Corlier" "CORLIR" "130.0" "N4602.383" "E00529.783" "Hauteville Lompnes" "HTVLLL" "_" "N4558.767" "E00536.667" "Virieu" "VIRIEU" "_" "N4551.017" "E00539.633" "Yenne" "YENNE" "_" "N4543.333" "E00546.983" "Voreppe" "VOREPP" "Couvent" "N4516.900" "E00540.267" "Pontarlier" "PNTRLR" "135.7" "N4654.567" "E00619.800" "Maison du Bois" "MSNDBS" "_" "N4657.950" "E00625.167" "Gilley" "GILLEY" "_" "N4702.833" "E00628.800" "Gras" "GRAS" "_" "N4659.717" "E00632.550" "Tailleres" "TALLRS" "_" "N4657.800" "E00633.817" "Brevine" "BREVIN" "_" "N4658.800" "E00636.467" "Morteau" "MORTEA" "_" "N4703.233" "E00636.300" "Moron Lac" "MORNLC" "_" "N4706.067" "E00644.700" "Russey" "RUSSEY" "_" "N4709.783" "E00643.717" "Fournet Blancher" "FRNTBL" "130.25" "N4710.483" "E00649.083" "Bois" "BOIS" "_" "N4710.633" "E00654.367" "Saignelegier" "SGNLGR" "_" "N4715.217" "E00659.650" "Lods" "LODS" "_" "N4702.700" "E00614.917" "Nods" "NODS" "_" "N4705.700" "E00620.300" "Ornans" "ORNANS" "_" "N4706.633" "E00608.367" "Besancon Veze" "BSNCNV" "122.2" "N4712.317" "E00604.833" "Besancon Thise" "BSNCNT" "123.5" "N4716.483" "E00605.017" "Baume les Dames" "BMLSDM" "_" "N4721.233" "E00621.333" "Lanans" "LANANS" "_" "N4718.017" "E00627.033" "Belle Herbe" "BLLHRB" "_" "N4715.583" "E00639.483" "Lomont" "LOMONT" "_" "N4721.533" "E00636.400" "Maiche" "MAICHE" "_" "N4715.167" "E00647.900" "St Hippolyte" "STHPPL" "_" "N4719.117" "E00648.700" "Clerval" "CLERVL" "_" "N4723.783" "E00629.533" "LIsle/Doubs" "LSLDBS" "_" "N4726.850" "E00634.867" "Pont Roide" "PONTRD" "_" "N4722.950" "E00646.317" "Mandeure" "MANDER" "_" "N4726.933" "E00647.783" "Porrentruy" "PRRNTR" "122.05" "N4724.633" "E00703.100" "St Ursanne" "STRSNN" "_" "N4721.850" "E00709.283" "Ordons" "ORDONS" "Startpunkt Les Ordons" "N4723.250" "E00713.867" "Delemont" "DELMNT" "_" "N4721.717" "E00721.050" "Fringeli" "FRINGL" "_" "N4722.300" "E00728.767" "St Point" "STPONT" "_" "N4647.733" "E00617.267" "Mouthe" "MOUTHE" "_" "N4642.633" "E00611.667" "Frasne" "FRASNE" "_" "N4651.417" "E00609.567" "Foncine" "FONCIN" "_" "N4639.550" "E00604.317" "St Laurent Gare" "STLRNT" "_" "N4634.350" "E00557.150" "Champagnole Gare" "CHAMPA" "_" "N4644.900" "E00554.717" "Champagnole Aero" "CHAMPG" "LFGX" "N4645.867" "E00549.250" "Poligny" "POLIGN" "_" "N4650.033" "E00542.317" "Arbois" "ARBOIS" "GLD" "N4655.200" "E00545.567" "Gray Saint Adrien" "GRSNTD" "_" "N4726.000" "E00537.333" "Vesoul" "VESOUL" "118.15" "N4738.367" "E00612.283" "Ballon dAlsace" "BLLNDL" "_" "N4749.517" "E00650.533" "Markstein" "MRKSTN" "_" "N4755.583" "E00701.450" "Petit Ballon" "PTTBLL" "_" "N4758.850" "E00707.567" "Herten Rheinfelden" "HRTNRH" "123.25" "N4733.600" "E00744.900" "Bad Saeckingen" "BSCKNG" "Zoll" "N4732.817" "E00756.750" "Huetten Hotzenwald" "HTTNHT" "130.125" "N4737.983" "E00756.467" "Hornbergbecken" "HRNBRG" "_" "N4739.533" "E00757.650" "Hausen im Wiesental" "HSNMWS" "_" "N4740.733" "E00750.750" "Todtmoos" "TODTMS" "Sanatorium" "N4744.083" "E00759.967" "Leibstadt" "LBSTDT" "_" "N4736.083" "E00811.033" "St Blasien" "STBLSN" "_" "N4745.600" "E00807.800" "Schluchsee" "SCHLCH" "_" "N4748.033" "E00811.017" "Reiselfingen" "RSLFNG" "123.0" "N4751.100" "E00822.283" "Donaueschingen" "DNSCHN" "EDTD" "N4758.417" "E00831.333" "Schwenningen" "SCHWNN" "EDTS" "N4803.950" "E00834.283" "Geisingen" "GESNGN" "_" "N4755.317" "E00839.683" "Tuttlingen" "TTTLNG" "_" "N4758.850" "E00849.850" "Klippeneck" "KLPPNC" "122.175" "N4806.450" "E00845.767" "Beuron" "BEURON" "_" "N4803.083" "E00858.133" "Sigmaringen" "SGMRNG" "_" "N4805.283" "E00912.783" "Belchen" "BELCHN" "_" "N4749.200" "E00750.150" "Kirchzarten" "KRCHZR" "122.475" "N4757.050" "E00757.350" "Kandel" "KANDEL" "_" "N4803.817" "E00801.100" "Elzach" "ELZACH" "Bahnhof" "N4810.000" "E00805.000" "Hornberg" "HORNBE" "_" "N4812.467" "E00814.633" "St Georgen" "STGRGN" "_" "N4807.417" "E00820.500" "Winzeln Schramberg" "WNZLNS" "EDTW" "N4816.767" "E00825.733" "Hohenzollern" "HHNZLL" "_" "N4819.417" "E00858.000" "Yvonand" "YVONND" "_" "N4648.050" "E00644.850" "Estavayer le Lac" "ESTVRL" "_" "N4650.650" "E00650.533" "Payerne" "PAYERN" "121.125" "N4650.583" "E00654.933" "Portalban" "PRTLBN" "_" "N4655.050" "E00657.350" "Avenches" "AVNCHS" "_" "N4652.783" "E00702.633" "Murten" "MURTEN" "_" "N4655.467" "E00706.900" "Vully" "VULLY" "_" "N4657.783" "E00705.667" "Kerzers" "KERZRS" "_" "N4658.567" "E00711.767" "Erlach" "ERLACH" "_" "N4702.833" "E00706.167" "Hagneck" "HAGNCK" "_" "N4703.567" "E00710.650" "Sottens" "SOTTNS" "_" "N4639.317" "E00643.750" "Moudon" "MOUDON" "_" "N4640.117" "E00648.183" "Sassel" "SASSEL" "_" "N4646.467" "E00651.217" "Romont" "ROMONT" "_" "N4641.600" "E00654.717" "Chenens" "CHENNS" "_" "N4644.617" "E00659.850" "Noreaz" "NOREAZ" "_" "N4648.200" "E00701.583" "Gibloux" "GIBLOX" "_" "N4641.167" "E00702.600" "Rossens" "ROSSNS" "_" "N4643.033" "E00706.767" "Fribourg" "FRIBRG" "_" "N4648.133" "E00709.033" "Schiffenen" "SCHFFN" "_" "N4652.900" "E00711.550" "Laupen" "LAUPEN" "_" "N4654.000" "E00714.700" "Muehleberg" "MHLBRG" "_" "N4657.200" "E00715.750" "Flamat" "FLAMAT" "_" "N4653.317" "E00719.167" "Schwarzenburg" "SCHWRZ" "_" "N4649.150" "E00720.567" "Brassus" "BRASSS" "_" "N4635.150" "E00612.783" "Rueschegg" "RSCHGG" "_" "N4647.317" "E00724.933" "Riggisberg" "RGGSBR" "_" "N4648.567" "E00728.683" "Seftigen" "SEFTGN" "_" "N4647.150" "E00732.450" "Kirchdorf" "KRCHDR" "_" "N4649.183" "E00732.983" "Falkenflueh" "FLKNFL" "_" "N4649.533" "E00738.983" "Langnau" "LANGNA" "_" "N4656.367" "E00747.050" "Sumiswald" "SMSWLD" "_" "N4701.517" "E00744.217" "Wynigen" "WYNIGN" "_" "N4706.333" "E00740.017" "Koppigen" "KOPPGN" "_" "N4708.000" "E00736.250" "Wangen an der Aare" "WNGNND" "_" "N4714.150" "E00739.350" "Bleienbach" "BLNBCH" "122.525" "N4710.967" "E00744.483" "St Urban" "STURBN" "_" "N4713.917" "E00750.400" "Huttwil" "HUTTWL" "_" "N4706.883" "E00750.550" "Lutern" "LUTERN" "_" "N4703.467" "E00755.200" "Napf" "NAPF" "_" "N4700.283" "E00756.367" "Entlebuch" "ENTLBC" "_" "N4659.633" "E00803.733" "Wolhusen" "WOLHSN" "_" "N4703.400" "E00804.917" "Willisau" "WILLIS" "_" "N4707.350" "E00759.800" "Dagmersellen" "DGMRSL" "_" "N4712.533" "E00758.983" "Triengen" "TRINGN" "124.525" "N4713.667" "E00804.800" "Schoeftland" "SCHFTL" "_" "N4717.883" "E00803.167" "Olten" "OLTEN" "118.775" "N4720.600" "E00753.317" "Goesgen" "GOESGN" "KKW" "N4722.000" "E00758.150" "Lenzburg" "LNZBRG" "_" "N4723.467" "E00810.800" "Beromuenster" "BRMNST" "122.45" "N4711.400" "E00812.283" "Buttwil" "BUTTWL" "LSZU" "N4715.883" "E00818.150" "Hausen am Albis" "HSNMLB" "LSZN" "N4714.317" "E00830.933" "Amlikon" "AMLIKN" "LSPA" "N4734.450" "E00902.850" "Gossau" "GOSSAU" "_" "N4724.783" "E00915.317" "Ricken" "RICKEN" "_" "N4715.933" "E00902.800" "Echallens" "ECHLLN" "_" "N4638.350" "E00638.000" "Sarraz" "SARRAZ" "_" "N4639.583" "E00630.833" "Cossonay" "COSSON" "_" "N4636.867" "E00630.517" "Lausanne LaBlecherette" "LSNNLB" "123.2" "N4632.717" "E00637.000" "Montricher" "MNTRCH" "123.05" "N4635.483" "E00624.050" "Biere" "BIERE" "_" "N4632.233" "E00619.983" "Semsales" "SEMSLS" "_" "N4634.383" "E00655.583" "Paccots" "PACCTS" "_" "N4631.317" "E00656.917" "Bulle" "BULLE" "_" "N4637.083" "E00703.217" "Gruyeres" "GRUYRS" "_" "N4635.100" "E00705.050" "Montbovon" "MNTBVN" "Bahnhof" "N4629.117" "E00702.533" "Hauteville" "HATVLL" "Kirche" "N4640.333" "E00706.217" "Charmey" "CHARME" "_" "N4637.183" "E00709.850" "Berra" "BERRA" "_" "N4640.683" "E00710.850" "Plaffeien" "PLAFFN" "_" "N4644.133" "E00716.833" "Schwarzsee" "SCHWAR" "_" "N4640.233" "E00717.467" "Gurnigelberg" "GRNGLB" "_" "N4644.017" "E00727.200" "Gastlosen" "GSTLSN" "_" "N4635.283" "E00717.083" "Jaunpass" "JANPSS" "_" "N4635.750" "E00720.550" "Zweisimmen" "ZWSMMN" "121.225" "N4633.133" "E00722.850" "Chateau dOex" "CHATDX" "_" "N4628.483" "E00707.950" "Saanen" "SAANEN" "118.85" "N4629.183" "E00714.917" "Wispile" "WISPIL" "_" "N4626.417" "E00717.550" "Rochers de Naye" "RCHRSD" "Bergstation" "N4626.000" "E00658.700" "Mosses" "MOSSES" "_" "N4623.967" "E00706.167" "Berneuse" "BERNES" "_" "N4621.567" "E00700.167" "Villars/Sollon" "VLLRSS" "_" "N4617.817" "E00703.350" "Bex" "BEX" "122.15" "N4615.500" "E00659.183" "Pascheville" "PSCHVL" "_" "N4617.067" "E00710.800" "Pillon" "PILLON" "_" "N4621.067" "E00712.200" "Hannenmoos" "HNNNMS" "_" "N4627.183" "E00729.717" "Brodhuesi" "BRODHS" "_" "N4640.717" "E00737.800" "Reichenbach" "RCHNBC" "123.65" "N4636.783" "E00740.683" "Blueme Aussichts" "BLMSSC" "_" "N4644.867" "E00742.917" "Niederhorn" "NDRHRN" "_" "N4642.633" "E00746.417" "Trueschhuebel" "TRSCHH" "_" "N4646.700" "E00750.517" "Schallenberg" "SCHLLN" "_" "N4649.517" "E00747.783" "Kemmeriboden" "KMMRBD" "_" "N4648.150" "E00756.083" "Escholzmatt" "ESCHLZ" "_" "N4655.000" "E00756.217" "Hochwald" "HCHWLD" "_" "N4652.300" "E00801.033" "Interlaken" "INTRLK" "130.15" "N4640.600" "E00752.750" "Grindelwald" "GRNDLW" "Eglise" "N4637.600" "E00801.917" "Bruenig" "BRUENG" "_" "N4645.450" "E00808.300" "Sarnersee" "SARNRS" "_" "N4650.833" "E00812.000" "Gadmen" "GADMEN" "_" "N4644.300" "E00821.200" "Fraekmuentegg" "FRKMNT" "Station Pilatus" "N4659.533" "E00815.133" "Muotathal" "MUTTHL" "_" "N4658.483" "E00846.467" "Einsiedeln" "ENSDLN" "_" "N4707.683" "E00845.233" "Mollis" "MOLLIS" "Military, LSMF" "N4704.717" "E00903.900" "Schwaegalp" "SCHWGL" "_" "N4715.467" "E00919.267" "Sargans" "SARGNS" "_" "N4703.050" "E00926.233" "Landquart" "LNDQRT" "_" "N4658.050" "E00933.250" "St Gingolph" "STGNGL" "_" "N4623.600" "E00648.200" "Abondance" "ABNDNC" "_" "N4616.900" "E00643.200" "Morzines" "MORZNS" "_" "N4610.083" "E00642.600" "Marcelly" "MARCLL" "_" "N4607.800" "E00634.600" "Andey" "ANDEY" "_" "N4602.600" "E00625.200" "Sallanches" "SLLNCH" "123.5" "N4557.233" "E00638.317" "Aravis" "ARAVIS" "_" "N4552.950" "E00627.900" "Favergs" "FAVRGS" "Ville" "N4545.100" "E00617.633" "Semnoz" "SEMNOZ" "Station" "N4547.433" "E00605.367" "Challes les Eaux" "CHLLSL" "Aerodrome" "N4533.683" "E00558.617" "Ovronnaz" "OVRNNZ" "_" "N4611.900" "E00710.450" "Chandolin" "CHNDLN" "_" "N4614.900" "E00719.167" "Crans Montana" "CRNSMN" "Golfplatz" "N4618.083" "E00727.550" "Leukerbad" "LEKRBD" "_" "N4622.833" "E00737.800" "Raron" "RARON" "120.425" "N4618.117" "E00749.983" "Brigue" "BRIGUE" "_" "N4619.183" "E00759.233" "Riederalp" "RIDRLP" "_" "N4622.600" "E00801.550" "Bellwald" "BLLWLD" "Kirche" "N4625.500" "E00809.683" "Muenster" "MUNSTR" "122.075" "N4628.817" "E00815.800" "Oberwald" "OBRWLD" "_" "N4631.883" "E00820.583" "Furka" "FURKA" "_" "N4634.367" "E00824.917" "Martigny" "MARTGN" "_" "N4606.400" "E00704.900" "Verbier" "VERBIR" "_" "N4605.717" "E00713.217" "Thyon" "THYON" "_" "N4610.867" "E00722.067" "Dixence" "DIXENC" "_" "N4604.833" "E00724.200" "Mauvoisin" "MAUVSN" "Staumauer Mitte" "N4559.867" "E00721.000" "Zinal" "ZINAL" "_" "N4608.150" "E00737.650" "Zermatt" "ZERMTT" "_" "N4601.433" "E00745.033" "Graechen" "GRACHN" "_" "N4611.783" "E00750.417" "Forclaz col" "FRCLZC" "_" "N4603.333" "E00700.017" "Argentiere" "ARGNTR" "_" "N4559.000" "E00655.750" "Chamonix" "CHAMNX" "_" "N4555.283" "E00652.350" "Voza" "VOZA" "_" "N4552.567" "E00645.667" "Megeves" "MEGEVS" "118.5" "N4549.467" "E00638.550" "Roseland" "ROSLND" "_" "N4541.633" "E00640.083" "Petit St Bernard" "PTTSTB" "_" "N4540.717" "E00653.000" "Plagne" "PLAGNE" "Station" "N4530.817" "E00640.300" "Courchevel" "CRCHVL" "120.075" "N4523.800" "E00637.983" "Ugine" "UGINE" "_" "N4544.700" "E00625.700" "Albertville" "ALBRTV" "123.5" "N4537.633" "E00619.750" "St Remy Maurienne" "STRMMR" "_" "N4522.167" "E00616.917" "Chamrousse" "CHMRSS" "_" "N4506.800" "E00552.700" "Ferret" "FERRET" "_" "N4553.283" "E00704.667" "Courmayeur" "COURMR" "_" "N4547.350" "E00658.367" "Valgrisenche" "VLGRSN" "_" "N4537.683" "E00704.017" "Aosta" "AOSTA" "119.95" "N4544.317" "E00721.750" "Prarayer" "PRARAR" "Barrage" "N4554.000" "E00729.500" "Airolo" "AIROLO" "Village" "N4631.600" "E00836.550" "Olivone" "OLIVON" "Village" "N4631.867" "E00856.550" "Biasca" "BIASCA" "Village" "N4621.050" "E00858.567" "San Vittore" "SNVTTR" "LSXV" "N4614.050" "E00905.650" "Oberalp" "OBERLP" "_" "N4639.600" "E00840.317" "Disentis" "DISNTS" "_" "N4642.167" "E00851.333" "Brigels" "BRIGLS" "_" "N4646.150" "E00903.717" "Vals" "VALS" "_" "N4637.067" "E00910.850" "Flims" "FLIMS" "_" "N4649.217" "E00917.683" "Lenzerheide" "LNZRHD" "_" "N4643.717" "E00933.567" "Klosters" "KLSTRS" "_" "N4653.100" "E00952.567" "Berguen" "BERGUN" "_" "N4637.933" "E00944.933" "Zernez" "ZERNEZ" "_" "N4641.967" "E01005.433" "Bernina" "BERNIN" "_" "N4624.667" "E01001.467" "Nauders" "NAUDRS" "_" "N4653.600" "E01030.200" "Stuben am Arlberg" "STBNMR" "_" "N4708.333" "E01009.533" "Landeck" "LANDCK" "_" "N4708.333" "E01034.333" "Aarau" "AARAU" "_" "N4723.583" "E00803.017" "Agatazell" "AGTZLL" "_" "N4733.250" "E01016.367" "Albispass" "ALBSPS" "_" "N4716.583" "E00831.200" "Albtal" "ALBTAL" "_" "N4741.800" "E00807.550" "Arzier" "ARZIER" "_" "N4627.600" "E00612.400" "Bellerive" "BELLRV" "_" "N4655.417" "E00701.417" "Bernex" "BERNEX" "_" "N4621.667" "E00640.450" "Bevaix" "BEVAIX" "_" "N4655.900" "E00648.850" "Bienne" "BIENNE" "_" "N4708.650" "E00715.950" "Buettikon" "BUTTKN" "_" "N4719.583" "E00816.133" "Cevio" "CEVIO" "_" "N4619.167" "E00836.433" "Chatel St Denis" "CHTLST" "_" "N4631.633" "E00654.067" "Cornaux" "CORNAX" "_" "N4702.150" "E00701.017" "Cremin" "CREMIN" "_" "N4643.533" "E00650.483" "Cuarnens" "CURNNS" "_" "N4637.467" "E00626.283" "Cudrefin" "CUDRFN" "_" "N4657.483" "E00701.017" "Degerfeld" "DGRFLD" "125.1" "N4815.017" "E00903.983" "Edlibach" "EDLBCH" "_" "N4710.950" "E00834.183" "Gampelen" "GAMPLN" "_" "N4700.883" "E00703.483" "Givrine" "GIVRIN" "_" "N4627.300" "E00606.917" "Gollion" "GOLLIN" "_" "N4635.067" "E00630.567" "Goumoens" "GOUMNS" "_" "N4639.483" "E00636.233" "Habere Poche" "HBRPCH" "122.51" "N4616.267" "E00627.800" "Hopitaux Neufs" "HPTXNF" "_" "N4646.633" "E00622.400" "Ins" "INS" "_" "N4700.350" "E00706.367" "Lac Bret" "LACBRT" "_" "N4630.783" "E00646.317" "La Chia" "LACHIA" "_" "N4635.133" "E00701.617" "Laichingen" "LCHNGN" "127.7" "N4829.783" "E00938.317" "Le Lieu" "LELIEU" "_" "N4638.900" "E00616.867" "Levier" "LEVIER" "_" "N4657.200" "E00607.350" "Loeffingen" "LFFNGN" "_" "N4752.967" "E00820.550" "Maloja" "MALOJA" "_" "N4624.217" "E00941.017" "Masera" "MASERA" "130.0" "N4608.050" "E00818.383" "Menzinken" "MNZNKN" "_" "N4714.883" "E00811.783" "Metabief" "METABF" "_" "N4645.167" "E00621.517" "Misery" "MISERY" "_" "N4651.167" "E00704.017" "Montagne Lussy" "MNTGNL" "_" "N4643.500" "E00655.633" "Morges" "MORGES" "_" "N4630.550" "E00629.883" "Mt Pelerin" "MTPLRN" "_" "N4630.000" "E00649.067" "Muensingen" "MNSNGN" "123.5" "N4824.550" "E00926.500" "Pampigny" "PAMPGN" "_" "N4634.817" "E00625.733" "Prapoutel" "PRAPTL" "_" "N4515.350" "E00559.567" "Raimeux" "RAIMEX" "_" "N4717.917" "E00726.183" "Risoux" "RISOUX" "_" "N4639.450" "E00614.617" "Saisies" "SAISIS" "_" "N4545.417" "E00632.317" "Samedan" "SAMEDN" "135.321" "N4632.100" "E00953.033" "Samoens" "SAMONS" "_" "N4605.117" "E00643.583" "Schaenis" "SCHANS" "_" "N4710.250" "E00902.333" "Septmoncel" "SPTMNC" "_" "N4622.217" "E00554.517" "Servion" "SERVIN" "_" "N4634.267" "E00646.750" "Simplon" "SIMPLN" "_" "N4614.833" "E00801.667" "S Parmelan" "SPRMLN" "_" "N4554.150" "E00614.483" "St Germain de Joux" "STGRMN" "_" "N4610.650" "E00544.500" "St Laurent Faucigny" "STLAUR" "_" "N4602.883" "E00621.383" "St Martin" "STMRTN" "_" "N4634.617" "E00652.133" "St Prex" "STPREX" "_" "N4629.017" "E00627.450" "Tafers" "TAFERS" "_" "N4648.933" "E00712.933" "Thierrens" "THRRNS" "_" "N4642.283" "E00645.250" "Thun Allmend" "THNLLM" "123.25" "N4645.383" "E00736.017" "Tirano" "TIRANO" "_" "N4613.033" "E01010.617" "Trey" "TREY" "_" "N4646.283" "E00655.483" "Ursy" "URSY" "_" "N4638.100" "E00650.033" "Vaulion" "VAULIN" "_" "N4641.367" "E00623.283" "Vaulruz" "VAULRZ" "_" "N4637.250" "E00659.350" "Verschez les Blancs" "VRSCHZ" "_" "N4633.467" "E00641.067" "Villars St Croix" "VILLAR" "_" "N4633.783" "E00633.567" "Vuisternens Dv Romont" "VSTRNN" "_" "N4639.217" "E00655.800" "W Weissenstein" "WWSSNS" "_" "N4714.900" "E00728.050" "Zaeziwil" "ZAEZWL" "_" "N4654.117" "E00739.733" "Belfort Chaux" "BLFRTC" "123.5" "N4742.100" "E00649.850" "Lac Gerardmer" "LCGRRD" "_" "N4804.183" "E00651.217" "Lure" "LURE" "_" "N4742.350" "E00632.750" "Plainfaing" "PLNFNG" "_" "N4810.967" "E00700.100" "Remiremont" "RMRMNT" "_" "N4800.800" "E00635.733"