* NAM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "yevsino.stx" created Friday, 23 August 2019 at 06:17 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 * combine_icao run on Friday, 23 August 2019 at 05:52 GMT $HEADER;_WAYPOINT VERSION OGC2011, Airspace version: Nsk 2013 $CONTRIBUTOR Iakov Shrage $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL iakovchr@mtu-net.ru $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $HOME Yevsino, Novosibirsk. Russia $CONTEST NSO 2019 * State: Tyumen $STATE Novosibirsk $TIMEZONE +3 $COUNTRY RU $URL_INFORMATION * URL_turnpoints: aviaclub.ru/gliders/chempionaty-rossii/2010/dokumenty/ $URL_TURNPOINTS_HIDE www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/nso-cup-yevsino-2019/downloads $LATITUDE N $LONGITUDE E $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MODIFICATIONS 23 Aug 19: Original contribution. $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 8.3E $MILOMEI Yes * ============================================================================== * * Filename "yevsino.stx" created Friday, 23 August 2019 at 06:17 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $HEADER;_WAYPOINT VERSION OGC2011, Airspace version: Nsk 2013 $CONTRIBUTOR Iakov Shrage $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL iakovchr@mtu-net.ru $HOME Yevsino, Novosibirsk. Russia $CONTEST NSO 2019 $TIMEZONE +3 $COUNTRY RU $LATITUDE N $LONGITUDE E $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 8.3E $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 18 August 2019 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 277 54 29 12 83 29 46 T 270.9 Aeroport Berdsk 54 44 21 83 5 52 AT 150.1 Aeroport Evsino 54 24 15 83 14 14 HDF 234.9 Akulovo 53 54 59 84 0 57 T 148.6 Alexandrovsky 54 35 0 83 9 45 T 182 Anisimovo 54 1 11 83 37 30 T 170 Barabka 54 39 34 83 25 50 T 182 Barinovo 54 10 29 83 18 12 T 251 Belovo 54 32 13 83 38 0 T 208 Berdsk 54 45 48 83 7 0 T 123.7 Berdsk-Yuzhny 54 39 14 83 4 39 AT 209 Berezovka 54 28 51 82 59 32 T 252 Bezmenovo 54 4 46 83 23 6 T 233 Bitki 54 11 41 82 18 24 T 203.9 Bolshoi Izirak 54 30 47 84 16 13 T 268.1 Bobrovka 53 55 33 82 7 56 T 197.9 Bobrovitsky 54 15 44 82 55 48 T 282 Boltovo 54 2 24 82 17 52 T 208 Borodavkino 54 29 11 82 54 20 T 195 Buranovo 54 10 33 83 56 58 T 259 Burmistrovo 54 38 11 82 49 51 T 131 Chaschino 54 3 36 82 57 30 T 203 Cherep 54 12 48 83 19 24 T 278.9 Chupino 54 31 30 82 57 0 T 181 D. Bezmenovo 54 7 23 83 28 43 T 210 Devkino 54 36 51 83 41 56 T 137.1 Dorogino 54 21 59 83 19 13 T 267 Dorogina Zaimka 54 21 4 83 11 43 T 220 Dresvyanka 54 8 20 84 32 33 T 220.6 Dubininsky 54 48 56 83 32 9 T 270 Egoryev 54 30 0 84 32 29 T 333.1 Elbashi 54 44 0 83 35 0 T 221 Elovkino 54 5 57 83 17 40 T 225 Evsino 54 24 59 83 19 20 T 219 Fedorovsky 54 9 32 82 32 44 T 256 Gilevo 54 20 56 82 56 21 T 248 Gorevka 54 25 0 82 48 39 T 213 Gorlovo 54 35 38 83 33 51 T 133 Gribnoy 54 17 17 83 14 39 T 292 Guselnikovo 54 31 3 83 41 33 T 226 Harino 54 36 55 83 36 23 T 130 Harkovka 54 6 34 82 18 49 T 251 Holodnoe 54 6 53 82 35 8 T 236 Inskoy 54 13 18 83 13 46 T 222 Kaltai 54 8 40 84 15 49 T 212.4 Kamenka 54 23 6 82 36 51 T 247 Kameshek 54 38 55 84 31 53 T 399.9 Karaguzhevo 54 9 33 83 7 37 T 209 Karasiovo 54 9 46 83 0 0 T 208 Kazantsevo 54 1 26 83 17 12 T 204 Koshelevo 53 57 45 83 31 39 T 162 Krutishka 54 10 51 83 9 4 T 208 Kurilovka 54 12 54 82 45 14 T 295 Lager 54 30 31 82 25 52 T 125 Lebedevka 54 40 0 83 13 29 T 147 Legostaevo 54 38 48 83 49 21 T 135.9 Lihanovsky 54 17 0 83 37 44 T 288 Listv 54 27 40 83 30 57 T 249.8 Logovoy 54 40 38 83 21 14 T 169 Lushnikovo 54 0 59 83 31 2 T 173 Maslianino 54 20 46 84 12 52 T 178.9 Mayak 54 41 33 83 8 13 T 201 Mayskiy 54 11 23 83 21 25 T 257 Mayurovo 54 18 45 82 25 39 T 167 Medvedskoe 54 23 56 83 33 12 T 220 Mikhal 54 25 43 83 5 33 T 183.7 Mishlanka 54 1 13 82 5 26 T 247.9 Morozovo 54 46 2 83 13 9 T 156 Nikonovo 54 26 43 83 59 1 T 171 Nizh-Koen 54 48 47 83 23 34 T 134 Nlokt 54 22 54 82 54 48 T 239 Novoelovka 53 54 26 83 19 9 T 176 Novolebedevka 54 27 43 83 9 10 T 175 Novoshmakovo 54 14 6 83 41 22 T 232 Novovoskresenka 54 5 33 83 3 30 T 214 Nziv 54 33 18 83 12 5 T 164 Octyabrsky 54 26 35 82 54 39 T 232 Ogonki 54 0 41 83 25 16 T 213 Otvazhny 54 11 34 83 19 37 T 262 Ogneva Zaimka 54 17 19 83 44 33 T 257 Ozerki 54 30 29 82 38 8 T 174 Padun 54 20 36 83 36 54 T 270 Penkovo 54 20 14 83 59 14 T 238.6 Pervomaysky 54 34 34 83 0 29 T 227 Ploskoe 54 12 38 82 27 3 T 212 Preobrazhenka 54 22 2 82 43 20 T 254 Privolny 54 7 10 83 21 0 T 239 Razdolniy 54 28 58 83 5 9 T 206 Romanovo 54 11 0 83 28 8 T 217 Roschinsky 54 38 7 83 12 56 T 161 Rozhdestvenka 54 22 0 82 26 32 T 189 Rybchinka 54 36 0 83 6 36 T 165 Semenovsky 54 15 28 83 2 11 T 286 Sharchino 54 16 1 82 31 56 T 194.8 Shibkovo 54 29 29 83 16 46 T 169 Shigaevo 54 14 55 82 19 18 T 180 Shipunovo 53 59 56 82 35 22 T 171 Shurigino 54 5 28 82 52 2 T 210.9 Sibiryak 54 9 32 82 43 39 T 256 Sosnovka 54 40 52 82 58 11 T 123 Sovetskii 54 27 18 82 41 5 T 204.9 Ssosed 54 34 35 83 55 24 T 162.8 St. Iskitim 54 36 39 83 23 33 T 121 St. Morozovo 54 44 43 83 10 25 T 138 Start 54 23 44 83 16 41 S 200.1 Stepnoy 54 30 13 82 56 16 T 209 Suenga 54 23 56 84 31 50 T 201.8 Talmenka 54 42 29 83 16 24 T 171 Taskaevo 54 30 21 83 13 56 T 154 Tatarka 54 11 21 83 43 0 T 220 Tselinniy 54 22 10 82 51 20 T 239 Tula 54 35 0 82 42 1 T 133 Ukrainka 54 16 12 83 4 22 T 266 Ulybino 54 34 35 82 55 30 T 180 Urgun 54 30 6 83 25 44 T 175 Ust-Chem 54 39 38 83 43 25 T 136 Verh-Miltush 54 18 10 82 54 27 T 266 Viki 54 35 54 84 7 45 T 261.4 Vinograd 54 1 0 82 52 35 T 203 Virmen 54 34 17 82 13 59 T 125 Yarki 54 9 0 83 16 51 T 242 Yasnaya Polyana 54 15 41 83 50 7 T 302 Zagain 54 4 18 83 50 40 T 253.9 Zakovryajino 54 2 53 82 25 23 T 187.1 Zalesovo 53 59 44 84 45 24 T 194.8 Zaprudniy 54 22 0 83 26 58 T 238 Zav'ylovo 54 29 54 82 27 7 T 125.1 Zimovie 54 13 38 83 32 38 T 275