;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Williams Soaring Center, California + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Jim Darke + ; + ; Generated Monday, 11 April 2016 at 03:45 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "WilliamsSoaringCentrR1" "WLLMSS" "25HX90;16/34" "N3909.800" "W12207.900" "20 16 Intersection U9" "2016NT" "_" "N3900.783" "W12221.517" "3 Sisters U3" "3SSTRS" "_" "N3907.300" "W12219.967" "7M Ranch E2" "7MRCE2" "38Sx90" "N3843.933" "W12233.833" "Alder Springs U6" "ALDRSP" "_" "N3939.167" "W12243.317" "Angwin Parrett R2" "ANGWNP" "32HX50;16/34" "N3834.717" "W12226.117" "Antelope Valley Rc R3" "ANTLPV" "30Sx60 15/33" "N3908.783" "W12221.417" "Anthony Peak U9" "ANTHNP" "_" "N3950.767" "W12257.883" "Arbuckle U4" "ARBCKL" "_" "N3901.033" "W12203.450" "Bessa Dam U8" "BSSDM8" "_" "N3830.800" "W12206.267" "Beale AFB" "BEALFB" "NORCAL 125.4" "N3908.150" "W12126.167" "Beari Valley E3" "BRVLL3" "Driveway" "N3906.283" "W12225.917" "Benton R2" "BNTNR2" "24Hx75;15/33" "N4034.467" "W12224.450" "Black Butte U9" "BLCKBT" "_" "N3943.600" "W12252.350" "Bowles R4" "BWLSR4" "_" "N3917.133" "W12141.650" "Bessa Towers U8" "BSSTWR" "_" "N3839.850" "W12211.417" "Buckhorn U9" "BCKHRN" "_" "N4037.083" "W12242.667" "Buro1 Gap E4" "BR1GP4" "S of House" "N3946.150" "W12231.267" "Buro2 Gap E4" "BR2GP4" "E of Creek" "N3945.033" "W12231.067" "Calistoga U6" "CLSTG6" "Closed AP" "N3834.733" "W12234.400" "Cal Wrthtn E3" "CLWRTH" "50Hx60;12/30" "N3940.550" "W12218.667" "Cache Creek Casino U5" "CCHCRK" "Nearby field" "N3843.950" "W12208.550" "Charter E5" "CHRTR5" "27Sx80;17/35" "N3909.800" "W12215.817" "Chico R2" "CHICR2" "67HX150;13/31" "N3947.617" "W12151.800" "Colusa County R2" "CLSCNT" "30Hx60;13/31" "N3910.733" "W12159.600" "Cooks3 E3" "COKS33" "20Sx70;17/35" "N3911.450" "W12211.967" "Corning R2" "CRNNGR" "27HX50;17/35" "N3956.633" "W12210.267" "Crazy Creek E3" "CRZCRK" "18Hx200;10/28" "N3846.167" "W12234.167" "Double Creek Ranch R5" "DBLCRK" "30Sx80; 6/24" "N4026.733" "W12152.933" "Deer Creek Ranch R3" "DRCRKR" "3000'square" "N3957.000" "W12159.483" "Diamond M Ranch R4" "DMNDMR" "24Sx75; 9/27" "N3934.283" "W12236.617" "Dunnigan N E7" "DNNGNN" "14Sx100" "N3855.050" "W12156.800" "Dunnigan S E7" "DNNGNS" "20Sx30;17/35" "N3851.000" "W12157.900" "Eagle Peak U8" "EGLPK8" "Yolla" "N3958.067" "W12244.350" "Elk Creek 1 E9" "ELKCRK" "Overgrown" "N3935.117" "W12235.050" "Elk Creek 2 E7" "ELKCRE" "Dirt Road" "N3936.200" "W12232.783" "Esparto E3" "ESPRT3" "17/35; 08/26" "N3839.217" "W12201.683" "Gerber I5 U9" "GRBR59" "I-5 Overpass" "N4005.033" "W12213.000" "Gold Mine U9" "GLDMN9" "Center Of Po" "N3852.000" "W12226.317" "Go Ranch E7" "GORCE7" "24Sx?; 7/25;" "N3853.900" "W12226.783" "Grimes E2" "GRIMS2" "18H60; 12/30" "N3904.783" "W12154.917" "Gravelly Valley R4" "GRVLLV" "40Sx200; 1/1" "N3927.067" "W12257.267" "Goat Mountain U4" "GTMTN4" "_" "N3915.617" "W12242.900" "Goat N Pass U6" "GTNPSS" "N of Goat" "N3919.950" "W12246.017" "Goat S Pass U6" "GTSPSS" "S of Goat" "N3912.833" "W12239.050" "Guenoc E5" "GUENC5" "16Sx90;11/29" "N3844.367" "W12231.383" "Guinda E9" "GUIND9" "Unsafe" "N3847.983" "W12210.817" "Gunners Field Ranch R4" "GNNRSF" "26Hx60; 16/34" "N3921.167" "W12205.633" "Hayfork R3" "HFRKR3" "41HX60; 7/25" "N4032.817" "W12310.783" "Hay Peak 6399 U7" "HPK639" "aka Chancel" "N4028.433" "W12259.483" "Heller High Water R4" "HLLRHG" "26x100;18/36" "N4008.600" "W12323.900" "High Valley E3" "HGHVLL" "48Sx100;8/26" "N3902.950" "W12241.567" "Hoberg E8" "HOBRG8" "14/32 CLOSED" "N3852.317" "W12240.633" "Hyampom R3" "HMPMR3" "29HX60; 14/3" "N4037.567" "W12328.117" "Indian Ranch E4" "INDNRC" "36Sx60;13/33" "N3916.150" "W12228.833" "Johnsen R3" "JHNSNR" "27x200;16/34" "N3940.283" "W12153.033" "Johnsons E3" "JHNSNS" "43Sx90; 7/25" "N3848.450" "W12235.617" "Jones R5" "JONSR5" "26x100;14/32" "N3927.350" "W12141.467" "Knocti U3" "KNOCT3" "_" "N3858.483" "W12245.950" "Lake California R2" "LKCLFR" "30x200;14/32" "N4021.667" "W12212.950" "Lampson R2" "LMPSNR" "36x200;10/28" "N3859.417" "W12254.000" "Larrys E4" "LARRS4" "17x100: 9/27" "N3845.883" "W12238.650" "Lincolnr R2" "LNCLNR" "60x100;15/33" "N3854.550" "W12121.083" "Long Valley E9" "LNGVLL" "36Sx90;11/29" "N3905.900" "W12241.517" "M3 U8" "M3 U8" "_" "N3956.333" "W12246.833" "M6 U9" "M6 U9" "9sm to Buro1" "N3946.283" "W12241.067" "Max Moller R9" "MXMLLR" "Weeds Ruts" "N3917.233" "W12211.367" "Millers E4" "MLLRS4" "20SX50; 07/2" "N3904.533" "W12204.933" "Montgomry E2" "MNTGMR" "40Sx50; 15/3" "N3924.117" "W12229.983" "Moronis R7" "MRNSR7" "24Hx60; 16/34" "N3906.200" "W12151.000" "Mt St Helena U6" "MTSTHL" "_" "N3840.150" "W12237.717" "Mysterious Valley R9" "MSTRSV" "35Sx60;14/32" "N3844.450" "W12222.033" "Napa County R2" "NPCNTR" "59Hx15018/36" "N3812.583" "W12216.700" "Noltas U3" "NOLTS3" "_" "N3934.767" "W12211.883" "Nut Tree R1" "NTTRR1" "47Hx75;02/20" "N3822.667" "W12157.717" "Orland Haigh R2" "ORLNDH" "45HX60; 15/3" "N3943.267" "W12208.783" "Oroville R2" "ORVLLR" "60Hx100; 2/2" "N3929.417" "W12137.317" "Ponderosa Sky Ranch E9" "PNDRSS" "not landable" "N4020.650" "W12146.383" "Paradise Skypark R3" "PRDSSK" "30Hx60;17/35" "N3942.617" "W12136.983" "Pope Valley N E3" "PPVLLN" "24Sx50;8/26" "N3838.100" "W12224.167" "Pope Valley R3" "PPVLLR" "37Hx60;10/28" "N3836.650" "W12223.500" "Red Bluff R2" "RDBLFF" "54HX100; CTA" "N4009.050" "W12215.150" "Ranchaero R3" "RNCHRR" "21x250;14/32" "N3943.183" "W12152.233" "Rdg N U9" "RDGNU9" "_" "N3853.383" "W12217.467" "Rdg S U9" "RDGSU9" "_" "N3843.800" "W12214.633" "Redding R2" "RDDNGR" "70x150;16/34" "N4030.583" "W12217.683" "Richvale R3" "RCHVLR" "22x100;16/34" "N3929.850" "W12146.250" "Rio Vista R2" "RVSTR2" "42HX75;07/25" "N3811.617" "W12142.350" "Round Valley R2" "RNDVLL" "36HX60;10/28" "N3947.467" "W12316.250" "Rogers R2" "RGRSR2" "50X100;16/34" "N4016.933" "W12114.467" "Rancho Tehama R2" "RNCHTH" "37x150;09/27" "N4000.917" "W12223.483" "Rumsey Gap U7" "RMSGP7" "N Of Gap" "N3855.233" "W12218.233" "Ruth R4" "RUTHR4" "35x150;13/31" "N4012.700" "W12317.867" "Siron Mtn u2" "SRNMTN" "_" "N3929.467" "W12244.050" "Sites E7" "SITES7" "Fields" "N3918.517" "W12220.550" "Silver Creek Ranch R9" "SLVRCR" "Weeds, brush" "N4019.050" "W12315.233" "Sacramento" "SCRMNT" "NORCAL 125.4" "N3841.717" "W12136.067" "Snow Mtn U5" "SNWMTN" "_" "N3922.700" "W12245.600" "St John U2" "STJHN2" "_" "N3925.917" "W12241.617" "Stonyford E6" "STNFRD" "22Sx80;16/34" "N3921.983" "W12233.133" "Strain E3" "STRAN3" "25Hx90;17/34" "N3903.200" "W12205.733" "Sutter Buttes U5" "STTRBT" "_" "N3912.350" "W12149.233" "T15 U7" "T15 U7" "_" "N4012.300" "W12300.583" "T16 U7" "T16 U7" "_" "N4008.217" "W12249.033" "Trinty Alps U8" "TRNTLP" "Weavrvl 15sm" "N4100.267" "W12302.217" "Trinity Center R5" "TRNTCN" "32x150;14/32" "N4058.950" "W12241.617" "Travis AFB R9" "TRVSFB" "100x150;03/31" "N3815.767" "W12155.633" "Tree Farm U4" "TRFRM4" "_" "N3917.050" "W12240.317" "Ukiah R2" "UKIHR2" "44x150; 15/33" "N3907.583" "W12312.067" "University Davis R1" "UNVRST" "31X50;17/35" "N3831.883" "W12147.183" "Vaca Pond U5" "VCPND5" "_" "N3821.683" "W12204.533" "Vanderford Ranch R5" "VNDRFR" "_" "N3905.633" "W12143.050" "Wagner E5" "WAGNR5" "31Hx80;14/32" "N3852.483" "W12142.600" "Willits R2" "WLLTSR" "30x100; 16/34" "N3927.100" "W12322.350" "Willows Glenn CountyR2" "WLLWSG" "41x100;16/34" "N3931.000" "W12213.183" "Walker Ridge U2" "WLKRRD" "_" "N3905.917" "W12229.317" "Watts Woodland R2" "WTTSWD" "37X200;18/36" "N3840.450" "W12152.317" "LonniePoolWeavervillR3" "LNNPLW" "30x150;18/36" "N4044.833" "W12255.350" "Yolo County R2" "YLCNTR" "60x200;16/34" "N3834.783" "W12151.417" "Yolla Peak U8" "YLLPK8" "_" "N4002.333" "W12251.850"