;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Wiener Neustadt, Austria + ; + ; ASVOe-NOe-TAL + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Alfred Obermayer + ; + ; Generated Monday, 02 July 2012 at 21:36 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "LOXN Wiener Neustadt W" "LXNWNR" "Flugplatz" "N4750,417" "E01613,283" "A1 Emmerberg" "A1MMRB" "_" "N4749,100" "E01606,100" "A2 Metro" "A2METR" "_" "N4746,900" "E01611,500" "A3 FelbringHerzstation" "A3FLBR" "_" "N4750,483" "E01605,267" "A4 Markt Piesting" "A4MRKT" "_" "N4752,350" "E01607,933" "A5 St Egyden" "A5STGD" "_" "N4745,600" "E01608,700" "A6 Wuerflach Bad" "A6WRFL" "_" "N4746,383" "E01602,967" "A7 Golfplatz" "A7GLFP" "_" "N4746,300" "E01613,400" "Admont Tankstell" "ADMNTT" "Landefeld" "N4735,017" "E01427,267" "Alpl" "ALPL" "Gasthof Bruggrober" "N4730,433" "E01538,267" "Altaussee" "ALTASS" "Landefeld" "N4738,317" "E01346,067" "Bad Fischau" "BFISCH" "Kirche" "N4749,900" "E01609,850" "Bruck" "BRUCK" "A4 Grenze" "N4755,467" "E01706,683" "Eisenerz" "EISNRZ" "Landefeld" "N4733,000" "E01452,500" "Fehring" "FEHRNG" "Kirche" "N4656,183" "E01600,667" "Finkenhaus" "FNKNHS" "Huette" "N4751,033" "E01608,667" "Freistadt" "FRSTDT" "PRV Flugplatz" "N4830,833" "E01424,417" "Friedberg" "FRDBRG" "Bhf" "N4726,050" "E01603,183" "Friesach Hirth" "FRSCHH" "Flugplatz" "N4655,650" "E01425,917" "Fuerstenfeld" "FRSTNF" "Flugplatz" "N4703,717" "E01605,067" "Gerlos" "GERLOS" "Landefeld" "N4713,750" "E01203,150" "Gloggnitz" "GLGGNT" "Landefeld" "N4740,617" "E01557,667" "Grabenweg" "GRBNWG" "Landefeld" "N4757,067" "E01602,033" "Grimmenstein" "GRMMNS" "A2" "N4736,700" "E01607,750" "Gross Gerungs" "GRSSGR" "_" "N4834,450" "E01457,467" "Gruenbach" "GRNBCH" "Kirche" "N4747,850" "E01559,233" "Guenther Haus Stuhleck" "GNTHRH" "_" "N4734,450" "E01547,450" "Hainfeld" "HANFLD" "Landefeld" "N4802,000" "E01546,833" "Haus Im Enns" "HSMNNS" "Landefeld" "N4725,100" "E01346,800" "Hengsthuette" "HNGSTH" "_" "N4745,483" "E01553,050" "Hernstein" "HRNSTN" "Kirche" "N4753,667" "E01606,483" "Heukuppe" "HEUKPP" "Gipfel" "N4741,350" "E01541,350" "Hinterstoder" "HNTRST" "Landefeld" "N4740,433" "E01407,133" "Hofkirchen St Stefan" "HFKRCH" "Landefeld" "N4714,800" "E01553,400" "Innerfahrafeld" "INNRFH" "Landefeld" "N4756,400" "E01535,900" "Kalwang" "KALWNG" "Landefeld" "N4725,500" "E01444,000" "Kapfenberg" "KPFNBR" "Flugplatz" "N4727,450" "E01519,867" "Kirchberg Pielac" "KRCHBR" "Landefeld" "N4802,150" "E01526,600" "Kirchberg Raab" "KIRCHB" "Kirche" "N4659,250" "E01545,850" "Krems Langenlois" "KRMSLN" "Flugplatz" "N4826,767" "E01538,017" "Krieglach" "KRGLCH" "Landefeld" "N4732,483" "E01532,650" "Krumbach" "KRMBCH" "Kirche" "N4731,467" "E01611,533" "Kulm Burgenland" "KLMBRG" "_" "N4706,217" "E01627,083" "Langwies" "LANGWS" "Landefeld" "N4746,333" "E01343,367" "Lanzen Turnau" "LNZNTR" "Flugplatz" "N4733,400" "E01519,317" "Lassing Hochkar" "LSSNGH" "Landefeld" "N4744,983" "E01454,083" "Lienz Nikolsdorf" "LNZNKL" "Flugplatz" "N4647,900" "E01252,700" "Liezen" "LIEZEN" "Landefeld" "N4733,700" "E01415,817" "Madling" "MADLNG" "Landefeld" "N4704,083" "E01347,917" "Malta West" "MALTAW" "Landefeld" "N4658,600" "E01328,100" "Mariazell" "MARZLL" "Flugplatz" "N4747,367" "E01518,017" "Matrei Wiese" "MATRWS" "Landefeld" "N4659,117" "E01232,767" "Mattersburg" "MTTRSB" "_" "N4743,917" "E01624,233" "Mauterndorf" "MTRNDR" "Flugplatz" "N4707,917" "E01341,767" "Micheldorf" "MCHLDR" "Flugplatz" "N4752,350" "E01407,550" "Mitterndorf" "MTTRND" "Landefeld" "N4733,200" "E01358,000" "Mittersill" "MTTRSL" "Landefeld" "N4717,233" "E01230,350" "Moenichkirchen" "MNCHKR" "Kirche" "N4730,700" "E01602,167" "Nasswald" "NSSWLD" "Landefeld" "N4744,217" "E01539,700" "Neuberg" "NEUBRG" "Landefeld" "N4739,500" "E01535,883" "Neudoerfl" "NEDRFL" "_" "N4747,133" "E01618,717" "NeunkirchenNaturfreund" "NNKRCH" "_" "N4744,867" "E01600,100" "Neunkirchen" "NEUNKI" "_" "N4743,850" "E01605,500" "Neuwald" "NEUWLD" "Landefeld" "N4744,983" "E01530,867" "Niederoeblarn" "NDRBLR" "Flugplatz" "N4728,717" "E01400,467" "Noetsch im Gailtal" "NTSCHM" "Flugplatz" "N4634,833" "E01337,700" "Oberaich" "OBERCH" "Landefeld" "N4724,367" "E01512,433" "Ottenschlag Aust" "OTTNSC" "Flugplatz" "N4825,083" "E01512,950" "Pabneukirchen" "PBNKRC" "_" "N4819,183" "E01449,067" "Payerbach" "PARBCH" "Bhf" "N4741,750" "E01551,883" "Pernitz1" "PRNTZ1" "Landefeld" "N4754,500" "E01556,500" "Pinkafeld" "PNKFLD" "PRV Flugplatz" "N4723,217" "E01606,767" "Poellau" "POELLA" "Kirche" "N4718,917" "E01551,450" "Pottenstein" "PTTNST" "Kirche" "N4757,517" "E01605,767" "Puchberg" "PCHBRG" "Bhf" "N4747,417" "E01554,617" "Punitz Guessing" "PNTZGS" "Flugplatz" "N4708,833" "E01619,000" "Pyhrn" "PYHRN" "Landefeld" "N4736,200" "E01417,267" "Radstadt" "RDSTDT" "Landefeld" "N4722,867" "E01328,017" "Raxbahn" "RAXBHN" "Talstation" "N4742,933" "E01548,233" "Reichenfels" "RCHNFL" "Landefeld" "N4700,450" "E01445,050" "Rohr" "ROHR" "Kirche Geb" "N4753,717" "E01544,050" "Rosalia" "ROSALI" "_" "N4744,733" "E01617,233" "Saalfelden West" "SLFLDN" "Landefeld" "N4726,333" "E01248,867" "Schallaburg" "SCHLLB" "_" "N4807,750" "E01513,767" "Scharnstein" "SCHRNS" "Flugplatz" "N4753,883" "E01356,317" "Scheibs" "SCHEBS" "_" "N4800,567" "E01512,150" "Schoeder" "SCHODR" "Landefeld" "N4711,150" "E01407,583" "Schwarzau" "SCHWRZ" "Kirche" "N4748,717" "E01542,317" "Schwarzwaldeck" "SCHWAR" "Haus" "N4759,783" "E01543,083" "Seeboden" "SEEBDN" "Landefeld" "N4649,500" "E01330,267" "Seewiesen" "SEEWSN" "Landefeld" "N4737,100" "E01516,000" "Seitenstetten" "STNSTT" "Flugplatz" "N4803,033" "E01439,717" "Sieggraben" "SGGRBN" "_" "N4740,617" "E01622,950" "Sillian" "SILLIN" "Ulm Landefeld" "N4644,900" "E01225,817" "Sonnwendstein" "SNNWND" "TV" "N4737,767" "E01551,567" "Spital am Semmering" "SPTLMS" "_" "N4736,950" "E01544,817" "St Aegyd" "STAEGD" "Landefeld" "N4751,133" "E01533,250" "St Georgen Ybbsfelde" "STGRGN" "Flugplatz" "N4806,200" "E01457,067" "St Johann im Tirol" "STJHNN" "Flugplatz" "N4731,233" "E01226,967" "St Johann imPongauWies" "STJOHA" "Landefeld" "N4721,750" "E01312,183" "St Oswald" "STSWLD" "Landefeld" "N4716,400" "E01430,300" "Ternitz" "TERNTZ" "Landefeld" "N4742,500" "E01601,000" "Timmersdorf" "TMMRSD" "Flugplatz" "N4722,783" "E01457,850" "Trieben" "TRIEBN" "Flugplatz" "N4729,617" "E01429,800" "Tuerkensturz" "TRKNST" "Ruine" "N4740,733" "E01608,217" "Voeltendorf" "VLTNDR" "Flugplatz" "N4809,633" "E01535,183" "Vorau" "VORAU" "Landefeld" "N4724,167" "E01553,000" "Weiz Unterfladni" "WZNTRF" "Flugplatz" "N4710,217" "E01539,850" "Wiener Neustadt Regina" "WNRNST" "_" "N4748,400" "E01610,000" "Windischgarsten" "WNDSCH" "Landefeld" "N4744,200" "E01419,050" "Wolfsberg" "WLFSBR" "Flugplatz" "N4649,067" "E01449,533" "Zell am See" "ZELLMS" "Flugplatz" "N4717,483" "E01247,433" "Buk" "BUK" "Kirche" "N4722,783" "E01645,333" "Duka" "DUKA" "Templom" "N4707,500" "E01706,700" "Egyhazasradoc" "EGHZSR" "_" "N4705,200" "E01637,333" "Fertoszentmiklos" "FRTSZN" "_" "N4735,967" "E01651,717" "Ikervar" "IKERVR" "Templom" "N4712,583" "E01654,133" "Kapuvar" "KAPUVR" "Vasutallomas" "N4734,917" "E01702,917" "Kenyeri" "KENYER" "Templom" "N4722,967" "E01705,567" "Keszthely" "KSZTHL" "Vasutallomas" "N4645,450" "E01714,917" "Kormend" "KORMND" "Vasutallomas" "N4700,967" "E01635,883" "Koszeg" "KOSZEG" "Vasutallomas" "N4722,933" "E01633,450" "Sopron Ost" "SPRNST" "_" "N4740,900" "E01631,983" "Szombathely" "SZMBTH" "Info Flugplatz" "N4716,800" "E01637,583" "Tokorcs" "TOKRCS" "_" "N4716,333" "E01706,483" "Vasvar" "VASVAR" "Kirche" "N4702,967" "E01647,917" "Vep" "VEP" "Vasutallomas" "N4714,200" "E01643,717" "ZalaegerszegAndrashida" "ZLGRSZ" "Flugplatz" "N4653,083" "E01647,333" "Zalaszentgrot" "ZLSZNT" "Vasutallomas" "N4657,067" "E01704,933" "Nagyknzs" "NGKNZS" "Flugplatz" "N4625,733" "E01657,450"