++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Wershofen/Eifel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutchland + + + + Contributed by Uwe Bodenheim + + Contributed on 22 June 2009 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Thursday, 25 June 2009 at 06:02 GMT + + + + Copyright Segelfluggruppe Wershofen e.V. + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ZL2, ZL 25, 50, 27.13, 6, 47.03, 476 ALR, Ailertchn, 50, 35.6, 7, 56.7, 471 ATT, AttndrnFn, 51, 8.8, 7, 56.2, 317 BRG, Bergheim, 50, 58.72, 6, 36.52, 70 BER, Brgnstdtf, 51, 3.18, 7, 42.43, 490 BTZ, BtzdrfKrc, 50, 49.08, 7, 49.87, 343 BRT, Breitschd, 50, 40.63, 8, 10.15, 559 BRL, BrlnHchsr, 51, 24.13, 8, 38.45, 460 BUT, BtzbchPfn, 50, 26.35, 8, 37.55, 330 DNS, DaunSnhld, 50, 10.75, 6, 51.88, 525 DPN, Dipnlnchn, 50, 46.17, 6, 16.83, 260 DRD, DierdrfWn, 50, 34.0, 7, 39.2, 290 DLL, Dillingen, 49, 23.27, 6, 44.97, 245 HRZ, Hirzenhan, 50, 47.4, 8, 23.7, 520 HXT, HxtrHlzmn, 51, 48.4, 9, 22.7, 285 HNS, Huensborn, 50, 55.82, 7, 54.0, 398 IDR, IdrbrstnG, 49, 44.03, 7, 20.33, 480 KBL, KblnzWnnn, 50, 19.5, 7, 31.7, 195 LNG, LngnfldWs, 51, 8.47, 6, 59.12, 86 MRB, MrbrgSchn, 50, 52.4, 8, 48.8, 254 MRP, Marpingen, 49, 27.18, 7, 2.35, 360 MNR, Meinrzhgn, 51, 6.0, 7, 35.98, 471 MSC, MschdSchr, 51, 18.17, 8, 14.37, 427 MNC, Moenchshd, 50, 30.55, 7, 15.42, 205 MNT, Montabaur, 50, 25.5, 7, 49.67, 261 RDV, Radvrmwld, 51, 12.98, 7, 22.95, 389 SCH, Schameder, 51, 0.08, 8, 18.47, 545 SCM, Schmllnbr, 51, 9.7, 8, 15.6, 466 SGN, Sgnsrnhrd, 50, 50.32, 8, 0.83, 388 SBR, SbrnhmDmb, 49, 47.52, 7, 40.0, 247 UTS, Utscheid, 49, 59.93, 6, 20.58, 424 WSS, Wasserkpp, 50, 29.93, 9, 57.93, 920 WRD, WrdhlKntr, 51, 17.87, 7, 49.08, 316 WPP, WpprfrthN, 51, 7.45, 7, 22.25, 263 Z25, ZA 25, 50, 27.45, 6, 49.03, 476 ZL2, ZL 25, 50, 27.13, 6, 47.03, 476