* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_H RW_L CUP_PICS CUP_USERDATA * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "wprshfn3.stx" created Saturday, 03 June 2023 at 17:45 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $STATE Baden-Württemberg $STATE_ABBREV BW $COUNTRY DE $USE_EXISTING_AIR Y $DISTANCE_UNIT Kilometers $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.7E $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $ZANDER_START_FINISH Orig $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $FILENAME_FULL Weipershofen 2023 $FILENAME_8 wprshfn3 $FILENAME_5 wprs3 $FILENAME_4 wpr3 $FILENAME_3 wp3 $HOME Weipershofen, Germany $CONTRIBUTOR Ulrich Casper $CONTEST Hohenloher Vergleichsfliegen 2023 $COPYRIGHT Sportfliegergruppe Crailsheim e.V., 2023 $URL_INFORMATION www.sfgcrailsheim.de/hvf the contest $URL_TURNPOINTS www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/hvf2023/downloads $HEADER Segelfluggelände Weipertshofen $HEADER Sportfliegergruppe Crailsheim e.V. $HEADER See also the Crailsheim controlpoint list $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ============================================================================== * * Filename "wprshfn3.stx" created Saturday, 03 June 2023 at 17:45 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $STATE Baden-Württemberg $STATE_ABBREV BW $COUNTRY DE $USE_EXISTING_AIR Y $DISTANCE_UNIT Kilometers $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.7E $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $ZANDER_START_FINISH Orig $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $FILENAME_FULL Weipershofen 2023 $FILENAME_8 wprshfn3 $FILENAME_5 wprs3 $FILENAME_4 wpr3 $FILENAME_3 wp3 $HOME Weipershofen, Germany $CONTRIBUTOR Ulrich Casper $CONTEST Hohenloher Vergleichsfliegen 2023 $COPYRIGHT Sportfliegergruppe Crailsheim e.V., 2023 $URL_INFORMATION www.sfgcrailsheim.de/hvf the contest $URL_TURNPOINTS www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/hvf2023/downloads $HEADER Segelfluggelände Weipertshofen $HEADER Sportfliegergruppe Crailsheim e.V. $HEADER See also the Crailsheim controlpoint list $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ============================================================================== * * Filename "wprshfn3.stx" created Saturday, 03 June 2023 at 17:45 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $STATE_ABBREV BW $COUNTRY DE $USE_EXISTING_AIR Y $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.7E $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $HOME Weipershofen, Germany $CONTRIBUTOR Ulrich Casper $CONTEST Hohenloher Vergleichsfliegen 2023 $COPYRIGHT Sportfliegergruppe Crailsheim e.V., 2023 $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 16 May 2023 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_H RW_L CUP_PICS CUP_USERDATA * * Starting the waypoints * 0 Weipertshofen Flugplatz 49 5 11 10 7 29 HDSF 440 123.35 110 470 1 Herrieden Kirche 49 13 57 10 29 53 QS 423 2 Altendorf Kirche 49 24 18 12 16 55 QT 378 3 Amberg Bahnhof 49 26 51 11 51 45 T 384 4 Ansbach Bahnhof 49 17 53 10 34 39 T 411 5 Arberg TV Sender 49 8 17 10 36 37 jT 522 6 Bad Brückenau Bahnhof 50 18 24 9 47 3 T 313 7 Bad Buchau/Federsee 2 Ehem. Segelfluggelände 48 3 18 9 38 23 T 579 8 Bad Kißingen Bahnhof 50 11 29 10 4 47 T 215 9 Hahnweide/Kirchheim u Teck 48 37 54 9 25 54 DT 360 10 Abenberg 49 14 25 10 57 45 T 395 11 Aglasterhausen 49 20 59 8 59 26 T 210 12 Aichelberg 48 38 1 9 33 7 T 395 13 Albsee 47 44 37 8 8 42 T 748 14 Alexanderschanze 48 28 47 8 16 37 T 962 15 Allersberg 49 15 1 11 12 58 T 387 16 Alpirsbach 48 20 47 8 24 16 T 444 17 Altenhann 49 5 36 12 18 22 T 510 18 Altshausen 47 56 8 9 32 15 T 581 19 Angelbachtal 49 14 7 8 46 28 T 160 20 Arberg 49 8 17 10 36 37 T 522 21 Aufhausen 48 35 17 9 44 53 T 775 22 Aufstetten 49 32 3 10 0 15 T 326 23 Bad Buchau/Federsee 2 48 3 18 9 38 23 T 579 24 Bad Herrenalb 48 48 8 8 26 21 T 358 25 Bad Kißingen 50 11 29 10 4 47 T 215 26 Bad Mergentheim 49 29 37 9 46 20 T 205 27 Bad Schußenried 47 59 38 9 40 6 T 560 28 Bad Waldsee 47 55 30 9 45 8 T 596 29 Bad Wimpfen 49 13 50 9 9 41 T 200 30 Bad Wurzach 47 54 37 9 53 25 T 653 31 Balingen 48 16 42 8 51 1 T 514 32 Balzhausen 48 14 32 10 29 35 T 517 33 Bayreuth 50 1 28 11 36 12 T 462 34 Beilngries 49 2 13 11 27 25 T 500 35 Belcheng 47 49 21 7 49 59 T 414 36 Beratzhausen 49 8 42 11 51 24 T 524 37 Berching 49 6 23 11 26 16 T 432 38 Bergbronn 49 6 45 10 10 42 T 519 39 Beucherl 49 9 49 12 25 39 T 490 40 Beuron 48 3 5 8 58 8 T 621 41 Biebelried/Kitzingen 49 46 45 10 5 31 T 288 42 Bingen 48 6 39 9 16 34 T 602 43 Binzwang 48 6 36 9 25 8 T 546.8 44 Blaufelden 49 17 47 9 58 4 T 462 45 Blumberg 47 47 13 8 34 5 T 867 46 Böhmerkirch 48 39 52 9 51 55 T 734 47 Bopfingen 48 51 19 10 21 7 T 479 48 Brandenkopf 48 20 18 8 9 12 T 931 49 Brend 48 4 45 8 9 28 T 149 50 Brennberg 49 4 17 12 23 59 T 627 51 Brettenb 49 2 13 8 41 35 T 171 52 Brombachsee 49 7 36 10 57 51 T 397 53 Bruchsal 49 7 28 8 35 25 T 118 54 Buchen Walldürn 49 31 24 9 19 39 T 346 55 Burgau 48 24 47 10 26 29 T 474 56 Burgheim 48 42 4 11 0 56 T 400 57 Burgsalach 49 2 42 11 5 16 T 624 58 Burgwindheim 49 47 44 10 36 45 T 428 59 Burladingen 48 17 24 9 6 46 T 721 60 Crailsheim 49 8 18 10 3 52 T 407 61 Dauching 48 5 24 8 33 1 T 731.2 62 Deggendorf 48 50 28 12 57 56 T 342 63 Dehlingen 48 48 19 10 23 26 T 553 64 Deining T 49 13 30 11 32 26 T 468 65 Demmingen 48 40 37 10 26 11 T 525 66 Denkendorf 48 55 46 11 27 48 T 496 67 Deürling 49 2 26 11 54 56 T 438 68 Dietfurt 49 2 8 11 35 18 T 366 69 Dinkelsbühl 49 4 7 10 19 45 T 440 70 Dobel 48 47 41 8 29 25 T 709 71 Döllnstein 48 52 17 11 4 45 T 408 72 Donauwörth 48 42 52 10 46 18 T 401 73 Dotternhausen 48 13 37 8 46 41 T 658 74 Duttenst 48 41 21 10 27 43 T 514 75 Eberbach 49 27 56 8 59 4 T 136 76 Ebingen K 48 12 37 9 1 37 T 720 77 Edelsfeld 49 34 37 11 41 44 T 528 78 Ehestett 48 19 18 9 25 55 T 723 79 Ehingen K 48 17 9 9 43 28 T 514 80 Ellwangen 48 57 51 10 7 47 T 452 81 Elzach 48 10 16 8 4 16 T 361 82 Emerfeld 48 10 9 9 19 10 T 751.9 83 Emmingen 47 56 10 8 49 36 T 851 84 Empfingen 48 23 12 8 43 35 T 505 85 Engen 47 51 16 8 47 57 T 540 86 Enzklösterle 48 40 4 8 28 19 T 601 87 Eppingen 49 8 6 8 54 37 T 189 88 Erbach 49 39 33 9 0 0 T 255 89 Ermingen 48 23 26 9 53 43 T 649 90 Falkenstein 49 5 59 12 29 3 T 610 91 Fautsburg 48 39 58 8 32 46 T 668 92 Feldberg 47 51 36 8 2 14 T 272 93 Feuchtwangen Schnelldorf 49 12 11 10 14 2 T 463 94 Fohrenbühl 48 14 27 8 18 5 T 880 95 Freudenstadt 48 27 49 8 24 40 T 726 96 Fronrot K 49 2 1 9 57 17 T 496 97 Fürstenberg 47 53 17 8 34 37 T 910 98 Furth im Wald 49 18 34 12 50 34 T 406 99 Furtwangen 48 3 3 8 12 20 T 880 100 Gaildorf 48 59 48 9 46 8 T 345 101 Gaishausen 48 57 59 12 43 38 T 340 102 Gammertingen 48 15 2 9 13 3 T 678 103 Geiselwind 49 46 11 10 28 40 T 347 104 Geisingen 47 55 19 8 39 41 T 673 105 Geislingen 48 37 12 9 50 30 T 466 106 Gemünden Scherenburg 50 3 0 9 42 1 T 164 107 Gengenbach 48 24 18 8 0 35 T 174 108 Gingen-Fils 48 39 40 9 47 16 T 384 109 Glems 48 29 42 9 17 55 T 755 110 Grafenwinn 49 10 20 12 12 17 T 504 111 Grombach 49 13 43 8 59 45 T 256 112 Grüning 47 59 3 8 28 10 T 687 113 Güglingen 49 2 5 8 59 52 T 470 114 Harburg 48 46 45 10 41 57 T 412 115 Heilbronn 49 10 45 9 12 23 T 153 116 Hemau 49 3 3 11 46 54 T 509 117 Hermaringen 48 35 39 10 15 33 T 453 118 Heroldstatt 48 26 39 9 39 18 T 758 119 Herrieden 49 13 58 10 29 51 T 424 120 Heßelberg 49 4 5 10 31 32 T 680 121 Hildburghausen 50 25 26 10 43 56 T 376 122 Hilpotstein 49 11 19 11 11 4 T 392 123 Hirnstetten 48 58 13 11 17 29 T 534 124 Hofheim 50 8 3 10 31 17 T 260 125 Hohenste 48 21 9 9 20 45 T 758 126 Hohenzollern Hechingen 48 19 25 8 58 0 T 817 127 Horb am Neckar Bahnhof 48 26 30 8 41 20 T 393 128 Hornisgrinde 48 36 51 8 12 13 T 133 129 Hubertshofen 47 57 36 8 23 31 T 810 130 Illertal 48 7 30 10 6 39 T 535 131 Ittersbach 48 51 54 8 30 17 T 321 132 Kappel 48 6 43 8 30 11 T 651 133 Kaisheim 48 46 2 10 47 55 T 479 134 Kandel 48 3 45 8 0 42 T 230 135 Karlstadt 49 57 34 9 45 41 T 173 136 Kelheim 48 55 7 11 51 37 T 441 137 Kirchberg 49 10 39 9 57 30 T 443 138 Kirnbergsee 47 55 46 8 22 20 T 779 139 Konzellt 49 4 59 12 43 35 T 524 140 Krumbach 48 14 52 10 21 31 T 510 141 Künzelsau 49 16 44 9 41 1 T 225 142 Kupferzell 49 12 4 9 41 10 T 349 143 Langenbrand 48 48 28 8 37 27 T 705 144 Langenburg 49 15 12 9 51 0 T 439 145 Langquaid 48 49 17 12 3 14 T 384 146 Lauchheim Kapfenberg 48 52 4 10 13 27 T 623 147 Lauda 49 33 55 9 42 34 T 194 148 Lauffen am Neckar 49 4 43 9 9 8 T 166 149 Leitheim 48 44 31 10 53 0 T 451 150 Lichtenstein 48 24 26 9 15 23 T 780 151 Loffenau 48 46 27 8 23 11 T 332 152 Marbach 48 23 3 9 25 8 T 654 153 Mainhardt 49 4 52 9 33 34 T 465 154 Maulberg 48 50 9 8 22 37 T 595 155 Meckesheim 49 18 57 8 49 0 T 138 156 Mergelstetten 48 39 17 10 9 44 T 489 157 Merklingen 48 31 6 9 45 28 T 699 158 Meßkirch 47 59 44 9 7 0 T 606 159 Miltenberg 49 41 2 9 16 20 T 480 160 Möckmühl 49 18 54 9 24 29 T 185 161 Monheim Bhf 48 50 31 10 51 7 T 509 162 Mudau Bhf 49 32 0 9 12 20 T 450 163 Mühlacker 48 57 11 8 50 47 T 246 164 Münsingen 48 24 49 9 29 48 T 709 165 Nagoldsee 48 33 45 8 30 4 T 520 166 Neckarelz 49 20 33 9 7 4 T 154 167 Neresheim 48 45 21 10 20 36 T 577 168 Neuhausen 47 58 22 8 55 39 T 766 169 Neunburg 49 20 51 12 23 26 T 400 170 Nördlingen 48 51 3 10 29 18 T 431 171 Oberkirch 48 32 0 8 3 45 T 186 172 Oberndorf 48 17 47 8 34 32 T 467 173 Ochsenhausen 48 3 54 9 57 4 T 610 174 Östringen 49 13 10 8 42 40 T 160 175 Oettingen 48 57 11 10 36 43 T 412 176 Oppenau Bhf 48 28 19 8 9 37 T 272 177 Osterburken 49 25 47 9 25 22 T 257 178 Ostheima 50 27 33 10 14 11 T 302 179 Ostracha 47 56 45 9 22 42 T 621 180 Owingen 47 48 38 9 10 9 T 539 181 Pappenheim 48 55 58 10 58 18 T 406 182 Parsberg 49 10 44 11 43 56 T 491 183 Pforzheim-Ost 48 54 53 8 45 51 T 244 184 Pfaffenweiler 48 1 57 8 24 49 T 747 185 Pielenhofen 49 4 25 11 57 25 T 341 186 Plettenberg 48 13 4 8 48 53 T 988 187 Prunn 48 57 3 11 44 31 T 400 188 Rappersz 48 55 59 11 17 13 T 508 189 Rauhe Wanne 48 45 57 10 30 26 T 610 190 Reckendo 49 52 53 11 10 0 T 398 191 Regen TV 48 57 26 13 8 55 T 397 192 Regenstauf 49 7 28 12 7 37 T 344 193 Riedenburg 48 57 38 11 40 48 T 438 194 Riedheim 48 37 0 10 57 25 T 429 195 Roding 49 11 32 12 31 14 T 397 196 Röt Bahnhf 48 33 19 8 23 50 T 495 197 Roth 49 14 51 11 5 33 T 338 198 Roggenbach 47 46 6 8 20 16 T 666 199 Rosenfeld 48 17 13 8 43 35 T 616 200 Rottweil 48 9 55 8 38 22 T 563 201 Schelklingen 48 22 12 9 44 5 T 537 202 Schiltach 48 17 28 8 20 4 T 364 203 Schleusingen 50 30 58 10 46 12 T 430 204 Schluchsee 47 48 2 8 11 1 T 931 205 Schwarzenbach 48 39 16 8 19 48 T 669 206 Schweinfurt/Werneck 50 0 5 10 4 41 T 282 207 Siedelsbrunn 49 32 23 8 48 12 T 607 208 Sigmaringen 48 5 16 9 13 0 T 570 209 Sindringen 49 16 48 9 28 32 T 182 210 Söhnstetten 48 40 24 9 59 12 T 600 211 Sonneberg 50 21 19 11 10 7 T 389 212 Spaichingen 48 4 53 8 45 47 T 976 213 St. Englmar 49 0 9 12 49 19 T 808 214 St. Blasien 47 45 36 8 7 48 T 771 215 St. Georgen 48 7 25 8 20 30 T 811 216 Stammham 48 51 31 11 27 56 T 478 217 Strittberg 47 43 16 8 11 30 T 881 218 Stockach 47 51 13 9 0 36 T 483 219 Strullen 49 50 39 10 58 16 T 253 220 Sulz am Neckar 48 22 1 8 38 15 T 430 221 Sulzfeld 49 6 14 8 51 15 T 200 222 Tauberbischofsheim 49 37 26 9 39 30 T 186 223 Tauberfeld 48 49 8 11 16 35 T 421 224 Teck Turm 48 35 19 9 28 14 T 775 225 Titisee 47 54 11 8 9 18 T 864 226 Theilenberg 49 11 50 10 52 25 T 491 227 Todtmoos 47 44 24 8 0 2 T 804 228 Treuchtlingen 48 57 38 10 54 31 T 424 229 Triberg 48 8 25 8 14 12 T 626 230 Tuttlingen 47 58 50 8 47 56 T 651 231 Uffenheim 49 32 43 10 13 57 T 324 232 Ulm Bhf 48 23 55 9 59 30 T 478 233 Ulm-West 48 27 23 9 57 42 T 592 234 Untergröningen 48 55 9 9 53 23 T 355 235 Unterkirnach 48 4 40 8 21 55 T 794.6 236 Untermarchtal 48 14 26 9 36 15 T 521 237 Viechtach 49 4 47 12 53 13 T 432 238 Vöhrenbach 48 2 43 8 18 15 T 808 239 Waldenburg 49 11 1 9 37 36 T 489 240 Waldmünchen 49 22 42 12 42 38 T 535 241 Walhalla Regensburg 49 1 53 12 13 26 T 403 242 Waßeralfingen 48 51 39 10 8 14 T 720 243 Weikersheim 49 28 51 9 54 6 T 230.7 244 Weinsberg 49 9 27 9 17 59 T 185 245 Weißenhorn 48 18 21 10 9 13 T 497 246 Wellheim 48 49 0 11 5 1 T 394 247 Wertheim K 49 47 0 9 34 19 T 140 248 Wilburgstetten 49 1 51 10 23 33 T 432 249 Wildbad Bahnhof 48 45 19 8 33 4 T 430 250 Windsbach 49 14 59 10 49 50 T 403 251 Wolkenstein 49 45 25 11 14 24 T 434.6 252 Würzburg-West 49 44 49 9 49 7 T 298 253 Zella-Mehlis 50 39 22 10 40 26 T 533 254 Ziegelhütte 49 17 3 10 17 0 T 535 255 Zusmarshausen 48 24 35 10 35 49 T 461 256 Zwiefalten 48 13 57 9 27 42 T 545 AP1 Flugplatz Abflugpunkt 49 5 11 10 7 29 S 440 AP2 Tunnel A7 Abflugpunkt 49 1 23 10 11 55 S 448 AP3 Neustaedtlein Abflugpunkt 49 5 41 10 12 40 S 509 AP4 Stimpfach Abflugpunkt 49 3 41 10 4 58 S 420 AP5 Jagstzell Abflugpunkt 49 1 53 10 5 56 S 420 AP6 Crailsheim Abflugpunkt 49 8 21 10 3 54 S 407 KP Ost BAB-K2644 49 3 52 10 11 6 T 517 KP West Jagstheim Kirche 49 5 36 10 3 45 T 415 Ziel Ost Schwelle Ostfeld 49 5 5 10 8 3 FD 444 Ziel West Schwelle Westfeld 49 5 16 10 7 9 FD 444