* NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "wsskrkp5.stx" created Tuesday, 04 August 2015 at 05:18 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 * add_ndb_air run Sunday, 05 October 2014 at 23:13 GMT $STATE Hessen $STATE_ABBREV HE $HOME Wasserkuppe, Germany $CONTEST OLC GliderRace 2015 $STATE Hessen $COUNTRY DE $COPYRIGHT Segelflugszene gGmbH 2014 * http://www.fliegerschule-wasserkuppe.de/segelflug.html * - 18. August) $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $FILENAME_3 wk5 $FILENAME_4 wsk5 $FILENAME_5 wssk5 $FILENAME_8 wsskrkp5 $CONTRIBUTOR Reiner Rose $CONTRIBUTOR'S_E-MAIL mail@onlinecontest.org $URL_INFORMATION gliderrace.onlinecontest.org/ the OLC GliderRace 2015 $URL_TURNPOINTS_HIDE gliderrace.onlinecontest.org/glider-race-der-wettbewerb/downloads/ $HEADER See also the Grand Prix control point list $ALTITUDE_UNIT meters $LONGITUDE E $LATITUDE N $MODIFICATIONS 07 Jul 04: Original contribution courtesy of Reiner Rose $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 02 Aug 15: Bad Hersfeld, Bad Königshofen, Bebra, Berka, Bischofsheim, Burgebrach Ul, Ebern, Eltmann Bab, Eschwege, Euerbach, Fladungen, GR. Inselsberg, Geisa, Grossenlüder, Hünfeld, Hammelburg Bab, Heldburg, Herleshausen, Hildburghausen, Hilders, Hofbieber, Hofheim, Hohe Hölle, Hoher Meissner, Huhnrain, Ippesheim Ul, Jüchsen Weiher, Kaltennordheim, Lauscha, Marbach, Massbach, Meiningen, Neuhof Brücke Db/Bab Im NE, Oberthulba, Pressig, Rodach, Scheßlitz, Schleusingen See, Schlitz, Schmalkalden, Schmalwasser, Sonneberg, Stadtlengsfeld, Talsperre Schönbrunn Südl. Staumauer, Wasungen, Weißmain, and Werneck Bab-Kreuz added.   Maroldsweisasch, Tambach Dietharz, Tirschenreuth, Wasserkuppe, Wasserkuppe, and Wasserkuppe moved.   Aalen-Heidenheim/Elchingen, Albstadt-Degerfeld, Allendorf, Altenberg, Altfeld, Arnbruck, Aue bei Hattorf/Harz, Auerbach/Vogtland, Bad Frankenhausen, Bad Gandersheim, Bad Neustadt/Saale, Beilngries, Berneck, Bischofsberg bei Mellrichstadt, Bisperode West, Blaubeuren, Blessberg, Blomberg Borkhausen, Blumberg, Braunfels, Brilon / Hochsauerland, Burgberg bei Witzenhausen, Chemnitz Jahnsdorf, Deggendorf-Steinkirchen, Der Ring in Schwalmstadt, Dessau, Dieirdorf Weinau, Dornberg bei Sontra, Eichstätt, Eisenhüttenstadt, Ellertshäuser, Ellwangen-Erpfental, Elsenthal Grafen, Falkenberg Lönitz, Falkenstein, Farrenberg, Fichtelberg, Fuerstenzell, Fulda Jossa, Göpfersdorf, Görlitz, Günterode, Giengen an der Brenz, Goslar Bollrich, Greiz-Obergrochlitz, Großrückerswalde, Gunzenhausen Reutberg, Hölleberg, Hassfurt-Schweinfurt, Heilbronn Böckingen, Hirzenhain, Hockenheim, Hornberg, Ingelfingen Bühlhof, Ithwiesen, Johannisau/Fulda, Künsdorf Dolmar, Kirchzarten, Klingenthal, Klippeneck, Klix, Korbach, Kronach Kreuzberg, Lüsse, Langenberg bei Hattenbach, Laucha Dorndorf, Leibertingen, Lichtenfels, Mühlhausen, Mainbullau, Maroldsweisasch, Meneringhausen, Milmesberg, Montabaur, Mosbach-Lohrbach, Musbach, Neubäu Sees, Neuhausen, Nittenau-Bruck, Nordhausen, Oberhinkofen, Offenburg Baden, Oschatz, Oschersleben, Phillipsthal, Plätzer / Hünfeld, Regensburg-Oberhub, Rinchnach Kloster, Rinteln, Rothenburg Oberlausitz, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Salzgitter Schäferstuhl, Schönsee, Schmallenberg Rennefeld, Schwandorf, Schwarzenberg, Siegen Eisernhardt, Sinsheim, Sonnen, Sprossen, St. Englmar, Stillberghof, Straubing Wallmühle, Sundern Seidfeld, Tann, Wülzburg, Waidhaus, Waldmünchen, Walldürn, Wasserkuppe, Weiden, Weipertshofen, Weper, Wernberg, Winzeln-Schramberg, Zerbst, and Zwickau removed.   $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.6E $MILOMEI Yes and Elevations $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MILOMEI Yes * ============================================================================== * * Filename "wsskrkp5.stx" created Tuesday, 04 August 2015 at 05:18 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $STATE_ABBREV HE $HOME Wasserkuppe, Germany $CONTEST OLC GliderRace 2015 $COUNTRY DE $COPYRIGHT Segelflugszene gGmbH 2014 $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR Reiner Rose $CONTRIBUTOR'S_E-MAIL mail@onlinecontest.org $ALTITUDE_UNIT meters $LONGITUDE E $LATITUDE N $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.6E $RW_L_UNIT METERS $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 19 July 2015 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * Alsfeld 50 44 56 9 14 56 AT 290 123.5 06/24 198 G Arzberg Kraftwerk Kühlturm 50 3 34 12 12 5 T 477 Aschersleben 51 45 55 11 29 55 AT 162 123.375 11/29 320 G EDCQ Bad Berneck 50 3 34 11 36 38 T 343 Bad Brückenau 50 16 19 9 49 26 AT 402 123.35 13/31 168 G Bad Hersfeld 50 50 48 9 42 22 AT 274 124.0 01/19 204 A EDEN Bad Kissingen 50 12 38 10 4 8 AT 198 122.0 17/35 244 G EDFK Bad Königshofen 50 17 19 10 25 13 DT 304 Bad Neustadt/Saale 50 18 20 10 13 36 AT 305 123.65 13/31 183 A EDFD Bamberg Breitenau 49 55 14 10 54 51 AT 250 120.175 04/22 347 A EDQA Bayreuth Bindlacher Berg 49 59 4 11 38 19 AT 488 127.525 Bebra 50 58 11 9 47 51 T 205 Berka 50 56 22 10 4 7 T 216 Bischofsberg 50 25 56 10 17 0 AT 330 122.2 08/26 274 G Bischofsheim 50 24 18 10 0 45 T 462 Blessberg Sender 50 26 48 11 0 19 T 866 Burg Feuerstein 49 47 38 11 7 59 AT 509 130.775 08/26 296 A EDQE Burgebrach Ul 49 50 21 10 46 42 Tz 282 123.425 10/28 85 G Coburg Steinrücken 50 13 49 10 59 45 AT 360 129.8 07/25 213 G EDQY Der Plätzer/Hünfeld 50 42 33 9 44 20 AT 340 122.2 16/34 165 G Der Ring in Schwalmstadt 50 54 11 9 14 26 AT 212 123.375 03/21 201 G Dornberg bei Sontra 51 5 17 9 55 5 AT 410 123.5 12/30 152 G Ebern 50 5 57 10 47 56 T 282 Ebrach Kloster 49 50 49 10 30 8 T 340 Eisenach Kirche 50 59 32 10 28 34 AT 335 119.75 10/28 524 C EDGE Ellertshäuser See 50 9 1 10 22 58 T 334 Eltmann BAB 49 58 59 10 40 15 T 229 Erbendorf-Schweisslohe Platz 49 50 37 12 4 1 AT 495 123.35 12/30 192 A Eschwege 51 9 56 10 2 52 T 225 Euerbach 50 3 48 10 7 28 T 252 Fladungen 50 31 23 10 8 46 T 418 Geisa 50 43 4 9 56 57 T 282 Giessen Reiskirchen 50 34 0 8 52 11 AT 213 123.65 04/22 131 G EDGR Gleichamberg 50 23 16 10 35 30 T 674 Gr. Inselsberg 50 50 55 10 27 55 T 854 Graefenthal 50 31 35 11 18 11 T 443 Grossenlüder 50 35 35 9 32 32 T 257 Hammelburg BAB 50 7 29 9 57 30 T 207 Hassfurt Platz 50 1 5 10 31 46 AT 220 119.8 11/29 335 A EDQT Heldburg 50 17 0 10 43 31 T 286 Herleshausen 51 0 37 10 9 34 T 221 Hermsdorfer Kreuz 50 52 50 11 50 48 T 348 Heßisch-Lichtenau 51 11 20 9 44 34 AT 410 123.5 09/27 244 G Hildburghausen 50 25 43 10 43 41 T 387 Hilders 50 34 30 10 0 25 T 504 Hofbieber 50 35 18 9 50 20 T 405 Hofheim 50 8 20 10 31 30 T 260 Hohe Hölle 50 25 42 9 57 36 pT 758 Hohenwarthe Talsperre 50 36 16 11 28 32 T 240 Hoher Meissner 51 1 33 9 1 11 T 573 Hollfeld Kirche 49 56 18 11 17 25 T 402 Höxter Holzminden 51 48 23 9 22 42 AT 284 123.625 14/32 247 A EDVI Huhnrain 50 29 24 9 50 50 DT 434 133.425 08/26 152 A Hünfeld 50 40 23 9 46 1 T 278 Ippesheim Ul 49 36 39 10 13 19 Tz 295 120.975 10/28 107 G Johannisau/Fulda 50 32 11 9 39 41 AT 250 122.3 06/24 91 G Jüchsen Weiher 50 28 32 10 30 48 T 347 Kaltennordheim 50 37 40 10 9 34 T 439 Karlstadt Saupurzel 49 58 17 9 47 29 AT 244 123.475 09/27 165 G Kitzingen 49 44 35 10 12 2 AT 210 122.1 07/25 244 A Kronach Platz 50 14 37 11 21 31 AT 453 123.35 12/30 198 G Künsdorf Dolmar 50 37 14 10 27 56 AT 540 123.425 04/22 122 G Kulmbach Platz 50 8 6 11 27 31 AT 506 118.525 09/27 216 A EDQK Langenberg bei Hattenbach 50 47 52 9 33 45 AT 350 123.5 20/38 268 G Lauscha 50 29 10 11 9 29 T 760 Lauterbach 50 41 0 9 24 37 AT 363 122.175 06/24 183 G EDFT Lichtenfels Platz 50 8 54 11 2 50 AT 259 123.0 04/22 213 G EDQL Liebenstein 50 49 0 10 21 49 T 442 Marbach 50 37 27 9 43 56 T 279 Marburg Schönstadt 50 52 26 8 48 49 AT 253 123.0 04/22 229 G EDFN Maroldweisach 50 11 54 10 39 45 T 339 Massbach 50 11 6 10 16 39 T 271 Meiningen 50 34 34 10 25 7 T 292 Milmesberg Turm 461M, 151 50 54 28 10 15 15 T 390 Neuhof Brücke DB/BAB im NE 50 28 39 9 39 22 T 272 Oberthulba 50 12 3 9 57 37 T 279 Ottengrüner Heide 50 13 33 11 43 57 AT 573 123.0 10/28 198 G EDQO Pegnitz-Zipser-Berg 49 45 44 11 34 29 AT 546 132.025 08/26 268 G EDQZ Pennewitz 50 40 6 11 3 36 AT 454 123.05 Phlippsthal 50 50 23 9 58 51 T 233 Pirk A72 BAB 50 26 8 12 5 29 T 433 Pressig 50 21 8 11 18 53 T 381 Rodach 50 20 32 10 46 53 T 321 Rosenthal Field 49 51 47 11 47 16 AT 457 127.45 09/27 229 A EDQP Rudolstadt-Groschwitz 50 43 58 11 14 10 AT 469 122.6 07/25 244 G EDOK Scheßlitz 49 58 44 11 2 4 T 302 Schleiz A9 BAB 50 32 52 11 47 47 T 527 Schleusingen See 50 29 43 10 46 57 T 394 Schlitz 50 40 34 9 33 38 T 236 Schmalkalden 50 43 27 10 27 18 T 301 Schmalwasser 50 20 31 10 2 23 T 367 Schotten 50 32 6 9 8 56 AT 500 123.5 05/23 116 G Schweinfurt Süd 50 0 44 10 15 5 AT 210 119.975 10/28 299 G EDFS Sonneberg 50 21 21 11 10 25 T 395 Stadtlengsfeld 50 47 0 10 8 1 T 292 Suhl Goldlauter 50 37 57 10 43 34 AT 588 122.725 10/28 174 G EDQS Talsperre Schönbrunn Südl. Staumauer 50 32 44 10 52 51 T 549 Tambach Dietharz 50 47 40 10 36 51 T 442 Tann Kirche 50 38 42 10 1 25 T 390 Tauberbischofsheim 49 38 58 9 37 44 AT 282 123.15 Tirschenreuth 49 52 24 12 19 23 TA 491 123.5 08/26 158 G Titschendorf 50 23 50 11 31 28 DT 631 122.3 01/19 146 G Triptis A9 BAB026 50 44 16 11 51 7 T 347 Trockau A9 BAB043 49 49 37 11 29 58 T 530 Tröstau 50 1 11 11 55 53 AT 560 123.35 13/31 122 G Unterschüpf 49 30 56 9 40 6 AT 351 122.6 08/26 204 G EDGU Volkach Main 49 51 53 10 13 11 T 201 Wasserkuppe 06 50 29 52 9 56 58 FA 902 118.65 06/24 204 A EDER Wasserkuppe 24 50 30 0 9 57 29 FA 873 118.65 06/24 204 A EDER Wasserkuppe GR-ZP 50 29 55 9 57 0 HFA 873 118.65 06/24 204 A EDER Wasserkuppe TM 50 29 53 9 56 53 T 904 Wasungen 50 39 52 10 22 2 T 272 Weißmain 50 5 7 11 14 29 T 318 Werneck BAB-Kreuz 50 0 5 10 4 40 T 286 Würzburg-Schenkenturm 49 49 5 9 53 50 AT 302 122.175 11/29 204 A EDFW Zabelstein Turm 49 56 52 10 26 47 T 475 Zell-Haidberg 50 8 19 11 47 45 AT 580 123.375 06/24 244 G EDNZ