;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Warm Springs, Georgia, USA + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Chris Ruf + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 14 March 2015 at 09:00 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Roosevelt Memorial" "RSVLTM" "122.9A75" "N3256.317" "W08441.783" "Windrift Aerodrome" "WNDRFT" "P17/35G80" "N3302.500" "W08425.933" "Meadowlark" "MDWLRK" "P18/36G200" "N3305.233" "W08424.317" "Alexander City" "ALXNDR" "122.7A96" "N3254.883" "W08557.783" "Americus" "AMERCS" "122.8A75" "N3206.650" "W08411.333" "Answered Prayer" "ANSWRD" "P10/28G80" "N3315.233" "W08510.217" "Antique Acres" "ANTQCR" "P05/23G75" "N3306.000" "W08403.517" "Ashland" "ASHLND" "122.9A80" "N3317.050" "W08548.533" "Atlanta South Rgnl" "ATLNTS" "122.725A75" "N3323.400" "W08419.867" "Auburn" "AUBURN" "123A100" "N3236.900" "W08526.033" "BarkandStone Mill" "BRKNDS" "SimsBarkSton" "N3258.250" "W08435.183" "Beaverbrook" "BVRBRK" "P15/33G150" "N3319.500" "W08417.900" "Big T" "BIG T" "P16/34G150" "N3317.000" "W08432.333" "Bridge Fromby Creek" "BRGFRM" "BridgeHwy27" "N3313.333" "W08501.683" "Buena Vista" "BUNVST" "122.9A75" "N3216.967" "W08430.217" "Butler Muni" "BTLRMN" "122.9A75" "N3234.183" "W08414.717" "Carrollton" "CRRLLT" "122.975A100" "N3337.900" "W08509.133" "Cedar Ridge" "CDRRDG" "P18R36LG150" "N3315.300" "W08424.017" "Chigger Hill" "CHGGRH" "P09/27G50" "N3319.000" "W08409.017" "Clayton Muni" "CLTNMN" "122.9A80" "N3153.000" "W08529.117" "Cordele" "CORDEL" "123.05A150" "N3159.333" "W08346.433" "De De" "DE DE" "N/S Bends" "N3300.533" "W08406.650" "Deerfield" "DERFLD" "P16/34G50" "N3313.083" "W08319.033" "Fagundes" "FAGNDS" "P18/36G100" "N3311.933" "W08435.033" "Falcon Field" "FLCNFL" "123.05A100" "N3321.433" "W08434.317" "Finkley Farm" "FNKLFR" "P10/28G100" "N3225.267" "W08514.883" "Flying N" "FLYNGN" "P17/35G60" "N3310.633" "W08444.917" "Gentle Landings" "GNTLLN" "P07/25G125" "N3242.833" "W08401.650" "Grayhill" "GRAHLL" "P17/35G40" "N3256.917" "W08503.050" "Griffin" "GRIFFN" "123.075A75" "N3313.617" "W08416.500" "Gum Creek" "GUMCRK" "P06/24G65" "N3325.267" "W08509.717" "Hog Mtn" "HOGMTN" "Mtn Top" "N3304.117" "W08408.167" "Hutto" "HUTTO" "P18/36G120" "N3241.000" "W08351.417" "Jumpin J" "JUMPNJ" "Narow1800x55" "N3241.500" "W08429.833" "Junkyard Thomaston" "JNKRDT" "Cars Thomstn" "N3250.767" "W08418.950" "Kennedy Intranational" "KNNDNT" "P10/28G50" "N3331.583" "W08338.283" "Kershaw" "KERSHW" "P09/27A50" "N3221.500" "W08607.500" "Kia" "KIA" "non landable" "N3254.983" "W08507.617" "Kings Gap" "KNGSGP" "Gap BridgePM" "N3250.333" "W08448.683" "Kitchens Field" "KTCHNS" "PE/WG80" "N3308.067" "W08415.250" "LaGrange" "LAGRNG" "122.975A150" "N3300.533" "W08504.350" "Lanett Muni" "LNTTMN" "122.8A80" "N3248.717" "W08513.783" "Liberty Hill AP" "LBRTHL" "2200x50 T" "N3309.017" "W08408.250" "M K Field" "MKFILD" "P13/31G100" "N3310.117" "W08449.817" "Macedonia Mtn" "MCDNMT" "Pine Mtn Rdg" "N3245.200" "W08458.050" "Macon Downtown" "MCNDWN" "123A75" "N3249.300" "W08333.717" "Mansion" "MANSIN" "House w Pool" "N3303.700" "W08434.450" "Martins Knob" "MRTNSK" "Mtn Top Knob" "N3246.300" "W08448.717" "McCard Mtn" "MCCRDM" "Ridge Top" "N3302.633" "W08415.333" "Montezuma" "MONTZM" "122.9A75" "N3218.117" "W08400.450" "Monticello Sky Ranch" "MNTCLL" "P14/32G80" "N3319.950" "W08343.617" "Murphys Landing" "MRPHSL" "P07/25G50" "N3315.517" "W08450.683" "Newnan" "NEWNAN" "122.7A100" "N3318.700" "W08446.183" "Perry Houston Co" "PRRHST" "122.7A100" "N3230.633" "W08346.033" "Pine Mtn Harris Co" "PNMTNH" "122.8A100" "N3250.450" "W08452.950" "Police Academy" "PLCCDM" "Populated" "N3303.417" "W08358.300" "Prattsburg" "PRTTSB" "PE/WG75" "N3243.683" "W08421.433" "Quarry" "QUARRY" "Rock Quary" "N3259.733" "W08458.850" "Raju" "RAJU" "P18/36A60" "N3204.283" "W08442.867" "RC Field" "RCFILD" "Remote Contr" "N3251.133" "W08509.633" "RC Jets Remote Club" "RCJTSR" "Remote Contr" "N3308.233" "W08436.667" "Red Barn Lake" "RDBRNL" "Barn Fields" "N3259.067" "W08513.183" "Reeves" "REEVES" "122.9A75" "N3230.900" "W08552.567" "Riley Ridge" "RILRDG" "Mtn Top" "N3242.750" "W08502.950" "Roanoke Muni" "RONKMN" "122.9A80" "N3307.783" "W08522.333" "Rust" "RUST" "122.9G120" "N3319.967" "W08424.050" "Scales 85" "SCLS85" "Hwy Weigh St" "N3305.250" "W08454.917" "Sehoy" "SEHOY" "P04/22A75" "N3213.283" "W08528.300" "Shade Tree" "SHADTR" "P08/26G50" "N3309.750" "W08426.800" "Smith Dairy Farm" "SMTHDR" "Farm Field" "N3257.167" "W08457.050" "Solar Hill" "SLRHLL" "Solar Panels" "N3257.967" "W08432.283" "Sommerset" "SMMRST" "P07/25G100" "N3243.133" "W08522.017" "Sprewell Bluff" "SPRWLL" "Mtn Top" "N3252.717" "W08428.367" "Thistle Field" "THSTLF" "N/S Rough" "N3255.667" "W08408.483" "Thomaston" "THMSTN" "122.8A100" "N3257.300" "W08415.850" "Three MS" "THREMS" "P18/36G200" "N3311.150" "W08422.083" "Tower 2403MSL PineMtn" "TWR240" "2403msl Tall" "N3251.100" "W08442.100" "Tower 2480MSL StMarks" "TWR248" "2480MSL Tall" "N3305.083" "W08446.217" "Tuskegee" "TUSKEG" "122.8A100" "N3227.633" "W08540.800" "Two Poles Strip" "TWOPLS" "Beware Wires" "N3229.450" "W08433.450" "Waverly Landing" "WVRLLN" "P09/27G100" "N3242.867" "W08443.083" "Woodard Narrow" "WDRDNR" "Narrow" "N3300.400" "W08450.750" "Wrights" "WRGHTS" "P15/33G75" "N3212.383" "W08347.183" "Cedar Tree Farm START" "CDRTRF" "1600x75ft" "N3258.900" "W08439.483" "Field Derrico START" "FLDDRR" "Farm Field" "N3254.450" "W08438.100" "Lil White House START" "LLWHTH" "LitlWhiteHou" "N3252.917" "W08441.167" "WoodMillGAPacificSTART" "WDMLLG" "Field E/Mill" "N3254.583" "W08446.500" "START West Meadowlark" "STRTWM" "Start Point" "N3304.600" "W08428.067" "Thacker START" "THCKRS" "P18/36G50" "N3302.683" "W08423.900" "Bull Trail Mtn START" "BLLTRL" "Mtn Top TP" "N3258.133" "W08424.267"