++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Cunderdin, Western Australia (WAGA) + + + + Contributed by John Orton + + Contributed on 8 October 2012 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Friday, 12 October 2012 at 04:03 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Alderside, -32, -22.33, 117, 16.83, 807 2, Babakin, -32, -7.98, 118, 1.62, 951 3, Ballidu, -30, -35.95, 116, 46.3, 951 4, Beacon, -30, -27.0, 117, 52.0, 1001 5, Bencubbin, -30, -48.87, 117, 51.93, 1001 6, Beverley AF, -32, -7.55, 116, 56.85, 751 7, Bilbarin, -32, -12.5, 117, 57.33, 794 8, Brookton, -32, -22.57, 117, 0.87, 768 9, Bruce Rock, -31, -52.97, 118, 9.47, 1296 10, Bullaring, -32, -29.87, 117, 44.6, 837 11, Bulyee, -32, -22.33, 117, 30.67, 787 12, Burakin, -30, -31.5, 117, 10.35, 945 13, Burracoppn, -31, -23.13, 118, 29.1, 1227 14, CA1, -31, -34.15, 117, 13.0, 803 15, CA2, -31, -38.92, 117, 16.38, 738 16, CA3, -31, -38.93, 117, 9.63, 804 17, Cadoux, -30, -46.03, 117, 8.17, 945 18, Carrabin, -31, -23.47, 118, 40.32, 1220 19, CB1, -31, -34.93, 117, 15.48, 794 20, CB2, -31, -40.42, 117, 14.38, 889 21, CB3, -31, -36.77, 117, 9.25, 686 22, CC1, -31, -36.82, 117, 16.73, 709 23, CC2, -31, -40.42, 117, 11.65, 802 24, CC3, -31, -34.83, 117, 10.65, 813 25, Corrigin, -32, -20.28, 117, 52.28, 817 26, Cowcowing, -30, -59.78, 117, 27.12, 951 27, Cuballing, -32, -49.22, 117, 10.63, 1020 28, Cndrdnrdrm, -31, -37.4, 117, 12.98, 702 29, Doodlakine, -31, -36.22, 117, 53.73, 856 30, Dowerin, -31, -11.28, 117, 1.8, 909 31, Dudinin, -32, -52.0, 117, 54.0, 948 32, Ejanding, -31, -0.78, 117, 6.67, 935 33, Goomalling, -31, -18.1, 116, 49.3, 899 34, GrassValle, -31, -38.32, 116, 46.9, 515 35, GreenHills, -31, -55.22, 116, 57.75, 620 36, Harrismith, -32, -56.0, 117, 51.0, 942 37, Hines Hill, -31, -31.82, 118, 4.95, 1132 38, Jitarning, -32, -47.0, 118, 0.0, 932 39, Kalanie, -30, -21.6, 117, 7.02, 945 40, Kellerbrrn, -31, -37.78, 117, 44.05, 705 41, Kirwan, -30, -35.55, 117, 10.28, 945 42, Kondinin, -32, -29.17, 118, 16.25, 987 43, Kondut, -30, -42.67, 116, 46.4, 945 44, Konnongrng, -31, -3.07, 116, 46.42, 932 45, Koorda, -30, -49.48, 117, 28.85, 997 46, Kulin, -32, -40.45, 118, 9.27, 1001 47, Kununoppin, -31, -6.85, 117, 55.33, 981 48, Manmanning, -30, -50.93, 117, 5.97, 938 49, Mawson, -31, -59.77, 117, 9.88, 699 50, Meckering, -31, -37.83, 116, 59.8, 673 51, MerredinSl, -31, -29.12, 118, 15.0, 1014 52, Minnivale, -31, -8.33, 117, 10.67, 935 53, Mt Kokeby, -32, -12.78, 116, 58.23, 676 54, Mukinbudin, -30, -54.83, 118, 12.93, 1001 55, Narembeen, -32, -3.75, 118, 24.25, 1296 56, NarroginSl, -32, -56.17, 117, 10.67, 1073 57, Nembudding, -31, -11.53, 117, 34.08, 938 58, Nomans, -32, -55.52, 117, 31.28, 997 59, Northam, -31, -38.33, 116, 41.0, 702 60, Pingelly, -32, -31.47, 117, 4.87, 833 61, Popanynnng, -32, -39.6, 117, 7.47, 974 62, Quairading, -32, -0.82, 117, 23.7, 794 63, Shackleton, -31, -55.87, 117, 50.65, 735 64, Tammin, -31, -38.47, 117, 29.38, 709 65, Tincurrin, -32, -58.72, 117, 46.53, 961 66, Trayning, -31, -6.82, 117, 47.67, 981 67, Watercarrn, -31, -23.33, 117, 12.27, 866 68, Welbungin, -30, -49.55, 117, 59.58, 991 69, Wickepin, -32, -47.0, 117, 30.0, 1010 70, WonganHlls, -30, -53.28, 116, 42.77, 951 71, Wyalkatchm, -31, -10.88, 117, 23.22, 955 72, Yealering, -32, -35.53, 117, 37.47, 846 73, York, -31, -54.13, 116, 46.42, 574 74, Yorkrakine, -31, -22.57, 117, 30.27, 902 75, Yornanning, -32, -44.53, 117, 9.68, 1037 76, Yoting, -31, -57.88, 117, 35.63, 738