;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Angers-Marcé (Vino Volo Pharo, 2007) + ; + ; Vino Volo Pharo, 2007 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Jean Claude Penaud et Claude Crespeau + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 01 April 2007 at 03:38 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Angers Marce" "ANGRSM" "Hangar Vol à Voile" "N4733,467" "W00018,100" "Marce 26" "MARC26" "Piste Vol à Voile - Seuil 26" "N4733,550" "W00017,967" "Marce 08" "MARC08" "Piste Vol à Voile - Seuil 08" "N4733,483" "W00018,867" "Lue en Baugeois" "LUNBGS" "Ferme" "N4731,917" "W00016,400" "Tierce" "TIERCE" "Église" "N4736,917" "W00028,117" "Durtal" "DURTAL" "Hippodrome" "N4740,450" "W00009,383" "Le Lion dAngers" "LLNDNG" "Hippodrome" "N4737,667" "W00042,483" "Beaulieu sur Layon" "BLSRLN" "Eglise" "N4718,633" "W00035,383" "Allonnes" "ALLNNS" "Eglise" "N4717,550" "E00001,367" "Saint Georges surLayon" "SNTGRG" "Eglise" "N4711,850" "W00022,000" "Tigne" "TIGNE" "Eglise" "N4712,050" "W00025,717" "Chalonnes sur Loire" "CHLNNS" "Place" "N4721,100" "W00045,767" "Varrains" "VARRNS" "Silos" "N4713,050" "W00004,117" "Gizeux" "GIZEUX" "Château" "N4723,433" "E00012,350" "St Cyr en Bourg" "STCRNB" "Eglise" "N4711,700" "W00003,633" "Bourgueil" "BOURGL" "Abbaye" "N4716,900" "E00010,400" "La Pommeraye" "LAPMMR" "Château" "N4721,483" "W00051,550" "Fontevraud" "FNTVRD" "Abbaye" "N4710,883" "E00003,133" "La Bruyere sur Loir" "LBRRSR" "Eglise" "N4739,050" "E00020,883" "Restigne" "RESTGN" "Eglise" "N4716,850" "E00013,667" "Rigny Usse" "RIGNSS" "Château" "N4714,983" "E00017,450" "Saint Florent le Viel" "SNTFLR" "Centre Ville" "N4721,883" "W00100,850" "Chinon" "CHINON" "Château" "N4710,083" "E00014,133" "Chaudron en Mauges" "CHDRNN" "Chapelle" "N4716,917" "W00058,733" "Marcon" "MARCON" "Eglise" "N4742,617" "E00030,567" "Thouars" "THOURS" "Pont" "N4658,367" "W00012,283" "Cravant les Coteaux" "CRVNTL" "Eglise" "N4709,983" "E00020,950" "Azay le Rideau" "AZALRD" "Château" "N4715,550" "E00027,933" "Le Fuilet" "LEFULT" "Eglise" "N4716,900" "W00106,883" "Panzoult" "PANZLT" "'Le Château' Chez Eric" "N4709,017" "E00024,200" "Mesanger" "MESNGR" "Eglise" "N4725,900" "W00113,917" "Ruille sur Loir" "RLLSRL" "Moulin" "N4744,967" "E00037,383" "Artins" "ARTINS" "Centre Ville" "N4744,183" "E00044,650" "Sainte MauredeTouraine" "SNTMRD" "Les Halles" "N4706,767" "E00037,300" "Chancay" "CHANCA" "Eglise" "N4727,183" "E00052,417" "Les Roches lEveque" "LSRCHS" "Eglise" "N4746,650" "E00053,500" "Mirabeau" "MIRABE" "Centre Ville" "N4647,150" "E00010,883" "Saint Martin le Beau" "SNTMRT" "Centre Ville" "N4721,317" "E00054,550" "Lussault sur Loire" "LSSLTS" "Île" "N4724,150" "E00055,500" "Lencloitre" "LNCLTR" "Rond Point" "N4649,000" "E00019,500" "Meslant" "MESLNT" "Centre Ville" "N4730,600" "E00107,350" "Francueil" "FRANCL" "Moulin" "N4718,583" "E00104,800" "Saint Georges sur Cher" "SAINTG" "Rond Point" "N4719,667" "E00107,967" "Preuilly sur Claise" "PRLLSR" "Pont" "N4651,133" "E00055,617" "Montresor" "MNTRSR" "Château" "N4709,350" "E00112,083" "Fontenay le Comte" "FNTNLC" "Pont" "N4628,033" "W00048,250" "Contres" "CONTRS" "Centre Ville" "N4725,050" "E00125,633" "Cheverny" "CHEVRN" "Château" "N4730,000" "E00127,467" "Mareuil sur Lay" "MRLSRL" "Pont" "N4632,083" "W00113,200" "Valancay" "VALANC" "Château" "N4709,433" "E00133,783" "Mont St Michel" "MNTSTM" "_" "N4838,183" "W00130,683" "Pointe St Gildas" "PNTSTG" "Phare" "N4708,000" "W00214,800" "Le Grand Charpentier" "LGRNDC" "Phare" "N4712,850" "W00219,150" "Clery Saint Andre" "CLRSNT" "Collégiale" "N4749,200" "E00145,317" "Pointe des Dames" "PNTDSD" "Phare" "N4700,700" "W00213,267" "Les Barges" "LSBRGS" "Phare" "N4629,750" "W00150,417" "La Blanche" "LBLNCH" "Phare" "N4710,117" "W00228,000" "Rochebonne" "RCHBNN" "Phare" "N4840,300" "W00150,700" "Grandville" "GRNDVL" "Phare" "N4850,117" "W00136,783" "Les Baleines" "LSBLNS" "Phare" "N4614,067" "W00133,067" "Le Four" "LEFOUR" "Phare" "N4717,883" "W00238,100" "Le Bois Saint Denis" "LBSSNT" "Centre Ville" "N4705,850" "E00158,000" "Le Grand Jardin" "LGRNDJ" "Phare" "N4840,233" "W00204,983" "Chausey" "CHAUSE" "Phare" "N4852,217" "W00149,350" "Ile dAix" "ILEDAX" "Phare" "N4600,600" "W00110,683" "Fort Boyard" "FRTBRD" "_" "N4559,900" "W00112,800" "Quincy" "QUINCY" "Lac" "N4707,967" "E00209,683" "Ouistreham" "OSTRHM" "Phare" "N4916,833" "W00014,867" "Cap Frehel" "CPFRHL" "Phare" "N4841,100" "W00219,050" "Port Navalo" "PRTNVL" "Phare" "N4732,900" "W00255,117" "Ver sur Mer" "VRSRMR" "Phare" "N4920,500" "W00031,100" "Quantilly" "QUNTLL" "Centre Ville" "N4713,467" "E00226,683" "Port Maria" "PORTMR" "Phare" "N4728,800" "W00307,483" "La Coubre" "LACOBR" "Phare" "N4541,800" "W00114,000" "La Heve" "LAHEVE" "Phare" "N4930,800" "E00004,233" "Aubignes" "AUBGNS" "Centre Ville" "N4713,467" "E00234,900" "Gien" "GIEN" "Eglise" "N4741,117" "E00237,850" "Pointe de Grave" "PNTDGR" "Phare" "N4534,117" "W00103,967" "Cordouan" "CORDON" "Phare" "N4535,183" "W00110,417" "Pointe des Chats" "PNTDSC" "Phare" "N4737,267" "W00325,317" "Sancerre" "SANCRR" "Centre Ville" "N4719,833" "E00250,317" "Antifer" "ANTIFR" "Phare" "N4941,067" "E00010,000" "Cosne sur Loire" "CSNSRL" "Pont" "N4724,683" "E00255,267" "Saint Vivien de Medoc" "SNTVVN" "Village" "N4525,867" "W00102,100" "Valerac" "VALERC" "Château" "N4523,583" "W00053,567" "Puoilly sur Loire" "PLLSRL" "Île" "N4716,800" "E00257,300" "Rosedo" "ROSEDO" "Phare" "N4851,500" "W00300,217" "Saint Ciers surGironde" "SNTCRS" "Stade" "N4517,817" "W00036,717" "Lesparre Medoc" "LSPRRM" "Eglise" "N4518,483" "W00056,233" "Heaux de Brehat" "HXDBRH" "Phare" "N4854,567" "W00305,100" "Pauillac" "PAULLC" "Port" "N4511,900" "W00044,633" "Saint Savin" "SNTSVN" "Rond Point" "N4508,333" "W00026,517" "Hourtin" "HOURTN" "Phare" "N4508,750" "W00109,733" "Sept Iles" "SEPTLS" "Phare" "N4852,783" "W00329,317" "LIle aux Moutons" "LLXMTN" "Phare" "N4746,500" "W00401,750" "Guitres" "GUITRS" "Pont" "N4502,333" "W00011,150" "Saint Emilion" "SNTMLN" "Eglise" "N4453,600" "W00009,383" "Roscoff" "ROSCFF" "Phare" "N4843,367" "W00358,833" "Vezelay" "VEZELA" "Eglise" "N4727,983" "E00344,900" "Eckmulh" "ECKMLH" "Phare" "N4747,900" "W00422,400" "Ile de Batz" "ILDBTZ" "Phare" "N4844,767" "W00401,650" "Bergerac" "BERGRC" "Île" "N4451,000" "E00028,683" "Saussignac" "SSSGNC" "Château" "N4448,050" "E00019,883" "Sezanne" "SEZANN" "Gare" "N4842,917" "E00332,750" "Aignan" "AIGNAN" "Arènes" "N4441,750" "W00005,033" "Eymet" "EYMET" "Cimetière" "N4440,117" "W00024,017" "Tonnerre" "TONNRR" "Eglise" "N4751,283" "E00358,400" "Romagnat" "ROMGNT" "S Routier" "N4543,500" "E00305,917" "Monpazier" "MONPZR" "Eglise" "N4440,833" "E00053,667" "Sauterne" "SAUTRN" "Château" "N4431,383" "W00020,500" "Grignols" "GRGNLS" "Rond Point" "N4423,383" "W00002,517" "Puy lEveque" "PUYLVQ" "Barrage" "N4430,333" "E00107,933" "St Haon le Chatel" "STHNLC" "Village" "N4603,983" "E00354,817" "Essoyes" "ESSOYS" "Pont" "N4803,483" "E00432,217" "Nerac" "NERAC" "Pont" "N4408,100" "E00020,450" "Boene" "BOENE" "Centre Ville" "N4544,717" "E00400,250" "Chagny" "CHAGNY" "Gare" "N4654,400" "E00444,983" "Buxy" "BUXY" "Rond Point" "N4642,783" "E00442,167" "Beaune" "BEAUNE" "Rond Point" "N4701,167" "E00450,817" "Contis" "CONTIS" "Phare" "N4405,750" "W00119,167" "Vougeot" "VOUGET" "Rond Point" "N4710,650" "E00457,917" "Marcillac" "MRCLLC" "Village" "N4428,417" "E00227,850" "Regnie Durette" "RGNDRT" "Eglise" "N4608,283" "E00438,500" "Chenas" "CHENAS" "Eglise" "N4612,717" "E00443,150" "Macon" "MACON" "Rond Point" "N4618,617" "E00450,083" "Geaune" "GEAUNE" "Centre Ville" "N4338,417" "E00022,683" "Gaillac" "GAILLC" "Eglise" "N4354,017" "E00154,117" "Roujan" "ROUJAN" "Stade" "N4330,367" "E00018,833" "Chateau Chalon" "CHTCHL" "Centre Ville" "N4645,300" "E00537,550" "Biarritz" "BIRRTZ" "Phare" "N4329,383" "W00133,283" "Millau" "MILLAU" "Viaduc" "N4405,200" "E00303,050" "Mont le Vignoble" "MNTLVG" "Eglise" "N4836,650" "E00550,517" "Salins les Bains" "SLNSLS" "Eglise" "N4656,417" "E00552,733" "Tournon sur Rhone" "TRNNSR" "Confluent" "N4504,417" "E00449,617" "Gan" "GAN" "Rond Point" "N4313,567" "W00023,383" "SaintEtiennedeBaigorry" "SNTTNN" "Pont" "N4310,633" "W00120,517" "Culoz" "CULOZ" "Pont SNCF" "N4550,850" "E00547,083" "Challes les Eaux" "CHLLSL" "Aérodrome" "N4533,700" "E00558,500" "Saillant" "SALLNT" "Eglise" "N4441,800" "E00511,933" "Pinet" "PINET" "Cave Coopérative" "N4324,433" "E00330,567" "Couiza" "COUIZA" "Château" "N4256,700" "E00215,217" "Vaison la Romaine" "VSNLRM" "Pont" "N4414,333" "E00504,467" "Steinbach" "STNBCH" "Centre Ville" "N4749,250" "E00709,150" "Riquewihr" "RIQWHR" "Centre Ville" "N4809,983" "E00717,833"