Site Vinon, France [Local] Contest "Perfo Local", Sprints Vinon - Coupe du Verdon - 2011 Courtesy of Regis Kuntz Dated 13 January 2011 Magnetic Variation 0.7E Time Zone Name MET File created on Sunday, 04 September 2011 at 23:59 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Control P ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] Vinon N 43 44 11 44.18333 43.7363889 E 5 47 12 47.2 5.7866667 THSFD VNN VINON Vinon Vinon Vinon Beaumont de Pertuis N 43 44 16 44.26667 43.7377778 E 5 41 22 41.36667 5.6894444 T BMN BMNTD BmntdP BemntdPrts BeaumntdPrts Brunet N 43 53 55 53.91667 43.8986111 E 6 1 40 1.66667 6.0277778 T BRN BRUNT Brunet Brunet Brunet Cereste N 43 51 10 51.16667 43.8527778 E 5 33 0 33 5.55 TA CRS CERST Cerest Cereste Cereste Corbieres N 43 47 7 47.11667 43.7852778 E 5 45 19 45.31667 5.7552778 T CRB CRBRS Corbrs Corbieres Corbieres Etang de la Bonde N 43 45 30 45.5 43.7583333 E 5 30 17 30.28333 5.5047222 T ETN ETNGD Etngdl EtangdlBnd EtangdelaBnd Esparron N 43 35 26 35.43333 43.5905556 E 5 50 58 50.96667 5.8494444 T ESP ESPRR Esprrn Esparron Esparron Ganagobie N 43 59 53 59.88333 43.9980556 E 5 54 29 54.48333 5.9080556 T GNG GANGB Ganagb Ganagobie Ganagobie Ginasservis N 43 40 28 40.46667 43.6744444 E 5 50 51 50.85 5.8475 T GNS GNSSR Gnssrv Ginasservs Ginasservis Greoux les Bains N 43 45 36 45.6 43.76 E 5 53 1 53.01667 5.8836111 T GRX GRXLS GrxlsB GreoxlsBns GreouxlesBns La Bastide des Jourdans N 43 47 6 47.1 43.785 E 5 38 5 38.08333 5.6347222 T LBS LBSTD LBstdd LBstddsJrd LBstddsJrdns La Brillanne N 43 55 31 55.51667 43.9252778 E 5 53 45 53.75 5.8958333 T LBR LBRLL LBrlln LaBrillann La Brillanne La Verdieres N 43 38 18 38.3 43.6383333 E 5 56 7 56.11667 5.9352778 T LVR LVRDR LVrdrs LaVerdiers La Verdieres Montmeyan N 43 38 51 38.85 43.6475 E 6 3 48 3.8 6.0633333 T MNT MNTMN Montmn Montmeyan Montmeyan Peypin d'Aygues N 43 47 17 47.28333 43.7880556 E 5 34 12 34.2 5.57 T PPN PPNDG Ppndgs PeypindAgs PeypindAygus Pont de Manosque N 43 48 16 48.26667 43.8044444 E 5 49 28 49.46667 5.8244444 T PNT PNTDM PntdMn PontdeMnsq PontdeManosq Puimichel N 43 58 49 58.81667 43.9802778 E 6 1 15 1.25 6.0208333 T PMC PMCHL Pumchl Puimichel Puimichel Puimoisson N 43 52 10 52.16667 43.8694444 E 6 9 52 9.86667 6.1644444 TA PMS PMSSN Pumssn Puimoisson Puimoisson Quinson N 43 42 7 42.11667 43.7019444 E 6 2 23 2.38333 6.0397222 T QNS QUNSN Quinsn Quinson Quinson Rians N 43 36 23 36.38333 43.6063889 E 5 45 25 45.41667 5.7569444 T RNS RIANS Rians Rians Rians Rousset N 43 47 12 47.2 43.7866667 E 5 49 42 49.7 5.8283333 T RSS ROSST Rousst Rousset Rousset St Auban N 44 3 25 3.41667 44.0569444 E 5 59 39 59.65 5.9941667 T STB STABN StAubn St Auban St Auban Ste Croix N 43 46 45 46.75 43.7791667 E 6 9 34 9.56667 6.1594444 TA STC STCRX SteCrx Ste Croix Ste Croix Ste Victoire N 43 32 26 32.43333 43.5405556 E 5 32 12 32.2 5.5366667 T STV STVCT StVctr SteVictoir Ste Victoire Val d'Asse N 43 52 45 52.75 43.8791667 E 5 54 34 54.56667 5.9094444 T VLD VLDSS Valdss Val dAsse Val dAsse Valensole N 43 50 14 50.23333 43.8372222 E 5 58 59 58.98333 5.9830556 T VLN VLNSL Valnsl Valensole Valensole Vauvenargues N 43 33 14 33.23333 43.5538889 E 5 36 14 36.23333 5.6038889 T VVN VVNRG Vvnrgs Vauvenargs Vauvenargues Vitrolles N 43 48 40 48.66667 43.8111111 E 5 35 44 35.73333 5.5955556 T VTR VTRLL Vtrlls Vitrolles Vitrolles