;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Vinon, France [Local] + ; + ; "Perfo Local", Sprints Vinon - Coupe du Verdon - 2011 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Regis Kuntz + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 04 September 2011 at 23:59 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Vinon" "VINON" "_" "N4344,183" "E00547,200" "Beaumont de Pertuis" "BMNTDP" "_" "N4344,267" "E00541,367" "Brunet" "BRUNET" "_" "N4353,917" "E00601,667" "Cereste" "CEREST" "_" "N4351,167" "E00533,000" "Corbieres" "CORBRS" "_" "N4347,117" "E00545,317" "Etang de la Bonde" "ETNGDL" "_" "N4345,500" "E00530,283" "Esparron" "ESPRRN" "_" "N4335,433" "E00550,967" "Ganagobie" "GANAGB" "_" "N4359,883" "E00554,483" "Ginasservis" "GNSSRV" "_" "N4340,467" "E00550,850" "Greoux les Bains" "GRXLSB" "_" "N4345,600" "E00553,017" "La Bastide desJourdans" "LBSTDD" "_" "N4347,100" "E00538,083" "La Brillanne" "LBRLLN" "_" "N4355,517" "E00553,750" "La Verdieres" "LVRDRS" "_" "N4338,300" "E00556,117" "Montmeyan" "MONTMN" "_" "N4338,850" "E00603,800" "Peypin dAygues" "PPNDGS" "_" "N4347,283" "E00534,200" "Pont de Manosque" "PNTDMN" "_" "N4348,267" "E00549,467" "Puimichel" "PUMCHL" "_" "N4358,817" "E00601,250" "Puimoisson" "PUMSSN" "_" "N4352,167" "E00609,867" "Quinson" "QUINSN" "_" "N4342,117" "E00602,383" "Rians" "RIANS" "_" "N4336,383" "E00545,417" "Rousset" "ROUSST" "_" "N4347,200" "E00549,700" "St Auban" "STAUBN" "_" "N4403,417" "E00559,650" "Ste Croix" "STECRX" "_" "N4346,750" "E00609,567" "Ste Victoire" "STVCTR" "_" "N4332,433" "E00532,200" "Val dAsse" "VALDSS" "_" "N4352,750" "E00554,567" "Valensole" "VALNSL" "_" "N4350,233" "E00558,983" "Vauvenargues" "VVNRGS" "_" "N4333,233" "E00536,233" "Vitrolles" "VTRLLS" "_" "N4348,667" "E00535,733"