;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Vinon, France + ; + ; Inter Regional "Jeunes" Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur, 2009 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Regis Kuntz + ; + ; Generated Friday, 03 July 2009 at 04:12 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Aiguines" "AIGUNS" "Pont" "N4348,083" "E00614,967" "Aups" "AUPS" "Eglise" "N4337,700" "E00613,583" "Barreme" "BARREM" "Carrefour" "N4357,133" "E00621,950" "Beaurieres" "BEARRS" "Gare" "N4434,167" "E00533,217" "Cadenet" "CADENT" "Eglise" "N4344,200" "E00522,517" "Carpentras Aero" "CRPNTR" "Runway North Treshold 118.17" "N4401,900" "E00504,700" "Castillon" "CSTLLN" "Barrage" "N4352,717" "E00632,233" "ChateauneufValStDonnat" "CHTNFV" "Eglise" "N4405,533" "E00556,933" "Chatillon en Diois" "CHTLLN" "Eglise" "N4441,683" "E00529,133" "Chavailles" "CHVLLS" "Eglise" "N4409,867" "E00627,733" "Col de Cabre" "CCABRE" "Refuge" "N4432,983" "E00535,917" "Col Rousset" "CROSST" "Parking" "N4450,400" "E00524,333" "Die" "DIE" "Gare" "N4445,500" "E00521,750" "Digne" "DIGNE" "Gare" "N4405,250" "E00613,333" "Embrun" "EMBRUN" "Gare" "N4434,267" "E00629,817" "Gap Tallard" "GPTLLR" "Gare" "N4433,833" "E00605,233" "La Cluse" "LACLUS" "Eglise" "N4438,383" "E00550,933" "La Javie" "LAJAVI" "Pont sur Bleone" "N4410,300" "E00620,983" "La Motte Chalancon" "LMTTCH" "Eglise" "N4429,133" "E00522,767" "La Motte du Caire" "LMTTDC" "Eglise" "N4420,700" "E00601,750" "Laragne Monteglin" "LRGNMN" "Gare" "N4418,983" "E00549,117" "Luc en Diois" "LUCNDS" "Gare" "N4436,833" "E00527,267" "Lus la Croix Haute" "LSLCRX" "Eglise" "N4439,933" "E00542,317" "Mallefougasse" "MLLFGS" "Eglise" "N4403,983" "E00553,883" "Mezel" "MEZEL" "Eglise" "N4359,850" "E00611,717" "Montmeyan" "MONTMN" "Eglise" "N4338,817" "E00603,767" "Moustiers Ste Marie" "MSTRSS" "Eglise" "N4350,767" "E00613,317" "Orcierres" "ORCRRS" "Eglise" "N4441,133" "E00619,600" "Orpierre" "ORPIRR" "Eglise" "N4418,833" "E00541,583" "Rians" "RIANS" "Eglise" "N4336,383" "E00545,400" "Savines le Lac" "SVNSLL" "point sud du pont" "N4431,650" "E00623,967" "Sederon" "SEDERN" "Eglise" "N4412,350" "E00532,233" "Serre Poncon" "SRRPNC" "Centre Barrage" "N4428,317" "E00616,233" "Serres" "SERRES" "Gare" "N4425,683" "E00543,117" "Seyne les Alpes" "SNLSLP" "Eglise" "N4421,033" "E00621,183" "St Andre les Alpes" "STNDRL" "Gare" "N4358,200" "E00630,383" "St Bonnet en Champsaur" "STBNNT" "Eglise" "N4440,950" "E00604,433" "St Etienne les Orgues" "STTNNL" "Eglise" "N4402,683" "E00546,733" "Ste Victoire" "STVCTR" "Barrage" "N4332,433" "E00532,217" "Veynes" "VEYNES" "Eglise" "N4431,917" "E00548,950" "Vinon Aero" "VINONR" "TWR 118.15" "N4344,167" "E00547,183" "Revest du Bion" "RVSTDB" "Eglise" "N4404,983" "E00532,917" "Valensole" "VALNSL" "Eglise" "N4350,233" "E00558,983" "La Brillanne" "LBRLLN" "Pont autoroute" "N4355,550" "E00553,750" "Brunet" "BRUNET" "Pont sur Asse" "N4353,883" "E00601,683" "Ganagobie" "GANAGB" "Eglise" "N4359,883" "E00554,500" "Puimichel" "PUMCHL" "Observatoire" "N4358,817" "E00601,250" "St Auban Aero" "STABNR" "TWR 122.3" "N4403,417" "E00559,617" "Ginnaservis" "GNNSRV" "Carrefour" "N4340,400" "E00550,850" "Greoux les Bains" "GRXLSB" "Chateau" "N4345,617" "E00553,017" "Pont de Manosque" "PNTDMN" "Pont sur la Durance" "N4348,267" "E00549,467" "Arrivee 20" "ARRV20" "Ligne d'Arrivee Piste 20" "N4344,667" "E00547,183" "Aspres/Buech" "ASPRSB" "123.5" "N4431,133" "E00544,133" "Barcelonette" "BRCLNT" "123.5" "N4423,300" "E00636,617" "Gap Tallard2" "GAPTAL" "119.10" "N4427,500" "E00602,167" "La Motte Chalancon2" "LAMOTT" "Altisurface" "N4429,383" "E00522,850" "Puimoisson" "PUMSSN" "123.5" "N4352,217" "E00609,883" "Serres2" "SERRS2" "123.5" "N4427,267" "E00543,617" "Sisteron" "SISTRN" "120.05" "N4417,233" "E00555,800" "St Crepin" "STCRPN" "123.5" "N4442,083" "E00636,017" "St Cristol" "STCRST" "Aerodrome" "N4403,200" "E00529,700" "Col Allos" "CALLOS" "Col" "N4417,883" "E00635,700" "Col Terres Blanches" "CTRRSB" "Col" "N4441,167" "E00626,050" "Col Caduc" "CCADUC" "Col" "N4414,467" "E00632,433" "Noyers Jabron" "NRSJBR" "No00 - 470 M" "N4410,267" "E00550,683" "Quinson champs" "QNSNCH" "No01 - Za 500 M" "N4341,000" "E00604,283" "Aups champs" "APSCHM" "No02 - Za 300 M" "N4337,517" "E00610,983" "Ampus champs" "AMPSCH" "No03 - Za 300 M" "N4337,017" "E00620,933" "La Mure Argens" "LMRRGN" "No06 - 300m" "N4358,917" "E00631,867" "Thorame champs" "THRMCH" "No07 - 300 M" "N4404,617" "E00628,417" "Marcouxchp" "MRCXCH" "No08 - 250 M" "N4407,700" "E00617,183" "La Faurie champs" "LFRCHM" "No09 - 320 M" "N4433,817" "E00545,533" "Espinasse champs" "ESPNSS" "No10 - 300 M" "N4427,633" "E00613,100" "Montgardin champs" "MNTGRD" "No11 - 300 M" "N4432,983" "E00612,817" "Montmaur champs" "MNTMRC" "No14 - 500m" "N4433,633" "E00551,433" "Luc en Diois champs" "LCNDSC" "No15 - Za" "N4435,550" "E00528,433" "Rosans champs" "RSNSCH" "No17 - 400m" "N4422,883" "E00528,300" "St Jalle champs" "STJLLC" "No18 - Za 250M" "N4420,067" "E00518,183" "Sederon champs" "SDRNCH" "No19 - 300 M" "N4413,233" "E00534,483" "Laragne ULM" "LRGNLM" "No21 - Piste Ulm 480M" "N4419,233" "E00547,517" "Barreme champs" "BRRMCH" "No23 - 300m" "N4359,550" "E00623,200" "Valenty champs" "VLNTCH" "No26 - 400m" "N4421,600" "E00555,800" "Ste Croix deVerdonAero" "STCRXD" "No29 - Aero 700M" "N4346,683" "E00609,583" "Seyne Aero" "SEYNER" "No30 - Aero 900M" "N4420,533" "E00622,367" "La Motte du Caire Aero" "LAMOTE" "No31 - Aero 1170M" "N4419,517" "E00601,850" "Les Crots ULM" "LSCRTS" "No32 - Ulm 450X40M" "N4432,150" "E00626,017" "Chabottes ULM" "CHBTTS" "No33 - Ulm 250X40 M" "N4439,267" "E00611,033" "Die champs" "DCHMPS" "No34 - Za 300M" "N4446,100" "E00521,200" "Aubenasson Aero" "ABNSSN" "No35 - Aero 700M" "N4441,700" "E00509,033" "Cereste Aero" "CERSTR" "No36 - Aero 800M" "N4351,167" "E00532,967" "Nossage Aero" "NOSSGR" "No37 - Aero 550M" "N4418,933" "E00544,650" "Lourmarin champs" "LRMRNC" "No46 - Za 400 M" "N4345,533" "E00523,967" "Salignac champs" "SLGNCC" "No47 - 500m" "N4408,650" "E00558,750" "Aix en Diois champs" "AXNDSC" "No34bis - Za 300 M" "N4441,350" "E00524,550"