Vinon, France 4th Club Class, 5th World Class WGC 2006 Contributed courtesy of Regis Kuntz Last updated Friday, 14 July 2006 at 12:01 GMT English turnpoint name and description versionThese data also exist with French turnpoint names and descriptions UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Waypoint Latitude Longitude Abbreviations for GPS ICAO 1 Aiguines 43 48.083 N 6 14.967 E AGN AIGNS AIGUNS Aiguines Aiguines Aiguines Aiguines 2 Annecy-Meythet 45 56.083 N 6 6.317 E ANN ANNCM ANNCMT AnncMtht AnnecMtht AnnecyMtht AnnecyMeytht LFLP 3 Alpe d'Huez 45 5.233 N 6 5.033 E ALP ALPDH ALPDHZ AlpedHuz AlpedHuez Alpe dHuez Alpe dHuez LFHU 4 Annot 43 57.833 N 6 40.333 E ANO ANNOT ANNOT Annot Annot Annot Annot 5 Aups 43 37.700 N 6 13.583 E APS AUPS AUPS Aups Aups Aups Aups 6 Barberines 46 3.050 N 6 56.917 E BRB BRBRN BRBRNS Barberns Barberins Barberines Barberines 7 Barbieres 44 57.333 N 5 8.350 E BAR BRBRS BARBRS Barbiers Barbieres Barbieres Barbieres 8 Bardonecchia 45 4.617 N 6 42.633 E BRD BRDNC BRDNCC Bardncch Bardoncch Bardonecch Bardonecchia 9 Barreme 43 57.133 N 6 21.950 E BRR BARRM BARREM Barreme Barreme Barreme Barreme 10 Beaurieres 44 34.167 N 5 33.217 E BEA BERRS BEARRS Beaurirs Beauriers Beaurieres Beaurieres 11 Bedoin 44 7.583 N 5 10.600 E BDN BEDON BEDOIN Bedoin Bedoin Bedoin Bedoin 12 Bissorte 45 10.817 N 6 34.783 E BSS BSSRT BISSRT Bissorte Bissorte Bissorte Bissorte 13 Bonneval/Arc 45 22.283 N 7 2.700 E BNN BNNVL BNNVLR Bonnvlrc Bonnevlrc Bonnevalrc Bonneval/Arc 14 Bonneville 46 4.217 N 6 25.883 E BON BONNE BNNVLL Bonnevll Bonnevill Bonneville Bonneville 15 Bourdeaux 44 35.150 N 5 8.050 E BOU BORDX BOURDX Bourdeax Bourdeaux Bourdeaux Bourdeaux 16 Bourg St Maurice 45 37.083 N 6 46.267 E BRG BRGST BRGSTM BrgStMrc BorgStMrc BourgStMrc BourgStMaurc 17 Briancon 44 53.383 N 6 38.000 E BRN BRNCN BRINCN Briancon Briancon Briancon Briancon 18 Brignolles 43 25.350 N 6 4.067 E BRI BRGNL BRGNLL Brignlls Brignolls Brignolles Brignolles 19 Cadenet 43 44.200 N 5 22.517 E CDN CADNT CADENT Cadenet Cadenet Cadenet Cadenet 20 Caille 43 46.717 N 6 43.650 E CLL CAILL CAILLE Caille Caille Caille Caille 21 Carpentras 44 1.900 N 5 4.700 E CRP CRPNT CRPNTR Carpntrs Carpentrs Carpentras Carpentras LFNH 22 Castillon 43 52.717 N 6 32.233 E CST CSTLL CSTLLN Castilln Castillon Castillon Castillon 23 Chamonix 45 55.383 N 6 52.550 E CHM CHMNX CHAMNX Chamonix Chamonix Chamonix Chamonix 24 Chapelle en Valgaudemar 44 48.983 N 6 11.683 E CHP CHPLL CHPLLN ChpllnVl ChpllnVlg ChpllnVlgd ChpllnVlgdmr 25 Chateau Queyras 44 45.317 N 6 47.283 E CHT CHTQR CHTQRS ChateQrs ChateaQrs ChateauQrs ChateauQuers 26 Chateauneuf Val St Donnat 44 5.533 N 5 56.933 E CHA CHTNF CHTNFV ChtnfVlS ChtnfVlSt ChtnfVlStD ChtnfVlStDnn 27 Chatillon en Diois 44 41.683 N 5 29.133 E CHI CHTLL CHTLLN ChtllnnD ChtllnnDs ChatllnnDs ChatillonnDs 28 Chavailles 44 9.867 N 6 27.733 E CHV CHVLL CHVLLS Chavalls Chavaills Chavailles Chavailles 29 Col de Cabre 44 32.983 N 5 35.917 E CLD CLDCB CCABRE C Cabre C Cabre C Cabre Col de Cabre 30 Col des Aravis 45 52.950 N 6 27.900 E COL CLDSR CARAVS C Aravis C Aravis C Aravis C Aravis 31 Col Rousset 44 50.400 N 5 24.333 E CLR CLRSS CROSST CRousset CRousset CRousset Col Rousset 32 Colmars 44 10.783 N 6 37.600 E CLM CLMRS COLMRS Colmars Colmars Colmars Colmars 33 Crest 44 43.783 N 5 0.833 E CRS CREST CREST Crest Crest Crest Crest 34 Die 44 45.500 N 5 21.750 E DIE DIE DIE Die Die Die Die 35 Digne 44 5.250 N 6 13.333 E DGN DIGNE DIGNE Digne Digne Digne Digne 36 Embrun 44 34.267 N 6 29.817 E EMB EMBRN EMBRUN Embrun Embrun Embrun Embrun 37 Etang de la Bonde 43 45.500 N 5 30.300 E ETN ETNGD ETNGDL EtngdlBn EtngdlBnd EtangdlBnd EtangdelaBnd 38 Faverges 45 45.100 N 6 17.633 E FVR FVRGS FAVRGS Faverges Faverges Faverges Faverges 39 Fayence 43 36.650 N 6 41.600 E FNC FAYNC FAYENC Fayence Fayence Fayence Fayence LFMF 40 La Foux d'Allos 44 16.633 N 6 34.717 E LFX LFXDL LFXDLL LaFxdlls LaFoxdlls LaFouxdlls LaFouxdAllos 41 Gap-Tallard 44 33.833 N 6 5.233 E GAP GPTLL GPTLLR GapTllrd GapTallrd GapTallard Gap Tallard 42 Gordes 43 54.633 N 5 12.017 E GRD GORDS GORDES Gordes Gordes Gordes Gordes 43 Jausiers 44 25.267 N 6 44.450 E JSR JASRS JAUSRS Jausiers Jausiers Jausiers Jausiers 44 La Cluse 44 38.383 N 5 50.933 E LCL LACLS LACLUS La Cluse La Cluse La Cluse La Cluse 45 La Javie 44 10.300 N 6 20.983 E LJV LAJAV LAJAVI La Javie La Javie La Javie La Javie 46 La Motte Chalancon 44 29.133 N 5 22.767 E LMT LMTTC LMTTCH LMttChln LMttChlnc LMttChlncn LaMottChlncn 47 La Motte du Caire 44 20.700 N 6 1.750 E LAM LMTTD LMTTDC LaMttdCr LaMottdCr LaMottedCr LaMotteduCar 48 Lac de Carces 43 27.767 N 6 12.617 E LCR LCRCS LCARCS L Carces L Carces L Carces L Carces 49 Laragne Monteglin 44 18.983 N 5 49.117 E LRG LRGNM LRGNMN LrgnMntg LrgnMntgl LrgnMntgln LaragnMntgln 50 Le Casset 44 59.183 N 6 28.967 E LCS LCSST LECSST LeCasset Le Casset Le Casset Le Casset 51 Le Muy 43 27.633 N 6 33.050 E LEM LEMUY LE MUY Le Muy Le Muy Le Muy Le Muy 52 Les Houches 45 53.817 N 6 47.167 E LSH LSHCH LSHCHS LesHochs LesHouchs LesHouches Les Houches 53 Luc en Diois 44 36.833 N 5 27.267 E LCN LCNDS LUCNDS LucenDis LucenDios LucenDiois Luc en Diois 54 Lus la Croix Haute 44 39.933 N 5 42.317 E LSL LSLCR LSLCRX LslCrxHt LuslCrxHt LuslaCrxHt LuslaCroixHt 55 Maljasset 44 35.650 N 6 50.633 E MLJ MLJSS MLJSST Maljasst Maljasset Maljasset Maljasset 56 Mallefougasse 44 3.983 N 5 53.883 E MLL MLLFG MLLFGS Mallfgss Mallefgss Mallefogss Mallefougass 57 Megeve 45 49.517 N 6 38.867 E MGV MEGEV MEGEVE Megeve Megeve Megeve Megeve LFHM 58 Mens 44 49.100 N 5 45.117 E MNS MENS MENS Mens Mens Mens Mens 59 Mezel 43 59.850 N 6 11.717 E MZL MEZEL MEZEL Mezel Mezel Mezel Mezel 60 Modane 45 12.767 N 6 42.667 E MDN MODAN MODANE Modane Modane Modane Modane 61 Montaud 45 15.750 N 5 33.783 E MNT MONTD MONTAD Montaud Montaud Montaud Montaud 62 Montmeyan 43 38.817 N 6 3.767 E MON MNTMN MONTMN Montmeyn Montmeyan Montmeyan Montmeyan 64 Moustiers Ste Marie 43 50.767 N 6 13.317 E MST MSTRS MSTRSS MstrsStM MstrsStMr MostrsStMr MoustirsStMr 65 Moutiers 45 28.883 N 6 32.050 E MTR MOTRS MOUTRS Moutiers Moutiers Moutiers Moutiers 66 ND de la Salette 44 51.517 N 5 58.700 E NDD NDDLS NDDLSL NDdlSltt NDdelSltt NDdelaSltt NDdelaSalett 67 Nyons 44 21.583 N 5 8.633 E NNS NYONS NYONS Nyons Nyons Nyons Nyons 68 Orcierres 44 41.133 N 6 19.600 E ORC ORCRR ORCRRS Orcierrs Orcierres Orcierres Orcierres 69 Orpierre 44 18.833 N 5 41.583 E ORP ORPRR ORPIRR Orpierre Orpierre Orpierre Orpierre 70 Plampinet 45 0.183 N 6 39.767 E PLM PLMPN PLMPNT Plampint Plampinet Plampinet Plampinet 71 Pontcharra 45 25.533 N 5 59.717 E PNT PNTCH PNTCHR Pontchrr Pontcharr Pontcharra Pontcharra 72 Prapoutel 45 15.383 N 5 59.667 E PRP PRPTL PRAPTL Prapoutl Prapoutel Prapoutel Prapoutel 73 Pre de Mme Carle 44 55.000 N 6 24.967 E PRD PRDMM PRDMMC PrdMmCrl PredMmCrl PredeMmCrl PredeMmeCarl 74 Rians 43 36.383 N 5 45.400 E RNS RIANS RIANS Rians Rians Rians Rians 75 La Roche de Rame 44 44.183 N 6 34.950 E LRC LRCHD LRCHDR LaRchdRm LaRochdRm LaRochedRm LaRochedeRam 76 Rochemolles 45 7.650 N 6 45.867 E RCH RCHML RCHMLL Rochmlls Rochemlls Rochemolls Rochemolles 77 Romans 45 3.767 N 5 5.633 E RMN ROMNS ROMANS Romans Romans Romans Romans LFHE 78 Rosans 44 23.583 N 5 28.233 E RSN ROSNS ROSANS Rosans Rosans Rosans Rosans 79 Rustrel 43 55.433 N 5 29.167 E RST RSTRL RUSTRL Rustrel Rustrel Rustrel Rustrel 80 Saillans 44 41.817 N 5 11.850 E SLL SLLNS SALLNS Saillans Saillans Saillans Saillans 81 Sallanches 45 57.233 N 6 38.350 E SAL SLLNC SLLNCH Sallnchs Sallanchs Sallanches Sallanches LFHZ 82 Samoens 46 5.033 N 6 43.550 E SMN SAMNS SAMONS Samoens Samoens Samoens Samoens 83 Sautet 44 49.050 N 5 54.517 E STT SAUTT SAUTET Sautet Sautet Sautet Sautet 84 Savines 44 31.650 N 6 23.967 E SVN SAVNS SAVINS Savines Savines Savines Savines 85 Sederon 44 12.350 N 5 32.233 E SDR SEDRN SEDERN Sederon Sederon Sederon Sederon 86 Serre Poncon 44 28.317 N 6 16.233 E SRR SRRPN SRRPNC SerrPncn SerrePncn SerrePoncn Serre Poncon 87 Serres Gare 44 25.683 N 5 43.117 E SER SRRSG SRRSGR SerresGr SerresGar SerresGare Serres Gare 88 Seyne les Alpes 44 21.033 N 6 21.183 E SNL SNLSL SNLSLP Senlslps Seynlslps Seynelslps SeynelesAlps 89 Sollieres 45 15.350 N 6 48.033 E SOL SLLRS SOLLRS Solliers Sollieres Sollieres Sollieres LFKD 90 St Andre les Alpes 43 58.200 N 6 30.383 E STN STNDR STNDRL Stndrlsl Stndrlslp Stndrlslps StAndrelslps 91 St Bonnet-en Champsaur 44 40.950 N 6 4.433 E STB STBNN STBNNT StBnntnC StBnntnCh StBnntnChm StBnntnChmps 92 St Etienne les Orgues 44 2.683 N 5 46.733 E STE STTNN STTNNL Sttnnlsr Sttnnlsrg Sttnnlsrgs StEtinnlsrgs 93 Ste-Jalle 44 20.633 N 5 17.233 E STJ STJLL STEJLL SteJalle Ste Jalle Ste Jalle Ste Jalle 94 St Jean de Maurienne 45 16.650 N 6 19.733 E STA STJND STJNDM StJndMrn StJndMrnn StJendMrnn StJeandeMrnn 95 St Maximin 43 27.167 N 5 51.850 E STM STMXM STMXMN StMaximn StMaximin St Maximin St Maximin 96 St Nazaire le Desert 44 34.167 N 5 16.500 E STZ STNZR STNZRL StNzrlDs StNzrlDsr StNzrlDsrt StNazarlDsrt 97 St Nazaire-Royan 45 4.033 N 5 14.567 E STI STNAZ STNZRR StNazrRn StNazarRn StNazairRn StNazaireRon 98 St Pierre d'Entremont 45 24.917 N 5 51.233 E STP STPRR STPRRD StPrrdnt StPrrdntr StPrrdntrm StPrrdntrmnt 99 St Remy 43 46.033 N 4 53.583 E STR STREM STREMY St Remy St Remy St Remy St Remy LFNZ 100 St Veran 44 42.017 N 6 52.100 E STV STVRN STVERN St Veran St Veran St Veran St Veran 101 Ste Victoire 43 32.433 N 5 32.217 E STC STVCT STVCTR SteVictr SteVictor SteVictoir Ste Victoire 102 Tulette 44 17.233 N 4 55.800 E TLT TULTT TULETT Tulette Tulette Tulette Tulette 103 Ugine 45 44.733 N 6 25.250 E UGN UGINE UGINE Ugine Ugine Ugine Ugine 104 Vaison la Romaine 44 14.633 N 5 4.150 E VSN VSNLR VSNLRM VasnlRmn VaisnlRmn VaisonlRmn VaisonlaRomn 105 Veynes 44 31.917 N 5 48.950 E VNS VEYNS VEYNES Veynes Veynes Veynes Veynes 106 Vif 45 3.350 N 5 40.250 E VIF VIF VIF Vif Vif Vif Vif 107 Vinon 43 44.167 N 5 47.183 E VNN VINON VINON Vinon Vinon Vinon Vinon LFNF 108 Meoune 43 16.867 N 5 58.233 E MEN MEOUN MEOUNE Meoune Meoune Meoune Meoune 109 Revest du Bion 44 4.983 N 5 32.917 E RVS RVSTD RVSTDB RevstdBn RevestdBn RevestduBn RevestduBion 110 Pierre Chatel 44 57.417 N 5 46.500 E PRR PRRCH PRRCHT PirrChtl PierrChtl PierreChtl PierreChatel 111 Aiguebelle 45 32.633 N 6 18.450 E AGB AGBLL AIGBLL Aiguebll Aiguebell Aiguebelle Aiguebelle 112 St Jean d'Avelanne 45 30.950 N 5 40.800 E STD STJEA STJNDV StJndvln StJndvlnn StJendvlnn StJeandAvlnn LFKH 113 St Gingolph 46 23.600 N 6 48.067 E STG STGNG STGNGL StGnglph StGinglph StGingolph St Gingolph 114 Valensole 43 50.233 N 5 58.983 E VLN VLNSL VALNSL Valensol Valensole Valensole Valensole 115 La Brillanne 43 55.550 N 5 53.750 E LBR LBRLL LBRLLN LaBrllnn LaBrillnn LaBrillann La Brillanne 116 Brunet 43 53.883 N 6 1.683 E BRU BRUNT BRUNET Brunet Brunet Brunet Brunet 117 Ganagobie 43 59.883 N 5 54.500 E GNG GANGB GANAGB Ganagobi Ganagobie Ganagobie Ganagobie 118 Puimichel 43 58.817 N 6 1.250 E PMC PMCHL PUMCHL Puimichl Puimichel Puimichel Puimichel 119 St Auban 44 3.417 N 5 59.617 E STU STABN STAUBN St Auban St Auban St Auban St Auban LFMX 120 La Bastide des Jourdans 43 47.150 N 5 38.100 E LBS LBSTD LBSTDD LBstddsJ LBstddsJr LBstddsJrd LBstddsJrdns 121 Beaumont de Pertuis 43 44.267 N 5 41.383 E BMN BMNTD BMNTDP BmntdPrt BmntdPrts BemntdPrts BeaumntdPrts 122 Ginnaservis 43 40.400 N 5 50.850 E GNN GNNSR GNNSRV Ginnsrvs Ginnasrvs Ginnaservs Ginnaservis 123 Greoux les Bains 43 45.617 N 5 53.017 E GRX GRXLS GRXLSB GrxlsBns GrexlsBns GreoxlsBns GreouxlesBns 124 Manosque 43 48.267 N 5 49.467 E MAN MANSQ MANOSQ Manosque Manosque Manosque Manosque 125 Finish 20 43 44.667 N 5 47.183 E FNS FNSH2 FIN 20 Finsh 20 Finish 20 Finish 20 Finish 20 LFNF 126 Albertville 45 37.617 N 6 19.767 E ALB ALBRT ALBRTV Albrtvll Albertvll Albertvill Albertville LFKA 127 Aoste 45 44.317 N 7 21.750 E AST AOSTE AOSTE Aoste Aoste Aoste Aoste LIMW 128 Aspres/Buech 44 31.133 N 5 44.133 E ASP ASPRS ASPRSB AsprsBch AspresBch AspresBuch Aspres/Buech LFNJ 129 Barcelonette 44 23.300 N 6 36.617 E BRC BRCLN BRCLNT Barclntt Barcelntt Barcelontt Barcelonette LFMR 130 Bex 46 15.550 N 6 59.233 E BEX BEX BEX Bex Bex Bex Bex LSGB 131 Challes les Eaux 45 33.683 N 5 58.600 E CHL CHLLS CHLLSL Chllslsx Challslsx Challeslsx ChalleslesEx LFLE 132 Courchevel 45 23.800 N 6 38.017 E CRC CRCHV CRCHVL Courchvl Courchevl Courchevel Courchevel LFLJ 133 Cuneo 44 32.717 N 7 37.333 E CUN CUNEO CUNEO Cuneo Cuneo Cuneo Cuneo LIMZ 134 Gap-Tallard 44 27.500 N 6 2.167 E GAP GAPTA GAPTAL GapTalla GapTallar GapTallrd2 Gap Tallard2 LFNA 135 Le Versoud 45 13.133 N 5 50.983 E LVR LVRSD LEVRSD LeVersod LeVersoud Le Versoud Le Versoud LFLG 136 La Motte Chalancon A 44 29.383 N 5 22.850 E LAO LAMOT LAMOTT LaMotteC LaMotteCh LaMotteCha LaMotteChala LFJE 137 Le Castellet 43 15.200 N 5 47.233 E LEC LCSTL LCSTLL LeCstllt LeCastllt LeCastellt Le Castellet LFMQ 138 Le Luc 43 23.133 N 6 23.267 E LLC LELUC LE LUC Le Luc Le Luc Le Luc Le Luc LFMC 139 Meribel 45 24.417 N 6 34.817 E MRB MERBL MERIBL Meribel Meribel Meribel Meribel LFKX 140 Puimoisson 43 52.217 N 6 9.883 E PMS PMSSN PUMSSN Puimossn Puimoissn Puimoisson Puimoisson LFTP 141 Serres 44 27.267 N 5 43.617 E SEE SERRS SERRES Serres Serres Serres Serres LFTM 142 Sion 46 13.233 N 7 19.667 E SIN SION SION Sion Sion Sion Sion LSGS 143 Sisteron These 44 17.233 N 5 55.800 E SST SSTRN SSTRNT SstrnThs SistrnThs SisternThs SisteronThes LFNS 144 St Crepin-Mt Dauphin 44 42.083 N 6 36.017 E STH STCRP STCRPN StCrpnMt StCrpnMtD StCrpnMtDp StCrpnMtDphn LFNC 145 St Christol 44 3.200 N 5 29.700 E STS STCHR STCHRS StChrstl StChristl StChristol St Christol LFXI 146 St Jean en Royans 45 1.667 N 5 18.600 E STO STJNN STJNNR StJnnRns StJennRns StJeannRns StJeanenRons LFKE 147 Turin Aeritalia 45 5.000 N 7 36.500 E TRN TRNRT TRNRTL Turinrtl TurinArtl TurinAertl TurinAerital LIMA 148 Valloire 45 7.233 N 6 25.217 E VLL VALLR VALLOR Valloire Valloire Valloire Valloire 149 Visans-Valreas 44 20.000 N 4 54.483 E VIS VSNSV VSNSVL VsnsVlrs VisnsVlrs VisansVlrs VisansValres LFNV 150 Col Allos 44 17.883 N 6 35.700 E COA CLLLS CALLOS CAllos Col Allos Col Allos Col Allos 151 Col Fressinieres 44 44.367 N 6 21.317 E CLF CLFRS CFRSSN CFrssnrs CFressnrs CFressinrs CFressiniers 152 Col Etache 45 9.000 N 6 48.800 E CLT CLTCH CETACH CEtache CEtache Col Etache Col Etache 153 Col Galibier 45 4.050 N 6 24.517 E CLG CLGLB CGALBR CGalibir CGalibier CGalibier Col Galibier 154 Col Lautaret 45 2.100 N 6 24.367 E COU CLLTR CLATRT CLautart CLautaret CLautaret Col Lautaret 155 Col Vallee Etroite 45 7.267 N 6 36.517 E CLV CLVLL CVLLTR CValltrt CValletrt CValleetrt CValleeEtrot 156 Col Bataille 44 54.000 N 5 13.900 E CLB CLBTL CBATLL CBataill CBataille CBataille Col Bataille 157 Col Terresblanche 44 41.167 N 6 26.050 E COT CLTRR CTRRSB CTrrsbln CTrrsblnc CTrrsblnch CTerresblnch 158 Col Caduc 44 14.467 N 6 32.433 E CLC CLCDC CCADUC CCaduc Col Caduc Col Caduc Col Caduc 159 Col Croixhaute 44 43.433 N 5 40.567 E COC CLCRX CCRXHT CCroixht CCroixhat CCroixhaut CCroixhaute 160 Col Vars 44 32.317 N 6 42.217 E COV CLVRS CVARS Col Vars Col Vars Col Vars Col Vars 161 Col Pas de la Cavale 44 46.233 N 6 21.267 E CLP CLPSD CPSDLC CPsdlCvl CPasdlCvl CPasdelCvl CPasdelaCavl 162 Col Montgenevre 44 55.883 N 6 43.400 E COM CLMNT CMNTGN CMntgnvr CMontgnvr CMontgenvr CMontgenevre 163 Col Izoard 44 48.967 N 6 44.267 E CLZ CLZRD CIZORD CIzoard CIzoard Col Izoard Col Izoard 164 Col Caro 45 25.800 N 7 7.583 E COR COLCR CCARO Col Caro Col Caro Col Caro Col Caro 165 Col Encombres 45 17.633 N 6 27.850 E CLN CLNCM CNCMBR CEncmbrs CEncombrs CEncombres CEncombres 166 Col Basmont 45 33.133 N 6 23.333 E COB CLBSM CBSMNT CBasmont CBasmont CBasmont Col Basmont 167 Col Glandon 45 14.400 N 6 10.550 E COG CLGLN CGLNDN CGlandon CGlandon CGlandon Col Glandon 168 Col Iseran 45 25.100 N 7 1.767 E CLS CLSRN CISERN CIseran CIseran Col Iseran Col Iseran 169 Col Madeleine 45 26.100 N 6 22.917 E COD CLMDL CMADLN CMadelen CMadelein CMadeleine CMadeleine 170 Col Petit St Bernard 45 40.717 N 6 53.000 E COP CLPTT CPTTST CPttStBr CPttStBrn CPttStBrnr CPettStBrnrd 171 Col Grand St Bernard 45 52.117 N 7 10.083 E CON CLGRN CGRNDS CGrndStB CGrndStBr CGrndStBrn CGrndStBrnrd 172 Col Ferret 45 53.600 N 7 4.583 E COF CLFRR CFERRT CFerret CFerret Col Ferret Col Ferret 173 Col Furka 46 34.433 N 8 25.000 E COK CLFRK CFURKA CFurka Col Furka Col Furka Col Furka 200 Noyers-sur-Jabron 44 10.267 N 5 50.683 E NRS NRSSR NRSSRJ NrssrJbr NrssrJbrn NorssrJbrn NoyerssrJbrn 201 Quinson 43 41.000 N 6 4.283 E QNS QUNSN QUINSN Quinson Quinson Quinson Quinson 202 Aups 43 37.517 N 6 10.983 E AUP AUPS2 AUPS2 Aups2 Aups2 Aups2 Aups2 203 Ampus 43 37.017 N 6 20.933 E AMP AMPUS AMPUS Ampus Ampus Ampus Ampus 204 Logis du Pin 43 46.650 N 6 38.467 E LGS LGSDP LGSDPN LogisdPn LogisduPn LogisduPin Logis du Pin 205 Caille 43 46.683 N 6 44.683 E CAI CAILE CAILL2 Caille2 Caille2 Caille2 Caille2 206 La Mure Argens 43 58.917 N 6 31.867 E LMR LMRRG LMRRGN LaMrrgns LaMurrgns LaMurergns LaMureArgens 207 Thorame 44 4.617 N 6 28.417 E THR THORM THORAM Thorame Thorame Thorame Thorame 208 Marcoux 44 7.700 N 6 17.183 E MRC MARCX MARCOX Marcoux Marcoux Marcoux Marcoux 209 Lafaurie 44 33.817 N 5 45.533 E LFR LAFAR LAFAUR Lafaurie Lafaurie Lafaurie Lafaurie 210 Espinasses 44 27.633 N 6 13.100 E ESP ESPNS ESPNSS Espinsss Espinasss Espinasses Espinasses 211 Montgardin 44 32.983 N 6 12.817 E MOT MNTGR MNTGRD Montgrdn Montgardn Montgardin Montgardin 212 Lecasset 44 58.967 N 6 28.633 E LEA LECAS LECSST Lecasset Lecasset Lecasset Lecasset 213 Prebois 44 47.450 N 5 41.317 E PRB PREBS PREBOS Prebois Prebois Prebois Prebois 214 Montmaur 44 33.633 N 5 51.433 E MOM MNTMR MONTMR Montmaur Montmaur Montmaur Montmaur 215 Luc en Dois 44 35.550 N 5 28.433 E LUC LUCEN LUCEND LucenDos LucenDois Luc enDois Luc en Dois 216 Saou 44 38.200 N 5 3.767 E SAO SAOU SAOU Saou Saou Saou Saou 217 Rosans 44 22.883 N 5 28.300 E ROS ROSAN ROSNS2 Rosans2 Rosans2 Rosans2 Rosans2 218 Ste Jalle 44 20.067 N 5 18.183 E STL STEJA STEJAL SteJall2 SteJalle2 Ste Jalle2 Ste Jalle2 219 Sederon 44 13.233 N 5 34.483 E SED SEDER SEDERO Sederon2 Sederon2 Sederon2 Sederon2 220 Puget 43 44.917 N 5 16.567 E PGT PUGET PUGET Puget Puget Puget Puget 221 Laragne 44 19.233 N 5 47.517 E LAR LARGN LARAGN Laragne Laragne Laragne Laragne 222 Trigance 43 45.283 N 6 27.300 E TRG TRGNC TRIGNC Trigance Trigance Trigance Trigance 223 Barreme 43 59.550 N 6 23.200 E BAE BARRE BARREE Barreme2 Barreme2 Barreme2 Barreme2 224 St Blaise 44 52.367 N 6 36.600 E SBL STBLS STBLAS StBlaise St Blaise St Blaise St Blaise 225 Lerosier 44 56.133 N 6 40.850 E LRS LERSR LEROSR Lerosier Lerosier Lerosier Lerosier 226 Valenty 44 21.600 N 5 55.800 E VAL VALNT VALENT Valenty Valenty Valenty Valenty 227 Pellafol 44 48.183 N 5 54.283 E PLL PLLFL PELLFL Pellafol Pellafol Pellafol Pellafol 228 Trets 43 28.833 N 5 42.683 E TRT TRETS TRETS Trets Trets Trets Trets 229 Ste Croix de Verdon 43 46.683 N 6 9.583 E STX STCRX STCRXD StCrxdVr StCrxdVrd StCrxdVrdn SteCroxdVrdn 230 Seyne 44 20.533 N 6 22.367 E SEN SEYNE SEYNE Seyne Seyne Seyne Seyne 231 La Motte du Caire 44 19.517 N 6 1.850 E LAT LAMOE LAMOTE LaMotted LaMottedu LaMotteduC LaMotteduCai 232 Lescrots 44 32.150 N 6 26.017 E LSC LSCRT LSCRTS Lescrots Lescrots Lescrots Lescrots 233 Chabottes 44 39.267 N 6 11.033 E CHB CHBTT CHBTTS Chabotts Chabottes Chabottes Chabottes 234 Die 44 46.100 N 5 21.200 E DI2 DIE2 DIE2 Die2 Die2 Die2 Die2 235 Aubenasson 44 41.700 N 5 9.033 E ABN ABNSS ABNSSN Aubenssn Aubenassn Aubenasson Aubenasson LFJF 236 Cereste 43 51.167 N 5 32.967 E CER CERST CEREST Cereste Cereste Cereste Cereste 237 Nossage 44 18.933 N 5 44.650 E NSS NOSSG NOSSAG Nossage Nossage Nossage Nossage 242 Coustellet 43 51.700 N 5 10.800 E COS COUST CSTLLT Coustllt Coustellt Coustellet Coustellet 243 Isle sur la Sorgue 43 55.017 N 5 4.983 E ISL ISLSR ISLSRL IslsrlSr IslsrlSrg IslesrlSrg IslesurlaSrg 244 Gordes 43 54.750 N 5 15.100 E GOR GORDE GORDS2 Gordes2 Gordes2 Gordes2 Gordes2 245 Bonnieux 43 50.000 N 5 17.500 E BOI BONNX BONNIX Bonnieux Bonnieux Bonnieux Bonnieux 246 Lourmarin 43 45.533 N 5 23.967 E LRM LRMRN LORMRN Lourmarn Lourmarin Lourmarin Lourmarin 247 Salignac 44 8.650 N 5 58.750 E SLG SLGNC SALGNC Salignac Salignac Salignac Salignac 250 Gad 45 2.700 N 6 51.600 E GAD GAD GAD Gad Gad Gad Gad 251 Bernex 46 22.033 N 6 39.650 E BER BERNX BERNEX Bernex Bernex Bernex Bernex 252 Tanninges 46 6.000 N 6 36.000 E TNN TNNNG TNNNGS Tannings Tanninges Tanninges Tanninges 253 Bonneville 46 4.683 N 6 23.167 E BOE BONNV BONNEV Bonnevil Bonnevile Bonnevill2 Bonneville2 254 Passy 45 55.467 N 6 43.200 E PSS PASSY PASSY Passy Passy Passy Passy 255 Doussard 45 46.600 N 6 13.533 E DSS DSSRD DOSSRD Doussard Doussard Doussard Doussard 256 Lamotte Bauges 45 42.500 N 6 7.300 E LAE LMTTB LMTTBG LamttBgs LamottBgs LamotteBgs LamotteBaugs 257 Ecole Bauges 45 38.500 N 6 10.000 E ECL ECLBG ECLBGS EcoleBgs EcoleBags EcoleBaugs Ecole Bauges 258 La Bathie 45 38.100 N 6 27.100 E LBT LABTH LABATH LaBathie La Bathie La Bathie La Bathie 259 Landry 45 34.300 N 6 44.100 E LND LANDR LANDRY Landry Landry Landry Landry 260 Aiton 45 33.417 N 6 13.667 E ATN AITON AITON Aiton Aiton Aiton Aiton 261 Montmelian Francin 45 29.400 N 6 2.300 E MOE MNTML MNTMLN MntmlnFr MntmlnFrn MntmlnFrnc MontmlnFrncn 262 Les Dchelles 45 26.033 N 5 44.867 E LSD LSDCH LSDCHL LsDchlls LesDchlls LesDchells Les Dchelles 263 St Bincent 45 22.283 N 5 58.217 E SBI STBNC STBNCN StBincnt StBincent St Bincent St Bincent 264 Bourgoisan 45 3.850 N 6 1.917 E BOR BRGSN BORGSN Bourgosn Bourgoisn Bourgoisan Bourgoisan 265 Vizille 45 4.800 N 5 46.650 E VZL VIZLL VIZILL Vizille Vizille Vizille Vizille 266 Vif 45 4.600 N 5 40.900 E VF2 VIF2 VIF2 Vif2 Vif2 Vif2 Vif2 267 Grisail 44 57.000 N 5 37.500 E GRS GRISL GRISAL Grisail Grisail Grisail Grisail 268 St Jean d'Herans 44 51.167 N 5 46.350 E SJE STJEN STJNDH StJndHrn StJndHrns StJendHrns StJeandHerns 269 Habere Poche 46 16.183 N 6 27.800 E HBR HBRPC HBRPCH HaberPch HaberePch HaberePoch Habere Poche 270 St Remy de Maurienne 45 22.167 N 6 16.917 E STY STRMD STRMDM StRmdMrn StRmdMrnn StRemdMrnn StRemydeMrnn 271 Aix en Diois 44 41.350 N 5 24.550 E AXN AXNDS AIXNDS AixenDis AixenDios AixenDiois Aix en Diois 272 Samoens 46 4.383 N 6 44.383 E SAM SAMOE SAMOEN Samoens2 Samoens2 Samoens2 Samoens2