* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "vichy_a.stx" created Friday, 15 August 2014 at 05:35 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HOME Vichy, France $WEATHER $CD Y $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $URL_INFORMATION vichyplaneurs.jimdo.com/championnat-de-france-2014/ the CdF $URL_TURNPOINTS soaringspot.com/cf2014j18/download/ * NAM_NUMBER: N $CONTEST Championnats de France Juniors et 18 mètres 2014 $MODIFICATIONS 11 Jul 14: Original contribution. $MODIFICATIONS 14 Aug 14: Menat added.   $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $COUNTRY FR $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $DISTANCE_UNIT kilometers $ALTITUDE_UNIT meters $CONTRIBUTOR Laurent Aboulin $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL laurent.aboulin@free.fr $FILENAME_3 vca $FILENAME_4 vcha $FILENAME_5 vchya $FILENAME_8 vichy_a $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","028-CLAMECY","059-LURCYLEVYPRV","016-Bourbon Lancy","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","113-Villeneuve Pont","039-Dompierre Gare","036-Culan","098-St Pierre le Moutiers","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","100-STAMANDMON","155LaSerre","073-Nevers Pont A77","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ,"???","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","???" $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","080-Premery","033-Cosne-d'Allier","027-Chezal Benoit","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=45,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,R1=500m,A1=180,A2=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,R1=3000m,A1=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=1,R1=3000m,A1=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=1,R1=3000m,A1=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=5,Style=3,R1=3000m,A1=45 $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 0.0W $MILOMEI Yes * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","028-CLAMECY","059-LURCYLEVYPRV","016-Bourbon Lancy","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","113-Villeneuve Pont","039-Dompierre Gare","036-Culan","098-St Pierre le Moutiers","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","100-STAMANDMON","155LaSerre","073-Nevers Pont A77","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ,"???","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","???" $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","080-Premery","033-Cosne-d'Allier","027-Chezal Benoit","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=45,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,R1=500m,A1=180,A2=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,R1=3000m,A1=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=1,R1=3000m,A1=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=1,R1=3000m,A1=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=5,Style=3,R1=3000m,A1=45 $MILOMEI Yes * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ============================================================================== * * Filename "vichy_a.stx" created Friday, 15 August 2014 at 05:35 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HOME Vichy, France $CONTEST Championnats de France Juniors et 18 mètres 2014 $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $COUNTRY FR $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $ALTITUDE_UNIT meters $CONTRIBUTOR Laurent Aboulin $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL laurent.aboulin@free.fr $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","028-CLAMECY","059-LURCYLEVYPRV","016-Bourbon Lancy","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","113-Villeneuve Pont","039-Dompierre Gare","036-Culan","098-St Pierre le Moutiers","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","100-STAMANDMON","155LaSerre","073-Nevers Pont A77","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ,"???","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","???" $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","080-Premery","033-Cosne-d'Allier","027-Chezal Benoit","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=45,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,R1=500m,A1=180,A2=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,R1=3000m,A1=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=1,R1=3000m,A1=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=1,R1=3000m,A1=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=5,Style=3,R1=3000m,A1=45 $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 0.0W $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","028-CLAMECY","059-LURCYLEVYPRV","016-Bourbon Lancy","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","113-Villeneuve Pont","039-Dompierre Gare","036-Culan","098-St Pierre le Moutiers","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","100-STAMANDMON","155LaSerre","073-Nevers Pont A77","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ,"???","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","???" $CUP_TASK ,"001-VICHYCHARMEIL","202Escurolles","080-Premery","033-Cosne-d'Allier","027-Chezal Benoit","002ReportNord","001-VICHYCHARMEIL","001-VICHYCHARMEIL" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=45,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,R1=500m,A1=180,A2=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,R1=3000m,A1=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=1,R1=3000m,A1=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=1,R1=3000m,A1=45 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=5,Style=3,R1=3000m,A1=45 $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 12 August 2014 $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Vichy Charmeil Aéro 46 10 18 3 24 15 E HATSF 250 121.4 01/19 10 2210 A LFLV 2 Report Nord 46 15 39 3 25 20 E T 246 3 Aigueperse 46 1 18 3 12 6 E T 354 4 Arfeuilles 46 9 23 3 43 40 E T 464 5 Aubigny/Nère Aéro 47 28 50 2 23 36 E AT 192 119.75 06/24 60 1010 A LFEH 6 Autun-Bellevue Aéro 46 58 21 4 15 42 E AT 305 18/36 180 1050 A LFQF 7 Avallon Aéro 47 30 11 3 53 56 E AT 238 05/23 50 740 G LFGE 8 Avord Aéro 47 3 25 2 38 20 E AT 177 122.1 06/24 60 3490 A LFOA 9 Balbigny Gare 45 49 7 4 11 13 E T 350 10 Barantheaume Croisement Autoroute 46 51 46 2 25 41 E T 175 11 Barrage de la Tache 46 2 46 3 52 18 E T 620 12 Belleville Aéro 46 8 34 4 42 51 E AT 217 16/34 160 560 G LFHW 13 Blet Centre Ville 46 53 48 2 44 0 E T 190 14 Boën Gare 45 44 38 4 0 21 E T 350 15 Bourbon l'Archambault Centre Ville 46 35 4 3 3 27 E T 279 16 Bourbon Lancy 46 37 45 3 44 9 E T 228 17 Bourges SNCF Triangle SNCF Ouest 47 5 22 2 18 45 E T 140 18 Bourges Aéro Aéro 47 3 52 2 22 44 E DT 162 119.6 60 1530 19 Chalon-Champforgueil Aéro 46 49 42 4 49 1 E AT 189 118.6 17/35 170 1440 A LFLH 20 Chamdugui Aéro 46 43 0 3 15 54 E AT 243 119.7 110 700 21 Charrolles 46 26 11 4 16 31 E T 300 22 Château Chinon Centre Ville 47 3 45 3 55 56 E T 518 23 Château de la Roche 45 53 46 4 6 6 E T 330 24 Châteauneuf Pont/Cher 46 51 26 2 18 48 E T 146 25 Châteauneuf/Cher Aéro 46 52 16 2 22 35 E AT 168 119.75 09/27 90 800 G LFFU 26 Chauffailles 46 12 24 4 20 23 E T 412 27 Chezal-Benoît Centre Ville 46 49 30 2 7 5 E T 171 28 Clamecy Aéro 47 26 30 3 29 54 E AT 217 18/36 180 770 G LFJC 29 Combronde 45 58 46 3 5 21 E T 405 30 Continent Départ 46 3 59 4 3 32 E T 330 31 Corbigny Centre Ville 47 15 21 3 41 1 E T 226 32 Cosnes/Loire Gare 47 24 50 2 55 55 E T 145 33 Cosne-d'Allier 46 28 32 2 50 3 E T 238 34 Cosnes/Loire Aéro Aéro 47 21 38 2 55 8 E AT 177 123.5 12/30 120 800 A LFGH 35 Creusot Le Creusot Ulm 46 49 0 4 23 59 E Tz 465 36 Culan Château 46 32 43 2 21 9 E T 230 37 Decize Pont 46 49 40 3 27 29 E T 194 38 Diou Gare 46 31 40 3 44 46 E T 220 39 Dompierre Gare 46 31 35 3 40 24 E T 230 40 Dun/Auron Pont/Auron 46 53 0 2 34 1 E T 160 41 Entrains/Nohains Point de Virage 47 27 55 3 15 41 E T 235 42 Évaux-les-Bains Piste Privee 46 10 6 2 25 55 E LT 151 123.5 14/32 1250 G 43 Gannat 46 5 49 3 12 19 E T 336 44 Gimouille Champ 46 55 42 3 5 12 E LT 183 123.5 01/19 980 G 45 Gué de la Chaux Dep Gue de La Chaux 46 0 12 3 50 6 E T 700 46 Gueugnon 46 36 5 4 4 26 E T 300 47 Guilly Aéro 47 9 0 2 35 12 E AT 156 18/36 180 700 G 48 Issoudun-le-Fay Aéro 46 53 19 2 2 27 E DT 162 119.75 18/36 180 950 G LFEK 49 Jaligny/Besbre 46 22 48 3 35 33 E T 250 50 La Bénisson-Dieu 46 9 4 4 2 42 E T 316 51 La Charité/Loire 47 10 51 3 1 25 E T 196 52 La Clayette Terrain Ulm 46 18 12 4 17 47 E Tz 312 123.5 15/33 79 G 53 La Guerche Gare SNCF 46 56 55 2 56 53 E T 180 54 La Machine 46 53 26 3 27 56 E T 250 55 La Pacaudière 46 10 32 3 52 6 E T 350 56 Lapalisse Château 46 14 54 3 38 17 E T 296 57 Lapalisse Perigny Aéro 46 15 14 3 35 16 E AT 317 123.35 05/23 50 740 A LFHX 58 Le Donjon 46 20 55 3 47 27 E T 311 59 Lurçy-Levy Aéro 46 42 46 2 56 43 E AT 229 123.5 06/24 60 1500 A LFJU 60 Mably Ulm 46 5 11 4 5 11 E Tz 330 16/34 160 500 G 61 Magny-Cours Circuit 46 52 11 3 9 50 E T 180 62 Marais de Contres Champ 46 52 36 2 30 12 E LT 175 15/33 1010 G 63 Mayet de Montagne 46 4 13 3 40 0 E T 539 64 Mehun/Yèvre Aéro 47 8 39 2 14 24 E AT 140 350 G 65 Montceau-les-Mines-Pouilloux Aéro 46 36 15 4 20 0 E AT 314 123.4 09/27 90 890 A LFGM 66 Montluçon Guerét Aéro 46 13 34 2 21 46 E DT 418 118.4 170 1900 67 Montluçon Domérât Aéro 46 21 13 2 34 17 E AT 235 11/29 110 980 A LFLT 68 Montmarault 46 19 4 2 57 12 E T 482 69 Mornay/Allier Pont/Allier 46 48 57 3 2 36 E T 185 70 Moulins Gare Gare SNCF 46 33 27 3 20 18 E T 218 71 Moulins Pont Allier 46 33 30 3 19 30 E T 299 72 Moulins Montbeugny Aéro 46 32 4 3 25 18 E DT 281 125.2 08/26 80 1290 A LFHY 73 Nevers Pont A77 46 58 31 3 11 51 E T 170 74 Nevers Fourchambault Aéro 47 0 13 3 6 39 E DT 183 120.6 12/30 120 1630 A LFQG 75 Noiretable SNCF 45 48 59 3 45 40 E T 800 76 Orçay Piste Privee 47 17 45 2 6 2 E LT 179 13/31 244 G 77 Paray-le-Monial Aéro 46 28 4 4 8 4 E DT 305 13/31 130 590 G LFGN 78 Pouilly sous Charlieu 46 8 52 4 6 28 E T 250 79 Pouilly/Loire 47 16 44 2 57 19 E T 155 80 Prémery Centre Ville 47 10 31 3 20 15 E T 230 81 Puy de Dôme Antenne au Sommet 45 46 22 2 57 51 E T 1465 82 Régny Gare 45 59 16 4 12 54 E T 362 83 Renaison Depart Rond Point 46 3 5 3 56 9 E T 340 84 Reuilly Gare 47 5 5 2 2 54 E T 119 85 Roanne-Renais Aéro 46 3 10 3 59 59 E DT 338 120.9 20 1440 86 Rouy Centre Ville 47 1 33 3 32 3 E T 255 87 Salbris Gare 47 25 25 2 2 55 E T 104 88 Sancerre Centre 47 19 47 2 50 20 E T 297 89 Sancoins Centre 46 49 52 2 55 13 E T 204 90 Saulieu-Liernais Aéro 47 14 22 4 15 55 E AT 524 05/23 60 800 A LFEW 91 Semuren-en-Auxois Aéro 47 28 55 4 20 37 E AT 320 04/22 40 770 A LFGQ 92 Semur Point de Virage 47 29 1 4 20 28 E T 321 93 Souèsmes Aéro 47 26 54 2 12 36 E AT 120 15/33 180 500 G 94 St Amand Monrond 46 43 18 2 29 4 E T 152 95 St Florent Viaduc/Cher 46 59 9 2 14 48 E T 131 96 St-Germain-Laval Village 45 49 53 4 0 51 E T 530 97 St Just-en-Chevalet 45 54 52 3 50 47 E T 661 98 St Pierre le Moutiers Centre Ville 46 48 7 3 7 12 E T 220 99 St Polgues D8 45 54 49 3 59 1 E T 562 100 St Amandmon Aéro 46 40 37 2 24 15 E AT 169 800 101 St Yan No glide Aéro 46 24 23 4 1 16 E AT 244 122.3 15/33 150 2020 A LFLN 102 Sury-en-Vaux Champ 47 23 0 2 46 54 E LT 190 08/26 1180 G 103 Thizy 46 1 55 4 18 41 E T 450 104 Toulon/Arroux 46 41 41 4 8 8 E T 300 105 Vailly/Sauldre Centre Ville 47 27 30 2 39 2 E T 190 106 Val de Bargis Centre Ville 47 16 54 3 13 36 E T 269 107 Vallon-en-Sully Echangeur Autoroute Sud 46 30 27 2 37 51 E T 300 108 Varennes/Allier 46 18 55 3 24 7 E T 249 110 Vierzon péage Echangeur Autoroute Nord 47 14 36 2 4 20 E T 170 111 Vierzon-Méreau Aéro 47 11 41 2 3 57 E AT 131 125.25 04/22 40 650 G LFFV 112 Ville-Langy Aéro 46 56 48 3 29 30 E AT 264 16/34 150 650 G 113 Villeneuve/Allier Pont 46 39 35 3 13 48 E T 210 114 Vouzeron 15m prv. aéro 47 15 7 2 15 0 E APT 152 08/26 1310 G 150 Bransat 46 19 14 3 13 46 E T 273 151 Sannes 46 29 43 3 21 48 E T 220 152 Souvigny 46 32 5 3 11 33 E T 258 153 Cressanges 46 26 43 3 9 38 E T 428 154 Neuville 46 46 15 3 18 55 E T 255 155 La Serre 46 42 25 3 36 13 E T 212 156 Cerilly 46 37 4 2 49 11 E T 325 157 Marcigny 46 16 29 4 2 29 E T 264 158 Vulcania 45 48 50 2 56 23 E T 958 160 Super-Besse 45 30 42 2 51 15 E T 1299 161 Massiac 45 15 6 3 11 53 E T 544 162 Ardes 45 24 14 3 7 36 E T 590 163 Pradeaux 45 32 21 3 50 41 E T 1265 164 Pierre/Haute 45 39 10 3 48 29 E T 1612 166 Craponne 45 19 52 3 50 47 E T 916 168 La Chaise-Dieu 45 19 11 3 41 31 E T 1030 169 Fix-Saint-Geneys 45 8 32 3 40 5 E T 1110 170 Menat 46 6 12 2 54 15 E T 418 201 Fondets 46 14 59 3 19 45 E T 259 202 Escurolles 46 8 35 3 15 57 E T 306 203 Hippodrome 46 7 47 3 24 33 E T 252 204 Bruyère 46 8 47 3 32 59 E T 459