++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Uvalde, Texas + + + + Contributed by Lynn Alley, Sherman Griffith, and Eric Mozer + + Contributed on 18 July 2024 + + Last updated Friday, 19 July 2024 at 02:14 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FNC, FinsCylnd, 29, 12.67, 99, 44.63, 942 FNC, FinsCylnd, 29, 12.67, 99, 44.63, 942 ARS, AeroSayle, 28, 28.45, 98, 35.02, 269 ANC, Anacacho, 29, 11.68, 100, 16.83, 1067 ARR, Arrow S, 28, 46.67, 98, 20.62, 275 BAL, Bailey, 29, 13.23, 97, 52.3, 452 BVL, BeevillMn, 28, 21.85, 97, 47.52, 273 BRS, BoerneStg, 29, 43.42, 98, 41.68, 1384 BRC, Brckttvll, 29, 17.28, 100, 26.02, 1106 CRZ, CrrzSprng, 28, 31.35, 99, 49.43, 598 CST, Castrovll, 29, 20.52, 98, 51.07, 774 CTR, Catarina, 28, 15.13, 99, 48.62, 650 CHP, Chaparros, 28, 52.75, 99, 59.55, 682 CHA, Chupadera, 28, 11.57, 100, 4.37, 651 CNB, Cinco B, 29, 47.47, 99, 15.83, 1457 COA, Connally, 29, 8.15, 98, 16.58, 530 CTL, Cotulla, 28, 27.33, 99, 13.02, 474 CRY, Crystal C, 28, 41.85, 99, 49.07, 608 DVN, Devine, 29, 8.3, 98, 56.52, 702 DLL, Dilley, 28, 41.1, 99, 11.3, 542 DVL, DvlCntRcC, 27, 50.02, 98, 43.02, 665 EGL, EaglePass, 28, 51.52, 100, 30.92, 887 ELC, ElCaballr, 28, 8.42, 98, 56.17, 317 ELJ, El Jardin, 28, 4.43, 99, 17.08, 485 ELT, El Toroso, 28, 39.77, 98, 43.38, 334 ELO, Eldorado, 30, 51.72, 100, 36.65, 2448 FRS, Farias, 28, 37.67, 100, 9.7, 734 FLR, Floyd Rc, 28, 3.35, 98, 8.52, 282 FLG, Flying G, 28, 46.07, 100, 4.9, 675 FSS, FsslCrkRc, 29, 34.12, 99, 58.47, 1325 FOS, FourSquar, 30, 5.8, 100, 24.28, 2250 FRD, Frdrcksbr, 30, 14.6, 98, 54.55, 1695 GBL, Goebel, 30, 13.23, 99, 29.85, 2189 HRR, Harris Rc, 30, 13.13, 98, 18.17, 1188 HBB, Hebbrnvll, 27, 20.98, 98, 44.23, 663 HND, Hondo, 29, 21.48, 99, 10.32, 930 HRS, HorseshoB, 30, 31.62, 98, 21.52, 1093 JNC, Junction, 30, 30.63, 99, 45.87, 1754 KND, KenedRgnl, 28, 49.5, 97, 51.93, 289 KRR, Kerrville, 29, 58.4, 99, 5.1, 1617 KST, Kestrel, 29, 48.7, 98, 25.57, 1261 KLB, KlebrgCnt, 27, 33.05, 98, 1.85, 130 LSP, LaEspernz, 28, 4.2, 99, 34.15, 861 LFN, LaFondaRc, 29, 13.02, 100, 37.02, 1020 LRD, Laredo, 27, 32.65, 99, 27.68, 508 LGV, LgVstTxRs, 30, 29.92, 97, 58.17, 1230 LBJ, LBJ Ranch, 30, 15.1, 98, 37.35, 1515 LVK, LiveOkCnt, 28, 21.77, 98, 6.98, 129 LLN, Llano, 30, 47.05, 98, 39.72, 1102 LNS, Lone Star, 30, 21.32, 99, 14.87, 2220 MFR, Mafrige, 29, 48.67, 100, 41.25, 1847 MSN, MasonCont, 30, 43.9, 99, 11.07, 1514 MCK, McKinley, 28, 49.35, 99, 6.55, 586 MNR, Menard, 30, 55.95, 99, 48.55, 1933 NWB, NewBrnfls, 29, 42.12, 98, 2.48, 658 OXR, Ox Ranch, 29, 27.68, 100, 6.85, 1305 PSN, Paisano, 28, 23.78, 98, 21.78, 235 PLN, Piloncill, 28, 15.3, 99, 35.95, 520 PLS, Pleasantn, 28, 57.27, 98, 31.2, 430 PRD, Prade Rc, 29, 56.35, 99, 47.0, 2296 PDS, PuestdlSl, 27, 4.58, 98, 36.1, 448 RNS, RanchoSbn, 29, 33.03, 99, 30.97, 1287 RVS, Rio Vista, 29, 50.75, 100, 58.88, 1774 RCK, Rcksprngs, 29, 56.83, 100, 10.43, 2372 SNM, SnMrcsRgn, 29, 53.57, 97, 51.78, 595 SNM, SantaMrRc, 27, 26.05, 99, 11.15, 516 SVN, SevenCsRc, 27, 59.8, 98, 52.95, 336 SON, Sonora, 30, 35.15, 100, 38.92, 2140 STN, Stinson, 29, 20.15, 98, 28.07, 578 TRB, Triple B, 27, 57.48, 98, 24.2, 500 WTT, Wyatt, 27, 25.3, 98, 36.27, 536 ZPT, Zapata, 26, 58.13, 99, 14.93, 422 UN1, Unverifd1, 29, 55.75, 99, 50.87, 2313 UN2, Unverifd2, 29, 59.3, 99, 54.85, 2045 UN3, Unverifd3, 28, 10.03, 99, 24.8, 566 UN4, Unverifd4, 28, 53.73, 100, 13.38, 750 UN5, Unverifd5, 28, 31.85, 98, 56.92, 374 UN6, Unverifd6, 30, 33.75, 99, 23.73, 1744 4DR, 4D Ranch, 29, 42.7, 99, 32.75, 1550 6ML, 6 Mile, 30, 51.6, 100, 12.12, 2165 ALD, Alderman, 29, 0.07, 98, 34.23, 447 ALC, Alice, 27, 44.45, 98, 1.62, 178 ARO, Arrowhead, 28, 6.93, 97, 55.85, 165 BCK, BckPrchRc, 29, 36.1, 100, 19.02, 1755 BRR, Barronena, 27, 29.45, 98, 40.18, 600 BAR, BarronenE, 27, 29.0, 98, 39.63, 576 BLL, BellVstRc, 28, 5.12, 99, 37.27, 787 BNS, Benson, 29, 13.63, 99, 49.62, 929 BLN, Blanco, 30, 7.32, 98, 22.5, 1460 BLV, Bulverde, 29, 44.37, 98, 27.08, 1080 BRM, Byram Rc, 30, 13.52, 98, 17.32, 1120 CMR, Cameron, 30, 11.08, 98, 57.57, 1760 CAN, Cannon, 29, 12.92, 98, 32.98, 610 CAY, Canyon Lk, 29, 54.95, 98, 14.85, 940 COR, Corralits, 27, 6.62, 99, 25.38, 360 CUR, Curtis, 31, 10.77, 99, 19.48, 1827 DMR, DM Ranch, 28, 58.7, 99, 33.78, 750 DLR, Del Rio, 29, 22.45, 100, 55.63, 1002 DNT, DentoniRc, 28, 16.83, 99, 56.07, 825 DIM, Dimond Rc, 26, 43.2, 98, 33.62, 373 DSR, DosArroys, 30, 9.32, 99, 17.87, 2058 ELQ, ElQuintRc, 28, 12.57, 98, 50.02, 365 ELM, Elm Creek, 29, 30.3, 97, 59.83, 550 FTH, Faith Rc, 28, 12.52, 100, 1.13, 772 FLF, FlfrsBrks, 27, 12.35, 98, 7.32, 112 FLL, FallCreek, 29, 54.5, 99, 12.43, 2030 FLB, FlyingBll, 29, 48.35, 100, 0.68, 1614 FLD, Flying D, 30, 38.28, 98, 44.88, 1460 FLJ, Flying J, 29, 35.98, 99, 50.78, 1620 FYL, Flying L, 29, 45.53, 99, 9.17, 1380 FLX, FlyingXRv, 30, 31.02, 98, 10.45, 820 FRE, FrdmSprng, 29, 42.93, 98, 51.52, 1384 FRR, Freer, 27, 53.32, 98, 35.98, 564 GHS, GhostApch, 28, 7.87, 98, 54.38, 330 GRS, GrantShls, 30, 35.38, 98, 22.18, 860 GRR, Grier, 29, 52.4, 98, 43.88, 1450 HRK, Harkey, 30, 56.47, 99, 11.4, 1674 HDW, Headwatrs, 30, 5.62, 98, 42.1, 1974 HRT, HeritageF, 29, 26.67, 98, 6.77, 555 HVR, HddnVllRc, 29, 35.1, 99, 33.27, 1417 HGR, Hughes Rc, 29, 2.62, 100, 35.12, 905 INS, IndnSprng, 30, 6.85, 98, 55.87, 2030 INF, IndioFath, 28, 15.77, 100, 9.75, 757 JLB, JL Bar Rc, 30, 34.12, 100, 26.68, 2344 JCL, JacalonRc, 27, 16.78, 98, 58.05, 826 JOF, JohnFilds, 30, 33.33, 100, 31.87, 2342 KLL, KellyFild, 29, 23.05, 98, 34.87, 691 KNG, Kingsland, 30, 39.32, 98, 29.08, 873 LZT, LZTngChrl, 30, 18.53, 99, 1.33, 2054 LNG, Lang Rc, 30, 15.28, 99, 23.93, 2200 LR1, Lewis Rc1, 27, 58.75, 99, 22.62, 540 LR2, Lewis Rc2, 29, 47.82, 99, 47.17, 1730 LMC, LomadeCmt, 28, 40.53, 100, 1.42, 615 LSC, LosCerrit, 29, 29.08, 100, 0.93, 1265 LOS, LosCuerns, 28, 9.52, 99, 5.72, 340 MRT, Martin Rc, 29, 42.73, 100, 35.03, 1724 MCD, McDavidRc, 30, 34.68, 98, 50.05, 1407 MDN, MedinaRvr, 29, 39.67, 98, 57.4, 1216 MDL, Midlake, 29, 16.1, 98, 20.22, 535 MRS, MoursndRc, 30, 22.67, 98, 22.58, 1471 ORT, OrthPastr, 30, 17.42, 100, 1.28, 2304 OZN, Ozona Mun, 30, 44.07, 101, 12.17, 2377 PNN, Pinion, 29, 38.02, 100, 22.52, 1644 R74, Ranch 74, 28, 41.1, 98, 22.97, 317 RCA, RanchAero, 29, 4.3, 98, 47.03, 560 RNE, RanchEcnt, 28, 19.2, 99, 27.97, 550 RDS, RedSndsRc, 30, 37.98, 99, 11.68, 1374 RUS, Rustys, 29, 22.5, 99, 20.52, 1089 SNG, SanGeronm, 29, 30.63, 98, 47.9, 1040 SNR, SanRaflRc, 26, 48.93, 98, 28.77, 313 SNY, SanYsdrRc, 28, 18.68, 99, 42.43, 595 SCT, Scout, 29, 58.35, 98, 56.08, 1497 SHW, ShrlWllms, 30, 40.87, 98, 25.1, 880 SLW, SilvrWngs, 30, 13.18, 99, 8.43, 2110 SLH, SilvrhrRc, 27, 55.78, 98, 32.0, 691 SKV, SkyView, 30, 22.95, 99, 37.17, 2064 SPC, Spicewood, 30, 28.68, 98, 7.27, 830 SPR, Spring Rc, 29, 32.48, 100, 15.2, 1440 SQR, SqurrlCrk, 29, 15.85, 99, 20.95, 970 SUN, SunrisBch, 30, 35.95, 98, 24.55, 854 TRC, T Ranch, 29, 15.97, 98, 55.43, 880 TTM, Tatum Rc, 30, 6.82, 98, 27.68, 1420 THN, ThundrCrk, 29, 38.05, 99, 28.88, 1500 TRL, TierraLnd, 30, 8.47, 99, 9.03, 1990 TRT, TortugaRc, 28, 37.22, 99, 39.22, 550 TLR, Tularosa, 29, 25.8, 100, 15.45, 1397 TYR, Tyra Rc, 29, 47.57, 100, 52.67, 1500 WRS, Waresvill, 29, 36.05, 99, 31.25, 1347 WRC, West Rc, 30, 27.33, 98, 29.33, 1416 WSW, Westwind, 28, 55.25, 99, 45.37, 686 WHO, White Oak, 30, 12.62, 99, 5.72, 1875 WLD, WldlfStrd, 28, 22.48, 100, 0.38, 853 YBR, Y Bar Rc, 28, 32.35, 98, 48.05, 367