16 Jul 15: Olancha moved and "L"andable attribute removed.
15 Jul 15: "t" (non-contest turnpoint) attribute removed. "L"andable attribute removed from USMCSTOL, BentonFld, CnderCnnt, CinderCon, Manzanar, NAustinE4, NAustin R4, NchlsFld, Owens River, Sawmill, Shngltown, and TeelsMrsh. "A"irport attribute removed from Palomino and Justover. Points with no remaining attributed coded as "l"andmarks.
02 Apr 15: Bloomer non-control-point waypoint changed. R/E codes corrected/added for BearVlly, BluCnynNy, Palomino, Nine Mile, Hammil, and OwensRiver.
21 Mar 15: Bloomer non-control-point waypoint added. Gate renamed Start. Ravendale R4 TA Powerlines changed to Ravendale R7 T3 Pwrlines, 30' width, use fields. Truckee changed from TSFHA to TFHA. VerdiPeak changed from E9 to U8. Turnpoint attribute removed from Bodi, CerroGord, LeeVining, and Schulman. Turnpoint attribute added to Indepndnc and RndMtnHad.
05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5
07 Jul 13: Warning included in hand editing file. Version 2013b
04 Jul 13: Abbreviated names regenerated.
26 Jun 13: Herlong and Rocket name/comment changes. Version 2013a
21 Jun 13: Gate and Rocket name and comment updated.
07 Jun 13: Kingsbury and Crestview control point attribute removed, and the waypoints renumbered.
06 Jun 13: Several comments changed.
05 Jun 13: Kingsbury and Rocket added. Mt Lassen moved. Crestview renamed Crestview E2, Martis Peak renamed MartisPeakU9, and Verdi Peak renamed VerdiPeak E9. Waypoints renumbered.
09 Jun 12: Start and Finish attribute added to Truckee, and comment removed from Gate.
10 May 12: Gate moved and elevation changed, Whitehouse N removed, waypoints reordered and control points renumbered.
07 May 12: Truckee and Gate moved, many turnpoints changed to non-contest status.
28 Jan 12: Hammil added. Start point attribute removed from Mt. Rose and White Mountain Peak. After starts, control points alphabetized and renumbered.
27 Jan 12: Rawe renamed, Lucky Boy replaced with Lucky Boy Pass, Van Vleck Tells Peak added.
05 May 10: BearVly R4/8, BentonFld E4, Black Rck E3, BluCnynNy R3/6, CinderCon E6, Daggett Pass, DonnerSmt U7, Eaglville R3, GerlachDL E2, Grlch DL E4, JeanLasVe R1, Mt Pluto U2, N Austin E4, N Austin R4, Olancha E7, Palomino R1/8, Rosamond R4, Rvndl Fld E4, Sawmill E4, and Shngltown R3 added. Bridgeprt R2, LuningDrL E2, and Mt Lassen U9 moved. RschDstrs R2 renamed Rosaschi R2, courtesy of Ramy Yanetz.
24 May 02: Carson City, Boundary Peak, Bridgeport, Hilton Ranch, Mt Lassen, Pine Nut Airport, Rawe Peak 8343, Sweetwater, White Mountain moved. 7990 Peak added.
21 Jul 01: Adams Peak, Churchill Dry Lake, Circle L, Doyle Highway, Empire Farm, Fall River Mills, Independence, Lida Junction, Nichols Field, Sacatar Meadows, Southard, Spooner, and White House moved. Boondocks, Double Spring Flat, Desert Ceek, Dry Lake 16, Dry Lake 17, Emerson Pass, Gabbs, Mt Inyo, Mt Patterson, and Waucoba Mountain added. 9690 Peak, Bailey Ranch, Barker Creek, Bear Valley, Benton Field, Big S, Black Rock, Blue Canyon Nyack, Boondocks, Carson Mine, Cinder Cone, Cinder Field, Constantia, Crestview, Daydreams, Dixie, Donner Summit, Dry Lake, Dry Lake, Duck Flat, Dunmovin, Eagleville, Field North of CA 120, Field, Flat, Hawkins Peak, Intersection, Jean Las Vegas, Lackerman, McClellan Peak, Mid-Pine Nut, Mill City, Mt Pluto, New, Olancha, Pablo Canyon Highway, Palomino, Pards Peak Mountain, Peak 9408, Ravendale, Reese River, Rosamond, Sawmill, Sergio Elevators, Shingletown, South Lucky Boy, Sulphur 2, Van Vleck Tells, Wells, Wendover, West of Mammoth, Wine Glass Ranch, and Youngberg Ranch removed.
16 Jul 01: Maps and AirNav information added.
29 Mar 01: Special Use Airspace added.
27 Jan 00: Mt. Seigel and Virginia City names, and Battle Mountain, Beatty, Carson Mine, Trona, and Wells codes modified.
24 Jan 00: Air Sailing, Alturas, Austin, Bear Valley, Bishop, Boron Strip, Bridgeport, Carson City, Chester Rogers, Crescent Valley, Crystal, Dayton Valley, Derby Lovelock, Eagleville, Farias Wheel, Gabbs, Hawthorne, Herlong, Independence, Jean Las Vegas, Lee Vining, Mammoth Lakes, Mina, Minden, Nervino, Quincy Gansner, Ravendale, Rosamond, Rosaschi, Round Mountain, Hadley, Shingletown, Sierraville Deerwater, Silver Springs, Susanvlle, Sweetwater, Tiger Field, Fernley, Tonopah, Trona, Wesinger, Winnemucca, Yerington moved. Baldy Gap removed.
16 Jan 00: Bear Valley added, Coaldale removed, Coaldale Dry Lake added, Freel Peak added, Mt Patterson moved, Pine Nut Airport moved, Pond Peak added, and White Mountain Peak added
13 Oct 99: Original contribution courtesy of Jim Darke and Peter J. Kelly.
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John Leibacher
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