++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Tours, France [ 100 Chateaux ] + + + + Contributed by Yvan Leray + + Contributed on 18 July 2016 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Sunday, 31 July 2016 at 03:03 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ , LFJT, 47, 9.0, 0, 42.77 1, Amboise, 47, 24.77, 0, 59.05 2, AzayleFeron, 46, 51.03, 1, 4.18 3, AzaysurIndr, 47, 12.42, 0, 56.78, 94 4, Bagneux, 47, 3.27, 0, 42.47, 93 5, Betz le Ch, 46, 59.47, 0, 55.18 6, Boussay, 46, 50.58, 0, 53.3 7, Bridore, 47, 1.47, 1, 4.9 8, Champchevrr, 47, 26.62, 0, 23.45 9, Charge, 46, 58.2, 0, 23.85 10, Chatelier, 46, 58.75, 0, 48.72, 75 11, Chtllnsrnd, 46, 59.18, 1, 10.47 12, ChnncxsrlR, 47, 19.47, 1, 4.22 13, Chinon, 47, 10.08, 0, 14.12 14, Fontvrxlbb, 47, 10.87, 0, 3.1 15, Foua, 46, 43.17, 0, 30.57, 55 16, Gizeux, 47, 23.45, 0, 12.37 17, Grillemont, 47, 5.52, 0, 46.08, 112 18, La Chaise, 46, 56.53, 0, 41.58 19, LaGrandJll, 47, 1.88, 0, 8.98, 81 20, LaGrillere, 46, 56.73, 0, 21.05 21, La Groie, 46, 52.87, 0, 36.65 22, La Guerche, 46, 53.03, 0, 43.78, 105 23, LaMottedss, 46, 52.77, 0, 30.52 24, LaRochemnn, 46, 58.93, 0, 39.33, 58 25, LaRochedMn, 46, 56.52, 0, 15.33 26, LaRochePos, 46, 47.25, 0, 48.88, 73 27, LaTourDoyr, 46, 46.13, 0, 34.2, 64 28, Langeais, 47, 19.47, 0, 24.28 29, LCdrMntpns, 47, 7.55, 0, 10.08, 45 30, LGrndPrssg, 46, 55.32, 0, 48.22, 95 31, Le Louroux, 47, 9.65, 0, 47.25, 98 32, Le Rivau, 47, 6.18, 0, 19.4, 60 33, LIsleSavar, 46, 56.95, 1, 14.37 34, Loches, 47, 7.65, 0, 59.92 35, Loudun, 47, 0.6, 0, 4.82 36, Monteaux, 47, 29.02, 1, 6.53 37, Montpoupon, 47, 15.18, 1, 8.5 38, Montresor, 47, 9.35, 1, 12.07, 115 39, Montrichrd, 47, 20.63, 1, 10.97, 59 40, Montsoreau, 47, 12.92, 0, 3.73, 28 41, Nitray, 47, 20.47, 0, 53.65, 88 42, PgddChntlp, 47, 23.45, 0, 58.2, 106 43, Richelieu, 47, 0.5, 0, 19.38, 50 44, ScorbClrvx, 46, 48.45, 0, 24.77, 97 45, Usse, 47, 15.15, 0, 17.95, 119 46, Anglssrlng, 46, 41.62, 0, 52.97, 123 47, Argy, 46, 56.32, 1, 26.13, 119 48, Bauge, 47, 32.47, -0, -6.1, 87 49, BazougsrLr, 47, 41.23, -0, -9.98 50, Beauregard, 47, 32.2, 1, 23.03, 122 51, Bloisa, 47, 35.12, 1, 19.85 52, Bonnetiere, 46, 53.53, 0, 5.67 53, BougesleCh, 47, 2.53, 1, 40.35, 173 54, Boumois, 47, 18.48, -0, -7.77, 29 55, Brgrchmblt, 46, 22.93, 1, 0.12 56, Breze, 47, 10.47, -0, -3.43, 55 57, Brissac, 47, 21.17, -0, -26.98, 41 58, Chambord, 47, 36.95, 1, 31.03 59, ChamntsrLr, 47, 28.75, 1, 10.9, 109 60, Chauvigny, 46, 34.13, 0, 38.95 61, Chemery, 47, 20.7, 1, 28.78, 102 62, Cheverny, 47, 29.98, 1, 27.47 63, Chitenay, 47, 29.62, 1, 22.65 64, Chouppes, 46, 48.68, 0, 9.82 65, DouelaFntn, 47, 11.77, -0, -18.03 66, Forges, 46, 35.5, 1, 0.18 67, FougrsrBvr, 47, 26.85, 1, 20.62, 105 68, Gue Pean, 47, 20.98, 1, 19.1, 109 69, Guillaume, 46, 28.82, 1, 11.5 70, La Garde, 46, 31.82, 1, 17.35 71, LeGrandLuc, 47, 51.82, 0, 28.12 72, Le Lude, 47, 38.85, 0, 9.57, 95 73, Le Moulin, 47, 22.15, 1, 36.57, 114 74, LiniersBtn, 47, 27.68, 0, 4.65, 53 75, LuchePring, 47, 42.85, 0, 2.28 76, Beauregrd2, 47, 19.53, 1, 25.98 77, Menars, 47, 38.35, 1, 24.58, 74 78, Montgeoffr, 47, 28.12, -0, -16.58, 27 79, MontrelBll, 47, 8.0, -0, -9.25, 38 81, Oiron, 46, 57.12, -0, -4.65, 67 82, Palluau, 46, 56.67, 1, 18.68, 140 83, Pimpean, 47, 19.32, -0, -20.53 84, Ste Aignan, 47, 16.17, 1, 22.47, 107 85, SteDnssrLr, 47, 37.42, 1, 23.35, 72 86, SteLoupLmr, 46, 47.38, -0, -10.08 87, Saumur, 47, 15.38, -0, -4.38 88, SellssrChr, 47, 16.48, 1, 32.95, 84 89, Talcy, 47, 46.25, 1, 26.67, 120 90, Thouars, 46, 58.23, -0, -13.0 91, Touffou, 46, 37.0, 0, 35.4 92, Troussay, 47, 29.47, 1, 25.48 93, Valencay, 47, 9.45, 1, 33.82 94, Vermette, 46, 55.37, -0, -22.42 95, Villegongs, 46, 54.87, 1, 35.9, 149 96, Villesavin, 47, 32.78, 1, 30.85, 111 97, Angers, 47, 28.2, -0, -33.62 98, Assay, 47, 33.8, 2, 47.28 99, ArgntsrSld, 47, 33.63, 2, 26.93, 162 100, Beaumont, 48, 1.7, -0, -11.73 101, Bellegard, 47, 59.2, 2, 26.5, 135 102, Bethune, 47, 21.75, 2, 26.2 103, Blancafrt, 47, 31.9, 2, 32.03 104, Bonnetabl, 48, 10.58, 0, 25.53 105, Boucard, 47, 21.02, 2, 40.92 106, Bourgon, 48, 13.38, -0, -33.65 107, Boussac, 46, 20.88, 2, 12.68 108, Bressuire, 46, 50.55, -0, -29.9 109, Buranlure, 47, 24.63, 2, 53.25 110, chtnfsrLr, 47, 51.82, 2, 13.0 111, Clisson, 46, 46.63, -0, -27.0 112, chatebrnt, 47, 43.17, -1, -22.37 113, CoulnssrG, 48, 0.87, 0, 1.6 114, Craon, 47, 51.17, -0, -57.02 115, Culan, 46, 32.78, 2, 21.13 116, Du Puy, 47, 54.15, -0, -39.12 117, EguzonBnn, 46, 26.52, 1, 37.22 118, GrglssDmp, 46, 30.75, 1, 35.82 119, Gien, 47, 41.08, 2, 37.88 120, LaBussier, 47, 44.83, 2, 44.82, 149 121, LaCitardr, 46, 32.07, -0, -44.38 122, LaFrtmblt, 47, 23.23, 1, 57.45, 112 123, LaFrtStbn, 47, 43.58, 1, 56.58 124, LaGuyonnr, 46, 34.95, -0, -14.57 125, LaHatGrch, 47, 19.72, -0, -40.25, 51 126, La Lorie, 47, 40.7, -0, -50.92 127, LaTaillee, 46, 23.72, -0, -24.7 128, LaVerreri, 47, 25.38, 2, 31.33 129, Laval, 48, 4.18, -0, -46.25, 100 130, LeCoudray, 47, 8.33, -0, -34.8 131, LPlsssBrr, 47, 36.05, -0, -32.65, 63 132, LePlsssMc, 47, 32.67, -0, -40.53, 62 133, Lignieres, 46, 45.02, 2, 10.73, 165 134, MaisonFrt, 47, 13.95, 1, 56.82 135, Malicorne, 47, 48.78, -0, -5.42 136, LMrtrssCh, 47, 48.33, -0, -42.05, 59 137, FertBhrns, 47, 32.55, 1, 50.82, 104 138, Montmiral, 48, 6.2, 0, 47.4 139, Pouzauges, 46, 47.1, -0, -50.37 140, Raguin, 47, 37.37, -0, -53.72 141, SteChartr, 46, 38.82, 1, 58.58 142, Ste Feyre, 46, 8.45, 1, 55.0 143, Sarzay, 46, 36.03, 1, 54.38 144, Serrant, 47, 24.92, -0, -44.63, 60 145, SilllGllm, 48, 11.1, -0, -7.57, 100 146, Solesmes, 47, 51.12, -0, -18.18 147, SullysrLr, 47, 46.05, 2, 22.52 148, Tournelas, 46, 55.95, -0, -35.5 149, Verdelles, 47, 54.0, -0, -14.82 150, Verney, 47, 40.38, -0, -38.1 151, Brbnlrchm, 46, 35.3, 3, 3.52, 240 152, Brantome, 45, 21.78, 0, 38.8 153, Flers, 48, 45.05, -0, -34.53, 184 154, FortBoyrd, 45, 59.97, -1, -12.83 155, FrtStNcls, 46, 29.43, -1, -48.05 156, LRchGffrd, 47, 46.1, -1, -35.97 157, LAigle, 48, 45.88, 0, 37.75 158, Malsherbs, 48, 17.22, 2, 24.98 159, MntStMchl, 48, 38.17, -1, -30.68 160, SteFargea, 47, 38.35, 3, 4.32 161, Uzerche, 45, 25.45, 1, 33.8