++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Bourg Saint-Bernard, France + + + + Contributed by the Association Velivole et Aeronautique Toulousaine + + Contributed on 16 June 2019 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Sunday, 16 June 2019 at 19:17 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, 7 Fond, 44, 10.88, 1, 35.77, 196 2, Angouleme, 45, 39.3, 0, 9.93, 88 3, Argentat, 45, 5.62, 1, 56.25, 198 4, Cahors, 44, 26.95, 1, 25.98, 139 5, CapDecouvrt, 44, 1.25, 2, 8.67, 283 6, Carmaux, 44, 3.18, 2, 9.5, 245 7, Castres, 43, 36.25, 2, 14.48, 177 8, CondatVezer, 45, 6.43, 1, 12.9, 152 9, Cordes Ciel, 44, 3.78, 1, 57.08, 285 10, CarrfrVndn, 43, 35.83, 1, 46.2, 199 11, EglsBrgStB, 43, 36.18, 1, 42.77, 200 12, Gourdon, 44, 44.23, 1, 22.95, 218 13, Gramat, 44, 46.87, 1, 43.65, 303 14, LaCanourgu, 44, 24.8, 3, 17.43, 890 15, Lacaune, 43, 42.42, 2, 41.42, 894 16, Lacave, 44, 50.32, 1, 35.5, 299 17, Lascaux, 45, 20.27, 1, 21.98, 364 18, LFBA, 44, 10.48, 0, 35.43, 62 19, LFBE, 44, 49.47, 0, 31.23, 52 20, LFBL, 45, 51.65, 1, 10.82, 396 21, LFBU, 45, 43.77, 0, 13.15, 133 22, LFBX, 45, 11.85, 0, 48.85, 100 23, LFCB, 42, 48.0, 0, 36.0, 618 24, LFCC, 44, 21.03, 1, 28.72, 278 25, LFCF, 44, 40.4, 1, 47.35, 331 26, LFCG, 43, 0.53, 1, 6.27, 417 27, LFCI, 43, 54.8, 2, 7.0, 172 28, LFCK, 43, 33.3, 2, 17.43, 240 29, LFCM, 43, 59.35, 3, 11.0, 794 30, LFCN, 43, 46.18, -0, -1.97, 92 31, LFCO, 43, 9.88, -0, -33.62, 300 32, LFCQ, 43, 46.2, 2, 0.53, 177 33, LFCR, 44, 24.45, 2, 29.0, 581 34, LFCV, 44, 22.2, 2, 1.68, 334 35, LFCW, 44, 24.02, 0, 45.67, 58 36, LFCX, 44, 5.22, 1, 7.7, 74 37, LFDA, 43, 42.57, -0, -14.72, 79 38, LFDF, 44, 51.22, 0, 10.6, 86 39, LFDG, 43, 53.03, 1, 52.53, 136 40, LFDH, 43, 41.22, 0, 36.0, 125 41, LFDJ, 43, 5.43, 1, 41.75, 340 42, LFDM, 44, 30.07, 0, 11.85, 32 43, LFDQ, 43, 16.77, 0, 31.3, 300 44, LFDX, 44, 27.82, 1, 0.47, 211 45, LFEL, 46, 37.25, 1, 5.25, 115 46, LFHL, 44, 42.38, 3, 53.3, 1015 47, LFHP, 45, 4.83, 3, 45.88, 832 48, LFHQ, 45, 4.5, 2, 59.55, 981 49, LFHR, 45, 19.5, 3, 21.55, 452 50, LFIB, 44, 46.95, 0, 57.53, 241 51, LFID, 43, 54.62, 0, 23.23, 135 52, LFIF, 43, 49.45, 2, 44.92, 514 53, LFIG, 44, 10.77, 2, 31.12, 617 54, LFIM, 43, 6.52, 0, 37.22, 404 55, LFIR, 43, 28.88, 1, 58.8, 196 56, LFIT, 43, 36.73, 1, 43.52, 160 57, LFJF, 44, 41.78, 5, 9.28, 247 58, LFJH, 43, 12.13, 1, 3.07, 247 59, LFLW, 44, 53.85, 2, 25.0, 639 60, LFMG, 43, 24.45, 1, 59.42, 448 61, LFMK, 43, 12.95, 2, 18.52, 132 62, LFMW, 43, 18.73, 1, 55.27, 168 63, LFNB, 44, 30.25, 3, 31.65, 1025 64, LFNO, 44, 17.18, 3, 28.0, 931 65, LFNW, 42, 54.68, 2, 3.37, 490 66, LFNX, 43, 38.45, 3, 8.73, 377 67, LFSL, 45, 2.38, 1, 29.13, 309 68, Montcabrir, 43, 37.65, 1, 43.92, 223 69, Montmiral, 43, 57.95, 1, 49.25, 267 70, Nontron, 45, 31.83, 0, 39.63, 188 71, PlombdCntl, 45, 3.52, 2, 45.67, 1492 72, Puicelci, 43, 59.3, 1, 43.6, 1251 73, Realmont, 43, 46.27, 2, 11.2, 1115 74, Requista, 44, 1.93, 2, 32.13, 551 75, Rocamadour, 44, 47.97, 1, 37.05, 242 76, Sarlat, 44, 53.47, 1, 12.9, 177 77, Segalas, 44, 35.45, 0, 33.38, 120 78, Souillac, 44, 54.13, 1, 27.95, 121 79, StffrqBlmn, 43, 57.52, 2, 53.13, 367 80, St Cere, 44, 51.57, 1, 53.57, 166 81, St Cely, 44, 48.1, 3, 16.55, 998 82, StCirqLapp, 44, 27.9, 1, 40.15, 200 83, St Ferreol, 43, 26.25, 2, 1.5, 365 84, St Juery, 43, 57.22, 2, 12.9, 170 85, StLixlsLvr, 43, 45.72, 1, 44.43, 122 86, ULM1, 43, 49.8, 2, 7.22, 156 87, ViaducdMll, 44, 5.12, 3, 1.3, 394 88, Viaur, 44, 7.12, 2, 18.65, 330 89, Villepanat, 44, 5.28, 2, 42.27, 740