* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "wag_2009.stx" created Tuesday, 12 May 2009 at 05:59 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $WEATHER $CD Y $OFFICIAL Y $HOME Torino, Italy [WAG] $IDL_MAP_TITLE Torino, Italy [WAG 2009] $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $CONTEST World Air Games $COPYRIGHT WAG 2009 $CONTRIBUTOR Giancarlo Grinza $VIA Roland Stuck $URL_INFORMATION www.wag2009.com the WAG $HEADER_LANDING Non-control point waypoints marked with A are airfields, L are landing strips where retrieval by aerotow will be difficult or impossible, and the points marked with O are outlanding fields which will be checked before the competition to make sure they are landable $COUNTRY IT $FILENAME_3 wg9 $FILENAME_4 wag9 $FILENAME_5 wag09 $FILENAME_8 wag_2009 $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $LONGITUDE N $LATITUDE E $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $MAGNETIC_VARIATION .6 $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MILOMEI Yes * Aosta Aeroporto Chiuso Per Lavori Di Allungamento Pista. Prevista Riapertura 2010 A AOSTA 45 44 19 N 7 21 45 E 545 A 270 1500 119.95 IT Aeroporto chiuso per lavori di allungamento pista. Prevista riapertura 2010 A Aosta Aeroporto chiuso per lavori di allungamento pista. Prevista riapertura 2010 5 A Aosta * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Valsusa Attention To The High Voltages Cables Around The Airfield.Landing Direction Available Only For The Runway 27 L VALSUSA 45 6 45 N 7 17 14 E 380 DT 270 350 130.00 IT Attention to the high voltages cables around the airfield.Landing direction available only for the runway 27 L Valsusa Attention to the high voltages cables around the airfield.Landing direction available only for the runway 27 4 L VALSUSA * Espinasse 10 O ESPINASSE 44 27 38 N 6 13 6 E 648 L 350 FR 10 O Espinasse 10 3 O Espinasse * Gad Attention: Watch The Electrical Lines W Of The Fields.Walking Inspection Is Suggested O GAD 45 2 38 N 6 50 23 E 1075 L 300 IT Attention: Watch the electrical lines W of the fields.Walking inspection is suggested O Gad Attention: Watch the electrical lines W of the fields.Walking inspection is suggested 3 O Gad * ============================================================================== * * Filename "wag_2009.stx" created Tuesday, 12 May 2009 at 05:59 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HOME Torino, Italy [WAG] $CONTEST World Air Games $COPYRIGHT WAG 2009 $CONTRIBUTOR Giancarlo Grinza $VIA Roland Stuck $HEADER_LANDING Non-control point waypoints marked with A are airfields, L are landing strips where retrieval by aerotow will be difficult or impossible, and the points marked with O are outlanding fields which will be checked before the competition to make sure they are landable $COUNTRY IT $LONGITUDE N $LATITUDE E $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $MAGNETIC_VARIATION .6 $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS * Aosta Aeroporto Chiuso Per Lavori Di Allungamento Pista. Prevista Riapertura 2010 A AOSTA 45 44 19 N 7 21 45 E 545 A 270 1500 119.95 IT Aeroporto chiuso per lavori di allungamento pista. Prevista riapertura 2010 A Aosta Aeroporto chiuso per lavori di allungamento pista. Prevista riapertura 2010 5 A Aosta * Valsusa Attention To The High Voltages Cables Around The Airfield.Landing Direction Available Only For The Runway 27 L VALSUSA 45 6 45 N 7 17 14 E 380 DT 270 350 130.00 IT Attention to the high voltages cables around the airfield.Landing direction available only for the runway 27 L Valsusa Attention to the high voltages cables around the airfield.Landing direction available only for the runway 27 4 L VALSUSA * Espinasse 10 O ESPINASSE 44 27 38 N 6 13 6 E 648 L 350 FR 10 O Espinasse 10 3 O Espinasse * Gad Attention: Watch The Electrical Lines W Of The Fields.Walking Inspection Is Suggested O GAD 45 2 38 N 6 50 23 E 1075 L 300 IT Attention: Watch the electrical lines W of the fields.Walking inspection is suggested O Gad Attention: Watch the electrical lines W of the fields.Walking inspection is suggested 3 O Gad $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 10 May 2009 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Brione 45 8 15 7 29 17 T 320 2 Caselette 45 6 20 7 29 0 T 350 3 Colle del Lys 45 10 45 7 23 1 T 1264 4 Ferriera 45 4 58 7 25 19 T 360 5 Miosa 45 8 1 7 26 8 T 854 6 Oulx 45 3 38 6 52 5 T 1240 7 Novaretto 45 7 19 7 21 22 T 469 11 Rivoli 45 4 58 7 29 49 T 339.9 12 Cumiana 44 59 0 7 21 45 T 367 13 Mollar 45 1 22 7 20 15 T 562 14 Tangenziale 45 4 55 7 32 25 T 320 15 Torino Traguardo 45 5 11 7 35 37 HFTA 287 119.8 10/28 1079 A LIMA 16 Maritani 44 59 36 7 24 32 T 335 17 Andrate 45 31 38 7 52 33 T 836 18 Balangero 45 17 24 7 30 19 T 520 19 Bard 45 36 17 7 44 41 T 400 20 Bardonecchia 45 4 30 6 42 40 T 1310 21 Barge 44 43 0 7 19 30 T 355 22 Borgo S. Dalmazzo 44 19 30 7 29 0 T 550 23 Brianįon 44 54 3 6 37 27 T 1320 24 Brossasco 44 34 12 7 22 45 T 632 25 Bruzolo 45 9 7 7 11 58 T 787 26 Busca 44 31 8 7 28 32 T 489 27 Bussoleno 45 9 14 7 8 9 T 688 28 Canali 44 52 3 7 27 4 T 276 29 Cannobio 46 4 16 8 41 0 T 201 30 Caretto 45 26 39 7 41 40 T 838 31 Caulera 45 40 36 8 9 32 T 881 32 Cavour 44 47 22 7 22 50 T 300 33 Condove 45 7 41 7 18 27 T 626 34 Crodo 46 12 58 8 19 18 T 505 35 Cuorgnč 45 23 25 7 39 0 T 410 36 Cuneo 44 23 16 7 32 46 T 536 37 Demonte 44 18 50 7 18 10 T 778 38 Digne 44 5 36 6 13 45 T 600 39 Domodossola 46 7 19 8 15 54 T 440 40 Dronero 44 28 43 7 23 58 T 582 41 Gap 44 33 50 6 5 14 T 739 42 Guillestre 44 39 32 6 38 18 T 1060 43 Jausier 44 25 27 6 44 5 T 1220 44 Lago Alice 45 27 40 7 47 20 T 610 45 Limone 44 12 0 7 35 0 T 1023 46 Luserna S. Giovanni 44 48 30 7 14 30 T 480 47 Mergozzo 45 58 13 8 25 28 T 230 48 Montoso 44 45 39 7 13 5 T 1350 49 Omegna 45 52 32 8 24 38 T 290 50 Oropa 45 36 33 8 0 0 T 847 51 Perosa Argentina 44 57 30 7 11 48 T 627 52 Pinerolo 44 53 25 7 19 4 T 403 53 Planpinet 45 0 9 6 39 41 T 1478 54 Premosello 45 59 3 8 19 33 T 785 55 Quarona 45 45 54 8 16 6 T 406 56 Quincinetto 45 33 43 7 48 43 T 300 57 Revello 44 39 10 7 23 36 T 350 58 Roche de Rame 44 47 12 6 32 58 T 1022 60 Savines 44 31 35 6 23 17 T 784 61 San Germano-Chisone 44 53 52 7 14 42 T 598 62 S. Maria Maggiore 46 8 5 8 27 58 T 816 63 Saint-Pons 44 21 0 6 22 43 T 1347 118.451 13/31 719 G 64 Tetti Scaglia 44 59 9 7 29 59 T 280 65 Trausella 45 29 33 7 45 57 T 750 66 Roletto 44 55 30 7 19 51 T 411 67 Varallo 45 48 37 8 15 30 T 453 68 Varzo 46 12 6 8 14 30 T 550 69 Venaus 45 9 44 7 0 21 T 800 70 Veynes 44 31 55 5 48 57 T 818 71 Vicoforte 44 21 45 7 51 51 T 520 72 Villadossola 46 4 0 8 15 50 T 250 73 Villar Pellice 44 48 39 7 9 42 T 697 74 Vių 45 14 12 7 22 44 T 774 75 Villanova Mondovi 44 20 27 7 45 32 T 649 A Aosta Closed 45 44 19 7 21 45 A 545 119.95 09/27 270 1500 A LIMW A Barcelonette 44 23 18 6 36 37 A 1132 123.5 09/27 799 A LFMR A Biella 45 29 58 8 6 8 A 282 123.05 16/34 160 1500 A LILE A Cumiana 44 56 19 7 25 44 A 330 16/34 450 S A Cuneo 44 32 43 7 37 20 A 386 119.55 03/21 210 2000 A LIMZ A Envie 44 41 53 7 24 10 A 250 130.00 17/35 180 400 G A Gap Tallard LFNA 44 27 18 6 2 16 A 600 123.05 LFNA A Masera 46 8 0 8 18 20 A 280 130.00 01/19 18 800 A A Montalto 45 29 10 7 51 48 A 246 130.00 140 300 A S. Crepin 44 42 6 6 36 1 A 903 123.50 800 L Busano Short Narrow 45 18 0 7 40 0 D 300 130.00 18/36 18 480 G L Castellamonte No Traino 45 21 8 7 43 23 D 285 130.00 140 330 L Garzigliana 44 50 11 7 22 34 D 310 11/29 11 450 G L Gattinara 45 36 25 8 19 57 D 281 130.00 340 530 L La Motte du Caire 123.50 44 19 52 6 2 25 A 650 123.5 18/36 1170 G L Les Crots 44 32 11 6 26 7 L 786 135.0 06/24 90 300 G L Marcoux 44 8 40 6 16 50 D 698 123.500 13/31 700 S L Mondovi 44 25 0 7 50 0 D 300 L Pianfei 44 23 30 7 43 36 D 430 130.00 06/24 6 360 G L Pinerolo 44 52 0 7 24 0 D 300 130.00 12/30 12 450 G L Prealpi 45 7 16 7 31 12 D 336 130.00 03/21 210 600 G L Seyne 44 20 32 6 22 22 A 1198 118.45 13/31 900 G L Stura Castelletto 44 26 30 7 39 0 D 300 06/24 299 G L Valsusa High Voltage, Runway Only 45 6 45 7 17 14 D 380 130.00 09/27 270 350 G O Espinasse 44 27 38 6 13 6 L 648 09/27 350 S O Gad Electrical Lines W. Walking Inspection Suggested 45 2 38 6 50 23 L 1075 04/22 300 S O le Rosier Difficult 44 56 7 6 40 51 L 1400 18/36 400 S O Malpasso 45 7 40 7 12 16 L 416 300 O Montgardin 44 32 59 6 12 49 L 800 33/51 230 S O Montmaur 44 33 38 5 51 26 L 898 01/19 500 S O S. Ambrogio 45 5 36 7 22 6 L 358 350 O Thorame La Batie 44 4 37 6 28 25 L 1087 31/49 299 S