;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Torino, Italy [WAG] + ; + ; World Air Games + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Giancarlo Grinza + ; via Roland Stuck + ; + ; Copyright WAG 2009 + ; + ; Generated Tuesday, 12 May 2009 at 05:59 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Brione" "BRIONE" "_" "N4508,250" "E00729,283" "Caselette" "CASLTT" "_" "N4506,333" "E00729,000" "Colle del Lys" "CLLDLL" "_" "N4510,750" "E00723,017" "Ferriera" "FERRIR" "_" "N4504,967" "E00725,317" "Miosa" "MIOSA" "_" "N4508,017" "E00726,133" "Oulx" "OULX" "_" "N4503,633" "E00652,083" "Novaretto" "NOVRTT" "_" "N4507,317" "E00721,367" "Rivoli" "RIVOLI" "_" "N4504,967" "E00729,817" "Cumiana" "CUMIAN" "_" "N4459,000" "E00721,750" "Mollar" "MOLLAR" "_" "N4501,367" "E00720,250" "Tangenziale" "TNGNZL" "_" "N4504,917" "E00732,417" "Torino Traguardo" "TRNTRG" "119,8" "N4505,183" "E00735,617" "Maritani" "MARITN" "_" "N4459,600" "E00724,533" "Andrate" "ANDRAT" "_" "N4531,633" "E00752,550" "Balangero" "BALNGR" "_" "N4517,400" "E00730,317" "Bard" "BARD" "_" "N4536,283" "E00744,683" "Bardonecchia" "BRDNCC" "_" "N4504,500" "E00642,667" "Barge" "BARGE" "_" "N4443,000" "E00719,500" "Borgo S Dalmazzo" "BRGSDL" "_" "N4419,500" "E00729,000" "Briancon" "BRINCN" "_" "N4454,050" "E00637,450" "Brossasco" "BRSSSC" "_" "N4434,200" "E00722,750" "Bruzolo" "BRUZOL" "_" "N4509,117" "E00711,967" "Busca" "BUSCA" "_" "N4431,133" "E00728,533" "Bussoleno" "BUSSLN" "_" "N4509,233" "E00708,150" "Canali" "CANALI" "_" "N4452,050" "E00727,067" "Cannobio" "CANNOB" "_" "N4604,267" "E00841,000" "Caretto" "CARETT" "_" "N4526,650" "E00741,667" "Caulera" "CAULER" "_" "N4540,600" "E00809,533" "Cavour" "CAVOUR" "_" "N4447,367" "E00722,833" "Condove" "CONDOV" "_" "N4507,683" "E00718,450" "Crodo" "CRODO" "_" "N4612,967" "E00819,300" "Cuorgne" "CUORGN" "_" "N4523,417" "E00739,000" "Cuneo" "CUNEO" "_" "N4423,267" "E00732,767" "Demonte" "DEMONT" "_" "N4418,833" "E00718,167" "Digne" "DIGNE" "_" "N4405,600" "E00613,750" "Domodossola" "DMDSSL" "_" "N4607,317" "E00815,900" "Dronero" "DRONER" "_" "N4428,717" "E00723,967" "Gap" "GAP" "_" "N4433,833" "E00605,233" "Guillestre" "GLLSTR" "_" "N4439,533" "E00638,300" "Jausier" "JAUSIR" "_" "N4425,450" "E00644,083" "Lago Alice" "LAGOLC" "_" "N4527,667" "E00747,333" "Limone" "LIMONE" "_" "N4412,000" "E00735,000" "Luserna S Giovanni" "LSRNSG" "_" "N4448,500" "E00714,500" "Mergozzo" "MERGZZ" "_" "N4558,217" "E00825,467" "Montoso" "MONTOS" "_" "N4445,650" "E00713,083" "Omegna" "OMEGNA" "_" "N4552,533" "E00824,633" "Oropa" "OROPA" "_" "N4536,550" "E00800,000" "Perosa Argentina" "PRSRGN" "_" "N4457,500" "E00711,800" "Pinerolo" "PINERL" "_" "N4453,417" "E00719,067" "Planpinet" "PLNPNT" "_" "N4500,150" "E00639,683" "Premosello" "PRMSLL" "_" "N4559,050" "E00819,550" "Quarona" "QUARON" "_" "N4545,900" "E00816,100" "Quincinetto" "QNCNTT" "_" "N4533,717" "E00748,717" "Revello" "REVELL" "_" "N4439,167" "E00723,600" "Roche de Rame" "RCHDRM" "_" "N4447,200" "E00632,967" "Savines" "SAVINS" "_" "N4431,583" "E00623,283" "San Germano Chisone" "SNGRMN" "_" "N4453,867" "E00714,700" "S Maria Maggiore" "SMRMGG" "_" "N4608,083" "E00827,967" "Saint Pons" "SNTPNS" "118,451" "N4421,000" "E00622,717" "Tetti Scaglia" "TTTSCG" "_" "N4459,150" "E00729,983" "Trausella" "TRASLL" "_" "N4529,550" "E00745,950" "Roletto" "ROLETT" "_" "N4455,500" "E00719,850" "Varallo" "VARALL" "_" "N4548,617" "E00815,500" "Varzo" "VARZO" "_" "N4612,100" "E00814,500" "Venaus" "VENAUS" "_" "N4509,733" "E00700,350" "Veynes" "VEYNES" "_" "N4431,917" "E00548,950" "Vicoforte" "VICFRT" "_" "N4421,750" "E00751,850" "Villadossola" "VLLDSS" "_" "N4604,000" "E00815,833" "Villar Pellice" "VLLRPL" "_" "N4448,650" "E00709,700" "Viu" "VIU" "_" "N4514,200" "E00722,733" "Villanova Mondovi" "VLLNVM" "_" "N4420,450" "E00745,533"