Site Tonopah, Nevada Contest 15 Meter Nationals, 2002 Courtesy of Jim Norris 'GB' Updated 23 July, 2002 Time Zone Name US/Mountain File created on Wednesday, 24 July 2002 at 03:20 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees and decimal minutes >>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Number Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Elevation [feet] Control P ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] State Comments ICAO Identifier 1 Tonopah AP N 38 3 37 3.61 38.0601667 W 117 5 14 5.23 -117.0871667 5426 TLAh Tnp Tonph Tonoph Tonopah AP Tonopah AP TPH 2 Ely AP N 39 18 30 18.5 39.3083333 W 114 50 31 50.51 -114.8418333 6255 TLA Ely Ely Ely AP Ely AP Ely AP ELY 3 Geyser N 38 40 0 40 38.6666667 W 114 37 18 37.3 -114.6216667 5977 T Gys Geysr Geyser Geyser Geyser 4 Sunnyside N 38 24 24 24.4 38.4066667 W 115 2 18 2.3 -115.0383333 5288 T Snn Snnys Snnysd Sunnyside Sunnyside NV07 5 Lund N 38 51 18 51.3 38.855 W 115 0 30 0.5 -115.0083333 5700 T Lnd Lund Lund Lund Lund 6 Moorman N 39 21 13 21.21 39.3535 W 115 20 0 20 -115.3333333 6600 TL Mrm Mormn Moormn Moorman Moorman 7 White Pine N 38 48 30 48.5 38.8083333 W 115 16 23 16.39 -115.2731667 6900 T Wht WhtPn WhitPn White Pine White Pine 8 Currant Strip N 38 44 18 44.3 38.7383333 W 115 29 0 29 -115.4833333 5181 TLA Crr Crrnt Currnt Currant Currant 9U7 9 Duckwater Strip N 38 51 18 51.3 38.855 W 115 38 6 38.1 -115.635 5124 TLA Dck Dckwt Dckwtr Duckwater Duckwater 01U 10 Midway Well N 39 6 6 6.1 39.1016667 W 115 13 34 13.56 -115.226 7000 T Mdw MdwyW MdwyWl MidwayWell Midway Well 11 Alligator Substation N 39 44 8 44.13 39.7355 W 115 30 34 30.56 -115.5093333 6500 T All Allgt Allgtr AllgtrSbst AllgtrSbsttn 13 Bald Mountain Strip N 39 55 35 55.59 39.9265 W 115 38 10 38.16 -115.636 6525 TL Bld BldMt BldMtn Bald Mtn Bald Mtn 14 Eureka AP N 39 36 15 36.25 39.6041667 W 116 0 18 0.3 -116.005 5954 TLA Erk Eurek Eureka Eureka AP Eureka AP 05U 15 Black Rock Microwave N 38 31 5 31.09 38.5181667 W 115 53 13 53.22 -115.887 6950 T Blc BlckR BlckRc BlckRckMcr BlckRckMcrwv 16 Civa N 38 2 11 2.18 38.0363333 W 115 27 30 27.5 -115.4583333 5161 T Civ Civa Civa Civa Civa 17 Echo Canyon Res. N 38 9 7 9.12 38.152 W 116 6 21 6.35 -116.1058333 5400 T Ech EchCn EchCny EchoCnynRs EchoCanyonRs 18 Pogues Station N 39 11 13 11.22 39.187 W 115 51 2 51.04 -115.8506667 6470 T Pgs PgsSt PgsSt. PoguesSta. Pogues Sta. 19 Halligan Mesa Radar N 38 30 23 30.38 38.5063333 W 116 8 29 8.48 -116.1413333 7200 T Hll Hllgn HllgnM HllgnMsRdr HallignMsRdr 21 Five Mile Springs N 38 8 18 8.3 38.1383333 W 116 37 19 37.32 -116.622 5651 T FvM FvMlS FvMlSp FvMlSprngs FiveMlSprngs 22 Macann Station N 38 27 20 27.33 38.4555 W 116 39 33 39.55 -116.6591667 6500 T Mcn McnnS McnnSt MacannSta. Macann Sta. 23 Little Fish Lake N 38 36 29 36.48 38.608 W 116 28 11 28.18 -116.4696667 6480 T Ltt LttlF LttlFs LittlFshLk LittleFishLk 24 Segura Ranch N 39 6 29 6.49 39.1081667 W 116 19 27 19.45 -116.3241667 7000 T Sgr SgrRc SegrRc Segura Rc Segura Ranch 25 Willows Ranch N 39 27 23 27.38 39.4563333 W 116 29 11 29.19 -116.4865 6750 T Wll Wllws WllwsR Willows Rc Willows Rc 26 Monitor Ranch N 39 9 2 9.04 39.1506667 W 116 41 24 41.4 -116.69 6738 T Mnt MntrR MntrRc Monitor Rc Monitor Rc 27 Walti Hot Springs N 39 54 1 54.02 39.9003333 W 116 35 1 35.01 -116.5835 5753 T Wlt WltHt WltHtS WltHtSprng WaltHtSprngs 28 Dry Creek N 39 30 17 30.29 39.5048333 W 116 42 35 42.58 -116.7096667 6459 T Dry DryCr DryCrk Dry Creek Dry Creek 30 Iowa Canyon N 39 51 17 51.29 39.8548333 W 117 3 3 3.05 -117.0508333 5884 TL IwC IwCny IwCnyn IowaCanyon Iowa Canyon 31 Austin AP N 39 28 5 28.08 39.468 W 117 11 43 11.72 -117.1953333 5730 TLA Ast Austn Austin Austin AP Austin AP 9U3 32 Northhumberland N 39 1 11 1.19 39.0198333 W 116 59 6 59.1 -116.985 5938 TL Nrt Nrthh Nrthhm Nrthhmbrln Northhmbrlnd 33 Barker Creek N 38 48 12 48.2 38.8033333 W 117 1 29 1.48 -117.0246667 6620 TL Brk BrkrC BrkrCr BarkerCrek Barker Creek NV31 34 Wine Glass Strip N 38 48 0 48 38.8 W 117 9 34 9.57 -117.1595 5611 TL WnG WnGls WnGlss Wine Glass Wine Glass 35 Hadley Strip N 38 42 0 42 38.7 W 117 9 24 9.4 -117.1566667 5740 TL Hdl Hadly Hadley Hadley Hadley Strip A36 36 Manhattan Ghost Town N 38 32 12 32.2 38.5366667 W 117 4 25 4.41 -117.0735 7023 T Mnh Mnhtt Mnhttn MnhttnGhst MnhttnGhstTw 37 Hall Mine N 38 19 4 19.07 38.3178333 W 117 17 31 17.51 -117.2918333 5754 T Hal HllMn HallMn Hall Mine Hall Mine 38 Tonopah West Strip N 38 5 17 5.29 38.0881667 W 117 16 25 16.42 -117.2736667 5657 T Ton TnphW TonphW Tonopah W Tonopah W 39 Goldfield Strip N 37 43 5 43.08 37.718 W 117 14 18 14.3 -117.2383333 5680 TLA Gld Gldfl Gldfld Goldfield Goldfield 0L5 40 Miller's Pond N 38 6 11 6.19 38.1031667 W 117 29 20 29.34 -117.489 4772 T Mll Mllrs MllrsP MillersPnd Millers Pond 41 Silver Peak N 37 45 18 45.3 37.755 W 117 38 5 38.09 -117.6348333 4288 TL Slv SlvrP SlvrPk Silver Pk Silver Peak 42 Coaldale N 38 1 23 1.38 38.023 W 117 53 12 53.2 -117.8866667 4636 T Cld Coldl Coaldl Coaldale Coaldale 43 Cedar Mountain Relay N 38 17 10 17.16 38.286 W 117 42 10 42.16 -117.7026667 5970 T Cdr CdrMt CdrMtn CedrMtnRly CedarMtnRely 44 Ione N 38 56 32 56.54 38.9423333 W 117 36 10 36.17 -117.6028333 6604 TL Ion Ione Ione Ione Ione 45 O'Toole N 39 3 31 3.52 39.0586667 W 117 24 25 24.42 -117.407 6520 T OTl OTool OToole OToole OToole 46 Gabbs AP N 38 55 16 55.27 38.9211667 W 117 57 11 57.18 -117.953 4655 TA Gbb Gabbs Gabbs Gabbs AP Gabbs AP GAB 47 Cloverdale Ranch N 38 33 12 33.2 38.5533333 W 117 32 28 32.47 -117.5411667 5690 T Clv Clvrd Clvrdl CloverdlRc CloverdaleRc 48 Circle L Strip N 37 43 23 43.39 37.7231667 W 118 4 10 4.16 -118.0693333 4835 TL Crc Crc L Crc L Circle L Circle L 2Q7 49 Basalt N 38 0 19 0.32 38.0053333 W 118 16 13 16.22 -118.2703333 6348 T Bsl Baslt Basalt Basalt Basalt 50 Hawthorne N 38 32 40 32.66 38.5443333 W 118 38 4 38.06 -118.6343333 4215 TLA Hwt Hwthr Hwthrn Hawthorne Hawthorne HTH 51 Bridgeport AP N 38 15 45 15.75 38.2625 W 119 13 32 13.54 -119.2256667 6468 TLA Brd Brdgp Brdgpr Bridgeport Bridgeport O57 52 Lee Vining AP N 37 57 30 57.5 37.9583333 W 119 6 23 6.39 -119.1065 6802 TLA LVn LVnng LeVnng Lee Vining Lee Vining O24 53 Bishop AP N 37 22 23 22.39 37.3731667 W 118 21 49 21.82 -118.3636667 4120 TLA Bsh Bishp Bishop Bishop AP Bishop AP BIH 54 Independence AP N 36 48 50 48.83 36.8138333 W 118 12 19 12.31 -118.2051667 3900 TLA Ind Indpn Indpnd Independnc Independence 2O7 55 Lida Junction N 37 29 0 29 37.4833333 W 117 11 3 11.05 -117.1841667 4684 TLA LdJ LdJnc LidJnc Lida Junc Lida Junc 0L4 56 Scotty's Junction N 37 17 23 17.39 37.2898333 W 117 3 7 3.12 -117.052 4050 T Sct Sctty Scttys ScottysJnc Scottys Junc 57 Mina N 38 22 32 22.53 38.3755 W 118 5 28 5.47 -118.0911667 4552 TLA Min Mina Mina Mina Mina 3Q0 58 Beatty AP N 36 51 40 51.66 36.861 W 116 47 13 47.22 -116.787 3170 TLA Btt Betty Beatty Beatty AP Beatty AP BTY 59 Petroglyph Butte N 38 40 27 40.45 38.6741667 W 116 11 1 11.02 -116.1836667 6011 T Ptr Ptrgl Ptrgly PtrglyphBt PetrglyphBtt 60 Snowball Ranch N 39 2 17 2.28 39.038 W 116 11 29 11.49 -116.1915 7169 T Snw Snwbl Snwbll SnowballRc Snowball Rc 61 Green Springs N 39 7 3 7.05 39.1175 W 115 34 10 34.16 -115.5693333 6070 T Grn GrnSp GrnSpr GrenSprngs GreenSprings 62 Lunar Dry Lake N 38 24 0 24 38.4 W 116 0 0 0 -116 5744 TL Lnr LnrDr LnrDry LunarDryLk Lunar Dry Lk 63 Mud Lake N 37 59 0 59 37.9833333 W 116 1 30 1.5 -116.025 4848 T MdL MudLk Mud Lk Mud Lake Mud Lake 64 Railroad Valley N 38 36 26 36.43 38.6071667 W 115 33 16 33.26 -115.5543333 4755 T RRV RRVll RRVlly RR Valley RR Valley 65 Alamo N 37 21 27 21.45 37.3575 W 115 11 24 11.4 -115.19 3719 TLA Alm Alamo Alamo Alamo Alamo L92 66 Belmont N 38 35 24 35.4 38.59 W 116 52 25 52.42 -116.8736667 7400 T Blm Blmnt Belmnt Belmont Belmont 67 Benton Station N 37 49 2 49.03 37.8171667 W 118 28 25 28.41 -118.4735 5349 T Bnt BntnS BntnSt BentonSta. Benton Sta. 68 Furnace Creek AP N 36 28 3 28.05 36.4675 W 116 52 27 52.45 -116.8741667 -211 TLA Frn FrncC FrncCr FurnaceCrk FurnaceCreek L06 69 Hilton Ranch Strip N 38 36 42 36.7 38.6116667 W 119 0 0 0 -119 5000 TLA Hlt HltnR HltnRc Hilton Rc Hilton Rc 70 Imvite N 36 26 31 26.52 36.442 W 116 27 8 27.14 -116.4523333 2250 TL Imv Imvit Imvite Imvite Imvite NV36 71 Jackass N 36 38 2 38.04 36.634 W 116 24 29 24.48 -116.408 2640 TLA Jck Jckss Jackss Jackass Jackass U75 72 Lone Pine AP N 36 35 7 35.12 36.5853333 W 118 2 32 2.54 -118.0423333 3680 TLA LnP LonPn LonePn Lone Pine Lone Pine AP O26 73 Mammoth AP N 37 37 22 37.36 37.6226667 W 118 50 0 50 -118.8333333 7128 TLA Mmm Mmmth Mammth Mammoth AP Mammoth AP MMH 74 Mina VOR N 38 34 2 34.03 38.5671667 W 118 2 22 2.36 -118.0393333 7200 T MnV MinVR MinaVR Mina VOR Mina VOR 75 Morgan Ranch N 38 52 13 52.22 38.8703333 W 116 42 1 42.01 -116.7001667 6840 T Mrg MrgnR MrgnRc Morgan Rc Morgan Ranch 76 Panamint Springs N 36 20 3 20.05 36.3341667 W 117 27 35 27.58 -117.4596667 2003 T Pnm Pnmnt PnmntS PnmntSprng PanmntSprngs 77 Stovepipe Wells AP N 36 36 4 36.06 36.601 W 117 9 18 9.3 -117.155 25 TLA Stv Stvpp StvppW StovppWlls StovepipWlls L09 78 Sweetwater Strip N 38 30 32 30.54 38.509 W 119 12 29 12.49 -119.2081667 6837 TLA Swt Swtwt Swtwtr Sweetwater Sweetwater NV72 79 Keeler N 36 29 9 29.15 36.4858333 W 117 52 15 52.25 -117.8708333 3970 T Klr Keelr Keeler Keeler Keeler 80 Start A N 37 58 45 58.75 37.9791667 W 117 2 12 2.2 -117.0366667 5400 S StA StrtA StartA Start A Start A 2.0 sm rad 81 Start B N 38 1 45 1.75 38.0291667 W 117 0 0 0 -117 5400 S StB StrtB StartB Start B Start B 2.0 sm rad 82 Start C N 38 5 0 5 38.0833333 W 117 2 30 2.5 -117.0416667 5400 S StC StrtC StartC Start C Start C 2.0 sm rad 83 Start D N 38 1 45 1.75 38.0291667 W 117 4 45 4.75 -117.0791667 5400 S StD StrtD StartD Start D Start D 2.0 sm rad 84 Finish N 38 4 0 4 38.0666667 W 117 4 45 4.75 -117.0791667 5400 HFA Fns Finsh Finish Finish Finish 0.5 sm rad TPH