* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO CUP_CODE CUP_DES CUP_NAM CUP_STYLE * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "thien17a.stx" created Thursday, 13 April 2017 at 13:45 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $HOME Thiene, Italy $COUNTRY IT $CONTRIBUTOR AeC Prealpi Venete $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $ILEC_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME AeCPrealpiVenete * Contributor e-mail: aeroclub@prealpivenete.it $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL competizioni.thiene@gmail.com * Aldo Cernezzi $HEADER Aeroporto A. Ferrarin $HEADER Information about the Aeroclub Prealpi Venege is available at www.aeroclubprealpivenete.it/ $HEADER 2017 Version 2 * URL_info_hide: www.soaringspot.com/15m_thiene_2013/news/story2.html the contest $URL_INFO www.aeroclubprealpivenete.it/competizioni/ the contest $URL_TURNPOINTS_HIDE www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/campionato-italiano-18-metri-thiene-2017/downloads/ $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $DISTANCE_UNIT kilometers $CONTEST Campionato Italiano classe 18 m Thiene, 2017 $CD Y $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 2.0E $NO_SUA Y $MODIFICATIONS 15 May 10: Original contribution $MODIFICATIONS 01 Apr 12: Bergantino, Cansiglio, Clauzzetto, Forte, Legnago, Noventa, Poggio Rusco, Rotzo, Visentin, and XX Carrè added.   Albaredo, Canazei, Colletto, Este, Musi, Occhiobello, Piancavallo, and Stol moved.   A Aguscello, A Bologna, A Carpi, A Modena, F Camposanto, F Codigoro, F Coronella, F Ravarino, F San Felice, F San Possidonio, Tramonti, and Vittorio Veneto removed. $MODIFICATIONS 18 Apr 12: X Imer removed, courtesy of Gianni Spreafico $MODIFICATIONS 27 Apr 13: X Dream Fly added.   Version 2013. $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 30 Mar 17: Brenzone, Ficarolo, and Sella Nevea added.   Cavalese, Folgaria, Musi, and Occhiobello moved.   A Ajdovscina, A Asiago, A Aviano, A Belluno, A Bled, A Bolzano, A Boscomantico, A Bovec, A Caprino, A Comina, A Dobbiaco, A Enemonzo, A Ferrara, A Gorizia, A Istrana, A Legnago, A Lienz, A Montagnana, A Notsch, A Padova, A Reggio Emilia, A Rivoli, A Rivolto, A Ronchi, A San Mauro, A Thiene, A Trento, A Treviso, A Udine, A Villafranca, A Vipiteno, F Bassano, F Cassola, F Farra Di Soligo, F Francolino, F Gagliano, F Maniago, F Mirandola, F Montebello, F Montegaldella, F Scortichino, F Vidor, F Vigarano, M Agnello, M Amariana, M Antelao, M Antermoia, M Arvenis, M Asta, M Avena, M Baldo, M BoÈ, M Bondone, M C Aquilio, M Canin, M Cansiglio, M Carega, M Catinaccio, M Cavallo, M Cengio, M Cermis, M Cesen, M Chiampon, M Cimone, M Civetta, M Coglians, M Col Gentile, M Col Moschin, M Col Visentin, M Cristallo, M Croce, M Cuar, M Dolada, M Echar, M Elmo, M Filadonna, M Foraoro, M Grappa, M Gronlait, M Grossglockner, M Lagazuoi, M Lagorai, M Latemar, M Lavarella, M Lusia, M Marana, M Marmolada, M Matajur, M Melette, M Montasio, M Mottarone, M Musi, M Nero, M Novegno, M Odle, M Ortigara, M Osternig, M Pale San Martino, M Panarotta, M Pasubio, M Pelmo, M Piombada, M Pizzocco, M Plan de Corones, M Plauris, M Plose, M Portule, M Quarnan, M Raut, M Renon, M Sassolungo, M Sassongher, M Sciliar, M Sernio, M Serva, M Sorapis, M Stivo, M Stol, M Summano, M Tofana, M Tomba, M Tre Cime Lavaredo, M Verena, M Verzegnis, M Vetta d'Italia, M Zevola, Stol, X Auronzo, X Barco, X Bressanone, X Brunico, X Carnia, X Cepovan, X Cimolais, X Dream Fly, X Feltre, X Fonzaso, X Godz, X Grigno, X Jenig, X Kobarid, X Lavis, X Longarone, X Male, X Mauthen, X Obertilliach, X Ospedaletto, X Padola, X Palus San Marco, X Paluzza, X Paternion, X Pieve Di Cadore, X Predazzo, X S. Giustina, X Sarmede, X Sillian, X Solimbergo, X Steinfeld, X Tolmin, X Trissino, and XX Carre removed.   $MODIFICATIONS 10 May 17: Thiene Arrivo added.  Airspace added. $FILENAME_3 t7a $FILENAME_4 th7a $FILENAME_5 thn7a $FILENAME_8 thien17a * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $MILOMEI Yes $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MILOMEI Yes $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO CUP_CODE CUP_DES CUP_NAM CUP_STYLE * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Breganze 45 42 37 11 33 49 T 120 01 Breganze 8 2 Dueville 45 38 10 11 32 57 T 54 02 Dueville 8 3 Isola Vicentina 45 37 45 11 26 37 T 127 03 Isola Vicentina 8 4 Lugo Vicentino 45 46 0 11 31 47 T 173 04 Lugo Vicentino 8 5 Lusiana 45 47 7 11 34 31 T 760 05 Lusiana 8 6 Malo 45 39 34 11 24 23 T 116 06 Malo 8 7 Piovene Rocchette 45 45 54 11 25 26 T 489 07 Piovene Rocchette 8 8 Schio 45 42 48 11 21 30 T 202 08 Schio 8 9 Thiene 45 42 7 11 29 4 T 135 09 Thiene 8 10 Villaverla 45 39 7 11 29 30 T 75 10 Villaverla 8 11 Altavilla 45 30 55 11 28 52 T 35 11 Altavilla 1 12 Marostica 45 44 48 11 39 19 T 103 12 Marostica 1 13 Valdagno 45 39 1 11 18 3 T 256 13 Valdagno 1 14 Vicenza 45 34 22 11 31 47 T 40 14 Vicenza 1 15 Finish 1 45 41 32 11 26 14 F 500 15 Finish 1 14 16 Finish 2 45 41 58 11 33 2 F 500 16 Finish 2 14 17 Thiene Arrivo 45 40 30 11 29 48 HFDT 100 126.9 09/27 170 1200 G LIDH Thiene Arrivo 17 Thiene Arrivo 2 18 Finish 3 45 37 53 11 30 40 F 500 18 Finish 3 14 19 Finish 4 45 39 43 11 26 7 F 500 19 Finish 4 14 20 Agordo 46 16 56 12 2 4 T 608 20 Agordo 1 21 Albaredo 45 19 8 11 16 58 T 10 21 Albaredo 1 22 Badia Polesine 45 6 0 11 29 30 T 11 22 Badia Polesine 1 23 Bassano 45 46 2 11 43 38 T 128 23 Bassano 1 24 Belluno ovest 46 10 17 12 10 17 T 746 24 Belluno ovest 1 25 Bergantino 45 3 23 11 22 9 T 6 25 Bergantino 1 26 Borgo Valsuguna 46 3 8 11 27 19 T 387 26 Borgo Valsuguna 1 27 Bosco Chiesanuova 45 37 19 11 1 47 T 1100 27 Bosco Chiesanuova 1 28 Bressanone 46 42 57 11 39 26 T 568 28 Bressanone 1 29 Brunico 46 47 51 11 56 12 T 827 29 Brunico 1 30 Campo Tures 46 55 23 11 56 55 T 936 30 Campo Tures 1 31 Canazei 46 28 45 11 46 20 T 1454 31 Canazei 1 32 Cansiglio 46 1 20 12 24 32 T 982 32 Cansiglio 1 33 Cavalese 46 17 24 11 30 37 T 985 33Cavese 33 Cavalese 1 34 Chiampo 45 32 51 11 16 48 T 177 34 Chiampo 1 35 Clauzzetto 46 14 17 12 55 6 T 855 35 Clauzzetto 1 36 Colletto 45 46 0 11 15 50 T 993 36 Colletto 1 37 Cortina 46 32 15 12 8 9 T 1220 37 Cortina 1 38 Corvara 46 33 5 11 52 26 T 1525 38 Corvara 1 39 Costabissara 45 35 3 11 29 12 T 48 39 Costabissara 1 40 Dolada 46 11 0 12 23 3 T 40 Dolada 1 41 Este 45 13 41 11 36 0 T 13 41 Este 1 42 Feltre 46 1 0 11 54 21 T 275 42 Feltre 1 43 Fiera di Primiero 46 10 32 11 49 52 T 717 43 Fiera di Primiero 1 44 Folgaria 45 54 58 11 11 17 T 1166 44Folria 44 Folgaria 1 45 Forte 45 54 16 11 29 36 T 1322 45 Forte 1 46 Gemona 46 16 44 13 8 12 T 258 46 Gemona 1 47 Giustina nord 46 9 39 12 4 28 T 470 47 Giustina nord 1 48 Lago Barcis 46 11 18 12 34 2 T 401 48 Lago Barcis 1 49 Lago Revine 45 59 26 12 14 19 T 221 49 Lago Revine 1 50 Lamen 46 5 6 11 53 17 T 740 50 Lamen 1 51 Lavarone 45 56 16 11 16 32 T 1200 51 Lavarone 1 52 Legnago 45 9 42 11 17 53 T 11 52 Legnago 1 53 Lendinara 45 5 1 11 35 52 T 10 53 Lendinara 1 54 Levico 46 1 40 11 19 9 T 500 54 Levico 1 55 Lonigo 45 23 16 11 23 17 T 33 55 Lonigo 1 56 Maniago 46 10 15 12 42 26 T 284 56 Maniago 1 57 Meduno 46 13 2 12 47 16 T 307 57 Meduno 1 58 Montagnana 45 13 58 11 28 0 T 16 58 Montagnana 1 59 Monteforte 45 24 59 11 17 21 T 28 59 Monteforte 1 60 Montereale Valcellina 46 9 37 12 39 41 T 312 60 Montereale Valcellina 1 61 Musi 46 17 0 13 21 49 T 1410 61 Musi 61 Musi 1 62 Noventa 45 17 27 11 32 55 T 15 62 Noventa 1 63 Occhiobello 44 58 50 11 33 48 T 5 63 Occhiobello 1 64 Ortisei 46 34 30 11 40 16 T 1230 64 Ortisei 1 65 Ostiglia 45 4 36 11 9 15 T 24 65 Ostiglia 1 66 Piancavallo 46 5 31 12 33 40 T 500 66 Piancavallo 1 67 Poggio Rusco 44 59 7 11 12 53 T 7 67 Poggio Rusco 1 68 Pontebba 46 30 20 13 18 19 T 555 68 Pontebba 1 69 Portule 45 58 44 11 25 48 T 1904 69 Portule 1 70 Possagno 45 52 15 11 52 41 T 338 70 Possagno 1 71 Predazzo 46 18 43 11 36 42 T 1014 71 Predazzo 1 72 Priabona 45 37 43 11 22 48 T 424 72 Priabona 1 73 Puos Alpago 46 7 57 12 20 13 T 398 73 Puos Alpago 1 74 Rasun 46 47 34 12 3 32 T 1078 74 Rasun 1 75 Recoaro 45 42 18 11 13 32 T 451 75 Recoaro 1 76 Riva del Garda 45 53 3 10 50 43 T 66 76 Riva del Garda 1 77 Rotzo 45 51 20 11 23 20 T 936 77 Rotzo 1 78 Rovereto 45 53 13 11 2 25 T 190 78 Rovereto 1 79 S. Stefano Cadore 46 33 30 12 33 0 T 917 79 S. Stefano Cadore 1 80 Santa Giustina 46 5 1 12 2 34 T 304 80 Santa Giustina 1 81 Sappada 46 33 58 12 41 3 T 1245 81 Sappada 1 82 Sossano 45 21 30 11 30 22 T 10 82 Sossano 1 83 Sella Nevea 46 23 28 13 28 44 T 1176 83Selvea 83 Sella Nevea 1 84 Tesino 46 3 46 11 38 18 T 960 84 Tesino 1 85 Tolmezzo 46 24 21 13 0 53 T 330 85 Tolmezzo 1 86 Torcegno 46 4 28 11 27 0 T 767 86 Torcegno 1 87 Torri Benaco 45 36 36 10 41 11 T 66 87 Torri Benaco 1 88 Trasaghis 46 16 41 13 4 0 T 200 88 Trasaghis 1 89 Vajont 46 16 3 12 19 44 T 688 89 Vajont 1 90 Valdobbiadene 45 54 4 11 59 43 T 257 90 Valdobbiadene 1 91 Venzone 46 20 1 13 8 21 T 243 91 Venzone 1 92 Visentin 46 5 37 12 19 5 T 682 92 Visentin 1 93 Ficarolo 44 57 8 11 26 19 T 7 93Ficolo 93 Ficarolo 1 94 Occhiobello 44 55 19 11 34 50 T 5 94Occllo 94 Occhiobello 1 95 Brenzone 45 42 23 10 46 4 T 124 95Breone 95 Brenzone 1