*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + * Tasknav data for Taupo, New Zealand + * + * Club Class National Championships, 2025 + * + * Contributed by Rob Lyon + * Contribution date was 13 December 2024 + * File created Thursday, 02 January 2025 at 15:25 GMT + * + * Available from the Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange at + * http://soaringweb.org/TP + * or http://serkowski.com/soaring/TP + * or http://soaring.silentflight.ca/TP + * or http://glidertracking.fai.org/WSTPX/TP + * + * UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + * + * Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + * + * Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + * information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + * expressed or implied. + * User assumes all risk of use. + * + *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AHR Ahoroa R U# 382312S 1751827E Ag Strip Steep slope AMS Amos Rd U# 383906S 1752245E UNKNOWN ATS Aotea AS U# 380127S 1744940E ARM Aramiro U 375311S 1750140E Intersection ARP Arapuni Dam U 380417S 1753837E Building at Dam ART Aratiatia U 383702S 1760812E Hydro Dam ARH Arohena U 381135S 1753643E Hall ATM Atiamuri U 382335S 1760047E Bridge AWT Awaiti U 372346S 1753537E Canal T Jtn AWK Awakeri Rail X U 375952S 1765310E Rail crossing AWA Awakino U 383907S 1743741E Town BRR Barryville U# 382918S 1753522E Airstrip BNN Bennydale Hall U 383120S 1752147E Hall BMB Bombay Overbridge U 371132S 1745858E Overbridge BPD BOP Depot U 375223S 1755257E Main Buildin BLD Bouldering U# 381543S 1750132E Airstrip BOD Boyd U# 390934S 1761031E Emergency only. No Road or Phone BRT Brett Rd U# 381951S 1762701E CML Camels Back U 370251S 1753944E Rugged. No Landing CNT Centennial ParkAF U 383959S 1760803E NZCG Unattended 134.45 RWY 04 LH. RWY 22 RH. RWY 07 LH. NO RWY 25. AIP 2 CHT Chateau AS U# 390927S 1752921E Mountain Air A/strip Bhrent Guy CHA Chateau Hotel U 391200S 1753219E CLM Clements Farm U# 383306S 1761949E Landing Area CRM Coromandel AF U# 364723S 1753026E NZCX RWY 12-30. Unattended 124.5 AIP 2012.05.31 DRR Drury AF U 370602S 1745829E NZDY Unattended 134.45 - RWY 18 RH. RWY 36 LH. AIP 2021.02.25 DRU Drury Overbridge U 370613S 1745710E Start EGH Eight Mile R/J U 382451S 1750631E Road Junction ELL Ellis Rd U# 382950S 1752331E ERW Erewhon U# 393229S 1755354E FLD Fields Track U# 393840S 1752002E Unknown TPF FinishNorth U# 383942S 1760837E RW22 Finish runway 22 TAU FinishSouth U# 383955S 1760752E RW0604 Finish runway 06/04 FLX Flaxmill T J U 372010S 1752934E FRS Forest R U# 383325S 1760001E unknown GLT Galatea AF U# 382431S 1764431E NZGA Available without permission. Watch for model aircraft generally lo GLN Glen Murray U 372653S 1745732E School 351F GRD Gordon U 374226S 1755002E GDS Goudies East U# 383537S 1763431E Emergency only. Very long walk no mobile receptionAirstrip planted in po GOU Goudies Rd U# 383114S 1762840E Landcorp HQ. Good landing area HKS Haku AS U# 382702S 1745120E Ag Strip - Unknown HRR Harris Rd U# 380308S 1755035E HHN Hauhungaroa Hut U 384457S 1753104E Tramping Hut. NO LANDING HKT Hikutaia U 371608S 1753916E Road Int HNG Hingarae Rd U# 383936S 1754121E Air strip beside road HNR Hinuera U 375255S 1754536E Railway Xing HDD Hoddle Rd AS U# 381845S 1753232E Airstrip. Stock? HTL Hotel de Vin U 371116S 1750848E IWT Iwitahi U 384945S 1761617E crossroads KHR Kaihere U 372222S 1752514E School KMR Kaimai Yards U 375255S 1755515E KAIY 100Km Out & Return - KAIY Kaimai Yards - TIRS Tirohia Air Strip - K KNG Kaingaroa H/Q U# 382415S 1763337E Forest H/Q golf course airfield. KKH Kakahi AS U# 385551S 1752635E Unknown KAK Kakahu AS U# 375620S 1755411E KAKU Kakahu Rd Airstrip. Fertisliser Bin at Southern End. Rway 16. Len 2 KRP Karapiro Dam U 375526S 1753222E Hydro Dam KRS Karioi AS U# 392838S 1753308E airfield KWR KawerauGolfCourse U 380641S 1764128E South end KAW Kawerau Paddock U# 380259S 1764454E Has been airfield. Beware Fences? KWH Kawhatau AS U# 394842S 1755919E KER Kerepehi U 371801S 1753206E Bridge KFC KFC Sheds U 380243S 1755350E Chicken Shed KNL Kinleith U 381645S 1755410E E of Mill KRT Kirita Bay U 365208S 1752525E 504.6Km Diamond Dist 3 TP (KAKU - KIRB - KAKU - KIRB) KNI Knight R U# 384156S 1751714E Safe landing options KPK Kopaki R U# 382939S 1751347E KUR Kuratau R/J U 385253S 1754042E Road T junct KUU Kurutau AS U# 385143S 1754340E Ag Strip LKR Lake Rotokawa U 383741S 1761109E Lake LNK Link Rd U# 383627S 1760248E Lands Corp LTC Litchfield AS U# 380435S 1754647E NE/SW Stock? LWR Lower Waitoa U 372909S 1753234E MKK Makakaho U# 393344S 1745427E Strip MLM Maleme R U# 382112S 1760736E Stock? MNG Mangakino Dam U 382112S 1754454E Spillway Gat MAN Mangaoke U# 382759S 1752734E Unknown MAG Mangatepopo U# 390756S 1753104E MAA Mangaturuturu AS U 391726S 1752157E Airstrip. Stock? MAW Mangawhio Rd AS U# 381911S 1753742E Top dressing strip. Stock? MTC MataCemetery U 374807S 1754509E Cemetery Ent MTH Matahina Dam U 380654S 1764859E Hydro Dam MTM Matamata AF U 374415S 1754425E NZMA Unattended 122.25 RWY 28 LH. RW 10 RH. AIP 2018.11.08 MTW Matawai U 382126S 1773208E Village MAT Matea East U# 384908S 1762905E Top dressing airstrip MTR Matea Rd U# 385041S 1762725E T/Dress strip MTS Matuschka AS U# 383517S 1760703E Land to the West. Owner Murray 3776070 MRC Mercer AF U# 371533S 1750653E NZME RWY 09 RH. RWY 27 LH. AWIB transmit 4 clicks on 119.2 four times wi MRM Meremere U 371847S 1750404E Power Stn MIN Minginui U# 383846S 1764332E Airstrip Closed. Crops / Stock MHK Mohaka Bridge U# 391042S 1763805E Good landing MKS Mokai AS U# 383208S 1755346E T/Dress strip. land towards fertiliser bin MNM Monument Rd SH2RJ U 371514S 1751421E Junction MONUment Rd / SH 2 MRR Morrinsville U 374005S 1753233E Road Intersection MRP Murupara Bridge U 382728S 1764151E Bridge MUR Murupara U# 382845S 1764327E Strip parallel with Road NAK Naike U 373057S 1745715E Hall 268F NPR NapierTaihapeRdAS U# 392840S 1760611E Strip beside the road NTN National Park R/J U 391037S 1752408E Road Junction NGK Ngakonui U# 384526S 1752230E Unknown NGA Ngakuru U 382055S 1761041E Lake Arm Junction NGM Ngamatea Nth U 391555S 1760900E Unusable airstrip. Rough pumice. Use farm paddocks to south NGT Ngamatea Stn U# 392422S 1760806E A/F 1k Sth NGO Ngamotu Rail X U 381606S 1764513E Railway Crossing. NO LANDING NGR Ngarua Rd Junc U 374015S 1754038E Junction of SH27 and Kareone Road and Diagonal Rd NGI Ngatira U 380550S 1755404E Road / Rail Crossing NRM Normans Corner U 383021S 1762314E Forest corner NAR North Arm U# 390551S 1760914E Emergency only no roads. Unknown NRT NorthernBoundaryS U# 382048S 1763112E Stock? OHK Ohaaki Tower U 383143S 1761736E cooling tower OHA Ohakune Strip U# 392539S 1752426E Top Dressing Strip OHU Ohakune Town U 392444S 1752437E Town Centre OHR Ohakuri AS U# 382522S 1761028E Unknown OHN Ohinewai U 372922S 1750924E Service Stn OKR Okoroire U 375713S 1754814E Hotel OLD Old Taupo Rd U# 381141S 1754801E Unknown OMK Omaka AS U# 385637S 1751336E OMR Omarama NI U 380957S 1750101E OMAN OPR Oparure Quarry U# 382030S 1750409E Airstrip to the south of the BIG White Limestone Quarry OPT Opotiki AF U# 380121S 1771826E NZOP Freq 119.1. - RWY 09 RH. RWY 27 LH. AIP 2017.07.20 ORK Orakei Korako U# 383029S 1760912E Grazed? Land uphill towards house ORN Oruanui U 383322S 1760240E Road Junction OTM Otamoa R U# 394731S 1751415E Unknown OTN Otanga U# 384352S 1754010E Airstrip OTA Otaunga AS U# 384352S 1754010E A/S unknown Stock? Aero tow ok OTR Otorohanga Br U 381132S 1751230E Bridge OTW Otway U 372923S 1753626E Road Jtn PAH Paeahi U 380355S 1752935E Buildings PAN Paenua U 381630S 1752326E PAR Paeroa U 372246S 1753938E River Bend PRR Piarere U 375635S 1754007E Road Junction PIP Piopio U 382800S 1750056E PHP Poihipi AS U# 383115S 1755009E Two vectors. Stock and fences? PKN Pokeno U 371349S 1750101E Overbridge PRN Poronui AS U# 385837S 1761738E Airstrip in forest PKH Pukeho U# 393159S 1751832E T/Dressing strip Unknown PKK Pukekawa U 372002S 1745918E Intersection Hw 22 and Clark and Denize Rd PKR Pukerimu U# 382706S 1750953E PUR Pureora AS U# 383001S 1753231E grass ag/ strip PTR Putararu U 380327S 1754719E Rail Overbridge RTH Raetihi AS U 392301S 1751741E Glider A/S RGL Raglan AF U# 374817S 1745136E NZRA Unattended 123.75 - RWY 05-23. Dogs. People. Kites 2 NM to South. A RNG Ranginui AS U# 382143S 1753928E Air Strip Unknown/stock RAN Rangipo U# 390433S 1754824E Village. Airstrip 1km ssw RAG Rangitaiki AS U# 385312S 1762149E NZRK Unattended 119.1 - RWY 16-34. Poor phone reception. Aerotow ok. Pho RAI Rangitaiki S AS U# 385645S 1762312E Grass top/dressing strip. Aerotow ok RRM Raurimu AS U# 390848S 1752523E UNKNOWN RPR Reporoa Dairy Fct U 382529S 1761858E Dairy Factory RRW Rerewhakaitu Farm U# 381626S 1763354E Large paddocks. Good landing RTR Retaruke AS U# 391051S 1751641E Airstrip beside road. Stock? RPL Ripia Lodge U 390307S 1762404E Emergency only. Heavy rabbit damage. Not trailerable. NO phone RST Roston AS U# 391114S 1762926E Grass airfield ROT Rotoaira U# 390146S 1753828E No Strip ROO Rotoa U 390146S 1753828E No Strip RTN Rotongaro U 373205S 1750508E Crossroads 140F ROR Rotorua Airport U# 380633S 1761902E NZRO Tower 121.2 & 120.1. RWY 18 RH. RWY 36 LH. ATIS 128.8 CAUTION: Tara RTW Rotowaro U 374020S 1750424E Open cast mine RKW Ruakiwi U 374215S 1745521E Crossroads 191F RUA Ruatahuna U# 383636S 1765803E Unknown Ag Strip SND Sandel R U# 382727S 1754300E unknown SCT Scott Rd AS U# 382448S 1754112E Good airstrip/stock? SH5 SH5 Palmer Rd AS U# 383559S 1760753E Land to West SHR Short Rd AS U# 382923S 1762806E Reasonable Landing Area SHW SHwy2 27 U 371729S 1752222E Junction Stn SSM Sisam R/J U# 380610S 1765805E Top dressing strip. Beware Trough in middle SPN Spooners U# 393523S 1754456E TTR Taatarakina Stn U 390307S 1763621E Emergency only. Farm paddocks/ power wire THN Tahuna U 373051S 1753022E Bridge THP Taihape AF U# 394109S 1754726E NZVR Unattended 119.1 - RWY 06-24. RWY 06 Landings Prohibited. AIP 2008. TNT Tanatana U 381115S 1770629E Small village TAN Taneatua R/J U 380256S 1765906E Road Junction TPP Tapapa U 375911S 1755027E Road Y Junction THR Tauhara U 384055S 1761034E Lookout TMR Taumaranui AF U# 385022S 1751543E NZTM Unattended 119.1 RWY 01 RH. RWY 19 LH. AIP 2018.02.01 TAP Taupo Airport U# 384427S 1760504E NZAP Unattended 118.4 - RWY 17 RH. RWY 35 LH. AWIB 125.2. Parachute airc TPS Taupo Start A U 383516S 1760925E Deer Park Reservoir TAO Taupo Start B U 383750S 1761247E Rotokawa Forest HQ TAS Taupo Start C U 383950S 1761102E Quarry Rd Junction TAT Taupo Start D U# 384632S 1761337E Landing area beside road/airstrip 2k West TAA Taupo Start E U 383407S 1761330E Road Junction TWC Te Awa Camp U# 384020S 1762820E Emergency A/S by river. No Phone. Aero tow ok. Pumice. Beware rain damag TKR Te Koura U# 384644S 1751455E Unknown TKW Te Kowhai AF U# 374442S 1750931E NZTE Freq 123.75. RWY 05 RH. RWY 23 LH. Do not overfly retirement villag TKT Te Kuiti AF U# 381812S 1750849E NZTT No Specified Circuit Direction. AIP 2017.07.20 TEM Te Miro U 374714S 1753532E Tank TPM Te Pamu U 383619S 1761609E TPN Te Peanga U# 393544S 1751724E Unknown TPH Te Pohue U 391500S 1764045E Road Junction TEP Te Poi U 375222S 1755035E X Roads TPR Te Puru U 370244S 1753139E TWT Te Wetu U 380951S 1755708E Shack TWH Te Whaiti AS U# 383657S 1764423E Ag Strip. Mr McDonald No phone. Go across road to houses THM Thames AF U# 370924S 1753301E NZTH 124.5 - [RWY 14 RH. RWAY 32 LH ]. RWY 05 RH. RWY 23 LH. AIP 2019.03 TIH Tihoi U 383736S 1754320E Road Intersection TRR Tirau R/J U 375905S 1754605E Road Intersection TRH Tirohanga U# 382659S 1755526E Unknown farm airstrip? TIR Tirohia U 372621S 1753822E Bridge TIT Titiraupenga U 383035S 1754131E Peak TVR Tiverton Downs U# 383545S 1761746E Crop? Safe landing area TRD Toi Road Airstrip U# 381255S 1745517E TOIR TOI Rd AS * Rway 19Mag * Len 350m * Location Te Koraha * Access Off TOK Tokoroa AF U# 381412S 1755334E NZTO Unattended 123.25 - RWY 13 LH. RWY 31 RH. SWD Council (07) 885 0340 TRT Tree Trunk Gorge U 391016S 1754810E Bridge over rapids TRN Turangi AF U# 385806S 1754849E NZTN Unattended 119.1 RWY 02 LH. RWY 20 RH. AIP 2013.09.19 TTK Tutukau AS U# 383123S 1760330E Land to S/ West 100' slope WGN WaignaroHotSprngs U 374129S 1750001E WHH Waihaha U# 384852S 1753833E WKT WaikatoRiverLodge U# 382904S 1761754E Lodge a/s WKR Waikeria U 380726S 1752301E Road Junction WKN Waikino Rd AS U# 382848S 1754741E Ag strip WMH Waimahora U# 382042S 1752344E WAI Waimiha School U 383700S 1751855E School WAM Waimiha U# 383509S 1752122E WAH Waiohau U 381333S 1765030E Town centre WTP Waiotapu Hotel U 382027S 1762146E Hotel WPN Waipuna Road U# 392741S 1751229E Strip WAP Waipunga Falls U 385720S 1763126E Twin Falls WRH Wairehi U# 381538S 1753821E Top dressing strip WTB Waitea B U# 385705S 1752203E WTT Waitetuna U 375048S 1750201E School 130F WAT Waitoa U 373545S 1753810E Road Intersection WTM Waitomo Caves U 381539S 1750616E Buildings WTH Waituhi Saddle U 385138S 1753213E NO LANDING WAO Waotu U 380839S 1754123E School WRD Wardville U 374325S 1754646E WST Western Bay AS U# 384651S 1754007E T/Dressing strip WHP Whaape U 372818S 1750336E Island on lake WHK Whakamaru AS U# 382627S 1754610E Baker Rd airstrip. Unknown. Stock? WHA Whakamaru Dam U 382512S 1754829E Dam WHT Whakatane AF U# 375520S 1765502E NZWK Unattended (Chch Information) 125.5 RWY 09 RH. RWY 27 LH. AIP 2017. WHN Whangamata AS U# 383631S 1754614E Landcorp a/s Good aerotow WHG Whangamata Rd U# 383704S 1755126E Airstrip. WHR Wharepapa S AF U# 380838S 1753301E NZES Rway 07-25. No Specified Circuit Direction. RWY 17-35 Not Available WHI Whites R U# 383627S 1761614E Good paddock WOD Wood U# 384340S 1750240E