++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Tatui, SP, Brazil + + + + Contributed by Cesar Augustus Mazzoni + + Via Thomas Milko + + Contributed on 22 February 2011 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Wednesday, 23 February 2011 at 20:51 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Afa, -21, -59.07, -47, -19.7, 597 2, Americana, -22, -45.35, -47, -16.12, 610 3, Analondia, -22, -9.43, -47, -42.87, 842 4, ArarasBrazl, -22, -20.22, -47, -21.5, 686 5, Bauru, -22, -20.62, -49, -3.23, 619 6, Bofete, -23, -10.87, -48, -18.43, 657 7, Boituva, -23, -17.88, -47, -41.55, 683 8, Botucatu, -22, -56.2, -48, -28.05, 918 9, CesarioLang, -23, -15.23, -47, -56.2, 610 10, Cab14Tatcr, -23, -19.72, -47, -53.02, 635 11, Cab32Tatcr, -23, -20.08, -47, -52.37, 635 12, CapaoBonit, -24, -1.95, -48, -21.45, 732 13, Capela, -23, -27.92, -47, -44.23, 627 14, Capivari, -23, -0.65, -47, -29.02, 531 15, Cerquilho, -23, -10.05, -47, -44.85, 588 16, EdraHlcntr, -22, -26.42, -47, -42.1, 612 17, FazBonanza, -23, -41.02, -47, -33.05, 772 18, Faz Dimep, -23, -8.5, -48, -29.7, 694 19, FazGurPnhl, -23, -38.9, -48, -5.73, 615 20, FazIpanema, -23, -25.6, -47, -34.95, 635 21, FazJequitb, -23, -50.75, -48, -26.9, 609 22, FazLimoeir, -23, -8.7, -48, -18.58, 939 23, FazNscmnt2, -24, -4.48, -48, -13.48, 757 24, FazPorangb, -23, -10.82, -48, -5.7, 568 25, FazQutrrms, -22, -56.92, -48, -39.92, 738 26, Faz Real, -23, -2.17, -48, -26.88, 869 27, Faz Royal, -23, -30.42, -48, -0.0, 746 28, FazSJBmRtr, -23, -47.12, -48, -20.4, 634 29, FazSantlbn, -23, -34.83, -48, -16.92, 625 30, FazSaoJoao, -22, -47.65, -49, -20.47, 641 31, Ford, -23, -23.88, -47, -55.33, 637 32, Itapetinng, -23, -36.5, -48, -4.5, 700 33, Itapeva, -23, -56.47, -48, -52.9, 707 34, Itarare, -24, -8.02, -49, -19.07, 866 35, Itirapina, -22, -11.68, -47, -51.7, 781 36, ItuAeroclb, -23, -21.62, -47, -19.63, 680 37, Jau, -22, -16.53, -48, -36.25, 529 38, LemeBrazil, -22, -13.62, -47, -22.93, 616 39, Lencosplst, -22, -34.67, -48, -46.55, 622 40, Limeira, -22, -36.23, -47, -24.72, 662 41, Piracicaba, -22, -42.63, -47, -37.17, 576 42, Piracunung, -22, -1.55, -47, -25.13, 683 43, Porangaba, -23, -14.25, -48, -7.37, 615 44, Quadra, -23, -18.02, -48, -3.13, 617 45, RioClrBrzl, -22, -25.87, -47, -33.85, 607 46, SaoMglrcnj, -23, -52.53, -48, -3.55, 757 47, Sao Pedro, -22, -34.93, -47, -53.83, 619 48, Sorocaba, -23, -28.98, -47, -29.18, 634 49, SP141XSP27, -23, -32.1, -47, -43.33, 625 50, SP127XSP27, -23, -35.53, -47, -59.17, 663 51, TatuiArprt, -23, -19.92, -47, -52.8, 634 52, TatuTrvCdd, -23, -20.18, -47, -51.5, 629 53, TtTrvSP280, -23, -16.97, -47, -48.43, 634 54, TtFzndDsLg, -23, -18.45, -47, -56.03, 584 55, TieteArclb, -23, -6.28, -47, -43.47, 501