++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Sugarbush, Vermont + + + + Contributed by Tony Lauck + + Contributed on 06 June 2008 + + Last updated Tuesday, 10 June 2008 at 05:25 GMT + + + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, BelviderMtn, 44, 46.0, 72, 31.38, 2100 2, Bennington, 42, 53.38, 73, 14.46, 826 3, Boylan, 44, 47.24, 71, 49.33, 1194 4, Caledonia, 44, 33.86, 72, 1.16, 1188 5, Cambridge, 44, 38.83, 72, 53.28, 400 6, Chapin, 43, 3.0, 73, 21.91, 509 7, Claremont, 43, 22.23, 72, 22.12, 545 8, Colebrook, 44, 52.85, 71, 30.35, 1010 9, DeanMemoril, 44, 4.62, 72, 0.42, 581 10, Fairhaven, 43, 36.72, 73, 16.5, 371 11, Franconia, 44, 11.52, 71, 45.0, 971 12, FranklnCnt, 44, 56.15, 73, 5.83, 226 13, Gorham, 44, 23.53, 71, 11.56, 837 14, GranvilleN, 43, 25.18, 73, 15.9, 420 15, Hancock, 43, 55.12, 72, 50.42, 1000 16, Jay Peak, 44, 56.33, 72, 30.38, 3861 17, Keene, 42, 53.9, 72, 16.25, 488 18, MnchstrCnt, 43, 10.58, 73, 3.47, 750 19, Middlebury, 43, 58.91, 73, 5.69, 489 20, Middlesex, 44, 17.85, 72, 41.18, 500 21, Monroe, 44, 15.67, 72, 3.32, 536 22, Montpelier, 44, 12.16, 72, 33.89, 1165 23, Morrisvill, 44, 32.87, 72, 36.83, 732 24, Mt W Hotel, 44, 15.45, 71, 26.38, 1600 25, Mt W RailR, 44, 16.12, 71, 21.4, 2600 26, Mt W Regnl, 44, 22.06, 71, 32.99, 1073 27, Newport VT, 44, 53.53, 72, 13.83, 928 28, N Adams, 42, 41.79, 73, 10.48, 653 29, N Windham, 43, 13.31, 72, 43.07, 1749 30, Parlin, 43, 22.95, 72, 11.08, 787 31, Philips, 44, 13.74, 72, 47.25, 659 32, Plymouth, 43, 46.66, 71, 44.99, 505 33, Post Mills, 43, 52.77, 72, 15.39, 692 34, Pownal, 42, 45.25, 73, 13.44, 550 35, RochestrVT, 43, 51.22, 72, 48.3, 890 36, Rutland, 43, 31.46, 72, 56.95, 787 37, Scragg Mtn, 44, 9.12, 72, 46.73, 2700 38, Springfild, 43, 20.37, 72, 31.23, 577 39, Stockbridg, 43, 46.56, 72, 45.25, 750 40, Stowe VT, 44, 28.4, 72, 40.88, 725 41, SgrbshTrnp, 44, 6.92, 72, 49.82, 1470 42, W Danville, 44, 24.5, 72, 11.7, 1450 43, Start N, 44, 11.39, 72, 50.62, 1189 44, Start W, 44, 6.64, 72, 55.52, 2533 45, Start S, 44, 3.08, 72, 51.86, 2159 50, Finish, 44, 7.1, 72, 49.49, 1470