* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "stahrngn.stx" created Wednesday, 14 June 2023 at 18:45 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $STATE Baden-Württemberg $STATE_ABBREV BW $URL_TURNPOINTS www.soaringspot.com/bodensee-freundschaftsfliegen-2023-radolfzell-stahringen-2023/downloads $URL_INFORMATION bff23.edsr.info the BFF2023 $CONTEST Bodensee Freundschafsfliegen 2023 $JUNK_URL_INFORMATION www.fsv-radolfzell.de/fsvr/wettbewerb the 5. Stahringer Vergleichsfliegen der Selbststarter $JUNK_URL_TURNPOINTS www.fsv-radolfzell.de/fsvr/downloads $CONTRIBUTOR FSV Radolfzell $JUNK webmaster@fsv-radolfzell.de $JUNK_HOME Radolfzadolfzell, Germany $EXTRACT_FROM_EXISTING_AIR DE/DE.txt $HOME Radolzell-Stahringen, Germany $COUNTRY DE $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $MODIFICATIONS 14 Jul 00: Original contribution courtesy of Peter Wafzig $MODIFICATIONS 20 Jul 00: Hohenems moved slightly.  Agathazell, Chass, Heiligenberg, Leipheim, Leutkirch, Lommis, Schänis, Silvr, and Tannheim removed.  Waypoints renumbered. $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 13 Jun 23: All new data, many changes. $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.4E $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ============================================================================== * * Filename "stahrngn.stx" created Wednesday, 14 June 2023 at 18:45 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $STATE Baden-Württemberg $STATE_ABBREV BW $URL_TURNPOINTS www.soaringspot.com/bodensee-freundschaftsfliegen-2023-radolfzell-stahringen-2023/downloads $URL_INFORMATION bff23.edsr.info the BFF2023 $CONTEST Bodensee Freundschafsfliegen 2023 $JUNK_URL_INFORMATION www.fsv-radolfzell.de/fsvr/wettbewerb the 5. Stahringer Vergleichsfliegen der Selbststarter $JUNK_URL_TURNPOINTS www.fsv-radolfzell.de/fsvr/downloads $CONTRIBUTOR FSV Radolfzell $JUNK webmaster@fsv-radolfzell.de $JUNK_HOME Radolfzadolfzell, Germany $EXTRACT_FROM_EXISTING_AIR DE/DE.txt $HOME Radolzell-Stahringen, Germany $COUNTRY DE $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $MODIFICATIONS 14 Jul 00: Original contribution courtesy of Peter Wafzig $MODIFICATIONS 20 Jul 00: Hohenems moved slightly.  Agathazell, Chass, Heiligenberg, Leipheim, Leutkirch, Lommis, Schänis, Silvr, and Tannheim removed.  Waypoints renumbered. $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 13 Jun 23: All new data, many changes. $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.4E $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ============================================================================== * * Filename "stahrngn.stx" created Wednesday, 14 June 2023 at 18:45 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $STATE_ABBREV BW $CONTEST Bodensee Freundschafsfliegen 2023 $CONTRIBUTOR FSV Radolfzell $EXTRACT_FROM_EXISTING_AIR DE/DE.txt $HOME Radolzell-Stahringen, Germany $COUNTRY DE $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.4E $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 12 June 2023 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 1 AFP 01 47 55 1 9 0 9 TS 671 2 Sinsheim 49 14 50 8 53 37 TD 156 EDTK 3 AFP 02 47 54 53 9 3 44 TS 619 4 Eigeltingen 47 51 29 8 53 46 T 484 5 Mülben 49 27 19 9 6 16 T 517 6 Kirnbergsee Staumauer 47 55 46 8 22 19 T 786 7 Linachtalsperre Staumauer 48 1 5 8 17 27 T 839 8 Schwäbisch Hall-Weckrieden Landebahn Mitte 49 7 28 9 46 50 TA 394 EDTX 9 Steinbruch Dotternhausen Steinbruch 48 12 41 8 48 44 T 946 10 Tuttlingen Bahnhof 47 58 49 8 47 54 T 646 11 Aalen-Heidenheim/Elchingen Landebahn Mitte 48 46 40 10 15 53 TA 575 EDPA 12 Albstadt-Degerfeld Landebahn Mitte 48 14 59 9 3 37 TA 872 EDSA 13 Aldingen Bahnhof 48 5 45 8 42 47 T 628 14 Alpirsbach Kloster 48 20 47 8 24 16 T 450 15 Altdorf-Wallburg Landebahn Mitte 48 16 12 7 50 31 TA 189 EDSW 16 Altensteig Schwimmbad 48 35 24 8 36 2 T 448 17 Bad Ditzenbach Landebahn Mitte 48 33 46 9 43 45 TA 722 EDPB 18 Bad Herrenalb Bahnhof 48 48 9 8 26 21 T 361 19 Bad Schussenried Bahnhof 47 59 38 9 40 6 T 557 20 Bad Waldsee-Reute Landebahn Mitte 47 54 54 9 42 37 TA 574 21 Bad Wurzach Bahnhof 47 54 37 9 53 25 T 651 22 Baiersbronn Bahnhof 48 30 14 8 22 18 T 548 23 Balingen Bahnhof 48 16 42 8 51 1 T 519 24 Bartholomä-Amalienhof Landebahn Mitte 48 44 48 10 0 18 TA 638 EDPU 25 Belchen Gipfel 47 49 21 7 49 21 T 1191 26 Berneck Landebahn Mitte 48 34 27 9 43 44 TA 745 27 Biberach a.d. Riss Landebahn Mitte 48 6 40 9 45 46 TA 578 EDMB 28 Blaubeuren Landebahn Mitte 48 25 11 9 47 54 TA 672 EDMC 29 Blumberg Landebahn Mitte 47 50 37 8 33 48 TA 697 EDSL 30 Bonndorf Kirche 47 49 10 8 20 15 T 868 31 Bopfingen-Sandberg Landebahn Mitte 48 50 53 10 20 0 TA 618 EDNQ 32 Brandenkopf Sendemast 48 20 17 8 9 13 T 950 33 Deckenpfronn-Egelsee Landebahn Mitte 48 38 18 8 49 3 TA 576 34 Dinkelsbühl Sportplatz 49 8 5 10 14 19 T 463 35 Donaueschingen-Villingen Landebahn Mitte 47 58 25 8 31 20 TA 676 EDTD 36 Donauwörth-Genderkingen Landebahn Mitte 48 42 11 10 51 8 TA 397 EDMQ 37 Donzdorf-Meßelberg Landebahn Mitte 48 40 43 9 50 45 TA 689 EDPM 38 Dotternhausen Zementwerk 48 13 37 8 46 41 T 660 39 Dunningen Brücke 48 13 23 8 30 5 T 670 40 Ellwangen-Erpfental Landebahn Mitte 48 57 40 10 14 11 TA 500 EDPY 41 Engen BAB Ausfahrt 47 51 16 8 47 57 T 538 42 Erbach Landebahn Mitte 48 20 31 9 55 0 TA 475 EDNE 43 Eutingen im Gäu Landbahn Mitte 48 29 8 8 46 42 T 496 EDTE 44 Farrenberg Landebahn Mitte 48 23 10 9 4 36 TA 799 45 Freiburg im Breisgau Landebahn Mitte 48 1 14 7 50 1 TA 233 EDTF 46 Freudenstadt Bahnhof 48 28 3 8 24 38 T 741 47 Fürstenberg Sendemast 47 53 17 8 34 37 T 935 48 Furtwangen Stadtkirche 48 3 3 8 12 20 T 867 49 Gammertingen Bahnhof 48 15 2 9 13 3 T 674 50 Geisingen Steinbruch 47 55 51 8 40 10 T 840 51 Geislingen Bahnhof 48 37 12 9 50 30 T 467 52 Gengenbach Bahnhof 48 24 18 8 0 35 T 173 53 Gerstetten Landebahn Mitte 48 37 14 10 3 38 TA 596 EDPT 54 Giengen-Brenz Landebahn Mitte 48 38 4 10 12 59 TA 515 EDNG 55 Grabenstetten Landebahn Mitte 48 32 10 9 26 14 TA 700 EDSG 56 Griesbach Bahnhof 48 26 54 8 13 51 T 459 57 Günzburg-Donauried Landebahn Mitte 48 29 10 10 16 56 TA 440 EDMG 58 Gundelfingen an der Donau Landebahn Mitte 48 34 10 10 21 32 TA 436 EDMU 59 Haiterbach-Nagold Landebahn Mitte 48 31 53 8 40 31 TA 587 60 Harburg Zementwerk 48 46 45 10 41 57 T 410 61 Hayingen Landebahn Mitte 48 17 6 9 27 56 TA 705 62 Heiligenberg Landebahn Mitte 47 50 1 9 18 4 TA 754 63 Heiligkreuztal Kloster 48 8 9 9 24 12 T 558 64 Herten-Rheinfelden Landebahn Mitte 47 33 36 7 44 54 TA 279 EDTR 65 Herzogenhorn Skizentrum 47 50 39 8 1 10 T 1332 66 Heubach Landebahn Mitte 48 48 11 9 55 41 TA 431 EDTH 67 Hinterzarten Bahnhof 47 54 22 8 6 23 T 885 68 Hirsau Bahnhof 48 44 2 8 44 12 T 339 69 Hittistetten BAB Ausfahrt 48 19 29 10 5 21 T 530 70 Hohenmühringen Schloss 48 25 5 8 45 3 T 476 71 Hohenzollern Burg 48 19 25 8 58 0 T 832 72 Horb an Neckar Bahnhof 48 26 30 8 41 19 T 392 73 Hornberg Landebahn Mitte 48 44 41 9 51 45 TA 673 74 Hornberg-Schwarzwald Bahnhof 48 12 43 8 13 59 T 384 75 Hornisgrinde TV Sendemast 48 36 39 8 12 6 T 1127 76 Hüfingen Bahnhof 47 55 47 8 29 26 T 682 77 Hülben Landebahn Mitte 48 31 46 9 23 59 TA 718 78 Hütten-Hotzenwald Landebahn Mitte 47 37 59 7 56 28 TA 875 79 Illertal BAB Ausfahrt 48 7 30 10 6 39 T 536 80 Illertißen Landebahn Mitte 48 14 7 10 8 16 TA 511 EDMI 81 Jagstzell Bahnhof 49 1 53 10 5 56 T 421 82 Kandel Berggipfel 48 3 45 8 0 42 T 1232 83 Klippeneck Landbahn Mitte 48 6 27 8 45 46 T 949 84 Laichingen Landebahn Mitte 48 29 49 9 38 25 TA 743 EDPJ 85 Langenau BAB Ausfahrt 48 29 36 10 5 18 T 476 86 Langenbrand TV Sendemast 48 48 28 8 37 27 T 725 87 Langensteinbach Bahnhof 48 54 55 8 30 11 T 254 88 Leibertingen Landebahn Mitte 48 2 41 9 1 51 TA 828 89 Lichtenstein Schloß 48 24 23 9 15 30 T 802 90 Lochen Wirtschaft 48 13 3 8 51 14 T 895 91 Memmingen Allgaeu Landebahn Mitte 47 59 20 10 14 22 TA 624 EDJA 92 Mengen-Hohentengen Landebahn Mitte 48 3 14 9 22 22 TA 550 EDTM 93 Meßkirch Bahnhof 47 59 48 9 7 2 T 606 94 Müllheim Landebahn Mitte 47 49 27 7 38 23 TA 287 95 Münsingen-Eisberg Landebahn Mitte 48 24 33 9 26 28 TA 723 96 Musbach Landebahn Mitte 48 30 10 8 28 43 TA 696 97 Nagold Bahnhof 48 33 21 8 43 41 T 426 98 Neresheim Landebahn Mitte 48 44 30 10 19 41 TA 541 99 Neuhausen ob Eck Landebahn Mitte 47 58 37 8 54 19 TA 799 EDSN 100 Neustadt Schwarzwald Brücke 47 53 59 8 14 28 T 788 101 Nördlingen Landebahn Mitte 48 52 16 10 30 21 TA 419 EDNO 102 Oberndorf Bahnhof 48 17 47 8 34 32 T 460 103 Ochsenhausen Landebahn Mitte 48 3 13 9 55 9 TA 648 104 Oppingen/Au Landebahn Mitte 48 33 25 9 49 20 TA 680 105 Ostrach Bahnhof 47 56 45 9 22 42 T 616 106 Pforzheim Bahnhof 48 53 37 8 42 12 T 279 107 Pfullendorf Landbahn Mitte 47 54 30 9 15 6 T 697 EDTP 108 Rauhe Wanne TV Sendemast 48 45 57 10 30 26 T 614 109 Reiselfingen Landebahn Mitte 47 51 6 8 22 17 TA 737 110 Riedlingen Landbahn Mitte 48 8 40 9 28 0 T 528 111 Roßfeld Landebahn Mitte 48 30 49 9 20 4 TA 798 112 Rottweil-Zepfenhahn Landebahn Mitte 48 11 12 8 43 16 TA 739 EDSZ 113 Saulgau Landebahn Mitte 48 1 46 9 30 26 TA 579 EDTU 114 Schäfhalde Steinheim Landebahn Mitte 48 41 33 10 6 1 TA 625 115 Schauinsland Bergstation 47 54 35 7 53 30 T 1210 116 Scheer/Donau Brücke 48 4 25 9 17 44 T 559 117 Schelklingen Zementwerk 48 22 6 9 44 6 T 542 118 Schiltach Bahnhof 48 17 28 8 20 4 T 327 119 Schlechtenfeld-Ehingen Landebahn Mitte 48 17 5 9 40 24 TA 562 120 Schluchsee Staumauer 47 48 2 8 11 1 T 915 121 Schonach Kirche 48 8 33 8 11 46 T 883 122 Schwann-Connweiler Landebahn Mitte 48 50 18 8 32 34 TA 463 123 Schwarzenbach Staumauer 48 39 16 8 19 48 T 646 124 Schwenningen am Neckar Landebahn Mitte 48 3 57 8 34 17 TA 662 EDTS 125 Sigmaringen Bahnhof 48 5 14 9 13 19 T 572 126 St Blasien Kirche 47 45 36 8 7 48 T 768 127 St Georgen Bahnhof 48 7 26 8 20 33 T 806 128 Stahringen-Wahlwies Radolfzell Landbahn Mitte 47 48 10 8 58 46 HSFD 413 EDSR 129 Sulz am Neckar Bahnhof 48 22 1 8 38 14 T 427 130 Tannheim Landebahn Mitte 48 0 36 10 5 59 TA 578 EDMT 131 Thannhausen Landebahn Mitte 48 17 24 10 26 32 TA 489 EDNU 132 Titisee Bahnhof 47 54 10 8 9 18 T 857 133 Todtmoos Kirche 47 44 24 7 59 58 T 824 134 Trieberg Bahnhof 48 8 25 8 14 13 T 630 135 Übersberg Landbahn Mitte 48 27 33 9 17 50 T 784 136 Ulm Münster 48 23 55 9 59 30 T 480 137 Untergröningen Spotplatz 48 55 3 9 54 1 T 415 138 Untermarchtal Donaubrücke 48 14 26 9 36 15 T 510 139 Urspring Landebahn Mitte 48 33 14 9 54 10 TA 637 140 Villingen Bahnhof 48 3 27 8 27 55 T 703 141 Vöhrenbach Kirche 48 2 42 8 18 14 T 797 142 Wächtersberg Landebahn Mitte 48 36 54 8 45 19 TA 597 EDSV 143 Wasseralfingen Bahnhof 48 50 32 10 5 47 T 428 144 Weingarten Kirche 47 48 33 9 38 40 T 492 145 Weißenhorn Landebahn Mitte 48 17 22 10 8 25 TA 501 EDNW 146 Wildbad Bahnhof 48 45 23 8 33 4 T 426 147 Wildberg-Kengel Landebahn Mitte 48 38 12 8 43 49 TA 509 148 Wildburgstetten Sägewerk 49 2 5 10 22 39 T 439 149 Winzeln-Schramberg Landebahn Mitte 48 16 46 8 25 44 TA 678 EDTW 150 ZL1 Leibertingen Ziellinie Anflug 10 48 2 43 9 1 30 T 837 151 ZL2 Leibertingen Ziellinie Anflug 28 48 2 38 9 2 12 T 826 152 Zwiefalten Klosterkirche 48 13 57 9 27 43 T 545 153 Schreckhof/Mosbach 49 21 12 9 7 12 T 270 154 Heilbronn-Böckingen 49 7 18 9 10 45 T 160 155 Treuchtlingen-Bubenheim 48 59 44 10 53 5 TA 408 EDNT 156 Eberbach 49 27 49 8 58 45 T 126 167 AFP 03 47 56 18 8 54 25 TS 747