;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; St. Raymond-Rive nord, Quebec, Canada + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Pascal Hayet + ; + ; Generated Tuesday, 26 July 2022 at 06:17 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Allens Mill" "ALLNSM" "_" "N4654.533" "W07157.950" "Antenne" "ANTENN" "_" "N4657.600" "W07144.633" "Baie St Paul" "BASTPL" "Piste camp onde Baie St-Paul" "N4725.900" "W07029.633" "Belanger" "BELNGR" "Landable" "N4651.033" "W07155.300" "Berthierville" "BRTHRV" "Pont" "N4605.183" "W07310.033" "Bras du nord" "BRSDNR" "Champ" "N4700.150" "W07150.683" "BROMONT" "BROMNT" "Piste 05 23 5000 x 100 Elev375/Comm12215" "N4517.450" "W07244.483" "BSP Z N" "BSP ZN" "BSP Zone N" "N4740.000" "W07030.000" "BSP Z E" "BSP ZE" "BSP Zone E" "N4730.000" "W07016.000" "BSP Z S" "BSP ZS" "BSP Zone S" "N4716.000" "W07038.000" "BSP Z O" "BSP ZO" "BSP Zone O" "N4726.000" "W07053.000" "Champlain" "CHMPLN" "_" "N4626.550" "W07220.583" "CHARLEVOIX" "CHRLVX" "Piste 15 33 4501 x 150 Elev977/Comm1230" "N4735.150" "W07013.933" "Chutes Delaney" "CHTSDL" "_" "N4703.133" "W07153.050" "Chutes Ford" "CHTSFR" "_" "N4650.317" "W07156.450" "Cite de lEnergie" "CTDLNR" "_" "N4632.183" "W07245.417" "CVVQ" "CVVQ" "Piste09274000X400Elev582/Comm1233Planers" "N4653.700" "W07147.150" "Deschambault" "DSCHMB" "_" "N4638.867" "W07155.650" "Etape" "ETAPE" "_" "N4733.583" "W07113.833" "GATINEAU ttw" "GTNTTW" "09/27 122.3" "N4531.283" "W07533.850" "Grand Mere" "GRNDMR" "Barrage" "N4636.917" "W07240.733" "Grand St Louis" "GRNDST" "_" "N4618.783" "W07220.867" "HAWKESBURY MSC" "HWKSBR" "Piste09271775X400Elev167/Comm1233Planers" "N4537.000" "W07438.833" "HAWKESBURY E" "HAWKES" "10/28 123.2" "N4534.967" "W07432.933" "Herouxville" "HRXVLL" "_" "N4640.583" "W07236.967" "ILE AUX COUDRES" "ILXCDR" "Piste" "N4723.333" "W07023.050" "ILE AUX GRUES" "ILXGRS" "Piste" "N4704.333" "W07032.000" "Lac 60 Arpents" "LC60RP" "_" "N4700.483" "W07158.317" "Lac Batiscan" "LCBTSC" "_" "N4721.467" "W07154.767" "Lac Begin" "LACBGN" "_" "N4655.733" "W07208.017" "Lac Blanc" "LCBLNC" "_" "N4649.267" "W07216.200" "Lac Bleu" "LACBLE" "_" "N4655.267" "W07158.733" "Lac Brule" "LACBRL" "_" "N4656.083" "W07223.517" "Lac Clair" "LACCLR" "_" "N4649.483" "W07205.433" "Lac des Aulnais" "LCDSLN" "Plage Beausoleil" "N4656.417" "W07146.183" "Lac en Coeur" "LACNCR" "_" "N4647.283" "W07210.683" "Lac Long" "LACLNG" "_" "N4650.300" "W07208.400" "Lac Mekinac" "LCMKNC" "_" "N4703.000" "W07240.583" "Lac Missionnaire" "LCMSSN" "_" "N4656.233" "W07234.333" "Lac Montauban" "LCMNTB" "_" "N4653.000" "W07210.017" "Lac Noir" "LACNOR" "Pres de St-Jean-de-Matha" "N4616.900" "W07333.033" "Lac Rita" "LACRIT" "_" "N4657.017" "W07150.300" "Lac Sept Iles" "LCSPTL" "_" "N4655.917" "W07144.650" "Lac Sergent" "LCSRGN" "_" "N4651.767" "W07142.817" "Lac Sergent Piste" "LACSER" "_" "N4651.267" "W07144.417" "Lac Simon" "LACSMN" "_" "N4653.833" "W07202.167" "Lac Ste Anne" "LCSTNN" "_" "N4648.183" "W07222.033" "LAC A LA PERCHAUDE" "LCLPRC" "Piste 06 24 2200 x 150 Elev550/Comm1227" "N4637.350" "W07250.750" "LAC A LA TORTUE" "LCLTRT" "122.7" "N4637.300" "W07237.817" "Lac aux Sables" "LCXSBL" "_" "N4652.017" "W07223.700" "Lac de lOasis" "LLOASS" "_" "N4654.300" "W07159.917" "LACHUTE" "LACHUT" "10/28 123.0" "N4538.333" "W07422.183" "Lac Maskinong" "LCMSKN" "_" "N4619.050" "W07323.217" "La Perade" "LAPERD" "_" "N4634.350" "W07212.217" "LA TUQUE" "LATUQU" "Piste 01 19 5000 x 150Elev548/Comm122325" "N4724.583" "W07247.333" "LOUISEVILLE" "LOSVLL" "Piste 09 27 3000/ Elev 40 / Comm 1228" "N4614.767" "W07254.267" "LOURDES DE JOLIETTE" "LRDSDJ" "04-22 2750' / Elev. 350' / Comm. 122.1" "N4606.567" "W07327.167" "Manseau" "MANSEA" "_" "N4621.800" "W07200.200" "MONTMAGNY" "MNTMGN" "Piste 08 26 3000/ Elev 33 / Comm 1128" "N4700.117" "W07030.950" "Notre Dame deMontauban" "NTRDMD" "_" "N4652.667" "W07218.517" "NEUVILLE" "NEUVLL" "Piste06243000x75Elv314/Cmm12335Nvlltrffc" "N4643.283" "W07135.117" "Perthuis" "PERTHS" "_" "N4655.883" "W07207.383" "Petit Lac Batiscan" "PTTLCB" "_" "N4704.717" "W07200.250" "Pont Accueil Cantin" "PNTCCL" "_" "N4658.883" "W07150.833" "PontTrainNotreDamdsngs" "PNTTRN" "_" "N4654.717" "W07217.500" "Portneuf" "PORTNF" "Quai" "N4640.800" "W07152.700" "Rigaud" "RIGAUD" "_" "N4528.900" "W07417.300" "Riviere a Pierre" "RVRPRR" "_" "N4659.250" "W07211.000" "Shannahan Acceuil" "SHNNHN" "_" "N4704.467" "W07153.400" "Shawinigan" "SHWNGN" "_" "N4632.550" "W07244.967" "SOREL" "SOREL" "Piste 03 21 4000 x 75 Elev 76 /Comm1232" "N4558.817" "W07302.533" "St Adelphe" "STDLPH" "_" "N4643.767" "W07225.983" "St Alban" "STALBN" "_" "N4642.917" "W07204.783" "St Alexis des Monts" "STLXSD" "_" "N4627.300" "W07308.000" "St Barnabe" "STBRNB" "_" "N4623.667" "W07252.817" "St Barthelemy" "STBRTH" "n/a" "N4611.150" "W07307.250" "ST BASILE" "STBASL" "Piste 15 33 2000 x 40 Elev 300 /Commnil" "N4647.017" "W07149.583" "St Boniface" "STBNFC" "_" "N4630.400" "W07249.700" "St Casimir" "STCSMR" "_" "N4639.317" "W07208.300" "St Cuthbert" "STCTHB" "_" "N4608.917" "W07313.333" "ST DOMINIQUE" "STDMNQ" "Piste15331950x100Elev250/Comm1234Planers" "N4537.950" "W07249.133" "ST DONAT" "STDONT" "Piste 12 30 3000 x 70 Elev1270/Comm1232" "N4618.350" "W07410.883" "St Elie Caxton" "STLCXT" "_" "N4629.483" "W07257.633" "ST ESPRIT" "STSPRT" "Piste02203000x75Elev192/Comm1232'StgthLb" "N4554.850" "W07340.333" "St Felix de Valois" "STFLXD" "n/a" "N4610.200" "W07325.300" "St Gabriel de Brandon" "STGBRL" "_" "N4617.383" "W07323.133" "St Jean de Matha" "STJNDM" "_" "N4613.800" "W07332.133" "St Justin" "STJSTN" "Church St-Lambert" "N4615.100" "W07305.233" "St Leonard" "STLNRD" "_" "N4653.350" "W07154.583" "ST LOUIS DE FRANCE" "STLSDF" "Piste 15 33 2300 x 50 Elev 225/Comm1228" "N4626.200" "W07237.817" "St Luc de Vincennes" "STLCDV" "_" "N4629.750" "W07225.167" "St Marc Carrieres" "STMRCC" "_" "N4640.967" "W07202.083" "St Maurice" "STMARC" "_" "N4628.117" "W07231.950" "St Narcisse" "STNRCS" "_" "N4633.850" "W07228.267" "St Paulin" "STPALN" "_" "N4625.200" "W07300.800" "St Prosper" "STPRSP" "_" "N4636.917" "W07217.650" "St Roch de Mekinac" "STRCHD" "_" "N4648.300" "W07246.250" "St Severin" "STSVRN" "_" "N4640.200" "W07230.283" "St Stanislas" "STSTNS" "_" "N4636.617" "W07223.000" "St Tite" "STTITE" "_" "N4643.000" "W07235.067" "St Ubalde" "STUBLD" "_" "N4645.433" "W07216.150" "St Ubalde Dolbec" "STBLDD" "_" "N4645.450" "W07219.783" "Ste Agathe des Monts" "STGTHD" "_" "N4602.717" "W07416.683" "Ste Catherine" "STCTHR" "Eglise" "N4650.783" "W07137.217" "Ste Christine" "STCHRS" "_" "N4648.783" "W07158.067" "Ste Emelie de Energie" "STMLDN" "_" "N4619.367" "W07338.517" "Ste Genevieve Batiscan" "STGNVV" "_" "N4631.767" "W07220.317" "Ste Julienne" "STJLNN" "Piste 08 26 2100 x 40 Elev 280 /Commnil" "N4556.433" "W07343.433" "Ste Thecle" "STTHCL" "_" "N4648.800" "W07230.400" "Ste Ursule" "STERSL" "_" "N4617.117" "W07301.867" "Triton" "TRITON" "Seigneurie du" "N4737.000" "W07213.050" "TROIS RIVIERES" "TRSRVR" "Pst05236000x150lv199/Cmm12235rrvMtl13235" "N4621.167" "W07240.767" "Venus" "VENUS" "_" "N4706.917" "W07157.083" "Verte Maison" "VRTMSN" "_" "N4658.117" "W07151.183" "Yamachiche" "YMCHCH" "_" "N4617.033" "W07249.533" "Zone N CVVQ" "ZNNCVV" "Zone N" "N4706.083" "W07148.500" "Zone E Gibraltar" "ZNGBRL" "Zone E" "N4655.000" "W07137.333" "Zone SE CVVQ" "ZNSCVV" "_" "N4651.667" "W07140.000" "Zone SO CVVQ" "ZONESO" "_" "N4648.000" "W07200.000"