* NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_H RW_L RW_W ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "strymp2a.stx" created Tuesday, 26 July 2022 at 06:17 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $HOME_SITE St. Raymond-Portneuf, Québec, Canada $IDL_MAP_TITLE St. Raymond-Portneuf, Québec, Canada $CAI_TITLE St. Raymond-Portneuf QC $HEADER See also the Complète and Rive-nord collections. $FILENAME_3 p2a $FILENAME_4 sp2a $FILENAME_5 srp2a $FILENAME_8 strymp2a $FILENAME_FULL St. Raymond, Quebec, Canada - Portneuf 2022 Revision a $HEADER Version 2022 Revision a $LANGUAGE FR $COUNTRY CA $STATE Québec $STATE_ABBREV QC $HEADER Les points avec nom en MAJUSCULES ont des pistes en dure. Waypoint names in CAPITALS have hard-surface runways. $URL_INFORMATION www.cvvq.net soaring at the Club de Vol à Voile de Québec / Quebec Soaring Club, St. Raymond $CONTRIBUTOR Pascal Hayet $TIMEZONE_NAME Canada/Eastern $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE West $DISTANCE_UNIT kilometers $EXTRACT_FROM_EXISTING_AIR CA/CA.txt $CAI_COM_DEF FRE_RW_D $MODIFICATIONS 10 Apr 20: Original $MODIFICATIONS 11 Apr 20: St-Bernard moved. $MODIFICATIONS 12 Apr 20: Québec CC removed.   BSP wave reference points relabeled. $MODIFICATIONS 13 Apr 20: Coaticook, Farnham, Notre Dame des Bois, and Richmond moved. $MODIFICATIONS 14 Apr 20: Regenerated from a single file for all sites. $MODIFICATIONS 22 Apr 20: Elevation of Charlevoix changed significantly, and several others slightly to agree with comment.   SeeYou .CUP files regenerated.   Missing elevations added. $MODIFICATIONS 30 Apr 20: Hawkesbury MSC runway changed.   Montmagny second runway suppressed.   St.-Raymond elevation changed.   St-Jean-Chrysostome runway changed.   Ste-Julienne closed as airport but landable.   Victoriaville runway direction changed. $MODIFICATIONS 03 May 20: Elevations added to the four BSP-zN points. $MODIFICATIONS 05 May 20: Frequency of Trois-Rivières changed. $MODIFICATIONS 23 May 20: Cambridge comments changed.   Ottowa changed to "i"nternational airport. $MODIFICATIONS 16 Jun 22: Chutes Ford, Lac Sergent Piste, Lac Ste-Anne, Lac des Aulnais, Pont Accueil Cantin, and St-Rock-de-Mkc added. $MODIFICATIONS 26 Jun 22: Turnpoint attribute removed from Jean Lesage and Ottawa. Abbreviations for Ste Anne des Monts changed. Name, description, and abbreviations changed for BSP-Z-(N|S|E|O). Separation into Rive Gauche and Portneuf collections corrected. $MODIFICATIONS 20 Jul 22: Frequency of La Tuque modified. $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 16.5W $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $RW_L_UNIT FEET * ============================================================================== * * Filename "strymp2a.stx" created Tuesday, 26 July 2022 at 06:17 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $HOME_SITE St. Raymond-Portneuf, Québec, Canada $COUNTRY CA $STATE_ABBREV QC $CONTRIBUTOR Pascal Hayet $TIMEZONE_NAME Canada/Eastern $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE West $EXTRACT_FROM_EXISTING_AIR CA/CA.txt $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 16.5W $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $RW_L_UNIT FEET $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 26 June 2022 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_H RW_L RW_W ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * Allen's Mill ALLNSMLL 46 54 32 71 57 57 T 564 Antenne ANTENNE 46 57 36 71 44 38 T 1421 Bélanger BELANGER Landable 46 51 2 71 55 18 LT 495 Bras du nord BRASDNRD Champ 47 0 9 71 50 41 T 646 Champlain CHAMPLAN 46 26 33 72 20 35 T 33 Chutes Delaney CHUTSDLN 47 3 8 71 53 3 T 1220 Chutes Ford CHUTFORD 46 50 19 71 56 27 T 361 Cité-de-l'Énergie CITDLNRG 46 32 11 72 45 25 T 289 CVVQ CVVQCSK5 Piste 09-27 4000' X 400'/ Elev. 582' / Comm. 123.3 Planeurs 46 53 42 71 47 9 HSFDT 582 123.3 270 4000 400 CSK5 Deschambault DSCHMBLT 46 38 52 71 55 39 T 33 Grand-Mère GRANDMER Barrage 46 36 55 72 40 44 T 289 Hérouxville HEROXVLL 46 40 35 72 36 58 T 479 JEAN-LESAGE JEAN AGE Pistes 06-24 et 12-30 / Elev. 240' / Comm. TML 124.0 ou 127.85 Tour 118.65 SOL 121.9 46 47 38 71 23 38 A 240 124.0 61 9000 150 CYQB Lac Batiscan LACBTSCN 47 21 28 71 54 46 T 1332 Lac Bégin LACBEGIN 46 55 44 72 8 1 T 676 Lac Blanc LACBLANC 46 49 16 72 16 12 T 509 Lac Bleu LAC BLEU 46 55 16 71 58 44 T 751 Lac Brûlé LACBRULE 46 56 5 72 23 31 T 748 Lac Clair LACCLAIR 46 49 29 72 5 26 T 768 Lac des Aulnais LACAULNA Plage Beausoleil 46 56 25 71 46 11 T 682 Lac en Coeur LACENCOR 46 47 17 72 10 41 T 633 Lac Long LAC LONG 46 50 18 72 8 24 T 797 Lac Mékinac LACMEKNC 47 3 0 72 40 35 T 545 Lac Missionnaire LCMSSNNR 46 56 14 72 34 20 T 538 Lac Montauban LACMNTBN 46 53 0 72 10 1 T 571 Lac Rita LAC RITA 46 57 1 71 50 18 T 656 Lac Sept-Îles LACSPTLS 46 55 55 71 44 39 T 686 Lac Sergent LACSRGNT 46 51 46 71 42 49 T 571 Lac Sergent Piste LACSRGPI 46 51 16 71 44 25 T 590 Lac Simon LACSIMON 46 53 50 72 2 10 T 571 Lac Ste-Anne LACSTANN 46 48 11 72 22 2 T 512 LAC-À-LA-PERCHAUDE LAC AUDE Piste 06-24 2200' x 150' / Elev. 550' / Comm. 122.7 46 37 21 72 50 45 T 550 122.7 60 2200 150 LAC-À-LA-TORTUE LAC ATOR 46 37 18 72 37 49 AT 433 122.7 30 CSL3 Lac-aux-Sables LACXSBLS 46 52 1 72 23 42 T 525 Lac-de-l'Oasis L LOASIS 46 54 18 71 59 55 T 623 La-Pérade LAPERADE 46 34 21 72 12 13 T 20 Notre-Dame-de-Montauban NTRDMDMN 46 52 40 72 18 31 T 472 NEUVILLE NEUVILLE Piste 06-24 3000' x 75' / Elev. 314' / Comm. 123.35 Neuville traffic 46 43 17 71 35 7 AT 314 123.35 60 3000 75 CNV9 Perthuis PERTHUIS 46 55 53 72 7 23 T 650 Petit-Lac-Batiscan PTTLCBTS 47 4 43 72 0 15 T 1339 Pont Accueil Cantin PONTCANT 46 58 53 71 50 50 T 607 Pont Train Notre-Dame-des-Anges PNTTRNNT 46 54 43 72 17 30 T 531 Portneuf PORTNEUF Quai 46 40 48 71 52 42 T 171 Rivière-à-Pierre RIVIRPRR 46 59 15 72 11 0 T 696 Shannahan Acceuil SHNNHNCC 47 4 28 71 53 24 T 748 Shawinigan SHAWINGN 46 32 33 72 44 58 T 308 St-Adelphe STADELPH 46 43 46 72 25 59 T 358 St-Alban ST ALBAN 46 42 55 72 4 47 T 226 ST-BASILE STBASILE Piste 15-33 2000' x 40' / Elev. 300' / Comm. nil 46 47 1 71 49 35 AT 300 150 2000 40 CTR6 St-Boniface STBONIFC 46 30 24 72 49 42 T 394 St-Casimir STCASIMR 46 39 19 72 8 18 T 56 St-Léonard STLEONRD 46 53 21 71 54 35 T 568 ST-LOUIS-DE-FRANCE STLSDFRN Piste 15-33 2300' x 50' / Elev. 225' / Comm. 122.8 46 26 12 72 37 49 AT 225 122.8 150 2300 50 CSJ5 St-Luc de Vincennes STLCDVNC 46 29 45 72 25 10 T 102 St-Marc-Carrières STMRCCRR 46 40 58 72 2 5 T 161 St-Maurice STMAURIC 46 28 7 72 31 57 T 135 St-Narcisse STNARCSS 46 33 51 72 28 16 T 358 St-Prosper STPROSPR 46 36 55 72 17 39 T 144 St-Roch-de-Mékinac STROCKMK 46 48 18 72 46 15 T 500 St-Séverin STSEVERN 46 40 12 72 30 17 T 440 St-Stanislas STSTNSLS 46 36 37 72 23 0 T 207 St-Tite ST TITE 46 43 0 72 35 4 AT 486 St-Ubalde STUBALDE 46 45 26 72 16 9 T 344 St-Ubalde Dolbec STBLDDLB 46 45 27 72 19 47 T 300 Ste-Catherine STECTHRN Eglise 46 50 47 71 37 13 T 412 Ste-Christine STCHRSTN 46 48 47 71 58 4 T 466 Ste-Geneviève-Batiscan STGNVVBT 46 31 46 72 20 19 T 440 Ste-Thècle STETHECL 46 48 48 72 30 24 T 551 TROIS-RIVIÈRES TROISRES Piste 05-23 6000' x 150' / Elev. 199' / Comm. 122.35 arriv. Mtl 132.35 / Possibilite de planeurs 46 21 10 72 40 46 AT 199 123.0 50 6000 150 CYRQ Venus VENUS 47 6 55 71 57 5 T 1096 Verte Maison VERTEMSN 46 58 7 71 51 11 T 794 Zone N CVVQ ZONE N Zone N 47 6 5 71 48 30 T 2304 Zone E Gibraltar ZONE E Zone E 46 55 0 71 37 20 T 747 Zone SE CVVQ ZONE SE 46 51 40 71 40 0 T 746 Zone SO CVVQ ZONE SO 46 48 0 72 0 0 T 291