;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; St. Raymond, Quebec, Canada + ; + ; Competition Nationale / National Contest, 2004 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Walter Weir + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 12 June 2004 at 03:42 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Antenne" "ANTENN" "N L Septiles" "N4657.617" "W07144.633" "Aston Jonction" "ASTNJN" "_" "N4610.250" "W07214.167" "Drummondville" "DRMMND" "22.8 4000pav" "N4550.717" "W07223.683" "Grand St Louis" "GRNDST" "_" "N4618.783" "W07220.867" "Joliette" "JOLITT" "23.5 3250pav" "N4602.700" "W07330.100" "Lac aux Sables" "LCXSBL" "_" "N4651.500" "W07224.000" "Lac Sergent" "LCSRGN" "_" "N4651.817" "W07142.850" "Lac a la Tortue" "LCLTRT" "22.7 3000pav" "N4637.300" "W07237.817" "Louiseville" "LOSVLL" "22.8 3000pav" "N4614.767" "W07254.267" "Lourdes de Joliette" "LRDSDJ" "23.5 2750pav" "N4606.567" "W07327.167" "Manseau" "MANSEA" "_" "N4621.800" "W07200.200" "Plessisville" "PLSSSV" "_" "N4612.700" "W07146.300" "Riviere a Pierre" "RVRPRR" "_" "N4659.250" "W07211.000" "St Adelphe" "STDLPH" "_" "N4643.767" "W07225.983" "St Alexis des Monts" "STLXSD" "_" "N4627.300" "W07308.000" "St Boniface" "STBNFC" "_" "N4630.400" "W07249.700" "St Cuthbert" "STCTHB" "_" "N4608.917" "W07313.333" "Ste Emelie de lEnergie" "STMLDL" "_" "N4619.367" "W07338.517" "St Gabriel de Brandon" "STGBRL" "06/24 2000GR" "N4620.533" "W07323.333" "St Germain" "STGRMN" "_" "N4551.300" "W07234.300" "St Jean de Matha" "STJNDM" "_" "N4613.800" "W07332.133" "St Leonard" "STLNRD" "_" "N4653.350" "W07154.583" "Ste Monique de Nicolet" "STMNQD" "_" "N4609.200" "W07232.183" "St Narcisse" "STNRCS" "_" "N4633.850" "W07228.267" "St Paulin" "STPALN" "_" "N4625.200" "W07300.800" "St Prosper" "STPRSP" "_" "N4636.917" "W07217.650" "St Raymond" "STRMND" "23.5 2400GRS" "N4653.700" "W07147.150" "St Tite" "STTITE" "Unknown" "N4643.000" "W07235.000" "St Ubalde" "STUBLD" "_" "N4645.433" "W07216.150" "Ste Ursule" "STERSL" "_" "N4617.117" "W07301.867" "Trois Rivieres" "TRSRVR" "23.0 6000pav" "N4621.167" "W07240.767" "Venus" "VENUS" "F Pet Saguny" "N4706.917" "W07157.083" "Verte Maison" "VRTMSN" "_" "N4658.117" "W07151.183" "Victoriaville" "VCTRVL" "23.0 4000pav" "N4606.767" "W07155.733"