Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange
Unofficial St. Hubert, Belgium [ Victor Boin ] Control Points

Contest: Victor Boin, 2025

Courtesy of ACRA Planeur
Dated: 06 February 2025
Magnetic Variation: 0.3E
Time zone: MET, Summer offset from GMT is 2:00 and in Winter it is 1:00.

The waypoint data are available here

The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds


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User assumes all risk of use.

Use is subject to these conditions.


NaCodes       Links        Latitude    Longitude        Latitude     Longitude   Elevation     Comments  
                         °  '  "      °  '  "         °   '         °   '        Meters             

0   HDSFT  a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 02 20 N    5 24 14 E  or  50 02,333 N    5 24,233 E      563                           StHubert
1   T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 26 48 N    6 49 18 E  or  50 26,800 N    6 49,300 E      454        111        66              
2   T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 30 22 N    7 16 40 E  or  50 30,367 N    7 16,667 E      155        143        68              
3   T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 09 44 N    7 56 59 E  or  50 09,733 N    7 56,983 E      449        182        85              
4   T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       51 24 19 N    8 40 09 E  or  51 24,317 N    8 40,150 E      505        275        56              

5   T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 28 28 N    9 32 16 E  or  50 28,467 N    9 32,267 E      425        298        79              
6   T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 48 33 N    9 40 30 E  or  49 48,550 N    9 40,500 E      278        307        93              
7   T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 30 19 N    7 59 55 E  or  49 30,317 N    7 59,917 E      346        196       107              
8   T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 25 10 N    6 41 52 E  or  49 25,167 N    6 41,867 E      371        116       126              
9   T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 21 12 N    6 09 43 E  or  50 21,200 N    6 09,717 E      456         64        57              

10  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 54 55 N    4 58 44 E  or  49 54,917 N    4 58,733 E      384         33       246              
11  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 17 35 N    5 34 04 E  or  50 17,583 N    5 34,067 E      307         31        23              
12  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 45 01 N    5 12 23 E  or  49 45,017 N    5 12,383 E      419         35       204              
13  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 25 01 N    4 46 41 E  or  49 25,017 N    4 46,683 E      183         82       214              
14  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 07 27 N    3 47 44 E  or  49 07,450 N    3 47,733 E      131        154       230              

15  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       48 27 25 N    3 18 15 E  or  48 27,417 N    3 18,250 E       58        233       222              
16  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       48 07 55 N    3 56 46 E  or  48 07,917 N    3 56,767 E      180        237       207              
17  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 06 41 N    3 16 46 E  or  50 06,683 N    3 16,767 E      100        152       274              
18  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 05 43 N    1 52 46 E  or  50 05,717 N    1 52,767 E       68        252       273              
19  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 47 19 N    4 33 42 E  or  49 47,317 N    4 33,700 E      181         66       246              

20  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       48 43 47 N    4 28 00 E  or  48 43,783 N    4 28,000 E      150        161       206              
21  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       48 00 54 N    2 45 37 E  or  48 00,900 N    2 45,617 E      111        296       222              
22  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 59 27 N    5 45 53 E  or  49 59,450 N    5 45,883 E      499         26       102              
23  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 19 39 N    5 15 08 E  or  50 19,650 N    5 15,133 E      302         34       342              
24  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 11 15 N    5 35 28 E  or  50 11,250 N    5 35,467 E      354         21        39              

25  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 14 17 N    5 56 11 E  or  50 14,283 N    5 56,183 E      459         44        60              
26  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 44 06 N    5 34 26 E  or  49 44,100 N    5 34,433 E      395         36       160              
27  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 07 02 N    5 03 43 E  or  50 07,033 N    5 03,717 E      166         26       290              
28  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 11 53 N    6 26 00 E  or  50 11,883 N    6 26,000 E      511         76        76              
29  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 05 12 N    6 51 24 E  or  50 05,200 N    6 51,400 E      407        104        87              

30  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 26 50 N    7 50 32 E  or  50 26,833 N    7 50,533 E      261        179        75              
31  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 51 07 N    7 32 21 E  or  49 51,117 N    7 32,350 E      413        154        97              
32  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       50 48 07 N    8 41 58 E  or  50 48,117 N    8 41,967 E      251        248        69              
33  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 21 45 N    7 12 21 E  or  49 21,750 N    7 12,350 E      336        150       120              
34  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 57 44 N    3 36 18 E  or  49 57,733 N    3 36,300 E      130        129       267              

35  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 33 56 N    3 06 42 E  or  49 33,933 N    3 06,700 E       49        173       253              
36  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       49 23 36 N    4 11 43 E  or  49 23,600 N    4 11,717 E      110        113       231              
37  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       48 49 15 N    3 49 22 E  or  48 49,250 N    3 49,367 E      137        177       221              
38  T      a,g,G,o,Q,V       48 01 46 N    3 40 22 E  or  48 01,767 N    3 40,367 E      132        257       210              

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