;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; St. Gaudens-Montrejeau, France + ; + ; Concour Interregional Midi-Pyrenees / Aquitaine, 2003 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Tristan Lhermillier pour l'AVC + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 24 May 2003 at 03:12 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Agen la Garenne" "AGNLGR" "_" "N4410,483" "E00035,433" "Aignan" "AIGNAN" "Eglise" "N4341,917" "E00005,083" "Aiguillon" "AIGLLN" "Gare" "N4417,967" "E00020,117" "Aire sur lAdour" "ARSRLD" "_" "N4342,567" "W00014,767" "Aleu Joubac" "ALEJBC" "terrain" "N4253,883" "E00111,433" "Aneres" "ANERES" "terrain" "N4304,967" "E00027,983" "Anie" "ANIE" "_" "N4256,500" "W00043,000" "Arbiz" "ARBIZ" "_" "N4252,750" "E00017,000" "Argeles" "ARGELS" "Gare" "N4259,400" "W00006,950" "Aries" "ARIES" "_" "N4354,383" "E00002,900" "Arize" "ARIZE" "_" "N4254,500" "E00130,333" "Arudy" "ARUDY" "Eglise" "N4306,283" "W00026,283" "Arx" "ARX" "terrain" "N4405,200" "E00001,050" "Asasp Arros" "ASSPRR" "Eglise" "N4307,383" "W00036,733" "Aspet" "ASPET" "Centre Ville" "N4300,933" "E00047,933" "Astaffor" "ASTFFR" "Gare" "N4403,900" "E00039,233" "Aubiet" "AUBIET" "Ville" "N4338,800" "E00047,000" "Auch Lamothe" "ACHLMT" "_" "N4341,217" "E00036,000" "Aulus les Bains" "ALSLSB" "Les Bains" "N4247,633" "E00120,000" "Aurig" "AURIG" "_" "N4313,000" "E00051,000" "Averon Bedeille" "AVRNBD" "_" "N4344,817" "E00004,250" "Avezac" "AVEZAC" "terrain" "N4304,333" "E00021,333" "Ax les Thermes" "AXLSTH" "Thermes" "N4243,117" "E00150,267" "Bagneres de Bigorre" "BGNRSD" "_" "N4304,000" "E00009,000" "Beaumont de Lomagne" "BMNTDL" "_" "N4353,067" "E00059,283" "Barbazan" "BARBZN" "_" "N4301,900" "E00037,650" "Bareges" "BAREGS" "_" "N4253,817" "E00004,000" "Barlonguere" "BRLNGR" "_" "N4247,267" "E00100,000" "Bassoues" "BASSOS" "_" "N4334,850" "E00014,833" "Bedous" "BEDOUS" "terrain" "N4259,200" "W00036,983" "Bellongue" "BELLNG" "_" "N4258,000" "E00055,000" "Berdoues Mirnde" "BRDSMR" "terrain" "N4328,167" "E00023,333" "Bielle" "BIELLE" "terrain" "N4303,783" "W00025,983" "Biran" "BIRAN" "_" "N4341,800" "E00025,033" "Bouloc" "BOULOC" "_" "N4418,733" "E00105,267" "Boulogne/Gesse" "BLGNGS" "Gesse" "N4317,517" "E00038,817" "Bretagne" "BRETGN" "terrain" "N4353,567" "E00008,567" "Cagire" "CAGIRE" "_" "N4256,717" "E00046,033" "Campagne dArmagnac" "CMPGND" "_" "N4351,767" "W00000,333" "Carbonne" "CARBNN" "_" "N4317,633" "E00113,600" "Carlit" "CARLIT" "_" "N4234,417" "E00156,000" "Castera Verduzan" "CSTRVR" "_" "N4348,367" "E00025,983" "Caude" "CAUDE" "_" "N4406,300" "E00043,617" "Cauterets" "CATRTS" "_" "N4253,267" "W00006,583" "Cazaubon" "CAZABN" "_" "N4356,133" "W00004,150" "Condom" "CONDOM" "Cathedral" "N4357,717" "E00022,617" "Condom Valence/Baise" "CNDMVL" "_" "N4354,617" "E00023,183" "Cierp" "CIERP" "Gare" "N4255,050" "E00038,267" "Castelnau Magnoac" "CSTLNM" "_" "N4316,767" "E00031,267" "Col dAubisque" "CDABSQ" "_" "N4258,583" "W00020,250" "Col de la Core" "C CORE" "_" "N4251,683" "E00106,600" "Col du Portillo" "CPRTLL" "_" "N4246,167" "E00039,000" "Crabere" "CRABER" "_" "N4250,000" "E00051,500" "Casteljaloux" "CSTLJL" "_" "N4419,000" "E00004,600" "Castelnaudary" "CSTLND" "_" "N4318,733" "E00155,217" "Demu" "DEMU" "terrain" "N4345,967" "E00009,633" "Dondas" "DONDAS" "_" "N4415,200" "E00050,400" "Dunes" "DUNES" "_" "N4406,350" "E00046,650" "Durance" "DURANC" "_" "N4409,983" "E00009,717" "Durban" "DURBAN" "_" "N4332,417" "E00034,717" "Eauze" "EAUZE" "_" "N4351,667" "E00006,133" "Engomer" "ENGOMR" "terrain" "N4256,550" "E00102,583" "Estat" "ESTAT" "_" "N4240,000" "E00124,000" "Francescas" "FRNCSC" "_" "N4403,900" "E00025,700" "Fleurance" "FLERNC" "Gare" "N4351,117" "E00039,400" "Foix" "FOIX" "_" "N4257,500" "E00136,500" "Fos" "FOS" "terrain" "N4252,717" "E00043,317" "Fourques" "FOURQS" "_" "N4427,983" "E00009,683" "Fousseret" "FOSSRT" "terrain" "N4316,250" "E00103,400" "Fronsac" "FRONSC" "terrain" "N4257,833" "E00038,983" "Fumel Montayral" "FMLMNT" "_" "N4427,817" "E00100,433" "Gabarret" "GABRRT" "_" "N4359,200" "E00000,683" "Galan" "GALAN" "_" "N4313,500" "E00024,500" "Gar" "GAR" "_" "N4257,000" "E00042,000" "Gavarnie" "GAVARN" "_" "N4244,017" "W00000,567" "Genos" "GENOS" "terrain" "N4248,167" "E00024,283" "Gimont" "GIMONT" "_" "N4337,617" "E00052,667" "Gondrin" "GONDRN" "_" "N4353,200" "E00014,200" "Gourgue" "GOURGU" "terrain" "N4308,267" "E00015,550" "Goux" "GOUX" "Intersect" "N4337,533" "W00001,250" "Grignols" "GRGNLS" "Grigmols" "N4423,333" "W00002,367" "Hagetmau" "HAGETM" "Gare" "N4339,533" "W00034,983" "Heche" "HECHE" "_" "N4300,683" "E00021,967" "Hontanx" "HONTNX" "_" "N4349,550" "W00016,183" "Houielles" "HOULLS" "Eglise" "N4411,483" "E00002,017" "Isle en Dodon" "ISLNDD" "_" "N4323,500" "E00050,767" "Issar" "ISSAR" "_" "N4301,000" "W00048,000" "Cazeres Aero" "CAZRSR" "_" "N4345,733" "W00018,950" "Cazeres Gare" "CZRSGR" "Gare" "N4312,500" "E00105,167" "Cazeres Palaminy" "CZRSPL" "_" "N4312,050" "E00103,000" "La Montagne Noire" "LMNTGN" "_" "N4324,450" "E00159,367" "La Romieu" "LAROMI" "_" "N4359,050" "E00029,833" "Labas" "LABAS" "_" "N4300,567" "E00124,750" "Labastide dArmagnac" "LBSTDD" "_" "N4358,117" "W00011,067" "Lafrancaise" "LFRNCS" "_" "N4407,800" "E00114,533" "Laluque" "LALUQU" "_" "N4351,267" "W00059,500" "Lannemezan" "LNNMZN" "_" "N4307,467" "E00023,017" "Lannepax" "LANNPX" "_" "N4348,150" "E00013,650" "Laroque Timbault" "LRQTMB" "_" "N4417,067" "E00045,767" "Larreule" "LARREL" "terrain" "N4326,150" "E00002,083" "Laruns" "LARUNS" "_" "N4259,333" "W00025,483" "Lauzerte" "LAUZRT" "_" "N4415,533" "E00108,250" "Lavelanet" "LAVLNT" "_" "N4255,500" "E00150,000" "Lavit" "LAVIT" "_" "N4357,617" "E00055,250" "Le Houga" "LEHOUG" "_" "N4346,533" "W00010,700" "Le Mourtis" "LEMRTS" "_" "N4254,133" "E00046,317" "Lectoure" "LECTOR" "_" "N4355,500" "E00038,533" "Lemas" "LEMAS" "_" "N4424,600" "E00012,800" "Lembeye" "LEMBEY" "_" "N4327,033" "W00006,433" "Les Val dAran" "LSVLDR" "_" "N4249,033" "E00042,850" "Lourdes Pyrene" "LRDSPY" "_" "N4311,133" "W00000,167" "Licq Atheray" "LCQTHR" "_" "N4304,100" "W00053,000" "Lourdes" "LOURDS" "_" "N4305,817" "W00002,750" "Bagneres de Luchon" "BAGNER" "_" "N4248,000" "E00035,950" "Madiran" "MADIRN" "_" "N4333,167" "W00003,500" "Manciet" "MANCIT" "Ville" "N4347,967" "E00002,650" "Marciac" "MARCIC" "Ville" "N4331,350" "E00009,767" "Masseube" "MASSEB" "_" "N4325,500" "E00034,667" "Mauberme" "MAUBRM" "_" "N4247,667" "E00055,000" "Maubourguet" "MABRGT" "_" "N4328,133" "E00002,083" "Mauleon Licharre" "MLNLCH" "_" "N4313,450" "W00053,167" "Mauvezin" "MAUVZN" "_" "N4343,700" "E00052,500" "Mezin" "MEZIN" "_" "N4403,600" "E00015,200" "Mielan" "MIELAN" "_" "N4325,817" "E00018,383" "Miradoux" "MIRADX" "_" "N4400,017" "E00045,333" "Mirande" "MIRAND" "Eglise" "N4330,900" "E00024,233" "Moissac" "MOISSC" "_" "N4405,217" "E00107,667" "Monclar" "MONCLR" "_" "N4426,700" "E00031,500" "Montreal" "MONTRL" "_" "N4357,150" "E00012,167" "Mont de Marsan" "MNTDMR" "_" "N4354,683" "W00030,600" "Montagnon" "MNTGNN" "Pic" "N4301,983" "W00030,817" "Montaigu de Quercy" "MNTGDQ" "_" "N4420,533" "E00100,917" "Montespan" "MNTSPN" "_" "N4305,067" "E00053,017" "Montpezat" "MNTPZT" "_" "N4421,933" "E00029,533" "Montrejo" "MONTRJ" "Ville 1" "N4305,000" "E00034,000" "Moule" "MOULE" "_" "N4301,500" "W00020,250" "Muret Lherm" "MRTLHR" "_" "N4326,950" "E00115,817" "Nay" "NAY" "_" "N4310,817" "W00015,700" "Neouvielle" "NEOVLL" "_" "N4250,000" "E00007,000" "Nerac" "NERAC" "Pont" "N4408,450" "E00020,633" "Nogaro" "NOGARO" "_" "N4346,183" "W00002,017" "Oloron Herrere" "OLRNHR" "_" "N4309,883" "W00033,667" "Orhy" "ORHY" "_" "N4259,000" "W00100,000" "Ossau" "OSSAU" "_" "N4250,500" "W00026,000" "Oust" "OUST" "_" "N4252,850" "E00112,683" "Pamiers les Pujols" "PMRSLS" "_" "N4305,433" "E00141,750" "Pau" "PAU" "Ville" "N4318,217" "W00022,033" "Pau Pyrenees" "PPYRNS" "_" "N4322,800" "W00025,117" "Payollle" "PAYLLL" "_" "N4256,250" "E00017,050" "Pdege" "PDEGE" "_" "N4256,000" "W00021,000" "Peyresourde" "PYRSRD" "_" "N4247,817" "E00026,083" "Pic de Layens" "PCDLYN" "_" "N4301,500" "W00039,817" "Pic du Midi" "PICDMD" "_" "N4256,500" "E00009,000" "Pic Serau" "PICSER" "_" "N4254,150" "E00055,950" "Plaisance" "PLASNC" "Eglise" "N4336,283" "E00002,783" "Pommevic" "POMMVC" "terrain ULM" "N4405,083" "E00055,083" "Port dAula" "PORTDL" "_" "N4246,150" "E00106,583" "Pouyastruc" "PYSTRC" "_" "N4316,333" "E00010,000" "Puivert" "PUIVRT" "_" "N4254,683" "E00203,333" "Rep 07" "REP 07" "Point de rep" "N4306,033" "E00035,717" "Rep 25" "REP 25" "_" "N4306,500" "E00038,300" "Riscle" "RISCLE" "_" "N4339,483" "W00005,117" "Rouch" "ROUCH" "_" "N4242,500" "E00110,000" "Sabonneres" "SBNNRS" "_" "N4328,000" "E00103,000" "Sadournin" "SADRNN" "Aéro" "N4319,517" "E00025,083" "Saint Pe" "SAINTP" "_" "N4306,233" "W00009,700" "Samatan" "SAMATN" "_" "N4329,383" "E00055,517" "Sarrecave" "SARRCV" "_" "N4312,000" "E00035,000" "St Clar" "STCLAR" "_" "N4353,683" "E00046,117" "Sembas" "SEMBAS" "_" "N4420,067" "E00038,517" "St Lary" "STLARY" "_" "N4249,100" "E00019,383" "Solomiac" "SOLOMC" "terrain" "N4347,400" "E00054,517" "Soueich" "SOUECH" "_" "N4303,417" "E00046,067" "Souma" "SOUMA" "_" "N4256,000" "W00002,000" "Sauveterre Briand" "SVTRRB" "terrain" "N4328,417" "E00004,700" "Sauveterre" "SAVTRR" "_" "N4428,417" "E00004,700" "St BertranddeComminges" "STBRTR" "_" "N4301,617" "E00034,217" "St Gaudens Montrejeau" "STGDNS" "_" "N4306,450" "E00037,167" "St Girons Antichan" "STGRNS" "_" "N4300,533" "E00106,233" "St Jean Poutge" "STJNPT" "_" "N4343,267" "E00022,433" "St Lanne" "STLANN" "Ville" "N4335,767" "W00003,500" "Stbar" "STBAR" "_" "N4249,500" "E00147,000" "Ste Croix Volvestre" "STCRXV" "_" "N4307,383" "E00110,600" "Ste Livrade" "STLVRD" "_" "N4424,200" "E00035,000" "Tarascon/Ariege" "TRSCNR" "Gare" "N4250,700" "E00136,150" "Tarbes Laloubere" "TRBSLL" "_" "N4312,967" "E00004,683" "Tarnos" "TARNOS" "_" "N4334,000" "W00029,750" "Tbo" "TBO" "_" "N4319,500" "E00008,750" "Tonneins" "TONNNS" "_" "N4423,900" "E00018,400" "Tourroc" "TOURRC" "_" "N4259,000" "E00032,467" "Tremons" "TREMNS" "_" "N4424,300" "E00053,300" "Trie/Baise" "TRIEBS" "_" "N4319,350" "E00022,233" "Trois Seigneurs" "TRSSGN" "_" "N4250,000" "E00126,500" "Valca" "VALCA" "_" "N4300,317" "E00034,650" "Valence dAgen" "VLNCDG" "_" "N4406,633" "E00053,333" "Valie" "VALIE" "_" "N4248,000" "E00105,000" "Vebre" "VEBRE" "_" "N4246,433" "E00143,367" "Verteuil" "VERTEL" "_" "N4428,000" "E00024,700" "Vic en Bigorre" "VCNBGR" "Gare" "N4323,283" "E00003,817" "Vic Fezenzac" "VCFZNZ" "Eglise" "N4345,583" "E00018,150" "Vicdessos" "VCDSSS" "_" "N4246,317" "E00129,933" "Vielle Aure" "VIELLR" "_" "N4250,067" "E00020,033" "Villeneuve/Lot" "VLLNVL" "_" "N4424,017" "E00045,633" "Villeton" "VILLTN" "_" "N4421,833" "E00017,183"