++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for St. Gaudens-Montrejeau, France + + + + Contributed by Tristan Lhermillier pour l'AVC + + Contributed on 20 May, 2003 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Saturday, 24 May 2003 at 03:12 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STG, StGdnsMnt, 43, 6.45, 0, 37.17, 405 AGN, AgenlGrnn, 44, 10.48, 0, 35.43, 61 ARS, Airesrldr, 43, 42.57, -0, -14.77, 79 ALJ, AleuJoubc, 42, 53.88, 1, 11.43, 364 ANR, Aneres, 43, 4.97, 0, 27.98, 441 ARI, Aries, 43, 54.38, 0, 2.9, 350 ARX, Arx, 44, 5.2, 0, 1.05, 100 ACH, AuchLamth, 43, 41.22, 0, 36.0, 125 AVR, AvernBdll, 43, 44.82, 0, 4.25, 117 AVZ, Avezac, 43, 4.33, 0, 21.33, 482 BDS, Bedous, 42, 59.2, -0, -36.98, 800 BRD, BerdsMrnd, 43, 28.17, 0, 23.33, 198 BIE, Bielle, 43, 3.78, -0, -25.98, 504 BLC, Bouloc, 44, 18.73, 1, 5.27, 220 BRT, Bretagne, 43, 53.57, 0, 8.57, 145 CMP, Cmpgndrmg, 43, 51.77, -0, -0.33, 152 CON, CndmVlncB, 43, 54.62, 0, 23.18, 134 CAS, CstlnMgnc, 43, 16.77, 0, 31.27, 299 CAT, Casteljlx, 44, 19.0, 0, 4.6, 83 CAE, Castlndry, 43, 18.73, 1, 55.22, 168 DEM, Demu, 43, 45.97, 0, 9.63, 145 DNS, Dunes, 44, 6.35, 0, 46.65, 84 DRN, Durance, 44, 9.98, 0, 9.72, 105 ENG, Engomer, 42, 56.55, 1, 2.58, 550 FOS, Fos, 42, 52.72, 0, 43.32, 550 FRQ, Fourques, 44, 27.98, 0, 9.68, 44 FSS, Fousseret, 43, 16.25, 1, 3.4, 283 FRO, Fronsac, 42, 57.83, 0, 38.98, 460 FML, FmlMntyrl, 44, 27.82, 1, 0.43, 210 GNS, Genos, 42, 48.17, 0, 24.28, 900 GND, Gondrin, 43, 53.2, 0, 14.2, 124 GRG, Gourgue, 43, 8.27, 0, 15.55, 372 ISL, IsleenDdn, 43, 23.5, 0, 50.77, 226 CZR, CazeresAr, 43, 45.73, -0, -18.95, 78 CAR, CzrsPlmny, 43, 12.05, 1, 3.0, 247 LMN, LaMntgnNr, 43, 24.45, 1, 59.37, 448 LRM, La Romieu, 43, 59.05, 0, 29.83, 103 LRR, Larreule, 43, 26.15, 0, 2.08, 266 LCT, Lectoure, 43, 55.5, 0, 38.53, 90 LRD, LordsPyrn, 43, 11.13, -0, -0.17, 384 BAG, BgnrsdLch, 42, 48.0, 0, 35.95, 619 MOI, Moissac, 44, 5.22, 1, 7.67, 73 MOT, MontdMrsn, 43, 54.68, -0, -30.6, 61 MOP, Montpezat, 44, 21.93, 0, 29.53, 71 MRT, MuretLhrm, 43, 26.95, 1, 15.82, 189 NGR, Nogaro, 43, 46.18, -0, -2.02, 91 OLR, OlornHrrr, 43, 9.88, -0, -33.67, 299 PMR, PmrslsPjl, 43, 5.43, 1, 41.75, 341 PPY, PauPyrens, 43, 22.8, -0, -25.12, 189 PYR, Peyresord, 42, 47.82, 0, 26.08, 1582 PMM, Pommevic, 44, 5.08, 0, 55.08, 84 PVR, Puivert, 42, 54.68, 2, 3.33, 491 SMB, Sembas, 44, 20.07, 0, 38.52, 76 SLM, Solomiac, 43, 47.4, 0, 54.52, 96 SVT, SvtrrBrnd, 43, 28.42, 0, 4.7, 221 SAU, Sauveterr, 44, 28.42, 0, 4.7, 54 STG, StGdnsMnt, 43, 6.45, 0, 37.17, 405 STI, StGrnsntc, 43, 0.53, 1, 6.23, 418 STJ, StJeanPtg, 43, 43.27, 0, 22.43, 138 TRB, TarbsLlbr, 43, 12.97, 0, 4.68, 329 TRN, Tarnos, 43, 34.0, -0, -29.75, 152 TRM, Tremons, 44, 24.3, 0, 53.3, 104 VRT, Verteuil, 44, 28.0, 0, 24.7, 65 VIL, VillenvLt, 44, 24.02, 0, 45.63, 58 VIE, Villeton, 44, 21.83, 0, 17.18, 58