;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; St. Dominique, Quebec, Canada [Short] + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Pierre Cypihot + ; + ; Generated Tuesday, 17 September 2019 at 05:20 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Acton Vale" "ACTNVL" "_" "N4538.667" "W07233.683" "Asbestos" "ASBSTS" "_" "N4547.383" "W07159.367" "Beloeil St Mathieu de" "BLLSTM" "122.7" "N4535.000" "W07314.000" "Bromont" "BROMNT" "122.15" "N4517.450" "W07244.483" "Contrecoeur" "CNTRCR" "_" "N4551.433" "W07314.317" "Cowansville" "CWNSVL" "_" "N4511.433" "W07245.333" "CSS4" "CSS4" "122.475" "N4537.950" "W07249.133" "Drummondville Ap" "DRMMND" "122.8" "N4550.717" "W07223.683" "Eastman" "EASTMN" "_" "N4517.533" "W07218.800" "Farnham" "FARNHM" "Width 40Right circuit 11" "N4517.133" "W07300.467" "Granby" "GRANBY" "Fountain" "N4523.867" "W07242.633" "Grant" "GRANT" "123.2" "N4528.200" "W07311.967" "Joliette" "JOLITT" "123.5" "N4602.700" "W07330.100" "Knowlton" "KNWLTN" "_" "N4513.067" "W07230.333" "Lacolle" "LACOLL" "_" "N4504.917" "W07322.367" "Lourdes de Joliette" "LRDSDJ" "Parachutes drop South of 04" "N4606.567" "W07327.167" "Mansonville" "MNSNVL" "Width 50 Rough surface" "N4501.583" "W07224.117" "Massueville" "MSSVLL" "_" "N4554.633" "W07255.833" "Mt Orford" "MTRFRD" "Summit" "N4518.700" "W07214.467" "Mt Pinacle" "MTPNCL" "_" "N4502.750" "W07244.367" "Mt Sutton" "MTSTTN" "_" "N4504.833" "W07232.317" "Richelieu" "RICHEL" "123.2" "N4526.867" "W07314.050" "Richmond" "RCHMND" "_" "N4539.450" "W07208.200" "Rougemont" "ROGMNT" "123.2" "N4526.300" "W07302.267" "Roxton Falls" "RXTNFL" "Piste non homologue" "N4535.033" "W07231.850" "Roxton Pond" "RXTNPN" "_" "N4528.533" "W07239.533" "Roxton Sud" "RXTNSD" "_" "N4529.483" "W07235.433" "Sorel" "SOREL" "123.2" "N4558.817" "W07302.533" "St Barnabe" "STBRNB" "_" "N4543.733" "W07255.117" "St Bernard" "STBRNR" "_" "N4549.633" "W07303.667" "St Cesaire" "STCESR" "_" "N4524.550" "W07300.100" "St Damase" "STDAMS" "_" "N4531.650" "W07300.500" "St Denis" "STDENS" "_" "N4546.733" "W07308.850" "St Dominique ville" "STDMNQ" "_" "N4533.883" "W07251.150" "St Eugene" "STEUGN" "_" "N4548.300" "W07241.950" "St Gregoire" "STGRGR" "_" "N4520.083" "W07309.583" "St Guillaume" "STGLLM" "_" "N4552.850" "W07246.083" "St Hugues" "STHUGS" "_" "N4547.483" "W07251.400" "St Hyacinthe Ap" "STHCNT" "CSU3 5NM 3200 ASL" "N4536.300" "W07300.850" "St Hyacinthe ville" "STHYAC" "_" "N4537.250" "W07256.767" "St Jean" "STJEAN" "118.2" "N4517.667" "W07316.867" "St Jude" "STJUDE" "_" "N4546.467" "W07259.317" "St Liboire" "STLIBR" "_" "N4539.067" "W07245.750" "St Marcel" "STMRCL" "_" "N4551.600" "W07253.867" "St Mathias" "STMTHS" "123.2" "N4530.050" "W07314.500" "St Ours" "STOURS" "_" "N4553.333" "W07309.050" "St Paul dAbottsford" "STPLDB" "_" "N4526.250" "W07253.333" "St Simon de Bagot" "STSMND" "_" "N4544.133" "W07252.367" "St Valerien" "STVLRN" "_" "N4533.917" "W07242.583" "Ste Helene" "STEHLN" "_" "N4543.867" "W07244.183" "Ste Pie" "STEPIE" "_" "N4530.167" "W07254.550" "Ste Rosalie" "STERSL" "_" "N4538.767" "W07253.933" "Upton" "UPTON" "_" "N4539.117" "W07241.567" "Valcourt" "VALCRT" "122.725" "N4528.867" "W07218.617" "Venise en Quebec" "VNSNQB" "_" "N4504.900" "W07307.767" "Waterloo" "WATERL" "_" "N4520.767" "W07230.867" "Windsor" "WINDSR" "_" "N4533.933" "W07200.183"