Site Montpellier, France [ Sprints de Cevennes, 2010 ] Courtesy of the Centre de Vol a Voile Montpellier-Pic Saint Loup Airport information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier Dated 16 March 2010 Magnetic Variation 0.2E Time Zone Name MET File created on Saturday, 03 April 2010 at 21:23 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Number Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Elevation [METERS] Control P Turnpoint ID ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] ICAO Identifier 105 Ales Gare N 44 7 41 7.68333 44.1280556 E 4 5 4 5.06667 4.0844444 200 T 105ALESG ALS ALSGR AlesGr Ales Gare Ales Gare 267 Allegre N 45 12 2 12.03333 45.2005556 E 3 42 44 42.73333 3.7122222 1046 T 267ALLEG ALL ALLGR Allegr Allegre Allegre 159 Aubenas N 44 37 11 37.18333 44.6197222 E 4 23 26 23.43333 4.3905556 250 T 159AUBEN ABN AUBNS Aubens Aubenas Aubenas 152 Aubenas Aero N 44 32 22 32.36667 44.5394444 E 4 22 18 22.3 4.3716667 280 AT LFHO 152AUBEN AUB ABNSR Aubnsr AubenasAer Aubenas Aero LFHO 141 Barjac N 44 18 29 18.48333 44.3080556 E 4 20 50 20.83333 4.3472222 220 T 141BARJA BRJ BARJC Barjac Barjac Barjac 204 Barrage Charpal N 44 37 27 37.45 44.6241667 E 3 33 41 33.68333 3.5613889 1340 T 204BGECH BRR BRRGC BrrgCh BarrgChrpl BarrageChrpl 7 Causse Selle N 43 48 16 48.26667 43.8044444 E 3 38 52 38.86667 3.6477778 244 T 007CAUSS CSS CSSSL CssSll CausseSell Causse Selle 77 Cavalerie N 44 0 32 0.53333 44.0088889 E 3 9 34 9.56667 3.1594444 793 T 077CAVAL CVL CAVLR Cavalr Cavalerie Cavalerie 270 Chaise Dieu N 45 19 17 19.28333 45.3213889 E 3 41 48 41.8 3.6966667 1050 T 270CHAIS CHS CHASD ChaisD ChaiseDieu Chaise Dieu 261 Langeac N 45 6 28 6.46667 45.1077778 E 3 30 18 30.3 3.505 520 LT LF4321 500X75 261LANGE LNG LANGC Langec Langeac Langeac 227 Le Mayet de Montagne N 46 4 15 4.25 46.0708333 E 3 40 0 40 3.6666667 546 T 227LEMAY LMT LMTDM LMtdMn LeMtdMntgn LeMaytdMntgn 20 Le Vigan N 43 59 29 59.48333 43.9913889 E 3 36 24 36.4 3.6066667 230 T 020LEVIG LVG LEVGN LeVign Le Vigan Le Vigan 0 LFNL N 43 47 57 47.95 43.7991667 E 3 46 57 46.95 3.7825 180 HSFAT LFNL 000LFNL LFN LFNL LFNL LFNL LFNL LFNL 93 Millau N 44 5 52 5.86667 44.0977778 E 3 4 40 4.66667 3.0777778 350 T 093MILLA MLL MILLA Millau Millau Millau 42 Millau Aero N 43 59 21 59.35 43.9891667 E 3 11 0 11 3.1833333 795 AT LFCM 042MILLA MIL MILLR Millar MillauAero Millau Aero LFCM 112 Mont Bouquet N 44 7 56 7.93333 44.1322222 E 4 17 9 17.15 4.2858333 629 T 112MONTB MNT MNTBQ MntBqt MontBouqut Mont Bouquet 224 St Haon N 44 50 47 50.78333 44.8463889 E 3 45 30 45.5 3.7583333 1019 T 224STHAO STH STHAN StHaon St Haon St Haon 124 St Leons N 44 12 56 12.93333 44.2155556 E 2 59 9 59.15 2.9858333 800 T 124STLEO STL STLNS StLens St Leons St Leons 91 Viaduc Millau N 44 5 7 5.11667 44.0852778 E 3 1 20 1.33333 3.0222222 416 T 091VIADU VDC VDCML VdcMll ViaducMill ViaducMillau