#> Modified for SSA Competition Rules < #> Contains only the airspace that is closed for the contest: < #> Class B < #> Class C < #> Prohibited areas < #> Restricted areas < #> The TOPS of the above areas are modified to be 18000 feet < #> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- < #> < #> Airspace for Springfield, Vermont < #> < #> Data courtesy of Lynn Alley < #> < #> File created on Tuesday, 19 April 2016 at 09:36 GMT < #> < # US AIRSPACE INFORMATION FROM NASR DATA EFFECTIVE 2016-03-31 < # UNOFFICIAL DATA (NOT FOR NAVIGATION) < # < # The Class B, C, and D airspace information in this file is composed of < # computed approximations of the arcs and lines that make up various airspace < # boundaries that have been derived from lists of points along those boundaries.< # The point data has been taken from the Federal Aviation Administration < # National Airspace System Resource (NASR) geospatial information files as < # published by the National Flight Data Center. Errors in the computed < # positions of the boundaries themselves will generally be less than 300 feet < # (although errors in the estimated positions of arc center points and radii < # might be much larger); however, any of the following factors may cause errors< # to be greater: < # < # 1. Errors in the source geospational data; < # 2. Cases involving irregularly shaped boundaries, such as those formed < # by rivers and roads, etc.; < # 3. Errors in the methods or programs that are used to compute the < # approximations. < # < # Airspace information for special use airspace, including Prohibited, Restricted,< # Alert, Military Operation, and National Defense areas are taken from AIXM < # files published via the Facility Aeronatical Data Distribition Service of the< # National Flight Data Center. < # < # Note that the software used to produce the approximations contained herein < # has not been certified for navigational use -- CONSEQUENTLY, THIS < # INFORMATION SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON FOR NAVIGATION. Use of this < # information for any other purpose is solely at the user's risk. This < # information is provided free of charge. No warranty, expressed or implied, < # as to the accuracy or suitability of this information for any use is < # provided. Always refer to official sources, such as current sectional < # charts, for authoritative information. < # < # < #> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ End of the header ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^< #> < ### BOSTON CLASS B AREA C ### INCLUDE=YES TITLE=BOSTON CLASS B AREA C TYPE=CLASS B BASE=3000ALT TOPS=FL180 POINT=N421148 W0711450 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=N422127 W0705922 TO=N423624 W0705736 POINT=N424123 W0705700 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.00 CENTRE=N422127 W0705922 TO=N420834 W0711958 POINT=N421148 W0711450 # ### BOSTON CLASS B AREA D ### INCLUDE=YES TITLE=BOSTON CLASS B AREA D TYPE=CLASS B BASE=4000ALT TOPS=FL180 POINT=N423624 W0705736 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.00 CENTRE=N422127 W0705922 TO=N421148 W0711450 POINT=N420834 W0711958 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.00 CENTRE=N422127 W0705922 TO=N424123 W0705700 POINT=N423624 W0705736 # ### BURLINGTON INTL AIRPORT CLASS C ### INCLUDE=YES TITLE=BURLINGTON INTL AIRPORT CLASS C TYPE=CLASS C BASE=SFC TOPS=FL180 CIRCLE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=N442823 W0730901 # ### BURLINGTON INTL AIRPORT CLASS C ### INCLUDE=YES TITLE=BURLINGTON INTL AIRPORT CLASS C TYPE=CLASS C BASE=2200ALT TOPS=FL180 POINT=N443823 W0730901 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.00 CENTRE=N442823 W0730901 TO=N442935 W0725509 POINT=N442915 W0725628 POINT=N442830 W0725628 POINT=N442711 W0725509 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.00 CENTRE=N442823 W0730901 TO=N441823 W0730901 POINT=N442323 W0730901 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=N442823 W0730901 TO=N443323 W0730901 POINT=N443823 W0730901 # ### BURLINGTON INTL AIRPORT CLASS C ### INCLUDE=YES TITLE=BURLINGTON INTL AIRPORT CLASS C TYPE=CLASS C BASE=1500ALT TOPS=FL180 POINT=N443323 W0730901 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=N442823 W0730901 TO=N442323 W0730901 POINT=N441823 W0730901 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.00 CENTRE=N442823 W0730901 TO=N443823 W0730901 POINT=N443323 W0730901 # ### MANCHESTER AIRPORT CLASS C ### INCLUDE=YES TITLE=MANCHESTER AIRPORT CLASS C TYPE=CLASS C BASE=SFC TOPS=FL180 CIRCLE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=N425557 W0712608 # ### MANCHESTER AIRPORT CLASS C ### INCLUDE=YES TITLE=MANCHESTER AIRPORT CLASS C TYPE=CLASS C BASE=1500ALT TOPS=FL180 POINT=N424846 W0711641 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.00 CENTRE=N425557 W0712608 TO=N424603 W0712412 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=N424654 W0713053 TO=N425059 W0712658 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=N425557 W0712608 TO=N425252 W0712042 POINT=N425157 W0712020 POINT=N425143 W0712008 POINT=N425133 W0711947 POINT=N425125 W0711920 POINT=N425115 W0711902 POINT=N425031 W0711822 POINT=N425001 W0711747 POINT=N424855 W0711701 POINT=N424846 W0711641 # ### MANCHESTER AIRPORT CLASS C ### INCLUDE=YES TITLE=MANCHESTER AIRPORT CLASS C TYPE=CLASS C BASE=2500ALT TOPS=FL180 POINT=N425859 W0713133 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=N425557 W0712608 TO=N425059 W0712658 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=N424654 W0713053 TO=N424603 W0712412 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.00 CENTRE=N425557 W0712608 TO=N430232 W0713624 POINT=N425859 W0713133 # ### MANCHESTER AIRPORT CLASS C ### INCLUDE=YES TITLE=MANCHESTER AIRPORT CLASS C TYPE=CLASS C BASE=2000ALT TOPS=FL180 POINT=N430057 W0712613 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=N425557 W0712608 TO=N425859 W0713133 POINT=N430232 W0713624 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.00 CENTRE=N425557 W0712608 TO=N430548 W0712832 POINT=N430447 W0712820 POINT=N430300 W0712817 POINT=N430247 W0712806 POINT=N430201 W0712706 POINT=N430108 W0712627 POINT=N430057 W0712613 # ### MANCHESTER AIRPORT CLASS C ### INCLUDE=YES TITLE=MANCHESTER AIRPORT CLASS C TYPE=CLASS C BASE=2500ALT TOPS=FL180 POINT=N425257 W0712042 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5.00 CENTRE=N425557 W0712608 TO=N430057 W0712613 POINT=N430108 W0712627 POINT=N430201 W0712706 POINT=N430247 W0712806 POINT=N430300 W0712817 POINT=N430447 W0712820 POINT=N430548 W0712832 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.00 CENTRE=N425557 W0712608 TO=N424846 W0711641 POINT=N424855 W0711701 POINT=N425001 W0711747 POINT=N425031 W0711822 POINT=N425115 W0711902 POINT=N425125 W0711920 POINT=N425133 W0711947 POINT=N425143 W0712008 POINT=N425157 W0712020 POINT=N425252 W0712042 POINT=N425257 W0712042 # ### R-6501A UNDERHILL, VT ### INCLUDE=YES TITLE=R6501A 0700-2300 MON-FRI & 0000 SAT-2359 SUN 121.1 TYPE=RESTRICTED BASE=SFC TOPS=FL180 POINT=N443000 W0725158 POINT=N442700 W0725158 POINT=N442700 W0725458 POINT=N442830 W0725628 POINT=N442915 W0725628 POINT=N443000 W0725328 POINT=N443000 W0725158 # ### R-6501B UNDERHILL, VT ### INCLUDE=YES TITLE=R6501B INT & BY NOTAM 121.1 TYPE=RESTRICTED BASE=4000 ALT TOPS=FL180 POINT=N443000 W0725158 POINT=N442700 W0725158 POINT=N442700 W0725458 POINT=N442830 W0725628 POINT=N442915 W0725628 POINT=N443000 W0725328 POINT=N443000 W0725158 # # End of the data END