Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange
Unofficial Springfield, Vermont Control Points

Contest: Region 1, 2016

Courtesy of Alasdair Crawford
Dated: 17 April 2016
Magnetic Variation: 14.8W, Datum: 100
Time zone: US/Eastern, Summer offset from GMT is -4:00 and in Winter it is -5:00.

Information about Region 1, 2016 is available at

The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds


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"Please note that private use airports in the FAA's National
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Use is subject to these conditions.


  NumberName               Codes                    Links                     Latitude    Longitude        Latitude     Longitude   Elevation   ICAO    Frequency    Comments    R/W Direction  R/W Length   R/W Width  R/W Surface
                                                                              °  '  "      °  '  "         °   '         °   '         Feet       ID                                                 Feet                             

 1  Start A             S     Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                      43 25 51 N   72 31 05 W  or  43 25.850 N   72 31.083 W      837                6.0        14                                                                              
 2  Start B             S     Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                      43 20 13 N   72 23 54 W  or  43 20.217 N   72 23.900 W      476                6.0       109                                                                              
 3  Start C             S     Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                      43 15 03 N   72 31 14 W  or  43 15.050 N   72 31.233 W     1132                6.4       196                                                                              
 4  Start D             S     Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                      43 20 06 N   72 38 37 W  or  43 20.100 N   72 38.617 W     1211                6.4       279                                                                              
 5  Finish              FA    Q,I,Z,R,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G          43 20 28 N   72 31 10 W  or  43 20.467 N   72 31.167 W      574     VSF        0.2       228       122.8                    05/23               5501        100  A        

 6  Ascutney Peak       T     Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                      43 26 42 N   72 27 09 W  or  43 26.700 N   72 27.150 W     3501                7.7        40                                                                              
 7  Barnard             T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 44 30 N   72 36 56 W  or  43 44.500 N   72 36.933 W     1460                 28         5                                                                              
 8  Belvidere           T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    44 46 00 N   72 31 23 W  or  44 46.000 N   72 31.383 W     1214                 98        15                                                                              
 9  Bethel              T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 49 58 N   72 38 04 W  or  43 49.967 N   72 38.067 W      581                 34         5                                                                              
10  Brandon             TAP   Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        43 54 04 N   72 34 58 W  or  43 54.067 N   72 34.967 W      709    VT55         39        10                 17/35T-25      17/35               1300         25  G        

11  Brattleboro         T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    42 51 05 N   72 34 46 W  or  42 51.083 N   72 34.767 W      420                 34       200                                                                              
12  Brookfield          T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    44 02 33 N   72 36 12 W  or  44 02.550 N   72 36.200 W     1296                 48        10                                                                              
13  Carriers Skypark    TAP   Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        44 06 40 N   72 26 38 W  or  44 06.667 N   72 26.633 W     1601    VT31         53        19                 01/19G-50      01/19               1500         50  V        
14  Chester             T     Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                      43 15 10 N   72 34 30 W  or  43 15.167 N   72 34.500 W      650                6.9       220                                                                              
15  Claremont           TA    Q,I,Z,R,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G          43 22 14 N   72 22 07 W  or  43 22.233 N   72 22.117 W      545     CNH        7.7        91       122.7     11/29  2.7     11/29               3098        100  A        

16  Danby VT            T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 21 00 N   73 00 00 W  or  43 21.000 N   73 00.000 W     1001                 24       286                                                                              
17  Dean Memorial       TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        44 04 49 N   72 00 28 W  or  44 04.817 N   72 00.467 W      581     5B9         57        41       122.8     01/19-58 2.8   01/19               2511         58  A        
18  Drewsville          T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 07 31 N   72 24 13 W  or  43 07.517 N   72 24.217 W      479                 16       174                                                                              
19  Franconia           TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        44 11 45 N   71 44 58 W  or  44 11.750 N   71 44.967 W      971     1B5         70        48       122.8     18/36T 2.8     18/36               2305        150  G        
20  Fried's Field       T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    44 24 13 N   72 40 44 W  or  44 24.217 N   72 40.733 W     1224                 74         9                                                                              

21  Gile Pond           TAP   Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        43 29 43 N   71 39 16 W  or  43 29.717 N   71 39.267 W      486    12NH         45        91                 05/23T         05/23               1800        200  G        
22  Hancock             T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 55 35 N   72 50 28 W  or  43 55.583 N   72 50.467 W      925                 43       353                                                                              
23  Hawthorne-Feather   TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        43 03 41 N   71 54 19 W  or  43 03.683 N   71 54.317 W      594     8B1         36       137       122.8     02/20 22.8     02/20               3260         75  A        
24  Intervale           TAP   Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        43 10 30 N   71 47 14 W  or  43 10.500 N   71 47.233 W      427    NH86         39       122                 14/32W45       14/32               2100         45  A        
25  Jaffrey             TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        42 48 18 N   72 00 11 W  or  42 48.300 N   72 00.183 W     1040     AFN         45       160       122.8     16/34  22.8    16/34               2982        134  A        

26  Jay Peak            T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    44 55 27 N   72 31 34 W  or  44 55.450 N   72 31.567 W     3858                109        15                                                                              
27  Kearsarge           T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 22 58 N   71 51 22 W  or  43 22.967 N   71 51.367 W     2861                 33       100                                                                              
28  Keene NH            TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        42 53 54 N   72 16 15 W  or  42 53.900 N   72 16.250 W      489     EEN         33       173       123.0     02/20  23.0    14/32               4001        150  A        
29  Killington          T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 36 17 N   72 49 12 W  or  43 36.283 N   72 49.200 W     4226                 24       335                                                                              
30  Knox Mountain       T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    44 09 57 N   72 21 20 W  or  44 09.950 N   72 21.333 W     2835                 57        23                                                                              

31  Manchester Center   TL    Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 09 43 N   73 02 46 W  or  43 09.717 N   73 02.767 W      722                 29       260                 N/S T                                                        
32  Mason               TLP   Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        42 43 38 N   71 46 57 W  or  42 43.633 N   71 46.950 W      725    NH76         56       153                                15/33               2700        100  G        
33  Microwave Tower     T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 31 08 N   72 29 33 W  or  43 31.133 N   72 29.550 W     1434                 12        21                                                                              
34  Middlesex           T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    44 17 34 N   72 40 46 W  or  44 17.567 N   72 40.767 W      538                 66         8                                                                              
35  Montpelier          TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        44 12 13 N   72 33 44 W  or  44 12.217 N   72 33.733 W     1165     MPV         59        13       122.8     05/23 22.8     17/35               5002        100  A        

36  Moosilauke          T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    44 01 26 N   71 49 50 W  or  44 01.433 N   71 49.833 W     4790                 58        51                                                                              
37  Morrisville         TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        44 32 05 N   72 36 50 W  or  44 32.083 N   72 36.833 W      732     MVL         82        11       122.8     01/19 22.8     01/19               3700         75  A        
38  Mount Snow          TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        42 55 38 N   72 51 56 W  or  42 55.633 N   72 51.933 W     1949     4V8         34       226       122.8     01/19 22.8     01/19               2650         75  A        
39  Newfound Valley     TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        43 35 31 N   71 45 05 W  or  43 35.517 N   71 45.083 W      509     2N2         42        80       122.9     3/21W40 22.9   03/21               1900         40  A        
40  Newport NH          TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        43 23 17 N   72 11 21 W  or  43 23.283 N   72 11.350 W      784     2B3         17        94       122.8     12/30T 22.8    12/30               2140         80  G        

41  Newport VT          TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        44 53 20 N   72 13 45 W  or  44 53.333 N   72 13.750 W      928     EFK        108        22       122.8     05/23 22.8     18/36               5000        100  A        
42  North Windham       TL    Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 13 17 N   72 42 50 W  or  43 13.283 N   72 42.833 W     1739                 13       244                 W/E T W?                                                     
43  Norwich             T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 42 46 N   72 18 29 W  or  43 42.767 N   72 18.483 W      535                 28        37                                                                              
44  Okemo               T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 24 22 N   72 43 21 W  or  43 24.367 N   72 43.350 W     1617                 11       308                                                                              
45  Plymouth            TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        43 46 45 N   71 45 13 W  or  43 46.750 N   71 45.217 W      505     1P1         49        66       122.8     12/30T 22.8    12/30               2380         90  G        

46  Post Mills          TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        43 53 03 N   72 15 13 W  or  43 53.050 N   72 15.217 W      692     2B9         40        34       122.8     04/22T 22.8    04/22               2900         80  G        
47  Putney              T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    42 58 30 N   72 31 19 W  or  42 58.500 N   72 31.317 W      384                 25       195                                                                              
48  Rutland             TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        43 31 48 N   72 56 59 W  or  43 31.800 N   72 56.983 W      787     RUT         25       316       122.8     1/19 22.8      01/19               5003        100  A        
49  Springfield         TAH   Q,I,Z,R,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G          43 20 37 N   72 31 02 W  or  43 20.617 N   72 31.033 W      577     VSF                            122.8     05/23 22.8     05/23               5501        100  A        
50  St Johnsbury        T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    44 25 19 N   71 56 47 W  or  44 25.317 N   71 56.783 W      876                 80        35                                                                              

51  Stockbridge         T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 47 02 N   72 45 26 W  or  43 47.033 N   72 45.433 W      732                 33       353                                                                              
52  Sugarbush           TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        44 07 00 N   72 49 37 W  or  44 07.000 N   72 49.617 W     1470     0B7         56       359       123.0     04/22 23.0     04/22               2575         30  A        
53  Sunapee             T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 19 52 N   72 04 48 W  or  43 19.867 N   72 04.800 W     1299                 22       107                                                                              
54  Turners Falls       TA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        42 35 29 N   72 31 22 W  or  42 35.483 N   72 31.367 W      361     0B5         52       195       123.0     16/34 23.0     16/34               3200         75  A        
55  Wentworth           TAP   Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,N,M,G        43 52 24 N   71 54 17 W  or  43 52.400 N   71 54.283 W      610    NH96         48        55                 01/19          01/19               1500        150  G        

56  Woodstock           T     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                    43 37 18 N   72 31 00 W  or  43 37.300 N   72 31.000 W      551                 19        15                                                                              

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