;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Springerville, Arizona + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Andy Durbin 'GY' + ; + ; Generated Wednesday, 10 June 2009 at 07:05 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Springerville" "SPRNGR" "122.8" "N3407.767" "W10918.650" "A ZMineralsCorporation" "AZMNRL" "_" "N3707.250" "W10959.150" "Adobe Ranch Private" "ADBRCP" "_" "N3334.583" "W10754.000" "Ak Chin Community" "AKCHNC" "_" "N3259.167" "W11201.550" "Alamo Navajo" "ALMNVJ" "122.9" "N3421.767" "W10729.733" "Alamogordo White Sands" "ALMGRD" "122.8" "N3250.400" "W10559.433" "Alexander" "ALXNDR" "122.9" "N3438.717" "W10650.017" "Alpine" "ALPINE" "_" "N3350.750" "W10908.850" "Animas" "ANIMAS" "122.8" "N3712.183" "W10752.150" "Aztec" "AZTEC" "122.9" "N3650.083" "W10801.700" "Bagdad" "BAGDAD" "122.9" "N3435.750" "W11310.217" "Beaverhead" "BEVRHD" "_" "N3325.167" "W10808.367" "Beckett Farm" "BCKTTF" "_" "N3303.417" "W10601.517" "Benson" "BENSON" "122.8" "N3159.983" "W11021.467" "Big Sky" "BIGSKY" "122.8" "N3509.950" "W10600.717" "Bisbee" "BISBEE" "122.8" "N3121.833" "W10952.983" "Bisbee Douglas" "BSBDGL" "123.0" "N3128.150" "W10936.217" "Black Rock" "BLCKRC" "122.9" "N3505.000" "W10847.500" "Blanding" "BLNDNG" "122.8" "N3735.000" "W10929.000" "Bluff" "BLUFF" "122.9" "N3715.000" "W10938.033" "Buckeye" "BUCKEY" "122.8" "N3325.233" "W11241.167" "Burris E Ranch" "BRRSRC" "_" "N3218.667" "W10717.700" "Burris E Station" "BRRSST" "_" "N3214.833" "W10711.533" "Burris Ranch Nr 1" "BURRIS" "122.95" "N3429.000" "W10636.783" "C and L Ranch" "C +LRC" "_" "N3144.267" "W11037.583" "Candy Kitchen Ranch" "CNDKTC" "_" "N3454.167" "W10830.867" "Carrizozo" "CARRZZ" "122.8" "N3338.933" "W10553.733" "Casa Grande" "CSGRND" "122.7" "N3257.300" "W11146.017" "Casas Adobes" "CSSDBS" "_" "N3248.850" "W10756.400" "Chandler" "CHNDLR" "124.4" "N3316.150" "W11148.667" "China Peak Observatory" "CHNPKB" "_" "N3243.750" "W11017.783" "Chinle" "CHINLE" "122.9" "N3606.650" "W10934.533" "Chloride" "CHLORD" "_" "N3319.700" "W10739.717" "Cibecue" "CIBECU" "122.9" "N3400.200" "W11026.650" "Circle H Ranch" "CRCHRC" "_" "N3130.133" "W10923.467" "Cliff Dwellers Lodge" "CLFFDW" "_" "N3644.067" "W11145.167" "Cochise College" "CCHSCL" "122.8" "N3122.267" "W10941.417" "Cochise County" "CCHSCN" "122.8" "N3214.733" "W10953.683" "Columbus" "COLMBS" "_" "N3149.417" "W10737.617" "Continental" "CNTNNT" "_" "N3150.617" "W11058.600" "Coolidge" "COOLDG" "123.075" "N3256.150" "W11125.600" "Cordes" "CORDES" "_" "N3418.333" "W11209.883" "Cortez" "CORTEZ" "122.8" "N3718.183" "W10837.683" "Cottonwood" "CTTNWD" "122.7" "N3443.800" "W11202.100" "Coyote Run" "COYTRN" "_" "N3441.050" "W11217.500" "Crownpoint" "CRWNPN" "122.9" "N3543.067" "W10812.100" "Cubero" "CUBERO" "_" "N3505.250" "W10733.783" "Davenport" "DVNPRT" "_" "N3637.967" "W10818.683" "Deming" "DEMING" "122.8" "N3215.733" "W10743.233" "DonaAnaCountySantaTers" "DNNCNT" "122.725" "N3152.867" "W10642.283" "Double Eagle II" "DOBLGL" "120.15" "N3508.717" "W10647.717" "Douglas" "DOUGLS" "122.8" "N3120.550" "W10930.383" "Durango La PlataCounty" "DRNGLP" "122.8" "N3709.083" "W10745.233" "Eagletail Ranch" "EGLTLR" "_" "N3323.733" "W11313.383" "El Paso" "ELPASO" "118.3" "N3148.433" "W10622.650" "El Tiro" "ELTIRO" "_" "N3225.617" "W11123.367" "Elk Valley" "ELKVLL" "_" "N3429.767" "W10801.783" "Eloy" "ELOY" "122.8" "N3248.400" "W11135.217" "Eric Marcus" "ERCMRC" "122.9" "N3227.167" "W11251.683" "Ernest A Love" "ERNSTL" "121.7" "N3439.267" "W11225.183" "Estancia" "ESTANC" "122.9" "N3445.800" "W10602.483" "Estrella Sailport" "ESTRLL" "122.9" "N3305.117" "W11209.667" "Flagstaff Pulliam" "FLGSTF" "121.5" "N3508.417" "W11140.150" "Flying J Ranch" "FLNGJR" "122.9" "N3250.867" "W10952.900" "Four Corners" "FRCRNR" "118.9" "N3644.483" "W10813.800" "Four Pillars" "FRPLLR" "122.7" "N3144.750" "W11014.867" "Gallup" "GALLUP" "122.95" "N3530.667" "W10847.367" "Ganado" "GANADO" "122.9" "N3542.100" "W10931.000" "Ghost Ranch" "GHSTRC" "_" "N3618.167" "W10629.283" "Gila Bend" "GILBND" "122.8" "N3257.617" "W11240.417" "Gila Compressor Sta." "GLCMPR" "_" "N3315.000" "W11248.800" "Glenwood Catron County" "GLNWDC" "122.9" "N3321.167" "W10852.033" "Goldfield Ranch" "GLDFLD" "_" "N3336.000" "W11136.317" "Gorby Ranch" "GORBRC" "_" "N3257.800" "W10559.950" "GrandCanyonNationalPrk" "GRNDCN" "119.0" "N3557.150" "W11208.817" "Grant County" "GRNTCN" "122.8" "N3238.200" "W10809.383" "Grants Milan" "GRNTSM" "122.8" "N3510.033" "W10754.117" "Gray Ranch" "GRAYRC" "_" "N3127.517" "W10851.750" "Greenlee County" "GRNLCN" "122.9" "N3257.417" "W10912.667" "HandH Ranch" "HNDHRC" "_" "N3445.983" "W11232.950" "HA Clark Memorial" "HCLRKM" "122.8" "N3518.333" "W11211.683" "Happy Mountain" "HPPMTN" "_" "N3403.667" "W10805.783" "Hatch" "HATCH" "122.9" "N3239.667" "W10711.883" "High Lonesome" "HGHLNS" "_" "N3437.333" "W10847.417" "Holbrook" "HOLBRK" "122.8" "N3456.433" "W11008.300" "Jewett Mesa" "JWTTMS" "122.9" "N3400.200" "W10840.683" "Jicarilla ApacheNation" "JCRLLP" "122.9" "N3649.717" "W10653.050" "Kayenta" "KAYENT" "122.9" "N3642.900" "W11013.917" "Kearny" "KEARNY" "122.95" "N3302.833" "W11054.550" "Keller" "KELLER" "_" "N3640.667" "W10805.033" "La Cholla" "LACHLL" "_" "N3226.800" "W11100.167" "Las Cruces" "LSCRCS" "122.7" "N3217.367" "W10655.317" "Leroy" "LEROY" "_" "N3206.783" "W10945.700" "Lincoln Station" "LNCLNS" "_" "N3407.450" "W10540.283" "Lindrith" "LNDRTH" "122.9" "N3617.483" "W10703.367" "Lordsburg" "LRDSBR" "122.8" "N3220.000" "W10841.500" "Los Alamos" "LOSLMS" "123.0" "N3552.783" "W10616.167" "Luna Landing" "LNLNDN" "_" "N3206.000" "W10749.367" "Magdalena" "MAGDLN" "122.9" "N3405.667" "W10717.867" "Manzano Mtn Air Rc" "MNZNMT" "_" "N3446.550" "W10631.267" "Marana" "MARANA" "123.0" "N3224.567" "W11113.100" "Marble Canyon" "MRBLCN" "122.9" "N3648.650" "W11138.667" "Me Own" "ME OWN" "_" "N3312.717" "W10801.533" "Mobile" "MOBILE" "_" "N3306.717" "W11216.150" "Mogollon" "MOGLLN" "_" "N3423.833" "W11031.783" "Monte Prieto Ranch" "MNTPRT" "_" "N3405.317" "W10607.150" "Montezuma" "MONTZM" "_" "N3436.300" "W11151.917" "Monument Valley" "MNMNTV" "_" "N3701.000" "W11012.033" "Moriarty" "MORIRT" "122.9" "N3459.133" "W10600.567" "Mountainair" "MTNAIR" "122.9" "N3432.000" "W10613.433" "Mystery Well Ranch" "MSTRWL" "_" "N3148.950" "W10903.433" "Mystic Bluffs" "MSTCBL" "_" "N3509.917" "W10827.533" "Nalda Ranch" "NALDRC" "_" "N3421.200" "W10809.733" "Navajo Lake" "NAVJLK" "122.9" "N3648.500" "W10739.083" "Navajo Mountain" "NVJMTN" "_" "N3700.500" "W11047.700" "Negrito" "NEGRIT" "_" "N3331.250" "W10832.567" "Nogales" "NOGALS" "122.8" "N3125.067" "W11050.867" "Ohkay Owingeh" "OHKWNG" "122.9" "N3601.567" "W10602.717" "Otero Mill" "OTRMLL" "122.8" "N3257.500" "W10557.783" "Page" "PAGE" "122.8" "N3655.567" "W11126.900" "Paloma Ranch" "PALMRC" "122.8" "N3254.333" "W11254.017" "Patterson Ranch" "PTTRSN" "_" "N3510.500" "W10552.183" "Payson" "PAYSON" "122.8" "N3415.417" "W11120.350" "Peabody Bedard" "PBDBDR" "122.8" "N3628.300" "W11025.067" "Pegasus" "PEGASS" "_" "N3312.750" "W11137.033" "Phoenix" "PHOENX" "122.9" "N3259.500" "W11155.050" "Pierce" "PIERCE" "_" "N3322.000" "W11237.133" "Playas" "PLAYAS" "122.8" "N3156.200" "W10832.200" "Pleasant Valley" "PLSNTV" "122.9" "N3348.033" "W11215.050" "Poco Loco" "POCOLC" "_" "N3424.917" "W10804.617" "Polacca" "POLACC" "122.9" "N3547.500" "W11025.400" "Potters" "POTTRS" "_" "N3252.433" "W11157.583" "Prices Dairy" "PRCSDR" "_" "N3519.483" "W10640.033" "Quemado" "QUEMAD" "_" "N3420.417" "W10830.867" "Rael Rc Horse Pasture" "RLRCHR" "_" "N3348.300" "W10820.600" "Rancho San Marcos" "RNCHSN" "_" "N3137.183" "W11002.850" "Regeneration" "RGNRTN" "_" "N3301.967" "W10959.250" "Reserve" "RESERV" "122.9" "N3341.650" "W10850.967" "Rocky Ridge" "RCKRDG" "_" "N3603.583" "W11035.283" "Rodeo" "RODEO" "122.975" "N3157.000" "W10902.500" "Roesner Ranch" "RSNRRC" "_" "N3350.850" "W11235.283" "Ruby Star" "RUBSTR" "_" "N3154.500" "W11107.333" "Ryan" "RYAN" "118.2" "N3208.533" "W11110.467" "Safford" "SAFFRD" "122.8" "N3251.200" "W10938.100" "Sampleys" "SAMPLS" "_" "N3355.367" "W11310.883" "San Carlos" "SNCRLS" "122.8" "N3322.667" "W11027.700" "San Carlos Apache" "SANCAR" "122.8" "N3321.183" "W11040.050" "San Manuel" "SANMNL" "122.9" "N3238.183" "W11038.833" "Sanostee" "SANOST" "_" "N3625.350" "W10851.683" "Santa Fe" "SANTAF" "119.5" "N3537.033" "W10605.367" "Sedona" "SEDONA" "123.0" "N3450.917" "W11147.300" "Seligman" "SELGMN" "122.9" "N3520.100" "W11253.183" "Sells" "SELLS" "122.9" "N3155.967" "W11153.667" "Shiprock" "SHPRCK" "122.9" "N3641.867" "W10842.067" "Shoestring Ranch" "SHSTRN" "_" "N3226.583" "W10640.783" "Show Low" "SHOWLW" "123.0" "N3415.933" "W11000.333" "SierraVistaMunLibbyAAF" "SRRVST" "119.5" "N3135.317" "W11020.667" "Sky Ranch Carefree" "SKRCCR" "122.975" "N3349.083" "W11153.883" "Socorro" "SOCORR" "122.8" "N3401.350" "W10654.183" "St Johns Industrial" "STJHNS" "122.8" "N3431.117" "W10922.733" "Stronghold" "STRNGH" "_" "N3155.517" "W11002.283" "Sunrise Ranch" "SNRSRC" "_" "N3514.300" "W11156.150" "Superior" "SUPERR" "122.95" "N3316.667" "W11107.617" "Tanner" "TANNER" "_" "N3728.067" "W10839.867" "Taylor 1" "TAYLR1" "_" "N3218.050" "W11119.417" "Taylor 2" "TAYLR2" "122.7" "N3427.167" "W11006.883" "Three Rivers Ranch" "THRRVR" "_" "N3319.967" "W10601.567" "Thunder Ridge" "THNDRR" "_" "N3349.283" "W11234.383" "Tierra De Dios" "TRRDDS" "_" "N3517.750" "W10536.683" "Timberon" "TIMBRN" "_" "N3238.033" "W10541.183" "Tombstone" "TMBSTN" "122.9" "N3140.283" "W11001.300" "Tribal Air" "TRIBLR" "_" "N3136.133" "W10939.083" "Truth Or Consequences" "TRTHRC" "122.8" "N3314.217" "W10716.300" "Tuba City" "TUBA C" "122.9" "N3605.567" "W11122.983" "VLA" "VLA" "_" "N3404.767" "W10737.100" "Val Air" "VALAIR" "_" "N3720.267" "W10751.117" "Valle" "VALLE" "122.8" "N3539.033" "W11208.883" "Vaughn" "VAUGHN" "122.9" "N3436.267" "W10511.517" "Walter Ranch" "WLTRRC" "_" "N3253.733" "W11215.233" "Whetstone" "WHTSTN" "_" "N3141.017" "W11017.400" "White Mtn Ultralight" "WHTMTN" "_" "N3422.183" "W10941.833" "White Mountain Lake" "WHITEM" "_" "N3421.133" "W10958.200" "Whiteriver" "WHTRVR" "122.8" "N3348.633" "W10959.150" "Wickenburg" "WCKNBR" "123.0" "N3358.233" "W11247.717" "Winchester Farm" "WNCHST" "_" "N3222.583" "W10956.233" "Window Rock" "WNDWRC" "122.8" "N3539.117" "W10904.050" "Winslow Lindbergh" "WNSLWL" "122.8" "N3501.317" "W11043.350" "Wisky Ranch/Chevlon" "WSKRCC" "_" "N3437.017" "W11037.683" "Woods" "WOODS" "_" "N3350.283" "W11327.250" "Yolo Ranch" "YOLORC" "_" "N3447.917" "W11258.217"