++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Sinj, Croatia + + + + Contributed by Marino Juric + + Contributed on 02 July 2017 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Sunday, 02 July 2017 at 20:59 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SNJ, Sinj, 43, 42.02, 16, 40.28, 299 SNJ, Sinj, 43, 42.02, 16, 40.28, 299 ADB, AD Bihac, 44, 47.83, 15, 54.22, 231 ADJ, ADBjelplj, 44, 41.88, 154, 0.0, 600 ADA, ADBanjaLk, 44, 56.48, 17, 17.85, 122 ADC, AD Brac, 43, 17.15, 16, 40.78, 543 ADM, ADImotski, 43, 28.68, 17, 13.55, 650 ADL, AD Livno, 43, 47.65, 16, 53.53, 707 ADO, AD Mostar, 43, 18.12, 17, 49.3, 46 ADT, AD Otocac, 44, 50.88, 15, 17.18, 460 ADP, ADPrjedor, 44, 59.6, 16, 41.98, 130 ADS, AD Sinj, 43, 42.02, 16, 40.28, 299 ADI, AD Split, 43, 32.33, 16, 17.88, 24 ADD, AD Udbina, 44, 33.33, 15, 46.92, 750 ADZ, ADZeljava, 44, 50.0, 15, 47.1, 339 OPB, OPBlidinj, 43, 37.5, 17, 30.68, 1191 OPR, OPBracVan, 43, 18.13, 16, 48.87, 260 OPC, OPCapljjn, 43, 3.8, 17, 42.88, 3 OPD, OP Drvar, 44, 21.12, 16, 24.45, 487 OPG, OP Glamo, 44, 5.68, 16, 48.57, 915 OPO, OPGomalov, 43, 55.92, 17, 13.22, 1132 OPA, OPGrahovo, 44, 10.47, 16, 23.4, 813 OPK, OP Kijevo, 43, 58.52, 16, 21.68, 470 OPN, OP Knin, 44, 0.92, 16, 12.97, 220 OPM, OP Medpop, 44, 34.1, 16, 16.5, 542 OPL, OPMoblato, 43, 19.25, 17, 42.43, 224 OPE, OPNevesnj, 43, 15.2, 18, 8.23, 882 OPI, OPOdlican, 44, 13.8, 16, 3.83, 600 OPP, OP Peulje, 44, 6.58, 16, 31.63, 845 OLO, OP Ploce, 43, 1.75, 17, 29.37, 4 OPJ, OPPopolje, 42, 50.93, 18, 2.03, 246 OPS, OPPosusje, 43, 26.5, 17, 23.95, 600 OPT, OP Potkra, 43, 45.02, 17, 3.58, 808 OPV, OP Ravno, 43, 49.5, 17, 19.72, 1132 ORE, OPResanov, 44, 15.87, 16, 18.33, 791 OPU, OP Ruzic, 43, 49.53, 16, 14.97, 270 OP1, OPTomgrd1, 43, 40.72, 17, 12.53, 860 OP2, OPTomgrd2, 43, 42.23, 17, 9.93, 895 OTE, OPTrebnje, 42, 39.7, 18, 20.02, 379 OTO, OPTroglav, 43, 56.62, 16, 40.45, 702 OVR, OP Vrlika, 43, 56.42, 16, 26.08, 368 OVU, OPVucplje, 44, 1.97, 17, 28.38, 706 OVK, OPVukplje, 43, 52.87, 17, 22.73, 1186 OPZ, OPZlosela, 44, 1.38, 17, 8.75, 1122 OZR, OPZrmanja, 44, 9.78, 16, 3.58, 270