## Input filename: sinj2017.txt: translated by 'openair_2_tnp' on Sunday, 02 July 2017 at 20:58 GMT ## #******************************************************************************* # # Airspace for Sing, Croatia # Dated 02 July 2017 # # >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< # # Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. # # Always consult the relevant publications # for current and correct information. This # service is provided free of charge with # no warrantees, expressed or implied. # User assumes all risk of use. # #* AS_DPRH_2017_V170703.txt #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # INCLUDE=YES TYPE=OTHER # CLASS=G # INCLUDE=YES TYPE=OTHER # CLASS=G TITLE=DPRH2017 TOPS=9500FT ALT BASE=GND ALT POINT=N445400 E0153500 POINT=N445212 E0151403 POINT=N440916 E0160409 POINT=N435451 E0161912 POINT=N434938 E0161841 POINT=N433421 E0164538 POINT=N432400 E0170336 POINT=N434608 E0180319 POINT=N442030 E0171605 POINT=N443202 E0164628 POINT=N442654 E0160836 POINT=N445400 E0153500 # END